Saturday, 3 October 2020

Toxicity and malnutrition as the fundamental underpinning of disease

Toxicity and malnutrition. On all levels of all functional communication and exchange.

While the term 'immune system' is common currency, there are many systems operating together in ways that are 'poorly understood' (sic).

But the idea of toxifying and undermining life support is not hard to understand. 

That the body has ways to counter, workaround, encapsulate or expel toxic matter - which includes normal regenerative processes - is its adaptive and adapted intelligence, not least through the underlying matrix of the microbiome - without which - no immune system, nor digestion nor cognitive function.

The original meaning of virus was 'poison'. The old idea of a physician would seek to drive out a poison with another poison. the new idea assigns a contagion or broken genes and a body that is weak and susceptible and needing boosting as favourite frameworks for intervening to block, suppress or manage symptoms using toxic chemicals for the most part, such as to prevent the body from effecting its own self-healing.

Pathogenesis or psychopathy projected onto nature is a human model developed as a fear-split mind seeking to predict and control life as a separate locked down and distanced agent unto itself.

This myth is in play. I am talking to those who think they are a thing in and of itself. This is inherently predatory and defensive - no matter how far back the survival impulse is pushed by the development of social and individual consciousness, and is triggerrable as a response that can override and shut down relational consciousness to operate core or essential functions for the survival of the physical vehicle. And releases when the danger is passed. Unresolved trauma effects the perpetual triggering of the survival reflex, retarding development and replicating the trauma patterns through life and down the generations. You are here! (In terms of developing consciousness).

The nature of life is symbiotic, within which are various functions that serve the whole. The field of communication throughout life - and throughout species and throughout the body of every expression includes the microbiome. (Germs in old speak - without which more complex expressions of life would not exist and which could reasonably be called 'The Mother' as the matrix of life in expression.

A pathogenic alienated attack on the Mother is a blind intent to enslave, exploit and break down the Mother as part of replacing Life, with its own systemic control, as the conquest over the movement that is perceived as oppositional to or unsupportive of imaged reality or worshipped ideal as the source of identity.

The principle sorcery involved is of operating AS IF set apart and over, so as to define in order to control, or limit, suppress and deny wholeness - which is the condition of Communication, presence, resonant alignment and synchronicity - as functional extension and expression of the terrain through the parts that are not apart - but integral to the the whole and sharing a common root. as a biodiverse and dynamic interactive exchange - and NOT a mono-polar system of central control - which effects a death or anti life cult.

Wholeness in all its parts cant be expressed in linear verbal concept, but the body (and life) is already an example. Everything is happening at once. Your thinking model is attending a filtered set - a dalek's eye view. From such a model, the experience results according to the parameters of the selection. identification within experience is like climbing into the model. We are already IN such a confusion of levels an in the process of masking in an even deeper or further displaced and dissociated model of the model of a True Currency or Presence.

The virus archetype is of external demonic force seeking to violate or come back in after being cast out and denied. The simple fact is that denials are NEVER actually cast outside the mind of the intent to mask them out by fixating in the selected order as asserted narrative reality, and seeking to propagate or replicate those ideas as social currency - as necessary reinforcement. People have to learn to 'see' the world made in image, because it is not present. And so they learn to push back what is, for what must be in order to adapt and survive an often tacitly induced social reality given priority.

Replication of memes is not hijacking so much as a contractual exchange that can be perceived and experienced as coercive deceit, but underlying patterns are already operating below surface attention and conscious reflection only operates when the experience is look at rather than engaged in.

I didn't go into attempting to 'prove' anything, but to sketch a pattern of relationships and broken communication that does not just address the virus, but the insane result of insane premises we engage in as the world.

The manual attempt to re-engineer our premises, is simply the utimate expression of a disconnected attempt to DO life rather than share the extension of the gift of living. The tool is not fit for such a function, but as indicated HAS a legitimate function within the physical expression when we regain the physical as our presence or sensing of relational communications within and without, rather than locking down into a recoil set in distancing a private masked agenda in hiding).

There is a Threshold here for those who recognise and are called from dead idol to embracing what is - as it is. It is nor reactive to the old shell so much as growing a consciousness of an awakening embrace and reintegration of all of what brought us here.That there is fear, distortion and deceit is part of the 'control' focus that is in truth more of a limiting, suppressing and blocking by means of masking cover story. 

