Friday, 3 September 2021

Man made nano-structures in bottle water?

Until we know, we are making what we trust to be informed hypothesis/speculation.
I would be curious to pass this water through a Berkey type gravity filter to ascertain whether that removes them - as it operates when electricity is not available.
I also suggest testing the distillation of the bottled water!
Another possible remedy may be vortexing - the realm of vortexed water is its Nature - and ours. Victor Schauberger went ahead on this but few know how to follow. It may be that vortexing 'destructures' clumping memory patterns - such as to restructure to the Current Field Qualities and characteristics - which includes our own bio-field.
This attack on our bio-field brings it into focus.

There will be energetic resonance alignments/coherence in which what does not belong is undone, transformed or expelled. The lockdown into 'physical' mind is the giving of power to externals as CAUSE. That which gives power is causal - but having set up such a 'mind' we can only think/see in its framing. Hence Question what seems to be reality within the desire to heal - and not as the wish to define and control (even under mask of good intentions).

Truly addressed problems reveal and unfold solutions.

Living water, is the medium of life as translation of qualities to patterning in quantitative structures that can filter, mask and block function as well as extend and express life. Seeking balance from 'without' is a polarised state of dissociation and conflict - and so it marketises for funds and weaponises for 'survival' AS a separated covert op under threat of defunding. It narratives set our minds unless we release our stake in holding control over Native Awareness. 

Viruses are very difficult to meet

Viruses are very difficult to meet.

So much so that they are defined virtually. Literally using software - as in Humpty Dumpty.

Depending on parameters in software used for very short genetic samples, any number of variant Humpties are picked out of the hat. "Oceana Variant!" say our Big Protector.

The assignment of trained expertise learns how to 'see' the novel robes that none of us can see, and so we learn to act as IF we see and say - "they died of a novel virus" - not least because questioning a securitised narrative attracts special attention.

Truth is NEVER wounded, for what simply is the fact is in no way changed by lies or invested self -illusions. But without true witness or indeed with-ness, truth is discarded, denied or masked over for a stake in surviving a world of lies given meaning, worth-ship and sacrifice (of truth). This alloy of fear and love is the dilemma of the human condition - as a result I suggest of deep conditioning and a split psyche... A house divided against itself. Fear can make life intolerable, unless masked over in the claim to virtue by which to attack our own shadow projections as diversionary dump of psychic conflicts. That such 'solutions' repackage and multiply the problem escapes an increasing fragmented attention span. You cant address the search for or uncovering of truth without owning psychic conflicts. Science derived identity thought it had put all that behind by technologising its own tenets as IF set apart from and over a mythic morass of personality disorders that were now its job to define, and 'treat'. Self-image operates an unwatched mind as the means to culture self-specialness in silico to act out on the body. Self-inflation sets up the Fall, relative to an idealised imagination that never lived, running as a sense of irrevocable loss, and driving all the king’s horses and all the king’s men...


Radiation sickness has so many correlations of symptomology that those specialising in its treatment suggest trialling known treatments for radiation sickness for 'covid-19'.

I skimmed a study on it.  While written in full deference to the Fact Checker General, it illuminates key points albeit addressing only a pharmaceutical set of rules and filters.

I note NAC is mooted to diminish the bio-magnetic symptoms of experimental subjects - but also the whole field of applied nanotechnology, particularly graphene. Reading the many articles on the applications of such for remote biological 'monitoring' and 'augmentation' opens a sci-fi realm of transhuman potential - as a multi-billion investment flagship for stakeholders.

Where a driven private agenda does not find agreement and support, it will use stealth and guile to induce effective agreement by deceit. Stakeholders protect their investments as their very lives. Invested identity substitutes for truth lived and shared in. But what can substitute for truth but illusion? What can substitute for shared life but a death set in isolation, driven by conflict?

Monday, 30 August 2021

Narrative as mind set in image and concept

Narrative/story/myth as mind set in image and concept is a psychic framing through which to invoke or augment experience.

An underlying complex of deceits mutate to maintain continuity of framed experience as invested and protected narrative identity.

Identity and identification are resonant recognitions of qualities that have tangible expression, but under narrative distortions and filters operate as if an independent autonomy along the rules that set it - which is tyrannous control rather than free association.

The expressions of narrative identity trappings in the world are so fast and complex as to have already coopted our attempts to 'understand' them even as we embark on a quest or crusade for freedom. But a true understanding is a recognition and appreciation at heart and not the fitting of acquired intel to a command and control structure.

'Myth' is often used in scientism circles to denote false or made up, as if official consensual modelling language set in protected narratives are the high judge of reality expertise, rather than any relational or empirical evidence or witness.

While weaponisation and marketisation of life is sought for agendas begotten of self-illusion, truth is discarded, ignored and blindsided. That self-illusion delivers us unto evil and consequent pain of loss and thereby sets a limit for tolerance.

The original purpose given to self-image as substitution for Self is the wish to be what we are not and have our own experience as our own creation - but this is innately out of accord and out of synchrony with unselfconscious creation, as IF a mind apart.

The development of self, world and abilities that we are heavily invested in - perhaps as our ONLY life and being, is derived in part from the lie and the father of it and hence an alloy of love and fear that masks in substitutions for a discarded or blindsided love that has become fearful from the framing of invested illusion.

Structures of fear set a blind god in place of a relational recognition, that demand attack or sacrifice to rule and protect AGAINST communication.

Releasing blind structural 'identity' is then seen to be defenceless and heretical or counter to the core demands of survival. Yet here is the Crossover from slavery that seemed freedom, to a freedom that at first seems slavery, because our true Will is not under control so much as an expression of a qualitative acceptance.

Yielding control to the discernment of the heart is the return to an awareness of sovereignty of being, for what you can freely give is yours to keep. The mind in the world set for getting thinks to give only to GET or get rid of, and is then possessed by its attempt to get rid of what it judges against, and believes it can!

The getting mode or mind is where structure blinds or gaps from reality that we are and where 'others' and 'world' trigger old conditioned patterns of response. regaining innocent perception is the release of personal and socially invested identity. Self-honesty is one with trusting our self and life. These grow together as the desire to live from a felt and trusted foundation of resonant recognition rather than from a narrative sense of self in story that expresses underlying and formative trauma of lost trust and connection within our own being - and therefore in our relations.

So the distrust belongs to the mind of secrets and lies and its attempts to crown its story from a place of struggle in fear, pain and loss, as victory over life feared, and therefore hated.