Why would 'health' break down, be blocked from functioning or become something 'else? (Because 'something else' is running instead of health - running on top of what we would otherwise be, and is getting in the way?).
Is that too simple? I don't see it as a theory of anything, but more an observation. I can only share my observations but of course to you it is an idea that may or may not have merit to investigate further. Your observations are your own self-honesty - insofar as we can see our own bias in action.
Good intentions can pave the way to sickness and death - and often do.
Wishing doesn't heal, but willingness may.
As I understand, the body does what is needed unless something blocks or denies function. The complexity - in real time - of what the body is coordinating as millions of processes millions of time a second is not - in my opinion, going to be replaced by manual external micro-management. But interventions can help as well as hinder.
The belief that the body is sick is so deeply ingrained in the mind, that the mind never looks to its own self-definitions - but works out from them as a given. I am not indicating blame to a personal 'mind' so much as collective responsibility in which we are all participants in.
In symbolic terms, ideals of self - and health - can become idols of self-lack in search of some 'other' state than the one we have now.
The belief we are a weak, sick or frail body is the collapse of the mind into defence within its dictate. If we live from that belief, do we limit our life to it? Is that self-programming into sickness?
The 'immune system' is our life force in act, but perhaps we see certain aspects of its healing, as impending sickness and death? Just as depression can be seen as a brain disease instead of a part of a larger process of going within that we generally have little cultural wisdom to hold and abide through. And thus becomes a 'something else'. Perhaps a sense of lack, worthlessness, inadequacy failure, loss. Perhaps a conflict of rage in powerlessness. Is that a deep sense of self-hate? I have uncovered all of these within my self but have never sought pharma or diagnosis or because that makes no sense to me. I have not had a charmed life but have stayed open or found the way through to the charm of beauty in life no matter what. It's the only life I have so do I choose it or lose it?
I see fear-mindedness works a negative voodoo pervasively and insidiously in what is left of our 'culture'. It's not just the fake news, but the fake mind that suckles upon it. Protection rackets? Or attending a call for help? It's something of both, but the dedication to life cannot break free of its rules and regulations.
I believe we have to work within our beliefs as part of growing the ability to question them. I see that fear can mount upon fear in pain or dread - and I see that growing the willingness to check in with emotional reactions and inner interpretations is towards freedom from reactive triggering, or capacity to release investment in it if I notice I am already reactive. No quick fix - but a stitch in time may be a poor choice not taken.
I don't see that we live to be healthy, but the other way round. What is living? Or perhaps more relevantly, are we living the life that is in us to be? And if not why not? I don't mean grandiose schemes - but finding joy in our everyday and embracing challenges as 'life' rather than a violation or derailing of life. Are we going to suffer our relations or be truly presenced in them?
Why cant we be honest with ourselves/each other? Do we 'know' too much to more simply be with, and find something true?
A sense of mortality can keen the sense of focussing on what matters while it is in my realm of choice. Delay can become never.
We just watched 'Disconnection' on BBC Iplayer. Such a messy human reflection to watch, but it made its point.
Sketches of the felt meanings beneath and beyond appearances.
Sunday, 24 December 2017
Viagra 'cures' heart disease?
A comment on Kendrick's blog :
I looked at viagra side effects on web md. I don't usually use of the phrase side effects. They are direct effects of generally unwanted consequence.
The idea that viagra cures CVD strikes me as wishful at best.
A failing heart can be kept alive longer by various manipulations. An artificial one can 'outlive you'. That is not to say there is no place for tinkering, but the idea of holding back the consequences - often by redirecting to different areas of the body - or in the collective sense, by redistributing to different facets of society and the environment - is exactly the pattern I associate with the pharmacological approach.
I agree that it is NOT the doctor's job to TELL patients how to live, whether by claiming higher authority, or by morally guilting them into compliance. In theory, this may be why corporately owned and directed technologism cultivates and feeds upon the right to engage in egocentric and illusory 'freedom' at expense of the health of ourselves and of society. Of course 'scientism' is being used to enforce the extreme dictate of such 'choice' in the state sanctioned illusion of 'immunising' and attaining 'herd' compliance and conformity.
But I DO hold that anyone who has any alignment in health as a living balance rather than targets and check boxes, will look for and take the opportunity to reflect where poor choices are bringing poor results, and inspire the willingness to align in better choices. This does not only help the situation at hand, but grows a relationship of informed choice within relationships of trust. Lots of people submit to 'experts; because they do NOT want responsibility.
Taking responsibility for our life is very stressful relative to running on auto under a managed environment. Yet the stresses that disempower us are those that deliver us unto evil. The irony is that true responsibility does not call upon guilting or blaming, but enquiry and recognition by which to make better choices. But the apparent 'escape' from self-responsibility is deeply predicated in blame.
When one can assign the fear of blame to any official diagnosis - you become 'real' to the medical system instead of being fobbed off as all in the mind - which is then invoking fears and doubts of one's sanity while not being seen or heard, and both of these work together as a social rejection.
This really is about where we assign and accept authority. I believe the heart knows. But to align in this is to release what seems true in a mind of dissociation. Many prefer to die, than question and release self-asserting judgemental certainties. On the other hand, many find the willingness to release judgements in their dying process. Why wait?
Moving on from all the diet hypotheses and to a different field as suggested by Dr. Kendrick : How many of us remember the post on Viagra by Dr Kendrick earlier this year and how it reduced CVD attacks. By way of evidence here is a link to Swedish study of 47,000 men all less than 80, none of whom had had an MI at the start of the study.
http://heart.bmj.com/content/early/2017/03/14/heartjnl-2016-310746Conclusion : Viagra prevents heart attacks ! And more is better !
And bugger me : none of them changed their diets at all !!
Also Dennis Mangan has also just released a post on the impact of Viagra as an effective anti-aging ‘supplement’.
http://roguehealthandfitness.com/will-viagra-and-cialis-extend-lifespan/Usually Dennis always includes recommendations about changing diet (paleo preferred) in his posts. But not this time. He’s keeping it simple.
Now this is interesting. I wonder though if there are any studies of women using Viagra tp cure CVD and whether it is beneficial for them also.
I looked at viagra side effects on web md. I don't usually use of the phrase side effects. They are direct effects of generally unwanted consequence.
The idea that viagra cures CVD strikes me as wishful at best.
A failing heart can be kept alive longer by various manipulations. An artificial one can 'outlive you'. That is not to say there is no place for tinkering, but the idea of holding back the consequences - often by redirecting to different areas of the body - or in the collective sense, by redistributing to different facets of society and the environment - is exactly the pattern I associate with the pharmacological approach.
I agree that it is NOT the doctor's job to TELL patients how to live, whether by claiming higher authority, or by morally guilting them into compliance. In theory, this may be why corporately owned and directed technologism cultivates and feeds upon the right to engage in egocentric and illusory 'freedom' at expense of the health of ourselves and of society. Of course 'scientism' is being used to enforce the extreme dictate of such 'choice' in the state sanctioned illusion of 'immunising' and attaining 'herd' compliance and conformity.
But I DO hold that anyone who has any alignment in health as a living balance rather than targets and check boxes, will look for and take the opportunity to reflect where poor choices are bringing poor results, and inspire the willingness to align in better choices. This does not only help the situation at hand, but grows a relationship of informed choice within relationships of trust. Lots of people submit to 'experts; because they do NOT want responsibility.
Taking responsibility for our life is very stressful relative to running on auto under a managed environment. Yet the stresses that disempower us are those that deliver us unto evil. The irony is that true responsibility does not call upon guilting or blaming, but enquiry and recognition by which to make better choices. But the apparent 'escape' from self-responsibility is deeply predicated in blame.
When one can assign the fear of blame to any official diagnosis - you become 'real' to the medical system instead of being fobbed off as all in the mind - which is then invoking fears and doubts of one's sanity while not being seen or heard, and both of these work together as a social rejection.
This really is about where we assign and accept authority. I believe the heart knows. But to align in this is to release what seems true in a mind of dissociation. Many prefer to die, than question and release self-asserting judgemental certainties. On the other hand, many find the willingness to release judgements in their dying process. Why wait?
Releasing the fear-stressed identity
Further comment into Malcolm Kendick's blog community
The term 'stress' is being used in a very fuzzy way - that can mean almost anything and therefore nothing. The word strain was used to indicate persistent stress that debilitates over time, but a shock can have acute effects, with the unhealed or unresolved issue persisting in the mind's strategic recoil, replay or fear of reliving.
So my appreciation of the mind - as generally presumed to be operating - IS - the recoil from shock of separation trauma. IS the strategy of seeking to evade, avoid, overcome, overlay or divert from the 'inevitable' - which is ultimately accorded the complete loss of capacity to control or maintain this sense of a life, but operates all the time as a sense of being defined and motivated by what we fear true, what we DON'T want - as a risk aversion and risk management laid upon the impulse to live, that is more or less associated with danger, to which we may feel more or less able to see and feel our way with - and fully appreciate the living!
Fear is inherent to our experience of physical existence and has a vital role - for it brings attention present to attend to what is truly needed NOW. But fear OF fear operates a mind capture (or indeed an amygdala capture) where the intensity, persistence and interpretation of shock, sets the past as a power over the present - and robs us of our future. (Our future in unfolding awareness of true presence).
The achievement of the learning of the mind is a kind of dissociation that works enough to make life in such terms bearable. To redefine our sense of self and world so as to operate out of a (collective) amnesia - that is guarded heavily against disclosure. This is no less true of the individual than of Big Pharma. The individual can remain more of less 'unconscious' of its own bias while such self and world 'works' in terms of defining its challenging life stressors under a narrative identity.
But when our separation scripts break through such a conditioned sense of self and world, we are either compelled to 'regain' the world that we lost, or recognize it is not 'there' or here to get back to - and let an honesty of being in that could not reach us when we seemed sufficient unto our own thinking.
The segregative movement of our being is of a conflicted and coercive sense of self-assertion and struggle. The reintegrative movement of our being is the healing and rewakening to a wholeness of being - in which the woven deceits of a prior self-necessity, are teased and loosened and undone - in every step of willingness.
If you can understand that life naturally responds to heal a wound of fracture and division and communication loss, you can understand that this is not limited to external physical conditions.
There is no advice that fits anyone in all situations excepting to truly attend what is here in willingness to see or know what is called for, needed or called forth. But the fear of fear makes this impossible, while the mind is locked into such self-evasion and giving power to whatever seems to offer power and protection in such terms.
And so an awakening self-responsibility is growing the honesty and acknowledgement of thoughts and feelings that were habitually discarded or given a 'blind eye'. But NOT to feed or fuel the fear and guilt complex of self judgement and self-manipulation. The desire for true - which must reintegrate and align by nature - is an innate curiosity. This I invite you to consider as a 'Christ Child' - because it is not born of a manufactured narrative control, and will prompt and guide you to keep you mind open until you feel the resonance of true in a coherence of being and not just in the sales brochure or official edict.
Stress and disease -
Ease is not a medical condition - unless of course psycho-pharmacologically mandated!
I don't have any doubt that distress contributes to, accompanies or causes physical consequences - including those arising from poor choices in mitigating or relating to unresolved stress. Running away from our problems is 'storing up our treasures in hell' - until of course we simply address what truly needs to be addressed. But in general, we are afraid, and our minds are ingeniously protective against seeing what we are not willing to see. But do they witness to truth?
Another form of pervasive ongoing stress is the result of assigning or using the body for what it is not its function to serve - AND dumping the responsibility for our own distress in lack of life upon it.
Joy and peace are qualities that can be felt pervading our cells in gratitude for our existence - that is... from the inside out. If we do not cultivate the qualities of wholeness of being, in the moments of which we are aware and have choice, it is because we are set upon cultivating something else. However, our good cannot be forced upon us, (without rejection or overpowering of the will). So we have to accept where we are at currently as a basis to grow.
So yes, distress is the elephant in the society that society operates a sort of negative version of pass the parcel with.
But stress is inherent to the functional expression of life in action and the body is designed to hold and support us in act, while rest and regeneration comes in as needed. A managed consciousness in a managed society is not so flexible!
JDPatten said:
"This IS the right place to discuss the life histories of those we know who managed to incorporate their challenging life stressors into a long healthy, happy and productive life.Some are able to do that. Some are not, even having had much less in the way of life-stress.How do they manage it?I, for one, would like to understand it."
The term 'stress' is being used in a very fuzzy way - that can mean almost anything and therefore nothing. The word strain was used to indicate persistent stress that debilitates over time, but a shock can have acute effects, with the unhealed or unresolved issue persisting in the mind's strategic recoil, replay or fear of reliving.
So my appreciation of the mind - as generally presumed to be operating - IS - the recoil from shock of separation trauma. IS the strategy of seeking to evade, avoid, overcome, overlay or divert from the 'inevitable' - which is ultimately accorded the complete loss of capacity to control or maintain this sense of a life, but operates all the time as a sense of being defined and motivated by what we fear true, what we DON'T want - as a risk aversion and risk management laid upon the impulse to live, that is more or less associated with danger, to which we may feel more or less able to see and feel our way with - and fully appreciate the living!
Fear is inherent to our experience of physical existence and has a vital role - for it brings attention present to attend to what is truly needed NOW. But fear OF fear operates a mind capture (or indeed an amygdala capture) where the intensity, persistence and interpretation of shock, sets the past as a power over the present - and robs us of our future. (Our future in unfolding awareness of true presence).
The achievement of the learning of the mind is a kind of dissociation that works enough to make life in such terms bearable. To redefine our sense of self and world so as to operate out of a (collective) amnesia - that is guarded heavily against disclosure. This is no less true of the individual than of Big Pharma. The individual can remain more of less 'unconscious' of its own bias while such self and world 'works' in terms of defining its challenging life stressors under a narrative identity.
But when our separation scripts break through such a conditioned sense of self and world, we are either compelled to 'regain' the world that we lost, or recognize it is not 'there' or here to get back to - and let an honesty of being in that could not reach us when we seemed sufficient unto our own thinking.
The segregative movement of our being is of a conflicted and coercive sense of self-assertion and struggle. The reintegrative movement of our being is the healing and rewakening to a wholeness of being - in which the woven deceits of a prior self-necessity, are teased and loosened and undone - in every step of willingness.
If you can understand that life naturally responds to heal a wound of fracture and division and communication loss, you can understand that this is not limited to external physical conditions.
There is no advice that fits anyone in all situations excepting to truly attend what is here in willingness to see or know what is called for, needed or called forth. But the fear of fear makes this impossible, while the mind is locked into such self-evasion and giving power to whatever seems to offer power and protection in such terms.
And so an awakening self-responsibility is growing the honesty and acknowledgement of thoughts and feelings that were habitually discarded or given a 'blind eye'. But NOT to feed or fuel the fear and guilt complex of self judgement and self-manipulation. The desire for true - which must reintegrate and align by nature - is an innate curiosity. This I invite you to consider as a 'Christ Child' - because it is not born of a manufactured narrative control, and will prompt and guide you to keep you mind open until you feel the resonance of true in a coherence of being and not just in the sales brochure or official edict.