“It may shock you to know that all the world’s bacteria have access to a single gene pool, which has provided an immense resource for adaptation, manifesting an array of breathtaking combinations and re-combinations for three billion years! Any bacterium—at any time—has the ability to use accessory genes, provided by other strains, which permits it to function in ways its own DNA may not cover. The global trading of genes through DNA re-combinations provides for almost endless adaptation possibilities. Therefore, what has been done to one has been done to all. Widespread use of antibacterial agents is both futile and disastrous. Future life sciences and medicine will comprehend the more effective use of agents to stimulate positive adaptation of bacteria resulting in chains of supportive symbiosis. In the presence of love, these positive adaptations naturally occur. In the presence of hatred and fear, negative and resistant strains of bacteria are more likely. Life forms are ever changing, and yet the basic chemistry of life remains the same. Do not cling to forms that are passing, but seek for an understanding of life that embraces and includes all possibilities. This is accomplished through integrating and expanding patterns and relationships. In this way, you will see God as the creative power of life. When I asked that you love one another, I was not just giving you a recipe for human fellowship. This is the doorway to life eternal.” (The Keys of Jeshua - Glenda Green)

Word Sorcery as the reframing of life in sin, sickness and death


A friends wife contracted Corona at the workplace. She said it felt like having a cold, nothing more. After a test to confirm, and 7 days of self isolation, it was gone, and none of the family members she had come into contact with, including the in-laws, showed any signs of illness and still don’t 3 weeks later. For this reason alone I will remain a sceptic.

To you (and others like you) there is 'like a cold', but under new rules it constitutes great threat to society - especially the most vulnerable, and so it doesn't matter what you experience or feel or know. As a 'threat' you have to be controlled and the sin of selfishness drilled out of you. Behold an inhuman race to the bottom of guilted shame, self hate set in self denial, given power as Guide and Protector.

Word sorcery defines perception in a ways such as to 'crown' fear of contagion as the usurper of sovereignty. True Source is not the word we give, but a word given truly. We have to listen to discern truth in our heart. If you choose not to look there you are running on derivatives that in a sense operate as a short-hand substitution for fact. If not an artificial intelligence of strategic algorithm set in its own loop of self-reinforcing dissociation.

Medical sorcery backed by corporate-financial, political and media support - at it highest levels - reframes our perception and response to see others and expect to be seen as vector of threat. It does so by redefining not just symptoms associated with sickness as a call for state backed behavioural interventions, but translates a state of basic health absent any clinical symptoms as 'risk of contagion'.

It does this under the self-crowned role of 'making safe' with respect to projected fears fed into models or trends that are themselves adjustable - as are the exact definitions and parameters of the 'virus, disease expression or etiology, along with tests and testing parameters.

Narratives generate fear, which generates funding and sacrifice, which is controlled by predators and opportunists, who become the structural social framework for the extrapolation or stripping out of wealth under pretext of help, aid or health protection, while not only impoverishing, but also undermining health by all manner of toxic interventions or mandated conditions - along with the training or conditioning to slave status.

The science on transmission of 'infectious disease' is modelled, statistical and at best deals in actually observed patterns, cycles and correlations, but simply runs on the predicates of virology as 'settled science'.

Science should be based on empirical data that has to be interpreted for human significance in response to specific questions that arise from narratives or models that are found to best fit or match empirical and repeatable or predictable experience.

The capacity to buy the 'science' that provides support for an invested or marketised model, is the shift from science to groupthink and computer models of arbitrary entities by which to both cover for lack of substance and generate new but phoney 'paradigms' for leveraging allegiance and support for the imposition of sacrifice as a moral willingness to enter a self-reinforcing cycle of debt, disease and death.

That we can willingly give our reality to false idol or idea is not evident under the belief it protects us from greater fear. Mythic and symbolic representations mask for and model our world as a defence or survival under threat. The illusion of the rational is in its ignorance of the underlying archetypes that for the most part run subconscious to a surface level of masking justification. Logic can operate upon insane premises to insane results that make 'sense' to those who accept such premises as their 'normal' or self-evident reality.

