Saturday 1 August 2020

Tech and A.I - replicates the mind of its expression

Google's Secret Natural Health Censorship Campaign with Sayer Ji, Zach Vorhies and Maryam Heinen

The pattern of tech and A.I - replicates the mind of its expression - but is experienced as if an evil hijacker or alien agenda.
The plausible deniability of a split mind whose compartmentalisations can shift into and out of focus extremely rapidly - under a masking narrative 'continuity' is the fundamental pattern of a 'social distancing', lockdown into a masked private agenda of weaponised lockstep or coercive 'incentive' as the escape or power of temporary ongoing protection against fear of disclosure brought to tipping point - ie survive or die. Unlike a human appreciation of a qualitative wholeness, an artificial mind - whether our own dissociated thinking or its technological explication can only deal in quanta or raw data. The interpretive layer is both output AND input.
As ye sow/code/give, so shall ye reap/result/receive.
The Garbage in; garbage out inherency or nature of consciousness can be obfuscated by plausible deniability - where the denial can be heavily and even aggressively set or cast under shifting masks of sympathy and concern, beneath which is rage or hate - that is itself covering pain in the heart.
The capacity to discern and identify self-betrayal as a need to re-align to the heart instead of running on legacy logic is itself a recognition of the total situation as valid feedback - instead of persisting in an algorithmed cherry pick that supports and reinforces a narrative identity set as non-editable and mapped out as a no-go area by dragons of a different order to those on old maps - but serving the same function.
I suggest that willingness to open our own mind to a true feedback from the total situation is in effect looking within and without - as one. Initially we may introspect as abiding in active self awareness - but this quality of spacious awareness is never truly absent our relational engagement so much as effectively mapped out or substituted for under a virtual representation.
The evil that seems or is deemed necessary in comparison to a greater fear is reframed - and the identity in focus adjusts to accept it and thus overrides a sense of self-dissonance - not least by ramping up the mask of assertion that demands reinforcement -by giving priority to a filter that evaluates all things in terms of whether they support the narrative or expose it to question - and thus to the underlying great fear AND the dissonance of a sense of self and other betrayal (and retribution). And so the lockdown into an ideological or psychic-emotional defence that may have seemed socially acceptable or worthy can quickly become a lock-in to a negatively reinforcing loop that calls on either a release from a higher source (upstream intelligence of the Field) or a force quit - excepting in life, such triggered domains can operate only on triggering and then recall nothing of it - like a bot-net of hacked nodes of access.

the evil-tag is very easy to react to in like kind under a sense of moral identity gotten from it and therefore framed by it.
Feedback is feedback and what we hate to acknowledge in ourself we will flag to 'other'. This does not mean others may not be acting insanely or on a conflicting set of premises and definitions - but that our communication will be distorted by a personal realm of conflicts that we are not ready or willing to look at yet.
Self-betrayal is also a sense of evil that can no longer be escaped by masking over and yet the key is to self-damnation, but a willingness despite guilted fear to be restored or realigned in a self-honesty - as an expression and responsive participant in an un-manufactured or prior quality of presence that we are now learning not to get in our own way within its guidance to our unique signature vibration.

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