Stress and disease -
Ease is not a medical condition - unless of course psycho-pharmacologically mandated!
I don't have any doubt that distress contributes to, accompanies or causes physical consequences - including those arising from poor choices in mitigating or relating to unresolved stress. Running away from our problems is 'storing up our treasures in hell' - until of course we simply address what truly needs to be addressed. But in general, we are afraid, and our minds are ingeniously protective against seeing what we are not willing to see. But do they witness to truth?
Another form of pervasive ongoing stress is the result of assigning or using the body for what it is not its function to serve - AND dumping the responsibility for our own distress in lack of life upon it.
Joy and peace are qualities that can be felt pervading our cells in gratitude for our existence - that is... from the inside out. If we do not cultivate the qualities of wholeness of being, in the moments of which we are aware and have choice, it is because we are set upon cultivating something else. However, our good cannot be forced upon us, (without rejection or overpowering of the will). So we have to accept where we are at currently as a basis to grow.
So yes, distress is the elephant in the society that society operates a sort of negative version of pass the parcel with.
But stress is inherent to the functional expression of life in action and the body is designed to hold and support us in act, while rest and regeneration comes in as needed. A managed consciousness in a managed society is not so flexible!
Friday, 22 December 2017
Immunity within Life or sacrifice to a god of sickness?
in reply to a post in a comment thread in This blog series that touched on the issue of vaccine safety or indeed efficacy.
Though implicit in what you said to some extent, the avoidance or a-void-ance (excretion) of toxicity is the other side of nutrition. There is a difference in directly injected toxins to via the digestion - and some synergies are designed to pass the blood-brain barrier.
The fudging, renaming and all the other shenanigans - can make a passing case for the mainstream narrative where toxicology passes off as protection - or indeed treatment.
I see in operation the breakdown of all or any remaining barriers to the destruction of what I call Sovereign will - as a direct result of the usurping of Sovereign will, by a mind-deceit of fudging, renaming and all the other shenanigans that make a passing case as a power of protection - but essentially break open and suck the life out for an evaporation (fantasy gratification).
On the other hand here is the opportunity of discovering a positive response to negative events. The archetypes in the story of Job - or indeed of Jesus come to mind as an abiding in, and witness of the true-within, instead of succumbing to the power of hate by becoming it. So whatever others may currently choose to accept, my/our choice is our witness and sets the measure of our experience. The choice here is no mere mental lifestyle add-on - but a fundamental transformational experience.
I don't call on 'religious' images as any kind of 'authority' but as symbolic reference and resonance to the human conditioning. There are so many in our own time who are subjected to denial, smear, and hate for holding to integrity in their given field or relation. Some of this denial is an act of terrorism by which to silence others - for who will now step up to be 'Wakefielded'? Who would invite being 'suicided'? or less dramatically but not trivial, who would deliberately risk the loss of career - and means of supporting your family, simply curtailed and gain a reputation that few would associate with openly even if they 'sympathize'.
The WAY the vaccine agenda operates is already evidence enough of manipulative or deceitful intent. And if that observation registers as a lack of integrity that is NOT then in some way challenged to find out, the 'what' of it persists as a sickening expression of toxic human denial. But to uncover this (in any of its forms, not just in the vaccination industry), can polarise an 'anti' reaction as a self-protective recoil. But identifying in 'anti' - is taking definition FROM a negative - and that is the key pattern of self-blindness that then does the very thing it thinks to defend against. Revolutions only shift and change the forms of the same game more cunningly concealed.'
Opening a genuine communication, is not waging war with words but finding the way to unmask deceits - wherever they arise. Not as a vendetta, but in desire for the true because it serves us all. Though those who fear losing their self investment will not believe that there can be freedom from such a burden. For in the main, an addiction is the means to keep hateful feelings at bay.
Therefore, releasing our particular patterning of psychic-displacement is the 'territory' of uncovering of otherwise 'denied self' or disturbance. I do not know the paths of apparent causation for my second daughter's blocked development. (she's 36 now coming on 6 in some ways and yet in a woman's body). But I have lived the courage and the wreckage of a family under such 'stress' without adequate support. I have SEEN the witnessing of so many parent who know their children were vaccine damaged - regardless of whether 'vaccines are perfectly safe' and such anomalies are simply unfortunate and statistically insignificant collateral damage that must never be allowed to call the thinking behind it into question.
BTW: On the reference to sanitation; Urine therapy is an ancient and modern practice, and apart from the toxicology of modern drugs and contaminants is one's own sterile filtered plasma. Many claim benefit. Sanitation and spiritual morale is a psychic, emotional and physical embodiment of shared cultural worth. Anti-bio is not the 'power and protection' its advent promised and on a broad spectrum operates an anti-life agenda. Look up the infamy of the 'bio-solids' industry if you've the stomach for it. The shit has already 'hit the fan'. Attending to the need for healing with what heals is still holding the spark alive.
The term 'immune system' is used AS IF people therefore know what it is. Such is the blinding of a model of currency running as if true. When you feel and know and share in the tangible qualities of life - you do not need to understand 'how' it works to align in and embody an integrity of being. Florence Nightingale is popping into my mind. I'll go with the Flo...
If we cultivate toxic conditions of shock, and fear, impoverishment, malnutrition, toxicity, isolation, hopelessness and powerlessness - we can find that 'infectious diseases' develop apace. But it is the total terrain that determines the biological expression - for an inner quality of connectedness may offset outer conditions that otherwise crush and kill. Tyranny does not have to show its bloody fist when a system of unwitting but managed slaves is trained to choose to limit and sicken themselves.To deny this holocaust, you are looking up to meet the power that hates the world. Not to to 'take it on' but to break the spell.
Few choose to develop inner resource of conscious responsibility as a natural life-discipline and so the many invite and generate 'crisis' by which to bring to consciousness this choice under genuine and timely need. A habit is not a choice until it is owned. But then it is no longer a habit, but a choice. Giving power to 'experts or priesthoods is a choice, once you recognize your mind in the mould of doing so. They need sin and sickness to persist - while seeming to hold some defence against it. All dressed up in fig-leaf thinking.
Though implicit in what you said to some extent, the avoidance or a-void-ance (excretion) of toxicity is the other side of nutrition. There is a difference in directly injected toxins to via the digestion - and some synergies are designed to pass the blood-brain barrier.
The fudging, renaming and all the other shenanigans - can make a passing case for the mainstream narrative where toxicology passes off as protection - or indeed treatment.
I see in operation the breakdown of all or any remaining barriers to the destruction of what I call Sovereign will - as a direct result of the usurping of Sovereign will, by a mind-deceit of fudging, renaming and all the other shenanigans that make a passing case as a power of protection - but essentially break open and suck the life out for an evaporation (fantasy gratification).
On the other hand here is the opportunity of discovering a positive response to negative events. The archetypes in the story of Job - or indeed of Jesus come to mind as an abiding in, and witness of the true-within, instead of succumbing to the power of hate by becoming it. So whatever others may currently choose to accept, my/our choice is our witness and sets the measure of our experience. The choice here is no mere mental lifestyle add-on - but a fundamental transformational experience.
I don't call on 'religious' images as any kind of 'authority' but as symbolic reference and resonance to the human conditioning. There are so many in our own time who are subjected to denial, smear, and hate for holding to integrity in their given field or relation. Some of this denial is an act of terrorism by which to silence others - for who will now step up to be 'Wakefielded'? Who would invite being 'suicided'? or less dramatically but not trivial, who would deliberately risk the loss of career - and means of supporting your family, simply curtailed and gain a reputation that few would associate with openly even if they 'sympathize'.
The WAY the vaccine agenda operates is already evidence enough of manipulative or deceitful intent. And if that observation registers as a lack of integrity that is NOT then in some way challenged to find out, the 'what' of it persists as a sickening expression of toxic human denial. But to uncover this (in any of its forms, not just in the vaccination industry), can polarise an 'anti' reaction as a self-protective recoil. But identifying in 'anti' - is taking definition FROM a negative - and that is the key pattern of self-blindness that then does the very thing it thinks to defend against. Revolutions only shift and change the forms of the same game more cunningly concealed.'
Opening a genuine communication, is not waging war with words but finding the way to unmask deceits - wherever they arise. Not as a vendetta, but in desire for the true because it serves us all. Though those who fear losing their self investment will not believe that there can be freedom from such a burden. For in the main, an addiction is the means to keep hateful feelings at bay.
Therefore, releasing our particular patterning of psychic-displacement is the 'territory' of uncovering of otherwise 'denied self' or disturbance. I do not know the paths of apparent causation for my second daughter's blocked development. (she's 36 now coming on 6 in some ways and yet in a woman's body). But I have lived the courage and the wreckage of a family under such 'stress' without adequate support. I have SEEN the witnessing of so many parent who know their children were vaccine damaged - regardless of whether 'vaccines are perfectly safe' and such anomalies are simply unfortunate and statistically insignificant collateral damage that must never be allowed to call the thinking behind it into question.
BTW: On the reference to sanitation; Urine therapy is an ancient and modern practice, and apart from the toxicology of modern drugs and contaminants is one's own sterile filtered plasma. Many claim benefit. Sanitation and spiritual morale is a psychic, emotional and physical embodiment of shared cultural worth. Anti-bio is not the 'power and protection' its advent promised and on a broad spectrum operates an anti-life agenda. Look up the infamy of the 'bio-solids' industry if you've the stomach for it. The shit has already 'hit the fan'. Attending to the need for healing with what heals is still holding the spark alive.
The term 'immune system' is used AS IF people therefore know what it is. Such is the blinding of a model of currency running as if true. When you feel and know and share in the tangible qualities of life - you do not need to understand 'how' it works to align in and embody an integrity of being. Florence Nightingale is popping into my mind. I'll go with the Flo...
If we cultivate toxic conditions of shock, and fear, impoverishment, malnutrition, toxicity, isolation, hopelessness and powerlessness - we can find that 'infectious diseases' develop apace. But it is the total terrain that determines the biological expression - for an inner quality of connectedness may offset outer conditions that otherwise crush and kill. Tyranny does not have to show its bloody fist when a system of unwitting but managed slaves is trained to choose to limit and sicken themselves.To deny this holocaust, you are looking up to meet the power that hates the world. Not to to 'take it on' but to break the spell.
Few choose to develop inner resource of conscious responsibility as a natural life-discipline and so the many invite and generate 'crisis' by which to bring to consciousness this choice under genuine and timely need. A habit is not a choice until it is owned. But then it is no longer a habit, but a choice. Giving power to 'experts or priesthoods is a choice, once you recognize your mind in the mould of doing so. They need sin and sickness to persist - while seeming to hold some defence against it. All dressed up in fig-leaf thinking.
Thursday, 21 December 2017
Thinking the Unthinkable
Shadow Economy, Democracy and the Manipulation of Public Opinion
by Denis Churilov
Comment and reflection on the above article and its theme:
The 'overton' window is a framing on suppression/indulgence.
(Many) babies don't have to 'think' to eat shit - until the social suppressive YUK! is inducted to become 'thinking' at association or conditioning level.
In terms of capacity to experience, we can embrace anything - that is to say there is not a rule in awareness that makes something unthinkable - but in consciousness that is the the flowing or natural unfolding experiencing of thought, feeling and sense, THROUGH rules of a hierarchy of levels. Some 'rules' are assigned to nature and some to nurture - but in this topic I felt awareness of the sense of induced scarcity or suppression of the freedom and scope of consciousness and subsequent shifting as a result of carrot and stick inducements. That is of the divided or conflicted and over-ruled sense of a consciousness that runs a narrative identity or surface awareness within a ruled or defined capacity to persist conflict as a mitigated, and 'controllable' life-experience.
In many ways our sense of manipulative controlling of life is the blind spot to the nature of our own 'ruled' or scripted thinking. And the nature of wishing to be the gatekeeper or insider to change is to align with the change so as to use it to private advantage rather than as the recognition of the movement of being - that is in a sense an 'energy reading' of the current qualities of being - AND their relational filtering in suppression or expression.
Because that what is always 'going on' - the qualities of being, as 'interpreted' through the filters or definitions of 'self'.
Being - or Existence - is a quality that cannot be defined. It singular quality is equally present or pervasive in All That Is - but our experiencing of our being is through differentiations of qualities given focus. If you stopped thinking to consider and know existence at the beginning of this paragraph, you will have felt something of the primary qualities of being - that you are.
The unthinkable, is no thought at all, but what we react to as unthinkable is the thought of denial. That which denies who we 'think' or 'rule' our self to be, is likewise denied. There is an equal and opposite reaction within which one can seem to be the power and the doer - or the subject or victim in regard to limiting and limited, judging and judged, validating and invalidated.
The interior 'consciousness' of power that begets powerlessness, that flips and shifts and changes because the rules are only as 'powerful' as they are given acceptance and acted upon as true, drives patterns of personal, cultural and social development, where an identity investment grows at expense of its true context and effectively undermines its own seeming 'existence' - because existence never enters into agreement or attacks the 'rules' of personal or social separations, hierarchies, or models of reality, and the quality of existence is to know itself in all that it is. But a ruled out or compartmentalised sense of self, knows itself by what it is not - through the invalidating idea of denial, non-existence or death.
This is not addressing how we as a society, assign, deny or distort values, to serve a denied or distorted sense of our own existence - that is out of conscious alignment with Felt Existence. But that we cannot change what mind or consciousness or indeed awareness, truly Is. The belief that we can and have, is the unthinkable idea, taken in and lived out from as if ITS result is our own private thinking mind. But the nature of denial is to protect this 'thinking' at expense of our true awareness. This shifting, evasive and convoluted 'mind' can be called running away from our Self - and yet it never has but run away with the wish and belief - of an identity theft. But where you choose to look to find yourself is up to you - regardless of the 'rules' that hold some sense of order within chaotic reactivity. The movement of being is not our slave or exploitable resource by which to gratify an addictive and fearful sense of lack. Nor is it vengeful to error.
When all around are 'losing their heads', keep your own as the presence of heart and mind as one. It is not in itself difficult to be and alight in who you are, but it is extremely difficult to maintain the structures of self-protection as who you are not.
The attempt to overcome the difficult, makes fear the master - under the belief this must be done. But to share in the experience of the easy, is to grow the trust and the courage to move through the difficult and see with new vision. The easy may seem the repugnant, insulting and unthinkable to the investment in managing the difficult. It may seem like we have to eat or process our own shit - instead of outsourcing it to others and a world that we can feel somewhat righteous at calling 'shit' and therefore withholding our recognition and appreciation of its true being.
Tuesday, 19 December 2017
Healing the heart of attack
Written into this comment thread (Dr Malcolm Kendrick - and commenters - on and around what causes heart disease).
What rises of itself when stress falls away (as result of no longer being given focus), is a quality of being, that carries within itself what no external substitution can provide. But which now it is the freedom to live and give out from a true appreciation.
A quality of wholeness that cannot be grasped in possession or controlled under definition, but we get in our own way.
I sense that the heart is truly responsive to all that is within us - as a whole. Literally. And not a pump that pushes everything around. But control freaks 'see' themselves in everything - and hence never run out of things to manage. (And I address that term to the chatter-blind mind in us all).