Coming back to EyeSeeEwe's experience, the recognition that you are being 'had' is after the regulatory structures have been rolled out to apply to almost every social transaction and communication.

'Fool me once, shame on you' - means to me that trust and allegiance is withdrawn from the deceiver. 'Shame me twice, shame on me' - means that I did not learn from the education of the experience. (I'm not into shaming so much as healing or reintegration).

The means and ways by which we are being fooled are for the most part our persona or masking strategies set over fears, guilts or shames.

Those who are so fear-driven as to seem compelled to reinstate a masking over their fear must pay the cost demanded, or live with awareness of deeper disturbance that is yet a deeper masking operates its own demands. The levels and confusions of 'masking' are 'psychological' or psychic defences arising from core separation trauma that is not in the individual consciousness so much as producing it as a narrative identification set in 'separation' as saving it from total loss. That the mask is not real is subordinated to the need to wear it, or identify in passing off as real, so as to survive and adapt with the narrative of possession and control seized from a seemingly total or overwhelming chaos of conflict set in fear, pain and grief.

We do may hate being turned inside out or being unmasked of defences that served to insulate a sense of self and world from the hateful and feared. But this is what I see happening or rather unfolding from within, despite and because of attempts to remask in possession and control at always greater cost in sacrifice of Life.

Weaponising the 'common cold' is associating respiratory cleanse or detox responses with deep fear - of receiving and giving death by contagion, as well as with the overlording mandate to hide, deny and sacrifice all but a bare or stark existence within the rules for the denying and atoning - but never the undoing - of sin.

Regardless that it is just a cold, the lid is open and the fears and controls have come into awareness that cannot pretend itself back to the mask that is no longer believable.

I see that fear, as a charged condition, finds pathways of agency, but I do not choose to give all focus to attacking those agencies, as if they are the pathogens that cause the disease. I am opening to the full implications of turning that model inside out. A keystone of which is accepting responsibility for my own fear, instead of seeking or invoking external and separate or alien power to magically deliver me from my own split decision.

The mind has levels that are like a computer, and at that level, false premises give rise to a life imprisonment. Yet this too is within freedom to experience and explore. What is forgotten in 'lockdown' to a physical mindset, is that we are in of of each other in more ways than our current character could imagine. Not just in the current focus or fixation.

Freedom from fear is freedom to love or recognise, align in and live and share in the being of. Not the wish for love or the masking in the 'compliance' to forms associated and passing off as 'love'. Regardless the appearances of overlording controllers - running hapless hollow hoax invoking dire consequence for non compliance. Truth of love is one with love of truth.

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Why are the powers that be, doing this?

 The above was asked on

(A page on which I posted a lot of very short comments).

James asked:

WHY are the powers that be doing this ? It’s obvious it’s being done on purpose someone please explain why ?

That is a big question James. But 'what for?' cannot proceed without first re-evaluating the presumptions under which we live.

An attempt at a simple sketch is that corruptions in our thought lead to conflicts that if not addressed and resolved lead to systemic corruptions that become structural as the 'way the world works' - except that it is NOT how anything works - so much as forcing life to operate under and through false narrative beliefs and at cost of ongoing burden of sacrifice as debt (in more ways than money) that only grows toxic to the superstructure running as surface appearances.

The idea of a re-adjustement or reset in old economic terms was when a bubble of inflated and false values is forced to reset to the current fact rather than the false currency of derivative 'values' that collapse.

Invested identity in control - (seeking power over life instead of power to hold the conditions for life) - seeks to control the Crash, or control the ability to be placed so as to suffer less or benefit more. When such identity operates the inequality of wealth distribution and financial leverage that we have collectively allowed or participated in creating, the perceived and believed MEANS to control call very strongly to the fear of loss - or should I say total loss - because the idea of sacrificing others (and a vital part of your own heart) to a seemingly necessary or even 'worthy' intent to not only manage such a major change, but use it as a means to reshape the world in your own image. But here I am talking of those who are active in setting up and executing the systems of thought and control that regulate a largely sleepwalking or managed people.

