Wednesday 5 August 2020

Catching a Narrative Deceit

A local shopkeeper caught fear of killing his aged mother as a result of catching covid from customers. His anxiety became overwhelming and resulted in heart failure and stents - followed by further cardiac events which he has so far survived.

He caught it from the Media and Peer reinforcement.

The chemistry of the body under great strain of anxiety may be mapped out - but if the covid exercise had been delayed until next year this year would have passed off as normal.

It can be argued he was susceptible in dependency on a lockstepped media for his sense of safety and wellbeing.

The disturbing element of the covid narrative unleashed and lock-stepped via previously drilled operational readiness, is  its most characteristic feature. I am not suggesting illness and death are not occurring by the way - so much as subsumed and utilised to a narrative that 'proves' itself by the measures taken in reaction - whereas the measures are long prepared as is evident when taking in the deep and multilayered plans operating under World Economic Forum.

My jury is still out on 'catching' disease. Once a narrative is accepted and built upon very few can even identify it as a belief - because it MUST be true - everyone knows.

The idea that a piece of RNA can do any of the things attributed it - is a signature of the theorist's mind. It is the theory that has caught on. But the idea of a field of communication at many levels including genetic code messaging makes sense to me. And so hijacking a natural clearing and rebalancing process under narratives of war - generates the funding and support.

The blanket term 'immune system' is used  to account for not succumbing to disease - and yet all the focus is given to the theorised and feared pathogen and almost none to the vital intelligence of resilience and functional integrity.

Likewise with theoretical mechanism by which to break into the market and take it over with products that no one wants (margarine and Big-Ag seed oil products' as a vector for food monopolies that have become global).

The ability to generate a narrative and then 'make it so' is the capacity to pre plan a new banking sector - as in the documentary 'Banking Nature' or a Biotech 4th Industrial Revolution - clear the land and grow genetic phoods for genetically modified human tools under laboratory controlled conditions - after setting the conditions for mass starvation under a choked and denied economy. It isn't as if human beings have not done similar in our recent past to others of their kind.

But as the scripted Boris cloned at the UN - after starting out with the package insert warnings; "We can trust Britain to lead the way in biotech".

The idea that we waste money on statins is talking as if there is only one side to a balance sheet - of a closed system called healthcare. But it is a transfer of wealth and health and dependency or power. Careless words cost lives. The NHS is a PPP - as is the (British Gov) excepting key public servants have sold us - the public - to the Corporate sector as partners in crime. 

Regardless the horror of such a recognition - this is 'coming out in the wash'. It is not corruption 'theory' but blatant fact. 

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