Sunday, 31 March 2024

A Day In The Life - X - Twitter 2024-03-29

A Day In The Life

 X - Twitter 2024-03-29

It is my predilection to look within the ordinary moments & current issues for a revealing of depth - to the underlying assumptions & beliefs to themes that are not given awareness because we live their results as our 'reality-experience' or world.

 No matter what the apparent subject matter of any issue there is a re-integrative way of seeing as well as an intuitive perspective to live from.

Machine -love?

Once the extension of living culture as a felt & shared value is subordinated or sacrificed
to systemic predictive codes of control everything becomes a socially engineered construct to the mind of such a willingness for masking manipulations as substitute for life.

Rapsta Put-down

When rap came out I heard the playground put-down given a loudspeaker to run uninterrupted so as to breathe in the embrace of its own curse as counter-power.
A framing of creative flow+spontaneity caged in a glamour of violence?
Humour can release & re-frame the put-down?

Climate Corpse?

The Imperious Climate corps is an engineered restructure of hackable human using guilted fear as its OS via & lockstepped corporate+institutional capture.
Wealth disparity (debt slavery) is the ratcheting 'climate' under which non compliance is cancelled & compliance lobotomised.

Banker takes all?

Ownership in legal terms is increasing revealed to nest in a manipulation of fictions.
By manually crashing such a rigged 'Economy' the owners (protected class) take all.
I expect they wont and cannot share the spoils - so they must turn on each other - if not already doing so.

Soundtrack for a lie?

While rap music an easy target -the use of music for social manipulation is part of the toolbox, but technological extension ran the means for mass formation of 'identity', market-share =mindshare.
A coup needs first to consolidate & capture the broadcasting network to its target

Not how God loves the world we made

God Is the Giver.
His Son Is the Gift all life shares in.
A shared refusal of the Gift runs within the freely Given but can not kill the Son, but denies truth for persisting self-illusion.
Such a 'world' demands+enacts death of love, in sacrifice that specialness take its place.

Jesus  - Love not Sacrifice

In a sense, a Way for not responding to the baited hook of the call to war, calls instead on unconditional love & a restoring of awareness to Creator.
Releasing the dictate of a 'god of death+war' receives greater life. He shows & shares this no less in his living as Way-Shower.

Taxed to Debt-slavery

Taxation now seems to be a compliance in ritual sacrifice - as the creation & use of debt-money runs free of any possible economic constraint to fund whatever 'political narrative' is to be injected into the mass mind?

The Real Thing?

It's not The Real Thing??
Optical illusions reveal the mind that makes a representation & predictive continuity of...?
"something is happening - but you don't know what it is"

Western/Global Fragmentation

What is an individually unique expression of life (if) taken out of true relational inherence (context) to be assigned status under (conflicting) hierarchies of 'meaning' or judged value?

Loss of participation developed a mind-tooling construct as 'gain of function' for persisting such controls

Mis-created Perception-Response

We cannot correct our own errors for we made them by believing them. We can of course accept a relational honesty of correction but active ignorance already 'knows' & so cannot receive.
The +side is we can be-live an experience of our focus in accepted thought.


Without depreciating the specific importance, this litany of hubris, ineptitude & corruption is a signature example of the
'convergence' of global plunder that fronts itself as a world order.
Nor is it a new pattern of human ignorance.
Though taking a global economy down with it.


I haven't met his thought.
A tool extends the mind to then explicate as language, perception and reflected conditioning.
Illich saw the techno marking the end of the tool age, as IT uses, consumes & erases us.
Magical solutions set addictive dependencies as overriding dictates?

An interesting body of work
Illich saw technocracy as enforced 'caring' of an anti-Christ - the perversion of the Christian revelation of love & as such the evolution of a Corporate Church.
Greek philosophy set rationalism over above the psychic participance of the Mysteries...

“The future once promised the certainty of a better life for all but now it is full of uncertainty, danger and fear. Our lives are surrounded by the threats, imaginary or real, posed by terrorist outrages, natural catastrophes and disasters of all kinds. The future is overshadowed by the nightmare of an outmoded humanity overwhelmed by a catastrophe of its own making, a kind of catastrophic grand finale that would mirror the original accident - the Big Bang - that some scientists believe created the universe. A biting meditation on Progress techno-scientific progress, at any cost and without any limits this book defines the ways in which post-industrial science has merged with out-and-out hyper-terrorism to threaten the foundations of Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian civilization, and the future of the planet with them, through innovation of mass catastrophes that are part and parcel of its panoply of inventions. Urging us to face up to the consequences of our brave-new-world technologies, Virilio calls for the creation of a Museum of the Accident to fight our habituation to horror and violence, and our daily overexposure to terror, in the name, not of some preventive war, but of a preventive intelligence that would help us deal with both natural and artificial disasters”.
~ The Original Accident- Paul Virilio

Resisting Abuse?