The Economy is rigged and corrupt and not at all what we put our confidence in as something tangible. This also applies to currencies of thought. The means, is to use our own mind against us, and yet by this is its lack of true foundation brought to light - yet en route this will operate as the accusation and deconstruction of identity such as to 'diagnose the healthy as a vector of contagion' and mandate controls, or as carbon guilt units, to be controlled, but by whatever ever means, to be 'made safe' so as to no longer threaten the system OF control in which and by which the rich or privileged keep what is not their just reward or right, for it is gotten by deceit and coercion. That is not to demonise the rich or privileged - but to say there is a basis in life of responsibility what what you have and are, and to lose this for outward appearance is to be dispossessed of life by one's apparent possessions.

My witness from all that I have so far seen, is that there is no life, love or true fulfilment in the vision of the 'new world order' under whatever front or names or ruses. It is all about control - taken or indeed sacrificed to - as power.

This is a ancient story written in modern clothes. Or indeed fig-leaf thinking and the Emperor's New Robes.

You could look at it as a consummate deceit - but what exactly does its deliver (us to)?

I wrote the sketch without recourse to blame-hate, because accepting responsibility for what we have and are is undermined and blocked by engaging in blame as the projection or casting of guilt as if to get rid of it. The body can and does deposit toxins it cannot eliminate where they will least damage core functions. But they are not eliminated or more than temporarily encapsulated thereby. So while it is not wrong to use work-arounds as a temporary expedient, that does not establish such means as a way to live and thrive.

Compliance to inhuman control systems v alignment under sovereignty of being

I don't see that choice being extended. I see coercive compliance to inhuman systems of control, or alignment under sovereignty of being. 

To speak of which is to speak of that which is not IN the world of masking agenda set in conflict.

Sovereignty of being is not subject to its experience, but while we struggle to change our experience we divide the parts we want from the parts we don't and divided, are ruled over. So restoring wholeness or releasing the 'divide and rule' mindset of action and reaction, is not about changing 'them', or validating and reinforcing an 'us', or a 'me' set apart and against the hated, feared or denied.

To be lord over our own subject is to give the experience we are having, all the meaning it has for us. This truth is not IN the world and this is because this world is made in and of confusion that sets the outer experience as lord, and denies the truth of wholeness for the meanings that are given a world made in anger, identified in and seeking reinforcement, as a me or a we set over and against a you, a they or an it.

The choice to identify IN the world does not know its freedom, for the world is the experience of being locked down in an identity set in fear and attack, and masked in seeking virtue set in grievance.

The guidance for how to be within the world comes from the heart that is known in stillness, not static under forced stasis, but released of conflict to an allowance and acceptance of communication unmasked. It is given you in the moment, what to say, what to do or refrain from doing and how to see and respond to what you are given to see.

For wholeness gives itself in a thumbnail sketch of the world as a means of release or healing, which is not in getting the experience that you think you want, and tying yourself to its conditions, but in freedom to seek and find truth that knows itself one, unconflicted - regardless that another, in their freedom, set in confusion, knows not what they do, for in identifying in the mask, we know not who and what we are, the Movement Of.

The world locks down in depletion, deprivation and lack, leading to war and sickness and death, because it was made as a way of seeing what we came to fear that we lacked outside ourself, such as to become fearful of losing even what we have. The patterns of separateness as a mind set apart are not freedom, but fear, masked over and protected as if our power, protection and salvation from its own projections onto others and world.

This message is not within the terms that fear seeks to save itself and so cannot be received fearfully. Fear divides so as to rule out the Communication of the heart that is recognised in stillness of any moment where conflict-identity is released for the desire and willingness to know the truth of Is - and not a version of 'truth' asserted, justified and defended.

Release allegiance then to the call of the habit of reacting from a mind of lack and fear, and persist in the willingness to uncover and be found in a true movement of being, of a wholeness that  gives or extends by its very nature, instead of playing the mask of 'virtue signalling' as moral justification or superiority set in grievance.

The mind that seeks understanding only for control, is the mind that you think you are fighting, when you feed it some more.The mind that was told it was naked and lacking sought to mask over and hide. But WHO told you you were naked or defenceless and vulnerable? Did the body 'tell you this'? Or is the body chosen as the means to get by and get for, such as to lose it function in identifying the visibility and tangibility of You - whole.

