Wednesday 5 August 2020

Is revenge sweet? 

Is revenge sweet?

All that glitters is not gold.

the victory that is snatched from the mind even as it seems to achieve it is a gnawing hunger that can never be assuaged.

Revenge is the mind control monster that you meet as the mind seeking control.

Binary choices replace fluid freedom as the conditioned experience of a self split between being and no being - both representing or resulting from fear as control.

While experience can be limited we do not create being, but instead a split-off sense of self specialness masking in image against an Other - that is associated as food, threat or asset, fear of not being covets truth in image and form that covers or veils All That Is in private judgement and is enraged at its sense of rejection denial and betrayal in life - flagged to Other - be it g-d or devil.

To question ‘Is’, from a position that is not - but taken ‘as if’, sets a mind-model through which to fragment into answers that reinforce the questioner as ‘real’. Power struggle of narrative identity fragments works to keep power hidden under guise of private control. Divide and rule out power of aligning in true - for grievance sets a mind in vengeance seeking private vindication in death and denial of its shadowed Other. When thinking in the mind of masking secret is given priority over truth, the power of truth is perceived as demonic, contagious, terror threat from which lock down and distancing denial 'saves' it, to be the thing it hates unknowing under mind control monster fears, given worth-ship as the corruption of power set in death over life, as defiance in revenge taken as a separating life in recoil of fear of Infinity.

Hate is a derivative currency - that is never truly Current - but stamps a past made in anger on the face of presence unrecognised. Death sets the frame of a world of mortal conditioning to which the Son of God comes to die.

Is it sweet?

or is all true sweetness the moment of transparency to a quality of unconflicted being that is lost the very instant a mind rises to grasp, to possess, to weaponise for 'itself'.

Self is what we give to have.

But image is what we think to have stolen or salvaged from the panic and wreckage of loss.

To hatred of life, death is the final reward and it is this that all things are working, under mask of 'saving' or serving life.

Without any complex analysis, vengeance raised on worshipped guilt can be seen as a the false god of a world made for possession, weaponised and used to raise war and conflict over fear of dispossession and loss of face.

As long as truth is feared or hated. judgement is raised to usurp and replace it - and defended against the messengers of truth that are of course the nature of being AS Communication Itself.

The weaponising of communication is a derivative currency in which the mind objects to its own subjection as if at the hand of an Other.

All thought given acceptance will express consequence. The determination to see in terms of self-vindication; distorts, filters and blocks seeing. At some point the capacity to maintain such a 'mind' disintegrates. Perhaps kicking and screaming all the way. Perhaps to a stirring of a deep and native curiosity that calls the premises of its reality-experience into question and to an open present awareness.

True resonance in the heart speaks of being - without a second.

The witnesses we seek are put there by the seeking, in that we will find in the terms of what we are set in looking for.

Truth has a Voice in the world to the willingness to hear it.

But if you cannot marketise or weaponise it for your private gratification - do you want what it gives?

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