Sunday, 2 August 2020

When is sharing information, another raft of incitement to hysteria? 


When is sharing information, another raft of incitement to hysteria?

It is in the way of it - which is a sign of where we are coming from; love’s honesty or a call to war.

They are in training for the new normal as they have no sense of being able to survive if they dont?

Learning to 'see' the Emperor's new clothes is a survival strategy - either against exposure of invalidity and illegitimacy nowdays called denialism or some similar term that denies a voice and excludes, OR the simple fear of being hit and hurt by a power structure that can smear, cancel, lockdown, diagnose and penalise and lock you out of any social freedoms.

But I also feel that the experience of being terrorised is traumatic and without ability to fight or flight becomes a frozen state that is without any willingness to move consciousness except as does not bring back terror.

In a sense, petrified but with essential services running.

I appreciate that we all project our own thought to others and judge accordingly - but we simply do not walk or jog in another's trainers.

Fear shuts down everything but survival thinking - that may be heightened awareness but filtered through past conditioning, pain, trauma.

Love casts out fear - but I prefer to say there is no fear in perfect love and all attempts to mask in virtue do not extend the healing and wholing qualities of life, but run a hollow parody that shouts to be taken seriously.

To what degree are our 'leaders (sic) paranoid themselves (not about a virus!) but within insider narrative distortions and 'capture' under fear of being hit and hurt if they don't comply and rewarded if they do - but THEN how do you escape?

Yes it is grievous to see and can lead to powerlessness, hate and despair. So we have to live our choice in the recognition others are also in their own way - and honour and acknowledge the being of the power to choose instead of hating to see in them what we cant abide in ourselves. We cannot force the good on an other and the attempt to do just that is what underlies the blind arrogance that delivers unto evil.


The 'job' of the deceiver is to induce you to react from fear under the belief you are acting from truth.

The willingness to release fear is the willingness to see it or face it - and put it behind you - that is - don't feed it or propagate it.

Fear is inner conflict and masking fear is locking it in.

No one can change a choice they are unwilling to own.

When Jesus is translated to have said 'resist ye not evil' he meant something fundamental.

What we resist, persists.

But what we leave un used fades from non use.

Don't take the bait!

But whenever we realise we have - forgive ourselves immediately.

Masking over self-conflict is not wrong as part of a delay in which to learn and grow in trust and willingness.

But to persist as a way of denial and evasion of truth carries a dissonance of self-betrayal - that so quickly discharges to blaming others and giving power away.


@Carrie Allen Become part of the bot-net of vengeance that wreaks destruction as if self-vindicating righteousness.

For the 'mindset' that operates not unlike an inhuman of alien overlord, feeds on emotionally reactive energy by framing the mind to direct the charge in return for a masking identity against fear of being utterly exposed in lack of validity, substance, 'face' control, and life as has been learned and believed under death and terror.


The mind that you hold belief in can be your own or as God created you. Belief is not a magic object to save yourself.

He who would save his life shall lose it. Your life is in recognition of Christ in others and in all life - how?

Yield the mind that you thought to take for yourself to the truth of your being, and hold receptive to the truth that moves as a wholeness of being - including your perception of self and world.

Believe LIKE Jesus in the Father's Will given us in our Creation but covered over in the prodigal error of taking a false inheritance of a living father. The 'father's unified Will is recognised in release of our own judgement as the Holy Spirit of discernment that reveals truth to the willingness and welcome of receiving by sharing it. But we cannot share what we disown in ourselves and so we cannot extend a love our secret thoughts and judgements deny - as if what we have made of ourselves has priority of what God Created - or if you prefer our true Inherence in a Living Universe of which we can in no way separate - except in belief and perception and reaction and pain and masking that locks down, masks out and is compelled to lockstep under fear of pain and loss.

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