The usurping of wholeness and communication is a mind set at war with its Self. That then seeks to manage a set of conflicted pieces as a system of 'survival' under and within a frame of fear set in defence against (inevitable) disclosure.

Disregard to the ego's call to war is the freedom to see the opportunity for releasing its hooks or back-door hacks into your mind. However, I did not say be a doormat, roll over and die! Uncovering integrity of being is a living worth from which to witness, share and stand in. The truth is not in the FORM of behaviours but in the virtue that extends or indeed the hollow masking of the attempt to make a sense of lack powerful.

As we identify, so shall we respond or react. WHO sets your identity? Or in truth Who and What identifies you Truly - by knowing you as the love that you are - regardless the complex of masking lies piled over a fear set in guilt and confusion?

As we give identity, so we receive it. Is this 'fair'?

To give what we hate and want to get rid of, is to keep it - but masked off as 'out there'.

To give only in order to get, is not to give but to seek to capture in order to use.

Disregard the mindset of tyranny, while choosing what you do for your own ligned and accepted purpose. The form does not set reality. Reality is the resonance and recognition of the truth that IS Communication - and not a thing-in-itself set in image and symbol to be idolised and sacrificed to. There is no 'thing-in-and-of-itself' but that a 'thinking-in-and-of itself' wishes it so. If you are lord of your own subject, then you have your experience. But do you truly WANT it?

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Fantasies of control, deliver us to a locked-down hollow mask of a mind and world


Reply to  Stef Menc

There’s no evidence that there’s an actual virus circulating.

The virus hasn’t been isolated.

And there is of course a conspiracy. It’s plain as day. There’s so much evidence that if people are unwilling to believe it’s simply because they have a problem in believing that the world does not function in the way they believe it functions.

The WHO changed the medical protocols for ARDS putting people on ventilators unnecessarily. That caused a spike in the mortality rates at the start of the lockdowns. Nobody died before the lockdowns.

See my comment below in response to your other comments about what happened in Italy regarding the mortality rate. 

Well said.

The the fear-baited and swallowed 'virus' works the framing or capture of the mind into a dissociation by design. Unlike a false flagged terrorist, it appeals to 'scientific expertise' for 'authority'. But a 'science' that is not allowed to be questioned (without penalty).

As long as the 'virus' is protected from question, 'bio-hazard' claims priority as the context in which all else is held accountable - and casts the evil or threat 'outside' the mind of mutual human intent. So the 'virus' narrative also 'protects' an insulated mind from direct awareness of and disturbance and dispiriting by, human malice.

While the intent to so deceive, operates an implacable orchestration of actions by which to regulate capture under law, that uses the state resources to enforce controls by which life itself is demonised and denied.

The underlying pattern of fear and control - given priority - is a 'fractal pattern' in all the parts that together project a 'lockdown and masking' suppression over hate and fear, in which love or the presence of a true recognition, has no room to move and know its being.

The other facet of the 'threat' is its assertion that we are naked or defenceless UNLESS following the guidance of the deceiver. The term 'immune system' is 'little understood' for what we generally use it to mean, are the mechanisms that are systemically undermined, attacked and replaced or marketed to as weak, frail and dysfunctional, so as to require 'boosting'.

The marketing or propagating of a sense of innate self-lack is thus the mal intent to the selling of protections that deliver the targeted life to becoming a revenue stream or energy supply to those who would 'bolster' their own sense of control by feeding upon fears insinuated into others.

The virus - in terms of pathogenic activity - is deceit.

What is called a virus by 'virologists' is already framed and convicted in guilt.

Modern biology as a whole is not so weaponised and uncovers perspectives that reveal a symbiosis in life - that doesn't confirm an anthropomorphic capacity to hate (our) life because it does not meet or fulfil our attempt and intent to control it.

Fantasies of control, deliver us to a locked-down hollow mask of a mind and world, set in hate over the hated, and driven by blind necessity or tyranny that must never be questioned - lest all the evils WITHIN should be disclosed and feared truth come rushing in.

To WANT truth to be 'control' or personal power, is to replace that which truly moves us for a 'mind' set as if over and apart from all it judges amiss.

Our Life is thus 'switched' for an image or model set in conflict, which can be reduced to the freedom to choose not to accept truth now, by engaging in the intent to make it and have and follow that experience as our own private bias.


