Thursday 6 August 2020

key for me is self-honesty, and love for humanity

I used conservative in the sense of a conservation of energy within a closed system of established order. So in that case I was feeling into the urge to protect against change in fear of loss or reliving fear of pain of loss.

So yes of course it includes those who have most to lose from invested identity - but also those with so little they fear any change will bring total loss.

As for using 'right' or alt-right' as a pejorative is that not part of shutting down the residual of the forces or consciousness that could in some way oppose or hinder the global coup?

I wasn't aware of youtube or twitter being called condervative - rather of being allied with a captured left wing 'progressive' deconstruction of society, identity and individuality.

Whatever we think we are, we are revealed by where our identity and allegiances align. The covid issue has revealed many apparent champions of freedom to be at least presently in full support of the imposition of medical martial laws and loss of rights and freedoms.

Yet those who align in freedom from whatever walk of life are not an 'identity' or movement that can be categorised or followed.

A key for me is self-honesty, and love for humanity.

Corruption is often thought as being bought, or taking bribes and so on and of course includes this. But a deeper corruption that is more insidious is that of our thought, language and comprehension.

Perhaps one of the more disturbing aspects of these times is mind-control. The term sounds unreal but its evidences are all around and within our own assumptions. Where corporates once used 'market share' they now use 'mindshare'. Setting and framing narratives is given priority over any human communication of relationship. This renders its operatives inhuman and conditions the public to be managed dependents unable to think for themselves - or better - to truly feel their relational connection with life in themselves and each other.

Self-honesty or transparency to the presence of awareness is not a weapon, but is a quality in which corrupted thought or deceits and self-illusion are revealed as nothing else and in this sense undone as a basis to persist from unmindfully.Insofar as 'mind-control' is operating - it does so through denied or concealed fears. How doe we conceal our fears? Under narrative identity. There is a correspondence that is a susceptibility or back door.

Power or rather control in the world is consolidating in the idea of the globalist plan - which has been insidiously woven into regulatory structures that have 'mission crept' to reveal an effective coup.

The whole thing speaks to me of control over fear - and indeed of fear AS control. There is no love in it. I do not say that flippantly or in some romantic or sentimental sense. It can be argued that under the most extreme conditions basic survival at all costs serves love. If the measures being orchestrated are somehow to claim justification it would have to be for a global threat of which only insiders are aware.

The principle then being the effective organising of society for obedience under orders under scenarios that are too fear inducing to disclose. This stretches the imagination - but in my view fear is driving the agenda.

Regardless of speculations on the unknown, there is a process of bringing forth an awakening love by the very attempt to deny it in life.

The mind is not the arbiter of reality, and reality is not limited to our models that have become means of possession and control rather than of true significance.

The intent to control sows the reaping of subjection. Our sense of what is really going on will be filtered through our minds - and our narrative beliefs.

'Denial; Anger; Bargaining; Depression ; Acceptance.'

But Acceptance in truth is not pain of limitation and loss.

The idea of life within death is a closed system of depletion and loss.

Our model of life and existence is likewise a lockdown to limitation and distanced or bounded identity. But this is a bubble 'reality' within a greater life. If we no longer choose illusions of safety under masking controls that work by deceit (or narrative instruments for redistributing and managing conflicts) - then we are at Childhood's End.

The awakening of the capacity to challenge and exceed the boundaries of the nursery, initiate a learning experience of growing responsibility.

Everything takes on a different perspective because we are no longer living for ourself or for our ideas of others or ideas of world of life.

I write of what cant be said to indicate our thought is limited and limiting and is not our only means of apprehension.

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