Religion as a word is devalued, just as all words have been devalued by misuse. If we use something to mask or hide in, we are no longer using it as a point of re-cognition or re-membering the living. Love of truth finds seeks to find, and by releasing from what is unfounded, grows appreciation within the true. Science and Religion (Spirituality) are equal paths and Art is the interplay of both in one purpose. Fear of truth seeks everywhere else, indefinitely, and with much ado, seeming to find but only finding more cause to seek in more ways that serve 'seek and do not find'. Like 'War on Cancer'. Or on anything else.
Throwing out the 'baby' of being with the 'bathwater' of religious cultural tradition, is 'death by association' through rejecting forms that trigger conditioned reactions. But at some point, awareness of this device reveals to a new vision, that the 'way home' from a conditioned 'identity' trap, (or unresolved self-conflict), is the willingness to look at what our mind ruled out in haste, without the means to know its own choice - because it worked for what was needed at the time it was needed.
Does it matter what particular 'paths' work for us, or is what matters the qualities we bring into our relationships? The fact that we can pass off as what we are not, or accept what we WANT to be true at expense of looking or listening, is part of being identified in masking of image and form instead of discerning true qualities. What seems like a study under experts may be a ruse by which to degrade the lives of millions with toxic waste - willingly ingested in place of real food.
- - -
In meeting deeper conflicted stresses in which 'self and its world break down' or are found no longer workable, (strain), I have learned not to dwell or invest in 'my story', but rather to stay open to a wider perspective, for my need is to attend presently and listen within, to release the habits of dependency on what does not and cannot work, and to naturally embrace more consciously aligned choices. In my case I had no attraction to any kind of pharma or other drugs because of not wanting to further mask over or interfere with what is really going on. (truth or self-honesty). So I live with and through what life unfolds as a willingness of discovery and acceptance. I see that fearing negative outcomes works a self-fulfilling prophecy, so I don't live as if to avert or escape them - but for what I can and do appreciate. The 'what' of it is my responsibility - that is - the result of choices I am making, knowingly or as old learned habit.
I too have 'cut the rope' of one I loved so dear. She was and therefore is, a true blessing in my life that became a deeply cutting gift to live on as the 'surviving' of. There is a phrase, 'storing up treasures in Heaven', that may seem trite, but every loving thought and act is witness to true, and the 'heaven' of a truly embracing 'self (and other) acceptance' waits on willingness, not on time, or death or some 'other' moment. This is to say that our thinking can and will block our true appreciation if we are drifting under it rather than discerning its nature.
"I hate myself and want to die" is a corollary of the failure of; "I want it THUS!" - though of course the breaking or sense being denied may express as "NOT THIS!" or "NO!" I see variations of this 'energetic' through the generations, and running beneath what we take to be our lives.
Waking and healing; I think it takes whatever it takes - no point in 'measuring or comparing' what we want to be free of. Perhaps the gift is in recognising within myself - what I had seen and loved in her, and accepting or letting in these qualities as welcome and true. She was my first born child and brought the light of heaven to my sense of inadequate resource and fear of unworthiness of honouring a sacred trust. Life is challenging, transformative and at times extremely demanding of focus. Life is guiding, supporting and embracing of all that I am - but only through my willingness to let into.
I was raised without religion by parents who wanted to bury and escape anything not modern. A New World of Scientific Progress emerging from the post war austerity. In a sense I came in by the 'back door' of wordless 'territory' of overwhelming experience (Long before Ellie left) - but never into any organised institution. I 'sense' this territory in all for whom 'reality' breaks - but not as a call to 'save' anyone - but rather as a sense of companioning in shared purpose. Waking and healing.
Those whose world has yet to open where they do not expect, must live what seems self-evidently real to them until discover what they do not expect. Some releasing is incremental and ongoing and some can be shocking and sudden. I say 'releasing' because I have no desire to hold onto and build upon pain and loss - but in its timing I did need to honour everything I felt before I was ready and willing to move on. In that sense the cutting away was the healing - and apart from chain smoking and yet breathing, it did not occur to me to not live the feelings. In truth I felt my life depended on honouring them - but not indulging them. As I see it, compassion heals, and sympathy damns - but one doesn't have to meet the demands of others.
Where the hammer blow falls - more will strike. Heart failure could quite evidently occur though wearing down under strain - so I notice that kind of thinking that thinks itself 'my life' - and don't indulge it or feed it. But abide through its moment to focus willingly in what moves and lives me now.
I only offer this as an example of a non medical response to fear, pain, loss, isolation, and any thought/feeling of unworthiness. But it happened I chose or accepted to be so, but not as something to live up to and 'become'.
Thursday, 23 November 2017
Shallow breathing and living charge
I would be inclined to expect unfelt and unconscious shallow breathing to be part of weaker function. With mouth breathing as a sign of lack of energy. What is 'over breathing'? (Ok I looked it up).
I've recently adopted the 'nitric oxide dump' 4min exercise from Zach Bush (Mercola brought him on stage at some forum recently and I followed him up). Nose breathing is part of its working and chimes with other things I recently met on not mouth breathing.
When the shoe fits - wear it - but chasing 'health' in terms of externals is a reinforcer of a sense of lack. Breathing is a core fundamental activity that as with so much else can set up a positive or negative reinforcement loop. Is it not all about where we are coming from? A sense of connection lived or a sense of lack in seeking elsewhere.
I don't know a lot about NO - and if as I do - it will open a lot more that I don't know or perhaps frame me in presuming to know.
But Zach Bush indicates the first 4 mins or so of a persistent exercise release the NO - after which it takes a couple of hours to replenish (?) - and so don't repeat the exercise again too soon. So this is just me repeating what I heard. Stress-triggering NO opens the flow to more regeneration, repair and robustness to the musculature and vasculature. Sounds plausible. Its all about finding your balance in life or perhaps losing it in habit-forms of sleepwalking through it.
If we were regarded as a living battery we would need charge/discharge cycles to maintain and embody polarity charge. Which is that flowing yin-yang embrace of each within the other and both/all within the whole. In our society, a polarized communication breakdown operates both poles against the centre instead of a centred balance point embracing both (all) polarities. A false centrism denies polarity in risk aversion. Loss of balance in alignment generates an action reaction reinforcement that depletes and exhausts the natural desire to support and embrace it. Everything falls apart without a true rythmic balancing of the centre with its field, and the field with its centre. Control is not top down - except as organised disorder trying to pass off as control. Alignment in unified purpose is a true control. In simple terms this is in the felt qualities of our being that seem cliches to their lip service or masking facade - but joy in what we be and do is not complicated though such purpose lived will inevitable meet all the 'complications' we individually and collectively set up to evade, delay or deny presence in reacting to something passing off as true.
I've recently adopted the 'nitric oxide dump' 4min exercise from Zach Bush (Mercola brought him on stage at some forum recently and I followed him up). Nose breathing is part of its working and chimes with other things I recently met on not mouth breathing.
When the shoe fits - wear it - but chasing 'health' in terms of externals is a reinforcer of a sense of lack. Breathing is a core fundamental activity that as with so much else can set up a positive or negative reinforcement loop. Is it not all about where we are coming from? A sense of connection lived or a sense of lack in seeking elsewhere.
I don't know a lot about NO - and if as I do - it will open a lot more that I don't know or perhaps frame me in presuming to know.
But Zach Bush indicates the first 4 mins or so of a persistent exercise release the NO - after which it takes a couple of hours to replenish (?) - and so don't repeat the exercise again too soon. So this is just me repeating what I heard. Stress-triggering NO opens the flow to more regeneration, repair and robustness to the musculature and vasculature. Sounds plausible. Its all about finding your balance in life or perhaps losing it in habit-forms of sleepwalking through it.
If we were regarded as a living battery we would need charge/discharge cycles to maintain and embody polarity charge. Which is that flowing yin-yang embrace of each within the other and both/all within the whole. In our society, a polarized communication breakdown operates both poles against the centre instead of a centred balance point embracing both (all) polarities. A false centrism denies polarity in risk aversion. Loss of balance in alignment generates an action reaction reinforcement that depletes and exhausts the natural desire to support and embrace it. Everything falls apart without a true rythmic balancing of the centre with its field, and the field with its centre. Control is not top down - except as organised disorder trying to pass off as control. Alignment in unified purpose is a true control. In simple terms this is in the felt qualities of our being that seem cliches to their lip service or masking facade - but joy in what we be and do is not complicated though such purpose lived will inevitable meet all the 'complications' we individually and collectively set up to evade, delay or deny presence in reacting to something passing off as true.
Lost heart communication
I have read and lived enough to accept that the heart is not the 'pump' it is believed to be, and that that the whole cardiovascular system (no less than any of the body) is literally alive - or enlivened. I also read that there are very thin walls in areas that are presumed to carry huge pressure loads...
I feel that assigning 'evolution' as 'THE truth' is no less prone to the ills blamed on its predecessor - (or worse - for at least a god might change His or Her Mind) - whereas a reverse engineered narrative control - can't be questioned or challenged - 'post truth' is the assertion there is none but the operation of power gained by another's loss or denial.
"Settled Scientific Consensual Edicts and Regulations Save Us from mad heretical dangerous threats and evil terrors" - (truly felt and shared appreciation and participation in living). But the idea of lawful or congruent unfoldment of (any accepted) idea is Logic - and even if presumptions are insane - their logical outcomes proceed unless the predicate is changed. A mindset is a choice-pattern or fixation of 'minding' that seems to be a possession (or possessor?). At least in its time it does.
The idea we humans are out of communication or dissonant and destructive to our own nature, is the development of a 'second nature' that 'killed its predecessor' - as the persistent and defended focus of an overriding assertion of subjective development of need driven learning ability.
The basis of this does not bear close scrutiny - and so the mind looking out simply will not look within - indeed a masking persona is our means by which not to. How else to entrance the human experience? - Which is far more than our animal capacity - as the parent of any developmentally handicapped child knows. The human 'world' is a 'meaning-model' that is held and maintained within consciousness and embodied in cultural, personal and biological expression. But as I indicated, the meanings we accept true logically determine our resulting experience even if magical or wishful thinking - and so we are both teaching idea and learning it - either in a mouth to ear loop of conditioned reaction of with some spark of conscious discernment as to the legitimacy and veracity - and coherence - of our reality experience.
I have read and lived enough to accept that the heart is not the 'pump' it is believed to be, and that that the whole cardiovascular system (no less than any of the body) is literally alive - or enlivened. I also read that there are very thin walls in areas that are presumed to carry huge pressure loads...
I feel that assigning 'evolution' as 'THE truth' is no less prone to the ills blamed on its predecessor - (or worse - for at least a god might change His or Her Mind) - whereas a reverse engineered narrative control - can't be questioned or challenged - 'post truth' is the assertion there is none but the operation of power gained by another's loss or denial.
"Settled Scientific Consensual Edicts and Regulations Save Us from mad heretical dangerous threats and evil terrors" - (truly felt and shared appreciation and participation in living). But the idea of lawful or congruent unfoldment of (any accepted) idea is Logic - and even if presumptions are insane - their logical outcomes proceed unless the predicate is changed. A mindset is a choice-pattern or fixation of 'minding' that seems to be a possession (or possessor?). At least in its time it does.
The idea we humans are out of communication or dissonant and destructive to our own nature, is the development of a 'second nature' that 'killed its predecessor' - as the persistent and defended focus of an overriding assertion of subjective development of need driven learning ability.
The basis of this does not bear close scrutiny - and so the mind looking out simply will not look within - indeed a masking persona is our means by which not to. How else to entrance the human experience? - Which is far more than our animal capacity - as the parent of any developmentally handicapped child knows. The human 'world' is a 'meaning-model' that is held and maintained within consciousness and embodied in cultural, personal and biological expression. But as I indicated, the meanings we accept true logically determine our resulting experience even if magical or wishful thinking - and so we are both teaching idea and learning it - either in a mouth to ear loop of conditioned reaction of with some spark of conscious discernment as to the legitimacy and veracity - and coherence - of our reality experience.
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
New light on heart health?
Vincent Nonnenmacher posted
Richly resonating to say the most!
Does not this study most directly address the 'process' or development of incompletely identified prime suspects (atherosclerosis) regarding heart disease? While reasonably challenging more than a few sacred cows - but under a congruent hypothesis of significant accounting for observed experience?
I am already aware of Seneff's and Pollack's work - (and of the establishment antipathy to 'plasma' underpinnings as the Way Things Work - (for it would mark the end of a 'dark matter-ialism) - for its principles are scalable from the Galactic to the intracellular).
" It's Life Jim - but not as we thought we knew it!"
I appreciate Seneff (and anyone's) willingness to explore the premise of Body as of a wholeness, operating by design to maintain core function under conditions of defficiency or toxicity. This contrasts with our (unconscious) framing in the conditioned narrative presumptions of a flawed, failed or fallen nature, (guilt assigned to weak or failed body/mind), attack, (consequence of guilt), breakdown,in pain and loss, (penalty), and the call to intervene without checking the truth of our perception/belief/experience/reaction.
Interventions may embody 'limited sacrifice' seeking to pre-empt or mitigate greater penalty, heroic rescue, by appeal to magical reassigning of causes and treatments to diversionary focus and procedures - but they can also align with serving the reintegration to health and wholeness in its own terms - rather than in terms of all the king's horses and all the king's men. Many may assign the idea that life has its own innate guidance, support and recovery system as delusional, but that is the result of the idea we can override life to comply and conform to our model of definition, prediction and control ...or fearful defence management. Who is in fact delusional?
As someone who has developed an intuitive discernment in terms of consciousness - I see the same core pattern of belief-protection operating out-from a sense of lack of wholeness defending its image, model or identity against wholeness or health. This predicate running pervasive to our consciousness/worldview and invested self-interest. "Everything is backwards" as the Ellsner quote expands. Perhaps IF we corroborate Seneff's findings as valid - it may help question the way we frame questions.
The history of the suppression, erasure, demonisation via smear, and domination or manipulation of 'consensual' narrative account and belief, can be used a guide to opportunities NOT taken that remain available. But no one can open to consider a view that challenges, undermines or renders obsolete the currently invested identity - and there's the rub. Invested identifications operate as accepted/believed true in place of relational integrity - and wholeness or congruence is relational integrity - that is also 'scalable' as resonant communication.
A false or mis identification, generates negative synergistic reinforcement. Similar in a sense to the adage that a lie calls upon another to keep it hidden until the tares overwhelm the crop... or the harvest gathered in.
And yet the development of a complex subjective (mythic) consciousness upon such identity-reaction maintains psychic-emotional survival within the physical - but at odds with or dissociated from a true appreciation of existence and in a sense, blindly at war with its own good.
The upshot being that we generally get it upside down and back to front as a result of an original error that 'problem solving' obliterates from the possibility of revision. So perhaps it is not an error until we do not want the result it brings. As the song goes - 'some dance to remember, and some dance to forget'. (Hotel California)
Vincent Nonnenmacher posted
Interesting to see how these ‘specialists’ are prompt to dismiss such long term established empirical ‘wisdom sayings’ as non sense when modern science could try to explain that our own biochemical pathways could use garlic as a backup source of sulfur for deficiency of Cholesterol-sulfate.
