Friday, 31 July 2020

Losing face of facing our fear?

The disease conditions that effect about 0.1% of the population in terms of fatality - and that as primarily of the very old with co-morbidities - may not be caused by virus, but the assumption that all threat that is propagandised and attributed to the 'novel virus' becomes implanted in the public mind. 

The intent to use overall death count as a meaningful statistic without comparison to the average of normal deaths in other years is blatant manipulation by deceit.
The above link uses official data and professional and expert testimony to set out a sane and proportionate account of an epidemic called covid19 - that is in overall terms comparable to a normal or bad flu season - yet many much worse years have been recorded that did not attract or be given such media focus or martial laws under medical mandates.

The principle danger of masks is of compounding a false narrative as an illusion of safety while the actual threat persists unseen and unaddressed. While you may claim little or no damage results from mandating fear of life, relationship and conviviality, you can only do as as the voice for mandatory control that takes it authority from such fear.

The precautionary principle - properly applied - is NOT to introduce novel products, protocols or procedures until it can be clearly demonstrated that they do no harm - or that the good far exceed the harm. Where there is risk there needs to be freedom of information and informed decision - not mandatory compliance.

The regulatory capture by which to lock down and deny human beings our essential human right and freedom of association,  as if the make them safe while choking a global economy of life support such as to put millions if not billions into poverty, chaos, degradation and dependency under totalitarian conditions - is an extension of the corporate and financial capture of regulatory institutions - including media, politicians and  scientific institutions such as to effect a private coup of governance as a whole system under pretence of public -private partnership.

Coercing face covering as a mandate of socially shamed obligation LOCKS IN the fear that is manufactured by design to a profiled and targeted population. But the fear OF the population must belong to those who choose to deceive so as to subject or discard your fellow human beings for a sense of control over the living.

The cartel of corporately directed state mandate extends into every area of life such as to make us cover our faces in preparation to state mandate to override any freedoms as to what is put into or done to our bodies. This in itself is a form of terrorism.

The freedom to wear a mask as an informed decision is not contested - any more than to wear an amulet. The capacity to distort the sharing of information is the lockstepping of the muzzled media and a muppet political class who deliver absurd scripts as post truth manipulative deceit!

Cognitive dissonance set in fear of exposure must seek to censor and ban a freedom to question.
It is you who and who scripts you that are trapped or locked into your own masking agenda and your claim to moral superiority is a sham.

Cherry picking 'covid' while ignoring and subsuming all else is a desperate attempt to persist a focus in false flagged fear. Don't mask your fear. Face and own what is yours so as to release what doesn't belong to you - and that includes the arrogant ignorance of the intent to possess and control life. But by providing such a transparent example, you serve to make informed choice   more obvious.
It is up to you what you accept and replicate as your own belief and experience. No one can 'hijack' or change your mind without your agreement at some level. But that you choose is your full consequence. You are not just 'following orders'.

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