There may be a point that complying with merciless abusers who never keep a given word is to be killed either way.
Israel can restock hostages as readily as the Fed can print 'money'.
Do they 'reject ceasefire' or terms dictated?
Complex geopolitic underwrite this killing.


Hate Poisons the Hater?

Love thy neighbour as thyself runs corollary to loving God whole.
The Good Samaritan parable expands 'neighbour' beyond tribal dictates - BUT as a free movement of the Sprit - not enforced 'care' running as 'moral' right by which to deny non compliance.
Hate poisons the hater?

As we accept so can we extend.
I get what you mean about our world.
Is the poison being drawn out from darkness to the light?
We can always get tangled in words as we use them in different ways.
'Release the obstacles to healing....

 -But that's my world!!'

(or so we may think)

I am not aware of any experiments nor recognising what your respond to in what | wrote. Gifts without strings are not experiments. Giving with strings seeks to get thereby -so is a bargain struck -not a true gift.
Give judgement over to the Holy Spirit! or as Jesus-to the Father?

Oh I see - the a-tempt to make reality in our own image as an experiment.
We are created creative & can be said to be given time & place in which to learn how to balance & align the creative (rather than fall for our own imaged thought & reaction. Over and over and over again.

Just Witness

I feel you offer an honest witness & contribution to awareness of issues that extends something of who you have lived and become through your choices - & the love that has guided them. But 'about you?' only if you feel so moved.
Maybe I'm missing your point?


We don't have to think so to judge others from such a presumption.
Gerard's insight into the scapegoat is of a social function that purged guilt & conflict by sacrifice in which victims participated.
But Jesus lived & witnessed to Innocence of being, & now scapegoating is unjust.

But note the attempt to dump or outsource toxic debts & conflicts onto the Other is a signature pattern of our Social restructuring. Yet setting 'restoring Order' by blame-sacrifice fills its world with unhealed denials (compounds problems in
'solutions' (denser layers of guilt).

But no less active as the attempt to dump or outsource toxic debts & conflicts onto the Other. In fact it is a signature pattern of our 'elitist insider class - but setting 'restoring Order' by blame-sacrifice fills its world with unhealed denials (compounds the problem in guilt)

Weaponised Media

What is less obvious is it is being kept in the Media as a deliberate provocation.
The state is more than able to bring people in more discretely if they so chose -no matter who funds +promotes targeted weaponised migration.

Lymph function

Mistaken diagnosis of 'cancer spreading to the lymph glands' could be one.
Gaston Naessens had a very different approach to treating disease. he also observed living biology rather than dead models.
Unhealed life-conflict & loss of zeta potential in the blood may be key factors.

So often it is the healing phase that is feared & assigned
Toxin shocks burdens can become toxic habits and toxic burdens.
So while using common sense for hazards I also consider toxic thinking & imbalances that become bad habits.

Yes me too. One of the caveats of Naesson's lymph treatment is its proprietary nature. But rebounding (& no doubt walking) is thought to enhance lymph function.
Ultimately a vibrational process aligns chemistry IMO. Vital

Misappropriated insight

Hindsight is misappropriated insight ;-)
It's true that when our thinking 'uses us' we cant recognise it until free attention rises in awareness. But do we celebrate insight as a gift or judge ourselves-whilst already mitigating the conflict by blaming anything or anyone else?

Though the term can be used to mean various things I simply see the ego as misdirection. regardless the form it takes, I participate at some level. That for me a a basis for curiosity.
But the ego will use the search to hide in searching but never finding. Its a defence mechanism

Average figures of speech

There is no average man - just get to know someone -if you are welcome & see they are unique.
But many use the word love for masking manipulations - a means to get from or use others to fill a sense of lack.
So I don't read the quote as about a true recognition at all.

Its a figure of speech.
But we meet specific people & how we treat them also brings out specific responses.
If we recognised & honoured love we wouldn't need to mask as if we had it!
Did you cause an issue?
You opened a conversation!
I'm sure if we talked together in good will we'd uncover a meaning we can all recognise. Those who merely emulate others are not really aware of another's presence or their own.
But ordinary people live & share a beautiful love each in their own unique ways.
Beneath appearances.



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