There is a very interesting article here :
Where a lot of clues that our host <Malcolm Kendrick> is seeding along its 3 part wonderful threads are assembled in an intriguing explanation.
It is exactly as a thriller, where all names are cited, even atherom formation, elevated blood pressure and trombosis are exposed not as the culprit but explanation of ways for the body to regulate flow (there is also some explanations on why such difference between arteries and veins due to electromagnetic fields differences due to water conduction and exclusion zone differences between the size and flow conditions).
Fascinating to say the least!
Richly resonating to say the most!
Does not this study most directly address the 'process' or development of incompletely identified prime suspects (atherosclerosis) regarding heart disease? While reasonably challenging more than a few sacred cows - but under a congruent hypothesis of significant accounting for observed experience?
I am already aware of Seneff's and Pollack's work - (and of the establishment antipathy to 'plasma' underpinnings as the Way Things Work - (for it would mark the end of a 'dark matter-ialism) - for its principles are scalable from the Galactic to the intracellular).
" It's Life Jim - but not as we thought we knew it!"
I appreciate Seneff (and anyone's) willingness to explore the premise of Body as of a wholeness, operating by design to maintain core function under conditions of defficiency or toxicity. This contrasts with our (unconscious) framing in the conditioned narrative presumptions of a flawed, failed or fallen nature, (guilt assigned to weak or failed body/mind), attack, (consequence of guilt), breakdown,in pain and loss, (penalty), and the call to intervene without checking the truth of our perception/belief/experience/reaction.
Interventions may embody 'limited sacrifice' seeking to pre-empt or mitigate greater penalty, heroic rescue, by appeal to magical reassigning of causes and treatments to diversionary focus and procedures - but they can also align with serving the reintegration to health and wholeness in its own terms - rather than in terms of all the king's horses and all the king's men. Many may assign the idea that life has its own innate guidance, support and recovery system as delusional, but that is the result of the idea we can override life to comply and conform to our model of definition, prediction and control ...or fearful defence management. Who is in fact delusional?
As someone who has developed an intuitive discernment in terms of consciousness - I see the same core pattern of belief-protection operating out-from a sense of lack of wholeness defending its image, model or identity against wholeness or health. This predicate running pervasive to our consciousness/worldview and invested self-interest. "Everything is backwards" as the Ellsner quote expands. Perhaps IF we corroborate Seneff's findings as valid - it may help question the way we frame questions.
The history of the suppression, erasure, demonisation via smear, and domination or manipulation of 'consensual' narrative account and belief, can be used a guide to opportunities NOT taken that remain available. But no one can open to consider a view that challenges, undermines or renders obsolete the currently invested identity - and there's the rub. Invested identifications operate as accepted/believed true in place of relational integrity - and wholeness or congruence is relational integrity - that is also 'scalable' as resonant communication.
A false or mis identification, generates negative synergistic reinforcement. Similar in a sense to the adage that a lie calls upon another to keep it hidden until the tares overwhelm the crop... or the harvest gathered in.
And yet the development of a complex subjective (mythic) consciousness upon such identity-reaction maintains psychic-emotional survival within the physical - but at odds with or dissociated from a true appreciation of existence and in a sense, blindly at war with its own good.
The upshot being that we generally get it upside down and back to front as a result of an original error that 'problem solving' obliterates from the possibility of revision. So perhaps it is not an error until we do not want the result it brings. As the song goes - 'some dance to remember, and some dance to forget'. (Hotel California)
Sunday, 19 November 2017
Disease of the heart split off from wholeness
What Causes Heart disease? - a series of posts by Dr Malcolm Kendrick
My reflections began with response to the not unfounded idea that stress causes oxidative inflammation and disease).
Does not the term 'stress' here needs qualifying? - because the sympathetic activation of the nervous system (within healthy function) is accompanied or balanced by the parasympathetic response. They work as one thing, (e.g; stress initiates production of nitric oxide as well as suppressing it). Persistent or chronic stress (via a range of vectors) results in deficiency and/or toxicity and thus a persistent state of inflammation. This leads to dysfunction that then triggers 'backup' or re-routing systems of fulfilling function, that in time becomes adapted as an attempted 'homoeostasis' within 'stressed' (inner and outer) environmental conditions.
The psychic-emotional or 'inner' conditioning' is implicit because our response to any event is the determiner of the meaning we take from it - and thus determines any consequent reaction. Unresolved and unreleased 'conflict' of fight/flight response can and does filter our experience of everything - including attempts to escape stress by inappropriate means that themselves become an inability or refusal to address it directly - such as addictions to masking diversion. In other words much of this runs unconsciously beneath subconscious habits of reaction and belief that find support and reinforcement as social mores and behaviours or indeed regulated medical practice.
But in biological terms; action is a stressor - but also a functional AND meaningful fulfilment of being. If 'functional meaning' is limited or reduced to serve a stress-inducing sense of asserted self-will - rather than aligned and felt meaning - then muscle function is seen to fulfil its purpose as 'work done' toward attaining a goal - but set against some sense of opposition and depletion, and thus as an effort requiring or demanding sacrifice.
But if the term 'functional' is expanded to embrace a felt freedom in wholeness of being - then the embodiment of the true of you knows itself in the act of such movement of being; an act that is aligned or unconflicted with who you feel and know yourself being. In this appreciation 'work done' serves or embodies the meaning of giving and receiving, of a natural sense of belonging - rather than compliance and sufferance under transactional demands of a sense of isolation and limitation or defence.
Dissonance of unsupported isolation and limitation calls for defence, and maps out threat - as an overlaying or filtered awareness of being, re-routing energies and priorities as an autonomic survival reflex, until the conflict is resolved and relaxation re-opens functional presence of re-integration and regeneration.
But if such dissonance persists as unresolved self-conflict, the relaxation, reconnection is effectively blocked by being indefinitely delayed by a mind set in restless or compulsive engagement of attention against genuine relaxation. This survival reflex runs as a masked and masking conditioning - as a subjective sense of managing its 'self or life problem' in terms of maintaining psychic-distantiation and a sense of private or personal defence and control relative a fragmented or 'chaotic; sense of compulsion to "DO something!" in ongoing reinforcement of a narrative identity as the re-enactment of the patterns of its own 'conflict resolution' mask or personality construct.
'Trouble abroad diverts from trouble at home' - and in a sense our 'world' operates a displacement and diversion from core issues of 'escaped' or 'lidded over' self-conflict. We don't just 'see' what is truly here - but through the filter of our (psychic-emotional) mind-filtering - and suffer it as real while the filtering operates unchallenged as purposes no longer called for or needed.
This surface personality is in a sense, extremely fragile - and thus heavily defended against literally impossible odds - because 'reality control' is impossible (and unnecessary) no matter how charged up the attempt to put such a Humpty together again - however or whoever is flagged up as the scapegoat or bogeyman. Indeed a closed-minded defence against healing perspective is the result of exclusive investment in such a narrative identity that at root, polarizes against a feared, hated, 'enemy' or 'evil'. And it is such deeply conflicted aversion and denial that sets the 'foundation' for a relative sense of self-righteous 'escape' from perceived and believed guilt and fear of profound self conflict.
Any triggering event to the breaking of such 'reality' to the uncovering of otherwise concealed (unconsciously denied) conflict may be experienced as an extreme 'attack' of overwhelmingly traumatic experience. But also to an awakening to the More of what life is - than what we thought and accepted true.
Is our life experience a balanced rhythmic flowing exchange in which psychic-emotional consciousness reflects both a feedback mechanism to our defined object environment - AND a vector through which self-aware recognition automatically aligns the field of its own definitions?
A state of persistent conflict/inflammation, invoking 'backup' strategies of more complex and less efficient systems of fulfiling function (survival) - has a psychic-emotional corollary of 'consciousness' ... as we more or less consensually imagine, define, accept, and operate from as if true. It is hardly a 'blank slate' - but rather a dissociated personality adaptation overlaid upon its original nature. Conflict avoidance becomes parasympathetic dominant and passive-aggressively withdrawn from relations. Conflict expression becomes the blind arrogance of self-righteous assertion upon others - and overrides communication and relationship. The embrace of seemingly polarized conflict is the true nature of being that gives us identity of alignment in unifying and reintegrating purpose. I hold that we have it backwards - putting consciousness as the 'effect' - and yet as we define consciousness it IS an effect. The power to define thus is however the power innate to consciousness - even when running as if unconscious to a sense of life lived independently within its terms.
# 2
Stress also activates nitric oxide production/release as well as limiting it. While generally agreeing with your sketch as a work in progress, I am aware that we mythologize our experience of world and body, or rather, we interpret the world mythically. Perhaps A.I may learn to think as a wholeness instead of trying to put Humpty together again in impossibly complex linear conceptual mappings of variable responding at once to each other?
So I sense Life embodies a communication of balanced functionality that our good v bad 'narrative identity' can only distort. And so I see the good v bad narrative identity as a symptom/reinforcement of a persistently maintained imbalance aka 'define and control mentality' or psychic-emotional defence - as a result of a perceived and believed loss of wholeness of being - and adaptations of persisting under such conditions. This 'development' runs its prodigal course as a dissociation in fragmentation that eventually results in desire for and reintegration within wholeness of being - which is directly Felt Life - rather than emotionally reactive or suppressive mentality operating upon it. The blocks to feeling being - including substitutions for true presence lived - are both biologically conditioned and psychically reinforced. Does the blood beat the heart? Does environment determine the particulars we see as 'agents' - ie bugs, virii, bacterium, fungi? Is 'environment' merely or exclusively physical or is 'psychic' a pervasive field of informing-information to a tangible expression/experience? Indeed is our consciousness actually the biogenome?
Without it we would have no life in the body - and mitochondria is the intracellular powering of vitally organised bio-electrical and kinetic energy. Why exclude the informational energetic of consciousness?
The consciousness of the personality construct is in many ways a reversal of Consciousness; a cause defined and trapped in its own effect. I see that prematurely opening 'identity in persona' (presumed consciousness) into Consciousness could result in heart failure or psychosis. But I also see that clinging on to outgrown beliefs as a personal sense of 'power' also necessitates 'breakdown' of such a focus or structure in Consciousness.
I cant escape the feeling that the attempt to find the 'cause' in a complex network of symptoms or effects is inadvertently hiding or protecting the cause from exposure by investing in search somewhere else than the realm of Cause.
That is to say - I hold that psychic-emotional conception, filters and distorts a pervasive field of energetic informational communication - (that may facilitate communication breakdown) - relative to its alignment or dissonance in relation to core function.
'Self-inhibiting consciousness' may also be assigned as subjective consciousness can seem to suppress life and seem to step outside it. We can embrace this as its own process of development and discovery, through which consciousness of self and world change as a result of adopting or releasing limiting belief. "It's life Jim, but not as we think we know it".
While science has worked like a demon to exclude consciousness - excepting as some sort of afterthought (an image we are rapidly embodying in robotic compliance to our own beliefs) - it is of course an expression of it. (A self-defeating dead end unless something stirs awake!).
If the yin/yang of sympathetic/parasympathetic function is the key of wholeness or health - then attending to the realignment to wholeness undoes the conditions associating with a state of dysfunctional imbalance. I sense that 'attacking' or suppressing symptoms often works a magic of seeming to work until the result of being further 'attacked' reasserts itself - perhaps in new forms. Don't just do something! Stand there! And react not without pausing what we think we know, enough to be genuinely curious to know.
I sense an aversion to 'simple answers' is when these are assigned support narrative assumptions already aligned with invested or conditioned identity. However that seemingly simple narrative identity investment is an extremely complex psychic-emotional complex with only a 'front end' that seems self-evident as 'the world'.
Not perhaps the kind of conversation that fits a 'medical model' - but that is the nature of the narrative control; it filters to rule-out (as psychological defence) - so as to rule over a subjective experience, and yet becomes subject to its own thoughts believed true. A useful tool, consciously held, or a forgotten consciousness in conditioned reaction.
I don't see a necessary war between purpose (aligning spirit) and desire (matter to you). But if what matters to us is framed in such a way as to defeat purpose, then complexity confounds the desire as persistent un-fulfilment of core function/nature. Narrative control is a strain and a burden of impossible 'responsibility' because it is the effect of self conflict, seeking causes outside - and be-living them AS testimony to being 'right' or validated over or upon a sense of wrong, projected away.
My reflections began with response to the not unfounded idea that stress causes oxidative inflammation and disease).
Does not the term 'stress' here needs qualifying? - because the sympathetic activation of the nervous system (within healthy function) is accompanied or balanced by the parasympathetic response. They work as one thing, (e.g; stress initiates production of nitric oxide as well as suppressing it). Persistent or chronic stress (via a range of vectors) results in deficiency and/or toxicity and thus a persistent state of inflammation. This leads to dysfunction that then triggers 'backup' or re-routing systems of fulfilling function, that in time becomes adapted as an attempted 'homoeostasis' within 'stressed' (inner and outer) environmental conditions.
The psychic-emotional or 'inner' conditioning' is implicit because our response to any event is the determiner of the meaning we take from it - and thus determines any consequent reaction. Unresolved and unreleased 'conflict' of fight/flight response can and does filter our experience of everything - including attempts to escape stress by inappropriate means that themselves become an inability or refusal to address it directly - such as addictions to masking diversion. In other words much of this runs unconsciously beneath subconscious habits of reaction and belief that find support and reinforcement as social mores and behaviours or indeed regulated medical practice.
But in biological terms; action is a stressor - but also a functional AND meaningful fulfilment of being. If 'functional meaning' is limited or reduced to serve a stress-inducing sense of asserted self-will - rather than aligned and felt meaning - then muscle function is seen to fulfil its purpose as 'work done' toward attaining a goal - but set against some sense of opposition and depletion, and thus as an effort requiring or demanding sacrifice.
But if the term 'functional' is expanded to embrace a felt freedom in wholeness of being - then the embodiment of the true of you knows itself in the act of such movement of being; an act that is aligned or unconflicted with who you feel and know yourself being. In this appreciation 'work done' serves or embodies the meaning of giving and receiving, of a natural sense of belonging - rather than compliance and sufferance under transactional demands of a sense of isolation and limitation or defence.
Dissonance of unsupported isolation and limitation calls for defence, and maps out threat - as an overlaying or filtered awareness of being, re-routing energies and priorities as an autonomic survival reflex, until the conflict is resolved and relaxation re-opens functional presence of re-integration and regeneration.
But if such dissonance persists as unresolved self-conflict, the relaxation, reconnection is effectively blocked by being indefinitely delayed by a mind set in restless or compulsive engagement of attention against genuine relaxation. This survival reflex runs as a masked and masking conditioning - as a subjective sense of managing its 'self or life problem' in terms of maintaining psychic-distantiation and a sense of private or personal defence and control relative a fragmented or 'chaotic; sense of compulsion to "DO something!" in ongoing reinforcement of a narrative identity as the re-enactment of the patterns of its own 'conflict resolution' mask or personality construct.