T-cell response depends on adequate vit D levels to activate.

Vit C as an antioxidant helps mitigate inflammations that otherwise can result in toxic stress that further burdens and undermines the functional process, whose symptoms we call the sickness.

There is the research of Hope-Simpson revealing that viral particles are temperature dependent for replication. IE: heat prevents or limits the replication of a virus in the body and perhaps its transmission. (UV also deconstructs viruses). I don't see viruses as cause of disease so much as extracellular messaging that operates and changes according to changing conditions. So I choose my words carefully.

Monopolised medicine has operated as a largely hidden control system, or protection racket. 'Science' is then masked in and framed and set by fear to focus where the funding is funnelled to seek 'answers'.

This has to be directed to anywhere but a disclosure of the inherited and actively operating deceit, that ensures the diversion of energy, support and protection to a masking agenda set over truth.

Sunday, 27 September 2020

Protecting illusion from change demands sacrifice of life, while seeming to 'make safe'

Glad to meet you.

I intuit that the process of corruption is self-correcting but that the nature of corruption is identification in partial, false or distorted and illusory sense of self and world. FROM such identity we operate as if to control our own life - which is itself a corruption.

Jesus parable of the tenant farmers and the absent Master, applies.

So while I share in the identification in the world as a bias. distortion or masking over the true Word, I am active in noticing and observing my own thought and emotional reaction, as a willingness of uncovering truth, rather than a defence of what I have been trained or conditioned to accept and identify true.

At this level, our experience is a gift unto our Self, but in the 'matrix' of a mythic or narrative self played out as real, it can seem to be a compelling personal conflict  - indeed a life and death experience.

Struggling within a failed or unsupported narrative - even in attempt to retain it as a 'Reset' to a more controllable (but dead) system, is engaging in the level of effects instead of releasing such identity to Cause or Source - that can be witnessed to by the renewing of your mind (and world). That the old habit is a deeply learned habit means growing a willingness to always begin now - rather than continue narrative assumptions.

Everyone has their own way of embracing this process for it is in life and not in my or anyone else's articulation. It feels like Compression and is a refinement back to who we are, but reacting against the Call, as if it is the violation of our private movie rights, sets up self-reinforcing feedback loops of conflict.

It can be said their are two Calls within our mind; the call to segregative self as self-will and its experience, and the call to healing or reintegrative being - in which the self becomes transparent to its Source. So although there is a Cosmic 'Peep Oh!', of forgetting and remembering, it isn't binary or circular but spiralling to cycles of expansion and compression that open perspectives and seed new experience. However truth simply and only Is,regardless the capacity of the mind of Self-differentiation - and its progeny.

Hope as an expression of faith in life is an expression of connection and alignment in truth - and as such of a different nature to hope set against fears that are expressions of collapse or loss of life to cynicism and despair.

Finding our balance and following the balance points, must release the mind of what we think should be, in order to feel and know the qualities of what is truly Current. The 'ego' always seeks to immediately define what is, in terms that support and reinforce its narrative - which is set over self-contradictions. I feel that these conflicts are not able to be maintained or compartmentalised and juggled as before, and so they are all coming up from the 'Deep'. and revealing of disclosing foundations that are disturbing, and yet without substance. But while we are framed by disturbance, we mask in narrative evasions, and have the experience of it. Looking at or on the disturbance serves a releasing of investment in its themes or archetypes and identities - for we give these, and receive in like measure. Casting out the conflict of self as drama set in a world outside, as a 'not now' to the Call to heal.

So the mind of 'not now' operates a dissociation and fragmentation in 'time', Set or even locked down in the body as the distance of 'space'. Einstein said he found action at a distance spooky. But resonance operates instantly as matching frequency signatures that undo or momentarily collapse the belief we have become a ghost in a machine (world). Every such experience witnesses to an order that is not IN the world, and yet is within us, and also revealing us within a Greater Communication. 

Releasing points of identification within the 'world', frees to recognise or identify truly - as a resonance of being rather than matching of image and form, for the latter can be masked in or identified in - as if to possess and be possessed by them.

It would not be kind to support self-illusion beyond its tipping point. Protecting illusion from change demands sacrifice of life, while seeming to 'make safe'.