On the use of a lanyard and card claiming mask exemption on the basis of hidden disability.
If you want a card - just use or make one that claims exemption - after reading the regulations and recognising that you are indeed exempt. No need to apologise or justify.
The ways deceit induces consent to the undermining of your individuality are many - and can mask as concern.
The shame identity is both social and personally reinforced - even by aggressively protecting against hurt feelings from taking offence. You are first and foremost an Expression of Life - and if you can accept such terms - a Child of God - but what you and we together MAKE of ourselves, is in effect our 'child' or making as a result of judgements ABOUT us that become coverings that hide us from ourselves. It is unpleasant to meet judgements of denial and rejection from others - but it is our own judgement of ourself that kills. If we are still set on covering over and defending - then we have no awareness free in which to pause, question and LOOK at what we are making of ourselves - each other and world. It literally runs as a habit of conditioned responses in reaction to a constantly changing set of circumstance to which we are subjected and thus seeking to protect from and control.
But key to all of this is the Word we give or the core beliefs and definitions that are running as a default 'choice' we never have brought to a conscious re-evaluation.
Note that I seek not to be baited into polarised and polarising reaction - though of course I meet my feelings. But giving feeling ultimate authority is to be unmindful of the beliefs that create them as experience. Hate is a feeling that we want to get rid of - and can be quick to dump on anyone or anything in range. But what goes around, comes around, no matter how ingeniously toxic debts can be masked or presented as valuable assets or complex financial or motivational instruments.
The belief we have to cover over who we are is a sense of self-lack given protection.
"And who told you you were naked?" said the Lord?
the question is given us as the capacity to discern a mistaken identity and release it - but to a freedom in which we can recognise and accept - one step at a time. The intent to destroy a judged identity so as to make new - CANNOT create anything. It can only mask in the virtue of the Living in hollow parody of life - masking over and defended against the inevitable disclosure in truth - for all illusions are temporary.
We may experience this as humiliating to our invested identity, as loss of face, but in release to willingness for life, an un-self-conscious humility rises in recognition of an undoing of who we THOUGHT we were. No one can release that of which they are unaware and actively disowning. Becoming aware of the 'negative' or denied and dissonant with ourself is not a conviction of guilt of disease diagnosis - but even here the nature of fear can be overwhelming and the need to hold in check, necessary as a stepping stone towards a more integrated and aligned sense of self and life. We cannot 'get' this for ourselves alone - or for a lockstep of separated 'selves' set in reinforcement - but we seem to join in hate or fear or covered shame - and that is where the power of sharing is given to maintaining isolation. Its a human thing.
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