'Trouble abroad diverts from trouble at home' - and in a sense our 'world' operates a displacement and diversion from core issues of 'escaped' or 'lidded over' self-conflict. We don't just 'see' what is truly here - but through the filter of our (psychic-emotional) mind-filtering - and suffer it as real while the filtering operates unchallenged as purposes no longer called for or needed.
This surface personality is in a sense, extremely fragile - and thus heavily defended against literally impossible odds - because 'reality control' is impossible (and unnecessary) no matter how charged up the attempt to put such a Humpty together again - however or whoever is flagged up as the scapegoat or bogeyman. Indeed a closed-minded defence against healing perspective is the result of exclusive investment in such a narrative identity that at root, polarizes against a feared, hated, 'enemy' or 'evil'. And it is such deeply conflicted aversion and denial that sets the 'foundation' for a relative sense of self-righteous 'escape' from perceived and believed guilt and fear of profound self conflict.
Any triggering event to the breaking of such 'reality' to the uncovering of otherwise concealed (unconsciously denied) conflict may be experienced as an extreme 'attack' of overwhelmingly traumatic experience. But also to an awakening to the More of what life is - than what we thought and accepted true.
Is our life experience a balanced rhythmic flowing exchange in which psychic-emotional consciousness reflects both a feedback mechanism to our defined object environment - AND a vector through which self-aware recognition automatically aligns the field of its own definitions?
A state of persistent conflict/inflammation, invoking 'backup' strategies of more complex and less efficient systems of fulfiling function (survival) - has a psychic-emotional corollary of 'consciousness' ... as we more or less consensually imagine, define, accept, and operate from as if true. It is hardly a 'blank slate' - but rather a dissociated personality adaptation overlaid upon its original nature. Conflict avoidance becomes parasympathetic dominant and passive-aggressively withdrawn from relations. Conflict expression becomes the blind arrogance of self-righteous assertion upon others - and overrides communication and relationship. The embrace of seemingly polarized conflict is the true nature of being that gives us identity of alignment in unifying and reintegrating purpose. I hold that we have it backwards - putting consciousness as the 'effect' - and yet as we define consciousness it IS an effect. The power to define thus is however the power innate to consciousness - even when running as if unconscious to a sense of life lived independently within its terms.
# 2
Stress also activates nitric oxide production/release as well as limiting it. While generally agreeing with your sketch as a work in progress, I am aware that we mythologize our experience of world and body, or rather, we interpret the world mythically. Perhaps A.I may learn to think as a wholeness instead of trying to put Humpty together again in impossibly complex linear conceptual mappings of variable responding at once to each other?
So I sense Life embodies a communication of balanced functionality that our good v bad 'narrative identity' can only distort. And so I see the good v bad narrative identity as a symptom/reinforcement of a persistently maintained imbalance aka 'define and control mentality' or psychic-emotional defence - as a result of a perceived and believed loss of wholeness of being - and adaptations of persisting under such conditions. This 'development' runs its prodigal course as a dissociation in fragmentation that eventually results in desire for and reintegration within wholeness of being - which is directly Felt Life - rather than emotionally reactive or suppressive mentality operating upon it. The blocks to feeling being - including substitutions for true presence lived - are both biologically conditioned and psychically reinforced. Does the blood beat the heart? Does environment determine the particulars we see as 'agents' - ie bugs, virii, bacterium, fungi? Is 'environment' merely or exclusively physical or is 'psychic' a pervasive field of informing-information to a tangible expression/experience? Indeed is our consciousness actually the biogenome?
Without it we would have no life in the body - and mitochondria is the intracellular powering of vitally organised bio-electrical and kinetic energy. Why exclude the informational energetic of consciousness?
The consciousness of the personality construct is in many ways a reversal of Consciousness; a cause defined and trapped in its own effect. I see that prematurely opening 'identity in persona' (presumed consciousness) into Consciousness could result in heart failure or psychosis. But I also see that clinging on to outgrown beliefs as a personal sense of 'power' also necessitates 'breakdown' of such a focus or structure in Consciousness.
I cant escape the feeling that the attempt to find the 'cause' in a complex network of symptoms or effects is inadvertently hiding or protecting the cause from exposure by investing in search somewhere else than the realm of Cause.
That is to say - I hold that psychic-emotional conception, filters and distorts a pervasive field of energetic informational communication - (that may facilitate communication breakdown) - relative to its alignment or dissonance in relation to core function.
'Self-inhibiting consciousness' may also be assigned as subjective consciousness can seem to suppress life and seem to step outside it. We can embrace this as its own process of development and discovery, through which consciousness of self and world change as a result of adopting or releasing limiting belief. "It's life Jim, but not as we think we know it".
While science has worked like a demon to exclude consciousness - excepting as some sort of afterthought (an image we are rapidly embodying in robotic compliance to our own beliefs) - it is of course an expression of it. (A self-defeating dead end unless something stirs awake!).
If the yin/yang of sympathetic/parasympathetic function is the key of wholeness or health - then attending to the realignment to wholeness undoes the conditions associating with a state of dysfunctional imbalance. I sense that 'attacking' or suppressing symptoms often works a magic of seeming to work until the result of being further 'attacked' reasserts itself - perhaps in new forms. Don't just do something! Stand there! And react not without pausing what we think we know, enough to be genuinely curious to know.
I sense an aversion to 'simple answers' is when these are assigned support narrative assumptions already aligned with invested or conditioned identity. However that seemingly simple narrative identity investment is an extremely complex psychic-emotional complex with only a 'front end' that seems self-evident as 'the world'.
Not perhaps the kind of conversation that fits a 'medical model' - but that is the nature of the narrative control; it filters to rule-out (as psychological defence) - so as to rule over a subjective experience, and yet becomes subject to its own thoughts believed true. A useful tool, consciously held, or a forgotten consciousness in conditioned reaction.
I don't see a necessary war between purpose (aligning spirit) and desire (matter to you). But if what matters to us is framed in such a way as to defeat purpose, then complexity confounds the desire as persistent un-fulfilment of core function/nature. Narrative control is a strain and a burden of impossible 'responsibility' because it is the effect of self conflict, seeking causes outside - and be-living them AS testimony to being 'right' or validated over or upon a sense of wrong, projected away.
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Mitochondrial Health - Reflections
Mitochondrial Health (ANH)
I note the effect of near infra red on the (water in the) capilliary blood and intra celluar voltage – is this a significant facet?
Perhaps there already is a website already – but an educative mind-mapping wiki of information bubbles could lend itself a graphical interface by which to visually learn relationships and biochemical pathways of our biology (that also interfaces with environmental factors and psychic-emotional environmental factors). A more relational approach than linear definitional construct.
Psychic-emotional factors are only psychological when studied – and then always through the psychic emotional filters of the ‘student’ or scientist that in turn bring forth psychic-emotional responses in the ‘studied’. So this is much more pervasive and fluctuating than any psychological model would suggest.
We live in consciousness with the notion that we ‘have one’ or are the controller – (or our ‘brain’ is), yet amidst conditions of perceived threat and limitation, that become associated with external conditions rather than the definitional models of our learned reactions – that generate the re-enactment of coded ‘reality’ conditioning.
But I digress – and allow the digression because one of the most powerful healing modalities my be ‘awaiting discovery’ beneath what we think/believe we are. Note that ‘fear-of-other’ defences do the thing they purport to defend against. (Pharma sickness being an obvious example for most reading at ANH). Our attitude to life – and our development of subjective and inventive consciousness has been fear-assertive over an unrecognized dependence on a residual fertility and vitality of love’s being or functional wholeness of being.
In considering health in parts rather than as a wholeness in all its parts, our model of parts, agencies and interactions is already an expression of our own ‘narrative identity’ – ie – a control model. We have no language for wholeness excepting to live it to each other, and have ‘forgotten’ the true of who we integrally are. And yet are not completely lost from the stirring of the desire and willingness to remember. This stirring embodies its awakening through whatever structure or culture of abilities USED TO serve a fear-driven ‘war on symptoms’. And so operates within our world as a broad spectrum Emergence of integration within a deeper honesty of self-responsibility – that ‘narrative control’ interprets as ‘EMERGENCY!’
The ‘Herod syndrome’ is not merely ‘a’ wicked ruler killing innocents – but the fear of loss of control relative to the believed/perceived chaos of loss of control – which is its original birthing as a ‘survival complex’ under extreme threat and conflict.
Humpty Dumpty is an apt symbol of a fragmented chaos over which the ‘king’ is invoked as the enforcer of a narrative continuity – that we identify in thought, as personal or private survival.
But apart from these considerations of the energetic underpinning of our own seemingly split mind/world – I wanted to say that when it comes to health related information, we have little sense of the proportionate dangers or gains even if there is some truth in the information. And as such ‘health’ releated information can in fact be ‘too much inflammation!’, and operate an undermining of health in fear of and obsession with sickness as if pursueing health.
Mainstream propaganda/PR for capturing mindshare does this by design – but other agencies of communication can also succumb to a fear-narrative under wishful or hopeful guise and believing – add credible witness to a deceit. ‘Alt health news’ may bring more sense of positive synergies of thought, behaviour and environment – but with the risk of polarising in a ‘better’ version of the old wine-bottle paradigm.
Navigating the ‘chaotic’ diversity of a seemingly conflicting and competing information explosion is challenging on a number of levels and so most of us give our power and trust to accepted ‘experts’ or perhaps to that which reinforces our wish that something be true. We may then join in bias or succumb to the same errors as are presented true.
Self honesty is something ‘little Herods’ also feel unable to afford or allow – excepting when it fits our filters and support our sense of identity assertion. But we are each and all containing all of the archetypes of story in different mixes and forms – and so the embrace of and reintegration of rejected self, within wholeness of being – is the awakening within a truly unifying purpose.
No part imposing upon the rest can unify. Nor the “1%” under ‘new world order’. Only the awakening of the radiance and presence of love unifies – by recognizing and extending true – rather than seeking and finding what is ‘wrong’ with everyone/everything so as to gain the role of judge or ‘corrector’ or indeed physician/healer.
When our faculties and abilities align within the ‘extension’ or natural radiance of wholeness, the ‘evils of the day thereof’ are brought to light – rather than sacrificing the light to the attempt to fix, overcome or heal them in the form and framing of their presentation.
I associate our gut bionome with the 'Mother' - I also associate their biodiverse 'cooperative with a reflection or embodiment of our psychic-emotional balance and alignment in life. A false sense of neutrality loses the vital charge of life in defending a static or fixed sense of self, in fear of transformation
The lie and the father of the lie - are a misidentification running as a (false) foundation. The lies are symptoms of the nature of their genesis; born in attempt to deny and overlay a mask (or fig leaves) over a feared and shamed 'nakedness'.
All facets of health shine upon all others.
But the 'health' of the masking personae is only supported while its serves the need of the developing consciousness. In this sense the breakdown of the 'ego structure' is not for another or 'better' ego to stamp its order - but as a rebirth in which to feel out and choose to accept what truly resonates and stand in or align in it. This is a 'meekness to Spirit' or purpose that inherits the Living Earth - not as a prodigal runaway 'inheritance to use and use up' but as on ongoing recognition and appreciation for being.
The 'persecution' (or resistance and opposition) to the emergence of a renewed alignment in well-being (personal and cultural) is the condition in which the necessary focus and receptivity is acquired. Or to put in in reverse - is the release of the conditioned mind (or beliefs of automatic and habitual reaction) for a conscious discernment.
Whereas judgement tends to separative and rejecting segregation - discernment is a receptivity to the movement of being - and to the movement within being that is the arising of awareness to its object of affection. Instead of to its objection to affliction. And so when the latter seems to be obstructive to joy in living - pause - and attend to the former so as to re-member the meaning you give and receive.
PS: Do I write into a limited or even lack of attention?
Or do I write into the unified willingness that truly moves me!
Does communication have to be packeted and set off down 'pathways' (internet infrastructure) in search of attention?
Or is the basis of telempathy, the synchronicity of a 'wave' of opening insight, understanding, and the energy of practical support finding practical embodiment?
As a movement grows clearer in its focus, it attracts and aligns a clearer embodiment or reflection. A clarity in which residual dissonance now 'shouts' or stands revealed as 'out of true' to the fulfilment of the shared focus. As I edit this last sentence - I realize this is the mirror reflection to the perceived dissonance of any truth within the frame of narrative control - as the closing quote illustrates:
“No one understood better than Stalin that the true object of propaganda is neither to convince nor even to persuade, but to produce a uniform pattern of public utterance in which the first trace of unorthodox thought immediately reveals itself as a jarring dissonance.”
~ Alan Bullock, in Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives
# 2
I realize that the intent to sketch out felt or intuited qualities of relationship can seem crystal clear to me in the act – and then need re-reading to make its more coherent and readable to anyone else.
In some sense I risk ‘unintelligibility’ in ‘painting’ or giving form to insight – which is firstly a qualitative recognition and not a personal act. Listening BEFORE the mind reacts is a quality of inner undefended trust that I feel as ‘original nature’. But letting the mind serve to give form of expression to a felt life, is in itself a ‘reconfiguring’ of the mind as an instrument rather than in ‘define, predict and control’ of its narrative reality – that we tend to suffer as if true by our own investment in it.
So I apologize for my own liability in engaging this endeavour without fully re-reading and checking the whole before posting. But I also trust that establishing the pathways within myself is by practice, or living it – and that the nature of this grows, expands and becomes more integrated in its expression – in its own timing.
Most everything I write into the attention of a shared willingness is seeking to give articulation to foundation in wholeness of being – as an illumination and freeing from core definitions and beliefs that – in a sense – operate blindly because our own thinking is predicated upon them.
A key recognition is waking or shifting from a conceptually framed ‘identity construct’ to a present appreciation. If any such moment stirs us – then an energetic communication IS shared. The form it takes is not its meaning – but will serve the reintegration of the our sense of self and life to a truly meaningful appreciation.
I have re-edited the post above and will repost it. While you may not ‘understand’, You are the recognizer of how you limit or filter or deny your own help-met, and thus you are the freedom to release what does not now serve who you recognize yourself to be.
If I spoke in terms of what you ‘already know’ (presume), it would serve no other result than you already have. Specific questions attune a response in like kind.
‘Mere mortality’ can be used as a framework to hide in – but what could it hide, or what could it hide from? Is the human condition – as generally accepted – the human conditioning?
Questioning our predicate beliefs is different than living from them as the ‘self-evident reality’ that we have adapted to operating under. I feel such ‘reality’ is in any case ‘disintegrating’ as a narrative identity, and this uncovers a true need to know – a deeper self-honesty and an awakening self-responsibility, as idols or indeed conceptual models, fall.
So what seems philosophical/psychological/spiritual is a framing of information that can pigeon-hole and segregate. Whereas tuning into (noticing and appreciating) what is resonant to your current need to know, or love of true – is in a sense irrespective of its packaging or delivery system.
Systems of assigned meanings are like a shorthand that becomes used without reference to the original and become a basis for further disconnected meanings to likewise cover over in ‘new’ developments of greater dissociation from true relation. Redeeming the currency of our thought, word and therefore deed, is parallel to regaining a currency in true worth.
