Saturday, 1 August 2020

Fear and Control as a Polarising Hysteresis

A not untypical comment:


.. and a moment of noticing...

Or see it as a captured and proxy mindshare - of false framed (hypnotised) identity?

Who notices the use of Trump as 'bad cop' to work the 'bot-net'. Just as using 'Russia'.

The Economy is rigged. Insider insiders crash the system because it is inevitably crashing and as insiders seek to surf the wave and stay on top - but in human terms this means claiming insider privilege and using it to deny or exclude, and thus dump, on others. King o' the castle.

Part of the control agenda is surely an insider technocratic intent to eradicate or smooth out all shocks to the system so as to eradicate the boom-bust of a war economy - which means eradicating human behaviour that expresses a 'fallen or inadequate and unworthy' human nature - which means undermining traditional values judges as part of the problem. Which means setting the mind against itself and setting up conflicts or polarity by which to cancel the bathwater of a perceived and believed threat, while of course throwing out the baby.

All of which is in the domain of fear and control, masking as power or virtue. Those who convince themselves they are on the right side of history believe in a masking identity-reality as IF IT WORKS. But what works is belief and intention fuelled by intensity of desire. When we let fear filter and mask our dire and set our intention, we become purposed by the application of fear AS control under conviction of right taken from the wrong that we have identified against or allowed ourselves to be negatively framed by and in effect LOST Identity to.

That phishing works the mind is within the mind's capacity to operate on form based meanings that no longer apply, and so we react to conditioned associations AS Reality. In this sense phishing is not an evil intent so much as an UNWATCHED MIND - or lack of free awareness now - as a result of over-reaching into sideshow that adulterates and dilutes a true presence to substitute a management of perceptions and control by discarding presence or current reality, so as to force 'balance' or counter or suppress or eradicate perceptual conflict that is NOT IN the symptoms, but is a result of persistent misalignment in effects whose cause is no longer active.

So polarised minds would rather see the wrongness, invalidity or seeming power of what they hate - as a self-vindicating 'heaven' set over sending others to 'hell' (denial and exclusion) - than release and be released of hate (hell) as the restoration to a 'Heaven' in which the baby in every bathwater is redeemed and the old 'bathwater'. The attempt to rip out the tares - destroys the crop. The Holy Spirit is the Idea and Recognition of truth that perceptual appearances mask over and deny. The word-term doesn't matter so much as the grace of noticing... given welcome and acceptance.

I cannot know the timing of your willingness to listen, but I can trust my own, just because.
I don't find inspiration in any of the means and leverages of control - that operate as coercive deceit, but is it not driven by a sense of wrongness that it flags here there and everywhere to then defend against by attacking? A sense of wrongness that would rather bring everything down than yield to transparency and truth in the heart of a true presence.

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