Wednesday 5 August 2020

HCQ and the Masking Mind 

I have no reason to doubt their story - and understand the HCQ protocol as an intervention that supports cellular health in a specific aspect of the disease process of hypoxia - whatever the actual causes are. It may also replace more dangerous treatments that contribute to adverse outcomes - such as ventilators - but its significance is as a preventative for what is being called the 'second phase' that can become critical in some people for whatever reasons of which there are a few contributing factors.

Note vit D levels are also inversely related to negative outcomes and in critical cases IV high dose Vit C or other antioxidents can have very beneficial effects

Accusations of lying are smear campaigns in my view. If so - demonstrate substance to the claim - not smear. A cover story is a masking narrative. The phrase masking mind points to an underlying strategy rather than a specific example.

HCQ saving lives is great for those doctors and patients and their families - but the issue here is about there being no justification for the measures imposed or the vaccine being shoehorned - or perhaps more critically the permanent biosecurity state of humans as managed infection vectors allowed limited 'privilege' according to medical and carbon compliance.

Truth frees you from a masking or narrative identity.

You might ask how do people free themselves from deceit, self-illusion or false thinking? Well for a start there has to be some recognition of being deceived, conflicted and in need of a deeper self honesty or transparency. Otherwise the masking mind' is running unwatched and unnoticed as acquired and inherited habit.

Willingness to see, to listen to be with, are not something you did or achieved and are now free to sleepwalk on a new insight. Responsibility for your life is integral to accepting that you are - as distinct from thinking that you already know who or what you are.

When a child demonstrates a level of responsibility - new areas of life open for the development of that consciousness. This unfolding or growth would continue through life as a natural course if not blocked.

Fear and conflict can block awareness in patterns of conflicted identity that are then masked over as social norms. I have said nothing new. But masking over fear locks it in while 'casting it out' (in the dramatic sense of a projection of the mind).

The stirring of questions that perhaps cannot immediately articulate is  being moved from within the moment at hand - rather than within a thought construct or by reactions to perceptions that are filtered interpretations rather than a present appreciation.

A  mind can ask endless questions that effectively make statements in the form of a question. It is not only the MSM that operates mind control - we already operate a like pattern - and so the world we see can teach us to notice a mind that before was invisibly structured as the beliefs we look out from and interpret through. If joy is in the fruits there is no call to get in our own way - but if our fruits are dissonance or disturbance we have a basis to question the whole experience. What what called sowing and reaping is now also called garbage in garbage out.

I took your asking at face value. In my own way I write to call to notice what is very easily discarded in any dramatic dilemma. Truth is called the first 'casualty of war' - while war is engaged as if a way to determine truth.

But truth simply is. Our mind can mask over awareness of true relation instead of extending relationship, presence, communication.

As masks are somewhat 'in our face' one way of another I feel even more inclined to bring masking to attention - by invitation.

Fig-leaves over a sense of self-lack or self-shame that, fearing rejection, or retribution effect its experience. Fear can operate as believed fact when it is not true - so as to generate its experience by reaction and live from it as a certainty. Collective hysteria operates a collective reality bubble. But a reality perceived through a glass darkly. We can blame it on 'Them' - but what does that serve except to reinforce a blame culture in our own minds and others?

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