Taking a sense of worth ‘against’ a perceived or believed evil, enemy or bogeyman is the ‘action-reaction’ of unfaced and un-owned feelings of self lack, that blocks life-energy by attempts to survive under a sense of deprivation, denial, lack and attack. The ‘defence budget’ of our psychic physic and microbiological ‘economy’ is killing us.
Mitochondrial Health (ANH)
I note the effect of near infra red on the (water in the) capilliary blood and intra celluar voltage – is this a significant facet?
Perhaps there already is a website already – but an educative mind-mapping wiki of information bubbles could lend itself a graphical interface by which to visually learn relationships and biochemical pathways of our biology (that also interfaces with environmental factors and psychic-emotional environmental factors). A more relational approach than linear definitional construct.
Psychic-emotional factors are only psychological when studied – and then always through the psychic emotional filters of the ‘student’ or scientist that in turn bring forth psychic-emotional responses in the ‘studied’. So this is much more pervasive and fluctuating than any psychological model would suggest.
We live in consciousness with the notion that we ‘have one’ or are the controller – (or our ‘brain’ is), yet amidst conditions of perceived threat and limitation, that become associated with external conditions rather than the definitional models of our learned reactions – that generate the re-enactment of coded ‘reality’ conditioning.
But I digress – and allow the digression because one of the most powerful healing modalities my be ‘awaiting discovery’ beneath what we think/believe we are. Note that ‘fear-of-other’ defences do the thing they purport to defend against. (Pharma sickness being an obvious example for most reading at ANH). Our attitude to life – and our development of subjective and inventive consciousness has been fear-assertive over an unrecognized dependence on a residual fertility and vitality of love’s being or functional wholeness of being.
In considering health in parts rather than as a wholeness in all its parts, our model of parts, agencies and interactions is already an expression of our own ‘narrative identity’ – ie – a control model. We have no language for wholeness excepting to live it to each other, and have ‘forgotten’ the true of who we integrally are. And yet are not completely lost from the stirring of the desire and willingness to remember. This stirring embodies its awakening through whatever structure or culture of abilities USED TO serve a fear-driven ‘war on symptoms’. And so operates within our world as a broad spectrum Emergence of integration within a deeper honesty of self-responsibility – that ‘narrative control’ interprets as ‘EMERGENCY!’
The ‘Herod syndrome’ is not merely ‘a’ wicked ruler killing innocents – but the fear of loss of control relative to the believed/perceived chaos of loss of control – which is its original birthing as a ‘survival complex’ under extreme threat and conflict.
Humpty Dumpty is an apt symbol of a fragmented chaos over which the ‘king’ is invoked as the enforcer of a narrative continuity – that we identify in thought, as personal or private survival.
But apart from these considerations of the energetic underpinning of our own seemingly split mind/world – I wanted to say that when it comes to health related information, we have little sense of the proportionate dangers or gains even if there is some truth in the information. And as such ‘health’ releated information can in fact be ‘too much inflammation!’, and operate an undermining of health in fear of and obsession with sickness as if pursueing health.
Mainstream propaganda/PR for capturing mindshare does this by design – but other agencies of communication can also succumb to a fear-narrative under wishful or hopeful guise and believing – add credible witness to a deceit. ‘Alt health news’ may bring more sense of positive synergies of thought, behaviour and environment – but with the risk of polarising in a ‘better’ version of the old wine-bottle paradigm.
Navigating the ‘chaotic’ diversity of a seemingly conflicting and competing information explosion is challenging on a number of levels and so most of us give our power and trust to accepted ‘experts’ or perhaps to that which reinforces our wish that something be true. We may then join in bias or succumb to the same errors as are presented true.
Self honesty is something ‘little Herods’ also feel unable to afford or allow – excepting when it fits our filters and support our sense of identity assertion. But we are each and all containing all of the archetypes of story in different mixes and forms – and so the embrace of and reintegration of rejected self, within wholeness of being – is the awakening within a truly unifying purpose.
No part imposing upon the rest can unify. Nor the “1%” under ‘new world order’. Only the awakening of the radiance and presence of love unifies – by recognizing and extending true – rather than seeking and finding what is ‘wrong’ with everyone/everything so as to gain the role of judge or ‘corrector’ or indeed physician/healer.
When our faculties and abilities align within the ‘extension’ or natural radiance of wholeness, the ‘evils of the day thereof’ are brought to light – rather than sacrificing the light to the attempt to fix, overcome or heal them in the form and framing of their presentation.
I associate our gut bionome with the 'Mother' - I also associate their biodiverse 'cooperative with a reflection or embodiment of our psychic-emotional balance and alignment in life. A false sense of neutrality loses the vital charge of life in defending a static or fixed sense of self, in fear of transformation
The lie and the father of the lie - are a misidentification running as a (false) foundation. The lies are symptoms of the nature of their genesis; born in attempt to deny and overlay a mask (or fig leaves) over a feared and shamed 'nakedness'.
All facets of health shine upon all others.
But the 'health' of the masking personae is only supported while its serves the need of the developing consciousness. In this sense the breakdown of the 'ego structure' is not for another or 'better' ego to stamp its order - but as a rebirth in which to feel out and choose to accept what truly resonates and stand in or align in it. This is a 'meekness to Spirit' or purpose that inherits the Living Earth - not as a prodigal runaway 'inheritance to use and use up' but as on ongoing recognition and appreciation for being.
The 'persecution' (or resistance and opposition) to the emergence of a renewed alignment in well-being (personal and cultural) is the condition in which the necessary focus and receptivity is acquired. Or to put in in reverse - is the release of the conditioned mind (or beliefs of automatic and habitual reaction) for a conscious discernment.
Whereas judgement tends to separative and rejecting segregation - discernment is a receptivity to the movement of being - and to the movement within being that is the arising of awareness to its object of affection. Instead of to its objection to affliction. And so when the latter seems to be obstructive to joy in living - pause - and attend to the former so as to re-member the meaning you give and receive.
PS: Do I write into a limited or even lack of attention?
Or do I write into the unified willingness that truly moves me!
Does communication have to be packeted and set off down 'pathways' (internet infrastructure) in search of attention?
Or is the basis of telempathy, the synchronicity of a 'wave' of opening insight, understanding, and the energy of practical support finding practical embodiment?
As a movement grows clearer in its focus, it attracts and aligns a clearer embodiment or reflection. A clarity in which residual dissonance now 'shouts' or stands revealed as 'out of true' to the fulfilment of the shared focus. As I edit this last sentence - I realize this is the mirror reflection to the perceived dissonance of any truth within the frame of narrative control - as the closing quote illustrates:
“No one understood better than Stalin that the true object of propaganda is neither to convince nor even to persuade, but to produce a uniform pattern of public utterance in which the first trace of unorthodox thought immediately reveals itself as a jarring dissonance.”
~ Alan Bullock, in Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives
# 2
I realize that the intent to sketch out felt or intuited qualities of relationship can seem crystal clear to me in the act – and then need re-reading to make its more coherent and readable to anyone else.
In some sense I risk ‘unintelligibility’ in ‘painting’ or giving form to insight – which is firstly a qualitative recognition and not a personal act. Listening BEFORE the mind reacts is a quality of inner undefended trust that I feel as ‘original nature’. But letting the mind serve to give form of expression to a felt life, is in itself a ‘reconfiguring’ of the mind as an instrument rather than in ‘define, predict and control’ of its narrative reality – that we tend to suffer as if true by our own investment in it.
So I apologize for my own liability in engaging this endeavour without fully re-reading and checking the whole before posting. But I also trust that establishing the pathways within myself is by practice, or living it – and that the nature of this grows, expands and becomes more integrated in its expression – in its own timing.
Most everything I write into the attention of a shared willingness is seeking to give articulation to foundation in wholeness of being – as an illumination and freeing from core definitions and beliefs that – in a sense – operate blindly because our own thinking is predicated upon them.
A key recognition is waking or shifting from a conceptually framed ‘identity construct’ to a present appreciation. If any such moment stirs us – then an energetic communication IS shared. The form it takes is not its meaning – but will serve the reintegration of the our sense of self and life to a truly meaningful appreciation.
I have re-edited the post above and will repost it. While you may not ‘understand’, You are the recognizer of how you limit or filter or deny your own help-met, and thus you are the freedom to release what does not now serve who you recognize yourself to be.
If I spoke in terms of what you ‘already know’ (presume), it would serve no other result than you already have. Specific questions attune a response in like kind.
‘Mere mortality’ can be used as a framework to hide in – but what could it hide, or what could it hide from? Is the human condition – as generally accepted – the human conditioning?
Questioning our predicate beliefs is different than living from them as the ‘self-evident reality’ that we have adapted to operating under. I feel such ‘reality’ is in any case ‘disintegrating’ as a narrative identity, and this uncovers a true need to know – a deeper self-honesty and an awakening self-responsibility, as idols or indeed conceptual models, fall.
So what seems philosophical/psychological/spiritual is a framing of information that can pigeon-hole and segregate. Whereas tuning into (noticing and appreciating) what is resonant to your current need to know, or love of true – is in a sense irrespective of its packaging or delivery system.
Systems of assigned meanings are like a shorthand that becomes used without reference to the original and become a basis for further disconnected meanings to likewise cover over in ‘new’ developments of greater dissociation from true relation. Redeeming the currency of our thought, word and therefore deed, is parallel to regaining a currency in true worth.
Taking a sense of worth ‘against’ a perceived or believed evil, enemy or bogeyman is the ‘action-reaction’ of unfaced and un-owned feelings of self lack, that blocks life-energy by attempts to survive under a sense of deprivation, denial, lack and attack. The ‘defence budget’ of our psychic physic and microbiological ‘economy’ is killing us.
The reverse-reading of deceit
The reverse-reading of deceit
Indeed, but the mirror does not blame - it merely reflects.
So what 'they' believe 'they' are doing is revealed in who 'they' think 'they' are - which is 'supported' by polarized diversionary tactic. Who or what is the actual 'doer' or cause? Political intrigue may go down the rabbit holes of shadow powers, but regardless who hides behind deceits, is not the baiting of the mind, its 'capture' as an asset or proxy to work another agenda even while believing it is fulfilling some sense of self-specialness or divine calling - that may degrade and fragment to holding the line against 'feared or hated outcome'?
When you say 'they' do you mean the captured mind that knows not what it does, the terrorized mind that does what it is told, the denied mind that does anything to not know, and etc?
Weaponizing information is deceit - such as to infer an 'us and them' in narrative conflict. Deceits can be illuminated, as deceits or without substance or foundation in truth. I like your comment - and the question in it is perhaps answered 'no, they cannot or dare not see or look within'. Exactly how the mind is structured to fixate in dissociated displacement of its own fear is different in form for each. But by such a world is our 'Soul' awareness covered over.
To a deceit-thief, a world of treachery insinuates beneath appearances - a world which is feared to rise and take back the 'power' it presumes to itself in vengeance and exposure to self-lack or nakedness.
What happens when we stop using the 'evil' or blame of such 'others' to assert and validate our own presumption to judge and attack or deny them?
'Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do' is the release of the thoughts supporting a false sense of power - within whose frame, is mind used for attack in place of communication. And so a world of attack seems 'honest' and a world of love seems weak and open to predation over - as a protection racket.
The alignment under such power gives itself away by its manipulative presentation as puppets of a scripted narrative control. Or to put it another way of scripted and manipulated identities. Within one's bubble, it may seem one is making choices'. But all is filtered through the script of a shadow power - because, brought to light of true awareness, its claim to power would be undone.
Fear not the shadow, but be vigilant to the baiting of a baiting of reactive blindness. And use the recognition of the ruse to reclaim conscious alignment in a quality of communication and not a presentation attempting to make up for the lack of such quality.
World events can be read as divine illuminations of how we have chosen to use our mind or what we have chosen to give allegiance to and for what. The revealing of choice at the level of creative reconnection is freedom to choose again, rather than persist in what may be called a 'miscreative' use of the mind; of intention, attention, desire and fulfilment. Negative fulfilments are scientifically valid feedback to the basis of the 'question' asked and the 'answers' found.
The power of a wish is of capturing the willingness to persist in focusing there. An untruth, to persist must be protected at truth's expense. Perhaps it begins with a private sense of exclusion against interference, a mapping out and filtering by which to bring an image to 'life' or assign fantasy associations and make them stick. But what then goes forth to multiply itself is division, conflict and loss - (Humpty Dumpty) under the tyranny of narrative control (... and all the king's men) that would - if it could - abide in darkness, or operate under plausible deniability.
Deceits are protected from light be the 'personae' of blame redistribution. But in light - the demand for sacrifice of true and blame-assignment and 'justification' is released of whatever sense or necessity it seemed to hold in the shadow. But, the very means by which 'power' operates in the world of the sleeping, is the double edged sword above their own head.
Protection rackets can also 'protect' from exposure, any publicity that would end a career or indeed confer a worse penalty. Those who influence the decisions of any import want to back people they can trust to be compliant in key matters of scripting outcomes that consolidate 'power' as the replacement of life. The wish usurps the true will. Or does it?
In similar vein:
Is not the "USA" a proxy to the 'United' State of a global agenda?
Is the 'globalist agenda' the driving power or the uprising powerlessness?
Is the global possession and control of wealth, bankruptcy?
Is narrative control the desperate shoring up or tyrannous assertion of 'necessary' illusions?
When the tares are so grown in with the roots of the crop, are they 'Too big (in terms of feared outcome) to be allowed to fail? Or is a parasitic usurping of our true being generating the conditions of its own demise, partly through the destruction of its host - but actually through the termination of the hosting service by aligning in true - despite the feared outcome?
The reverse-reading of deceit
Ka Wai Awa Awa said:
Do they not know that their accusations against others tells us exactly what they are doing?
Indeed, but the mirror does not blame - it merely reflects.
So what 'they' believe 'they' are doing is revealed in who 'they' think 'they' are - which is 'supported' by polarized diversionary tactic. Who or what is the actual 'doer' or cause? Political intrigue may go down the rabbit holes of shadow powers, but regardless who hides behind deceits, is not the baiting of the mind, its 'capture' as an asset or proxy to work another agenda even while believing it is fulfilling some sense of self-specialness or divine calling - that may degrade and fragment to holding the line against 'feared or hated outcome'?
When you say 'they' do you mean the captured mind that knows not what it does, the terrorized mind that does what it is told, the denied mind that does anything to not know, and etc?
Weaponizing information is deceit - such as to infer an 'us and them' in narrative conflict. Deceits can be illuminated, as deceits or without substance or foundation in truth. I like your comment - and the question in it is perhaps answered 'no, they cannot or dare not see or look within'. Exactly how the mind is structured to fixate in dissociated displacement of its own fear is different in form for each. But by such a world is our 'Soul' awareness covered over.
To a deceit-thief, a world of treachery insinuates beneath appearances - a world which is feared to rise and take back the 'power' it presumes to itself in vengeance and exposure to self-lack or nakedness.
What happens when we stop using the 'evil' or blame of such 'others' to assert and validate our own presumption to judge and attack or deny them?
'Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do' is the release of the thoughts supporting a false sense of power - within whose frame, is mind used for attack in place of communication. And so a world of attack seems 'honest' and a world of love seems weak and open to predation over - as a protection racket.
The alignment under such power gives itself away by its manipulative presentation as puppets of a scripted narrative control. Or to put it another way of scripted and manipulated identities. Within one's bubble, it may seem one is making choices'. But all is filtered through the script of a shadow power - because, brought to light of true awareness, its claim to power would be undone.
Fear not the shadow, but be vigilant to the baiting of a baiting of reactive blindness. And use the recognition of the ruse to reclaim conscious alignment in a quality of communication and not a presentation attempting to make up for the lack of such quality.
World events can be read as divine illuminations of how we have chosen to use our mind or what we have chosen to give allegiance to and for what. The revealing of choice at the level of creative reconnection is freedom to choose again, rather than persist in what may be called a 'miscreative' use of the mind; of intention, attention, desire and fulfilment. Negative fulfilments are scientifically valid feedback to the basis of the 'question' asked and the 'answers' found.
The power of a wish is of capturing the willingness to persist in focusing there. An untruth, to persist must be protected at truth's expense. Perhaps it begins with a private sense of exclusion against interference, a mapping out and filtering by which to bring an image to 'life' or assign fantasy associations and make them stick. But what then goes forth to multiply itself is division, conflict and loss - (Humpty Dumpty) under the tyranny of narrative control (... and all the king's men) that would - if it could - abide in darkness, or operate under plausible deniability.
Deceits are protected from light be the 'personae' of blame redistribution. But in light - the demand for sacrifice of true and blame-assignment and 'justification' is released of whatever sense or necessity it seemed to hold in the shadow. But, the very means by which 'power' operates in the world of the sleeping, is the double edged sword above their own head.
Protection rackets can also 'protect' from exposure, any publicity that would end a career or indeed confer a worse penalty. Those who influence the decisions of any import want to back people they can trust to be compliant in key matters of scripting outcomes that consolidate 'power' as the replacement of life. The wish usurps the true will. Or does it?
In similar vein:
SOTT Comment: So is it actually 'shaking off' dependence on the psychopathic warmongers in the US or is it just another US proxy army this time in Europe??
Is not the "USA" a proxy to the 'United' State of a global agenda?
Is the 'globalist agenda' the driving power or the uprising powerlessness?
Is the global possession and control of wealth, bankruptcy?
Is narrative control the desperate shoring up or tyrannous assertion of 'necessary' illusions?
When the tares are so grown in with the roots of the crop, are they 'Too big (in terms of feared outcome) to be allowed to fail? Or is a parasitic usurping of our true being generating the conditions of its own demise, partly through the destruction of its host - but actually through the termination of the hosting service by aligning in true - despite the feared outcome?
Monday, 13 November 2017
Control of urges
Australian imam says women need to wear the hijab because men can't control their sexual urges
Originally and article in the Daily Mail I met it on SOTT and commented also into the emotional reactivity of commenting there. I don't recommend the article - but this theme is a key area of awakening responsibility on whatever level.
Control of urges.
When anyone or anything 'presses my buttons' is it their act or choice (intended or otherwise) that causes my reaction?
Or is my experience my co-creative responsibility and power?
If blame appeals as the way to disempower or block 'denied, hated, or feared communications or exposures - then the wish to take offence hides in the mask of the righteously wronged.
The social construct for the censoring, filtering and suppression of urges is our upbringing - both conditioning of direct learning experience - and inducted and imposed family and social mores and rules.
The blaming of women for triggering desire in men is the giving away of power by men.
The 'self-confessed weakness' of men is passed off as if a fact - albeit assigned to 'other' weaker men than the one who acts the apologist for giving way to fantasy thoughts.
Not that triggers cannot be activated by design as manipulative deceit. For manipulating deceit is the nature of corrupted human thinking and society. But that given acceptance as true, any deceit spreads and propagates to rob a wholeness of being - and relations. Because of such insight - the attempt to punish special forms of deceit - as evil - if to protect - and be The Protector - of the Sanctity of Life - teaches fear of 'evil' and delivers us unto 'evil' - while under the belief or mask of attempting self-righteousness - or correctness - relative to our personal and social setting.
Yet there is one thing that aligns us true - that no amount of 'self-control' can ever achieve - and that is the honouring of Another as our Self. Those who are convicted in self-unworthiness cannot or will not see a true worth in Another - excepting a conditional acceptance within accepted forms of conduct or appearance. The breaking of such 'rules' or demands meeting withdrawal of 'love' and triggering of hate.
No amount of blaming and targeting will ever put wholeness together again. Regardless how intensely the wish to deny, exclude and reject the hated or feared or shaming. But we are created in wholeness as the urge of the desire and willingness to live. And while this holds the 'survival' urge within itself - it is not merely the urge to survive, mate and compete for survival and mating.
The suppression of our true desire to know and be known operates the false or masked sense of getting from - and of course 'getting away from'. The 'Paradise' symbol for many men is the woman - whose archetype is deeper than the thinking personality level. But Paradise is the feint memory of lost wholeness in a world of false and fought over substitutions. Resisting the temptation to act out fantasy scripts on others - even in thought - is the cultivation of mindfulness or free awareness in which to discern true relation in place of triggered dissociation.
The fragmentation of the personality construct is socially enforced as narrative control but generally experienced as an incoherent and conflicted world. Narrative identity is the 'tyranny' of unchallenged thinking that runs human beings as conditioned reaction without free awareness in which to discern love's recognition. While the narrative identity is fed and supported in a role of self-specialness - it runs as a blind-spot to its own thought, act and deed - because it is acting out fantasy gratification for a sense of self-lack being vindicated and compensated for.
Psychology has tended to follow the dissociations of the 'scientific' analysis - with its own blind-spot from which fantasy treatment subjects those in need to further reinforcements of self-lack and sickness. Psychic-emotional relationship is awake within as free attention and awareness - in a shared appreciation of reality. For we always co-create our interaction and experience - whether that is an aligned and shared appreciation or a conflicted and conflicted sense of negative appreciation of hate, blame, fear and defence.
Thank You for your attention.
Originally and article in the Daily Mail I met it on SOTT and commented also into the emotional reactivity of commenting there. I don't recommend the article - but this theme is a key area of awakening responsibility on whatever level.
Control of urges.
When anyone or anything 'presses my buttons' is it their act or choice (intended or otherwise) that causes my reaction?
Or is my experience my co-creative responsibility and power?
If blame appeals as the way to disempower or block 'denied, hated, or feared communications or exposures - then the wish to take offence hides in the mask of the righteously wronged.
The social construct for the censoring, filtering and suppression of urges is our upbringing - both conditioning of direct learning experience - and inducted and imposed family and social mores and rules.
The blaming of women for triggering desire in men is the giving away of power by men.
The 'self-confessed weakness' of men is passed off as if a fact - albeit assigned to 'other' weaker men than the one who acts the apologist for giving way to fantasy thoughts.
Not that triggers cannot be activated by design as manipulative deceit. For manipulating deceit is the nature of corrupted human thinking and society. But that given acceptance as true, any deceit spreads and propagates to rob a wholeness of being - and relations. Because of such insight - the attempt to punish special forms of deceit - as evil - if to protect - and be The Protector - of the Sanctity of Life - teaches fear of 'evil' and delivers us unto 'evil' - while under the belief or mask of attempting self-righteousness - or correctness - relative to our personal and social setting.
Yet there is one thing that aligns us true - that no amount of 'self-control' can ever achieve - and that is the honouring of Another as our Self. Those who are convicted in self-unworthiness cannot or will not see a true worth in Another - excepting a conditional acceptance within accepted forms of conduct or appearance. The breaking of such 'rules' or demands meeting withdrawal of 'love' and triggering of hate.
No amount of blaming and targeting will ever put wholeness together again. Regardless how intensely the wish to deny, exclude and reject the hated or feared or shaming. But we are created in wholeness as the urge of the desire and willingness to live. And while this holds the 'survival' urge within itself - it is not merely the urge to survive, mate and compete for survival and mating.
The suppression of our true desire to know and be known operates the false or masked sense of getting from - and of course 'getting away from'. The 'Paradise' symbol for many men is the woman - whose archetype is deeper than the thinking personality level. But Paradise is the feint memory of lost wholeness in a world of false and fought over substitutions. Resisting the temptation to act out fantasy scripts on others - even in thought - is the cultivation of mindfulness or free awareness in which to discern true relation in place of triggered dissociation.
The fragmentation of the personality construct is socially enforced as narrative control but generally experienced as an incoherent and conflicted world. Narrative identity is the 'tyranny' of unchallenged thinking that runs human beings as conditioned reaction without free awareness in which to discern love's recognition. While the narrative identity is fed and supported in a role of self-specialness - it runs as a blind-spot to its own thought, act and deed - because it is acting out fantasy gratification for a sense of self-lack being vindicated and compensated for.
Psychology has tended to follow the dissociations of the 'scientific' analysis - with its own blind-spot from which fantasy treatment subjects those in need to further reinforcements of self-lack and sickness. Psychic-emotional relationship is awake within as free attention and awareness - in a shared appreciation of reality. For we always co-create our interaction and experience - whether that is an aligned and shared appreciation or a conflicted and conflicted sense of negative appreciation of hate, blame, fear and defence.
Thank You for your attention.
Healthcare means sickness care
David Healy's newsletter prompted a look at a talk on the cocktail of drugs becoming normal diet and of course with no real account of the co-factoring synergy of unwanted, collateral or sidelined effects on life and health.
I am glad that some within the 'system' of accepted narrative beliefs are challenging what I see as a blind and blinding narrative - but I stand with that from a different predicate.
My comment:
It's all backwards. Even the term 'Healthcare' is Orwellian doublethink for 'sickness care' - and it is the sickness that is managed and being passed off as health.
People (that is us) are being pharmed for sickness - and conditioned to want it, seek it out or demand it - while believing we are getting something we need.
This system is not in need of tweaking - but of radically free questioning - so as to break the spell of what has become a 'protection racket', where the guardians became guards and the masking (of symptom or true feedback), became an entanglement in lies.
The intent to help became a Trojan horse. The operation of 'disease' we seek to eradicate is framing (and in a sense thus directing) the search for cure - and its outcome.
Our defences are doing - what they are purported to defend against.
'Healthcare is serving the reinforcement of weakness, fragility and inadequacy - while such beliefs and definitions are accepted true by acting from them.
Everything embodies its predicate foundation. Unified purpose aligns unified or integrated and coherent outcomes. Conflicted or masked purpose generates conflicting and deceptive outcomes. Both are 'lawful' in the sense of physics of cause and effect - but the latter renders an experience of chaos or lawlessness - which triggers the 'conflict' pattern that feeds a negative loop of depletion that tightens to crisis, in which a poor outcome reveals itself as a faulty choice or alignment in what no longer serves.
The Creative does not interfere with any choice we have made - but is implicit in our capacity to choose. Dissonance and pain have limits of tolerance, from which our willingness to question re-opens receptivity and perspective in place of fixed or asserted definition.
I use the term Creative as an Inherency for true or direct awareness of existence - that is experienced through the idea extension, reflection, resonance, recognition and relation. All of which are spontaneous and native to being. The inhibition of such nature also became its demonisation as fear of loss of self-control, that asserts or 'extends and projects and meets' the idea of self-invalidation and substitution or replacement of the direct intuition of being for a learned or conditioned 'second nature', that imagines itself outside or set over a sense of dominion that is then felt violated, rejected, abandoned or left unsupported and isolated. Control and chaos are two sides of the same idea.
Here is the basis for the development of 'independent abilities' for the externalisation of mind as technology - that becomes both a language and a model of our 'world'. As our sole protection (sic) - such abilities require compliance and allegiance to its dictate. Who would regain their whole-Souled perspective must release their investment in the interpretive filtering they take to be their world. But we cannot see it because we 'see' the world.
The lie is known to need another to protect it and another for that one until the mind is lost from its own recognition of feedback or choice-outcomes - and seeks outside to generate 'authority' by which to hold 'order'.
"Too big to fail" is "too blind to see". Following the blind brings blindness and insanity.
You couldn't make it up - except - in a very real sense - we have - and are focusing in and following such ideas - by a blind acceptance and allegiance within a dishonesty of being over the simple recognition that we don't know.
"Dont know' is not a failure - but an honesty from which to pause from the illusion of definition-control to open in and to ask real questions, and then wholly embrace the unfolding answer - which may not arrive in framing expectation of our 'problem' but as insight that expands and realigns to a shifted perspective or embrace of life in which the problem either does not exist or cannot persist in the framework of meaning that was embodied before.
But as you may notice - this recognition or healing may occur regardless a cacophony of dissonance that shouts to block, divert or deny the recognition of true. Such is the 'territory' of the willingness to 'come out' from a false sense of self-protection to embody willingness for health and wholeness.
I hold that the felt need for 'protection' from our psychic-emotional conflict is not merely 'mental' - but fundamentally set as the basis for what we generally call consciousness - but it is a split (and split off) consciousness. A fragmentation masked by assertive narrative identity or indeed narrative control as a surface over hidden (ignored) or unconscious (denied) relation, communication, conception.
The generation and development' of such a self-separate sense of limitation and lack is hard to raise to observation and consideration under an unquestioned acceptance of such a sense as the 'creation' of millions of years of evolutionary chemistry. But these are not mutually exclusive ideas unless current conscious choice is sacrificed to (any) rigid or fixed image or concept.
The distantiations in time, space, cause and effect - are symptomatic of a denial/evasion of - and neutered substitution for - the Creative. Such is the evasion of an implicit self-responsibility or indeed self-honesty - in a substitute 'reality' self-definition. Our residual connection to (or channel of) the Creative is our acceptance of true or free will - also known as our capacity of choice but substituted for by private fantasy gratifications of a sense of lack in search of fulfilment - absent the acceptance of the Creative.
Because The Creative has - in a sense been masked out or masked over and distorted or filtered through a lens of conflicted and denied fear - that operates as a hidden template to a surface 'reality' perception. Within its framing, multiple 'choices' all embody, support and propagate the same core agenda in seemingly different facets.
The basis for the 'model' that results in such 'negatively polarised creation is the development of a subjective consciousness set against an objective or external threat. This fundamental pattern is revealed in the denial of conflict, that dissociates 'escape' into an externalize displacement of conflict. The displacement model (the world as defined) is serving a 'denial' agenda as a defence against exposure in fear of total loss of self. To this sense, the covering over with miasma of limitations and blocks to consciousness, is a compelled sacrifice of life, driven by unconscious fear in denial.
I am glad that some within the 'system' of accepted narrative beliefs are challenging what I see as a blind and blinding narrative - but I stand with that from a different predicate.
My comment:
It's all backwards. Even the term 'Healthcare' is Orwellian doublethink for 'sickness care' - and it is the sickness that is managed and being passed off as health.
People (that is us) are being pharmed for sickness - and conditioned to want it, seek it out or demand it - while believing we are getting something we need.
This system is not in need of tweaking - but of radically free questioning - so as to break the spell of what has become a 'protection racket', where the guardians became guards and the masking (of symptom or true feedback), became an entanglement in lies.
The intent to help became a Trojan horse. The operation of 'disease' we seek to eradicate is framing (and in a sense thus directing) the search for cure - and its outcome.
Our defences are doing - what they are purported to defend against.
'Healthcare is serving the reinforcement of weakness, fragility and inadequacy - while such beliefs and definitions are accepted true by acting from them.
Everything embodies its predicate foundation. Unified purpose aligns unified or integrated and coherent outcomes. Conflicted or masked purpose generates conflicting and deceptive outcomes. Both are 'lawful' in the sense of physics of cause and effect - but the latter renders an experience of chaos or lawlessness - which triggers the 'conflict' pattern that feeds a negative loop of depletion that tightens to crisis, in which a poor outcome reveals itself as a faulty choice or alignment in what no longer serves.
The Creative does not interfere with any choice we have made - but is implicit in our capacity to choose. Dissonance and pain have limits of tolerance, from which our willingness to question re-opens receptivity and perspective in place of fixed or asserted definition.
I use the term Creative as an Inherency for true or direct awareness of existence - that is experienced through the idea extension, reflection, resonance, recognition and relation. All of which are spontaneous and native to being. The inhibition of such nature also became its demonisation as fear of loss of self-control, that asserts or 'extends and projects and meets' the idea of self-invalidation and substitution or replacement of the direct intuition of being for a learned or conditioned 'second nature', that imagines itself outside or set over a sense of dominion that is then felt violated, rejected, abandoned or left unsupported and isolated. Control and chaos are two sides of the same idea.
Here is the basis for the development of 'independent abilities' for the externalisation of mind as technology - that becomes both a language and a model of our 'world'. As our sole protection (sic) - such abilities require compliance and allegiance to its dictate. Who would regain their whole-Souled perspective must release their investment in the interpretive filtering they take to be their world. But we cannot see it because we 'see' the world.
The lie is known to need another to protect it and another for that one until the mind is lost from its own recognition of feedback or choice-outcomes - and seeks outside to generate 'authority' by which to hold 'order'.
"Too big to fail" is "too blind to see". Following the blind brings blindness and insanity.
You couldn't make it up - except - in a very real sense - we have - and are focusing in and following such ideas - by a blind acceptance and allegiance within a dishonesty of being over the simple recognition that we don't know.
"Dont know' is not a failure - but an honesty from which to pause from the illusion of definition-control to open in and to ask real questions, and then wholly embrace the unfolding answer - which may not arrive in framing expectation of our 'problem' but as insight that expands and realigns to a shifted perspective or embrace of life in which the problem either does not exist or cannot persist in the framework of meaning that was embodied before.
But as you may notice - this recognition or healing may occur regardless a cacophony of dissonance that shouts to block, divert or deny the recognition of true. Such is the 'territory' of the willingness to 'come out' from a false sense of self-protection to embody willingness for health and wholeness.
I hold that the felt need for 'protection' from our psychic-emotional conflict is not merely 'mental' - but fundamentally set as the basis for what we generally call consciousness - but it is a split (and split off) consciousness. A fragmentation masked by assertive narrative identity or indeed narrative control as a surface over hidden (ignored) or unconscious (denied) relation, communication, conception.
The generation and development' of such a self-separate sense of limitation and lack is hard to raise to observation and consideration under an unquestioned acceptance of such a sense as the 'creation' of millions of years of evolutionary chemistry. But these are not mutually exclusive ideas unless current conscious choice is sacrificed to (any) rigid or fixed image or concept.
The distantiations in time, space, cause and effect - are symptomatic of a denial/evasion of - and neutered substitution for - the Creative. Such is the evasion of an implicit self-responsibility or indeed self-honesty - in a substitute 'reality' self-definition. Our residual connection to (or channel of) the Creative is our acceptance of true or free will - also known as our capacity of choice but substituted for by private fantasy gratifications of a sense of lack in search of fulfilment - absent the acceptance of the Creative.
Because The Creative has - in a sense been masked out or masked over and distorted or filtered through a lens of conflicted and denied fear - that operates as a hidden template to a surface 'reality' perception. Within its framing, multiple 'choices' all embody, support and propagate the same core agenda in seemingly different facets.
The basis for the 'model' that results in such 'negatively polarised creation is the development of a subjective consciousness set against an objective or external threat. This fundamental pattern is revealed in the denial of conflict, that dissociates 'escape' into an externalize displacement of conflict. The displacement model (the world as defined) is serving a 'denial' agenda as a defence against exposure in fear of total loss of self. To this sense, the covering over with miasma of limitations and blocks to consciousness, is a compelled sacrifice of life, driven by unconscious fear in denial.
Sunday, 12 November 2017
Being subject and suppressed or being moved?
Further comment into the same page as yesterday but to the sense of antipathy to globalisation:
In a teaching that I rest at one with is the saying "The ego always speaks first" but that the Holy Spirit (of a true discernment) corrects or translates through willingness for wholeness.
The Movement of being is our felt existence - whether we are aligned in appreciation or so reactively engaged in our own thinking as to be entirely 'plot-driven' in terms of the pattern of reactive identity.
Global consciousness as an expression of technological extension and interconnectedness is part of the movement or gestalt of our times - with transnational cross-fertilisation of ideas and initiatives, but, the driver of expansion - for all its face of surface beliefs in a 'better' or extended humanity- holds the marketisation and weaponisation of the movement and this operates the 'broad spectrum dominance' of a technocracy where human beings and human cultural freedoms are sacrificed to a 'greater good' as defined by the very few who by sacrifice of their own humanity, find selection and protection under the idea of 'power over life'.
As the capture, framing and engineering of our thought, the intent of globalism as is blind and pernicious, but within its own framing it operates a protection racket or indeed an identity theft via phishing ruse. Few can see the wood for being lost among the trees - and many who do, become polarised in hate and fear against... such hate and fear that works often with a benign face or well intentioned believers who will protect their own slavery in belief it is freedom.
The key in all this is the foundational nature of our own thought. False currency - extending to 'complex financial instruments' package toxic debt as wealth, leverage and power. But it is nothing pretending to be something and defended against exposure.
Here we see the emporer's clothes - or indeed the fig-leaves over the guilted mind of those who believe they are powerless in their nakedness or self-lack - and turn their mind to deceit rather than receipt. For 'who told you you were naked?' is the enquiry that uncovers the device of deceit - that can no longer pass off as true.
The subtlety of deceit is one ahead of what we call thinking. It operates 'insider' knowledge. Currently globalism in it outer forms of technocratic 'trade deals' and 'protection' of the 'Economy' is contrasted with 'populism' framed in bigotry, zeonphobia and backwardness. Such is the nature of framing the narrative and the 'debate'. For mainstream is not only 'consensual reality' but conforming and complying to its dictates, or else... Part of this is that language and its usage have been set in ways that make an articulation of any other narrative seem meaningless, ridiculous or discordant and dangerous.
Impotence is the checkmate of one's own mind against itself. False power operates upon the basis of establishing or outsourcing such conflict to the 'other' and setting it up for attack. Such as defining sickness as lack of and dealing dependency to supply a sense of protection that feeds sickness.
The phrase Holy Spirit may find few takers here - and archaic filtered meaning in those who do not recoil, but a true discernment is not a manufactured outcome - but the restoration and reintegration to unified purpose resulting from the innocent curiosity of seeing rather than thinking one sees, while seeing one's thinking.
Regardless the direction of my 'pointing out' may seem irrelevant to winning or defending against the evils of our day's thereof - I believe that when addiction to the narcissism of one's own thinking - and its resultant prodigal wasteland - bottoms out, some willingness will be awaken from a truly connected movement within wholeness of being. Anything-ism is identity 'politic'. Assertive identity is blind in pursuit of its private gratification. The movement that recognizes itself love moves through you and comes to you in recognition of the worth of its resonant reflection.
Can we see wholeness when everything is not only fragmented but revealed as running backwards? Not through the lens of the thinking that makes its so.
There is a monkey trap that has a gourd (presumably fixed down) with a hole large enough for the monkey's hand but not large enough for the hand to withdraw while grasping the baiting fruit.
What we want, rules. It rules out what we discard... while we want it.
If we substitute the true of our desire with a baiting illusion, we will successfully discard or ignore and forget and lose the way to even feel... our true desire - while bringing ever more 'control' to the attempt to make life work.
A global deceit masks as power - and we all play our part of the play. But the uncovering of deceit to the freedom to feel and move as we are truly moved, is a homecoming to our true inherence.
"How? how? how?" Might the reaction be. But life is not a system of control - but one can sacrifice life unto such gods for the illusion of it. Or join a music that of itself finds the balance points and harmonic relation within a wholeness. Health is wholeness in expression.
Healthy self has a sort of pun - 'heal thy self'. "How? how? how?" Might the reaction be. And here is the difficulty; it is insulting to the ego that fulfilment extends through you to an 'object of your affection' and so it 'interjects' to overlay the movement as its own power, serving its own capacity to sell and reinforce itself.
But what you accept true is - finally and always - your willingness in act - regardless how the masking personality experiences subjection. Weaning from the believed and thus compelling needs of external manipulations is the restoring of the embodiment of an inner fulfilment to our relations - each other and our world.
Where we are 'coming from' is where we are going. Our predicates define our outcomes. Being framed by an identity theft is a curriculum in an awakening of curiosity of the true movement of desire. But WHEN you choose to take this course is your own willingness. Finding willingness under the experience of fear, conflict and coercion is challenging because it calls for the pausing or resting of allegiance to reaction within it.
Saturday, 11 November 2017
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Mind-capture is a term that might serve for the underlying structure to all else that automatically follows, for note that ‘market capture’ or ‘market share’ is now coined ‘mind-share’ for branded identity.
What we take to be our mind ‘runs us’ while we think we are making choices. But those choices are framed by largely unconscious presumptions , beliefs and definitions of self and world. How so?
Are manipulators causal as free agents – or is there deceit by which they are no less ‘captured’ and as those who in truth ‘know not what they do’ – for truth is masked out of the mind of its own deceits.
The archetypes of conditioned mind are associated with separation trauma that the personality structure is invoked to dissociate by denial and displacement. Personae operates a masking over of intolerable conflict as an ‘adaptation’ to a displacement model of tacitly induced definitions that operate as ‘blame distribution’ and ‘power struggle’. And while this model is invested with the force of our particular ‘shaping’ charge – such as rejection, abandonment, betrayal, guilt, disconnecting isolation, terror, shame, hate, rage, impotence. Talking (writing) about this is not the same as its experiential movement – of denial of the movement of being.
‘Psychology’ implies a presumption of sanity in separateness and in study of or in definition or narrative control over psychic-emotional conflict. But an embracing sanity abides in the truth of the relationship – which is the inverse of the model of control.
The model of control is the mind we think we can use – but which uses our own mind, to frame choices so as to suppress and deny the movement of being – that it was first born as the suppression of and escape from. And so it is the protector from chaos, the righteous subjugation and excommunication of ‘evil’ or ‘all the King’s horses and all the king’s men’.
But no matter what forms it has grown over millennia of development – it is under our employ at the level of our true sovereign will. But assigning or giving power away to leaders, experts, notions and nations, is failing to witness where it is – in order to seem to protect some fragment of power for a secret self.
Coming out of the closet of fear-in-hiding or giving true witness, is not an ‘identity assertion’ but and extension of a true recognition in place of a masked response. We extend worth to recognize it in ourself. So of course under the masking of a fear-defined sense of self “everything is backwards!”. A lie must multiply to protect itself – while it is accepted as (necessary to) self.
All of the filters and distortions of fear generate tangible and visible effects as our experience. The reason that ‘conventional thinking’ cannot imagine this is because the truly Creative is deeply associated with terror and rage, shame and heartbreak. And so ‘creative’ fig-leaf thinking redefines, rebrands, redistributes and presents itself to itself in substitution for the intimate knowing of being that is our true inherence.
As I see our situation at this time, we are opened or ‘undone’ to the territory of our psychic-emotional ‘denials’ whether we like it or not. The mask of ‘control’ falls away or disintegrates to reveal its device.
Realigning in the true Will is a reversal from its suppression and subjection – regardless the particular forms that that takes. Sexual, emotional, psychic energy is Life – and in this context I’ll say vibratory Life. The suppression of psychic-emotional energy – (aka feeling) – becomes the conditions of unwelcome – regardless the prayers or self-manipulations of the personality.
Rather than focus on the difficult – and ‘make fear the master’, sharing in and gratitude in the ‘easy’ grows trust – and with it, free awareness in which to honour and align in the movement of being rather than try to make it a slave. Opening to feeling being is being moved. Emotional reactivity is conflicted limitation seeking release or escape.
One can only live from what is – which is a self-honesty in the face of judgements and beliefs that run a negatively defined sense of self and world – a sense of lack, inadequacy or disempowerment. Free attention (mindfulness) notices that such thought runs or that such reaction is triggered. Bound attention runs as if such thought is true.
If you want to truly live, you must start now. No more rehearsals. Now is the only time you have in which to find willingness for unconflicted being – the peace of which is dynamic, alive, embracing and though covered over, never truly lost.
To even a spark of willingness is the response of being. We may experience this as synchronicities and alignments, prompts and insights and new ways of seeing that do not first require others or the world to change. When released of the demand we change, we find our freedom. Give this as you receive it. We grow the light of willingness as a culture of a true recognition of worth – regardless the packaging or presentation.
Nothing here rules out opening to changes in lifestyle, diet, fresh air, sunlight, nature and good water. Toxicity may indeed be pervasive in our world at this time – but our immunity is our Life. Honouring our current limitations while growing the capacity to grow.
Love is the capacity to be with what is real. It is also the revealer of the true. Abiding a little more in the unsettling or challenging – as a willingness of desire to be shown – is NOT fixating attention in a negative reinforcement. Even a moment of expansion remains a gain. Pushing past one’s limits is unwise unless the quality of the movement to do so is recognized true.
Perhaps Life has caught your attention. Perhaps the stirring of desire is where you did not expect. If you wanted your ‘old life’ back you would not be feeling – but ‘thinking’. There is a resurgence of health and consciousness information, new, rediscovered and redeemed from suppressing disinformation. Education is an exciting expansive journey of discovery – IF – you own your journey.
Cures for supposedly incurable conditions are not readily accepted or adopted – but the reverse! This is not just ‘Them!’ but symptomatic of profound investment in the conditioned image and model of self and reality. Forgiveness is primarily self-release. Grievance always invests in the wound. There is a choice here. While there is life there is choice, but in habit-reaction we know not what we do. Noticing habit – makes it a choice. No blame – but yes to innocent curiosity.
Global impact is guaranteed. You can choose to pump up the wounding of the cycles of grievance or to strengthen the willingness for love’s witness even here. The attempt to push or force or manipulate outcomes is witnessing the fear and distrust in Life. Grass roots movement grows a witness to being. This is no ‘astro-turf’ manipulation of ‘mind control’ this is a real conversation.
The war on consciousness is systemic but founded in deceit. Vigilance against deceit is natural to valuing the true of being in yourself – and therefore in others.