Reading between your lines I recognise an identity or 'worldview' breakdown. (as a collective event).
Part of this is our presumption of being 'the good guys' or 'decent human beings' etc.
Identity constructs are both personal and social adaptation to change and challenge, they can also be seen as masking narratives.
I see that which identifies (us) truly as transparency to the qualities and resonances of life - that are pointed towards by terms such as God, truth, love - and many more.
But the grasping and masking of private agenda in the images and forms of association with these 'identities' generates structures of opacity and self-contradictory thought, that is in effect compartmentalised and shifted between as a sort of timeshare under a narrative continuity manager. The mind that is legion or many can operate under a narrative dictate to present the face of strategic adaptation as a learned or acquired habit or 'normal' that - like society- runs as if an autonomy when it is more of an automaton.
The split of mind is somewhat reminiscent of the mapping out of a magnetic medium as a hard disk for storage and recovery of information. There is one medium utilised as a realm of specific addresses serving a virtual model that interfaces as inputs that are processed to bring forth outputs, or results. The computer facet of our mind is a complex of programs and routines - but is a tool - regardless whether we 'become identified with our tool'. So a mind - our mind - can run on the 'tool-mind' as if it is IN its own model or imaged reality, rather than participant in defining or extending value and meaning to its relational expression and fruits.
Part of this is our presumption of being 'the good guys' or 'decent human beings' etc.
Identity constructs are both personal and social adaptation to change and challenge, they can also be seen as masking narratives.
I see that which identifies (us) truly as transparency to the qualities and resonances of life - that are pointed towards by terms such as God, truth, love - and many more.
But the grasping and masking of private agenda in the images and forms of association with these 'identities' generates structures of opacity and self-contradictory thought, that is in effect compartmentalised and shifted between as a sort of timeshare under a narrative continuity manager. The mind that is legion or many can operate under a narrative dictate to present the face of strategic adaptation as a learned or acquired habit or 'normal' that - like society- runs as if an autonomy when it is more of an automaton.
The split of mind is somewhat reminiscent of the mapping out of a magnetic medium as a hard disk for storage and recovery of information. There is one medium utilised as a realm of specific addresses serving a virtual model that interfaces as inputs that are processed to bring forth outputs, or results. The computer facet of our mind is a complex of programs and routines - but is a tool - regardless whether we 'become identified with our tool'. So a mind - our mind - can run on the 'tool-mind' as if it is IN its own model or imaged reality, rather than participant in defining or extending value and meaning to its relational expression and fruits.
The 'higher mind' - and I use higher in terms of a functional sense of inclusive and upstream to the results, is qualitative - and they two facets are not unlike the wave and particle paradox in that the 'Field' is only tangible through resonant interaction. To say that a field pervades space is redundant, but wherever and whenever there is interaction within the Field of vibrational qualities, a particular expression generates as effects. I am perhaps speaking abstractly - but this exactly applies to all specifics. Not all thoughts register with you - but those that do include some that you prefer not to notice right now and others you attract and are attracted to. Your freedom to give and receive the gift of life is in a sense - 'what you make of it' - but we don't make life or love, so much as conduct or resist its movement of extension as our own and paradoxically, the only way to truly own qualities of being is to extend of give them. While the attempt to get rid of, operates to keep them, while putting them out of (a split off) mind. And so 'denials' may be airbrushed or redefined as part of personal and collective reality (paradox alert - we are always an individual express of a relational whole and never really a thing in itself - and in the qualities of inner expression are each a unique expression within a wholeness that is in all its parts.
So 'lower mind' cannot and is not designed or capable or intended to 'compute' how to create - in the sense of the sudden shifts within infinite potentials to new results - for it is identity in 'results' or 'effects' as if they are causal - as a direct result of the wish to make reality in its own image.
The result of 'interfering with Reality' is an interference pattern of thought that believes it has actually done so, and equates the dissonance of conflicting realities (split mind), as a conflict of private guilt that persists the 'judgement' as a self-isolating lockdown and masking defence against Infinite Potentials (or our own being) that are now interpreted from within the bubble mind as threat to a separate self sense in both disclosure and retribution - when in truth the 'lie' is no longer operative as the chosen identity or parameters of our own reality-testing, such that a more aligned or transparent recognition replaces a split sense of self-world conflict seeking ever more ways to hide.
I found that I sketched this out instead of what I thought I was going to say. Perhaps because without some awareness of a greater Context, we are compelled to enact the current 'meanings' as if our life and world depended on them. In a sense it does - but not in the sense of power struggle for narrative control. Rather the freedom to question the mind of meanings that results a meaningless world driven to war and sickness because such are the inputs that are protected from questioning by our fundamental sense of masking survival.
Becoming aware of the tightness or confinement and pain of self-betrayl in our masking, is the call to re-align in the truth of the heart and mind as one. But it seems to be the call to war, sacrifice and doubling down in denial so as to hold control against fear of pain of loss of control.
So we have a mind that interprets from within its bubble that is part of lockstepping a sort of consensus reality that is our human world, and we also have innate capacity to notice the nature of the cost and benefit of such experience within living (infinite) potentials - that our mind is trained to filter and limit as 'thing in itself' - because we are operating or active in the idea of 'alone-apart', as an object model for a subjective experience.
The only way to release a habit is to make a new choice in the moment of awareness that we are choosing - even if as a result of inherited and acquired beliefs that ran invisibly or unconsciously until we notice them - perhaps as a result of a willingness to question our very experience - but also as a spontaneous moment of transcendence - but either way we cannot solve a problem within the frame it sets us, but only from the willingness to bring it to free (unconflicted) awareness in which our use of it is released to allow a shift to reflect a currently accepted desire.
The 'choice' between true desire and a masking sense of self, is not a battle between good and evil, so much as true and false - and even this is not a matter of judgement but of workability, fitting and resonance. A key recognition is that the nature of Relationship is fundamentally obscured (masked) by attempt to use another or demand they be what or who you want them to be. Willingness for and of relationship is not at all about waking anyone up - but the very nature of love is the condition of acceptance for what is as a basis for uncovering love. If 'love' seems a degraded word because of its use for manipulative masking - then let willingness for truth and the peace of its unconflicted being - seek and find a like willingness in every situation - such that what can be shared is honoured instead of giving priority to identity in narrative drama.
Key here is that we do not DO the sharing - or we will get in our own way by masking in the attempt to 'wield' virtue as if we had it as a specialness set apart from others.
If we want freedom, we have to give it to the whole situation so as to receive what is truly ours. If you are still reading you can see that this is yielding what you think to what you truly are and this is the basis of 'correction' or undoing of error.
In the 'world' we have already judged the situation and are already engaged strategically in seeking our private interest under the mask of justifications and necessities. Taking a step back from reactive identity is allowing a gift of a true movement to register not just to our thinking - but as the gift of the whole situation, aligned in tangible presence that cannot and need not be defined - for it is the quality that defines everything truly or perhaps 'wholly' - which can be spelt as it is said.
The mind of guilt's conviction is set in active denial of innocence of being 'hateful blasphemy'. Not least from experience of treachery and betrayal by which trust is broken and given to a broken but masked over reality, armoured against reliving pain.
Trauma is all about love lost, attacked, broken, abandoned, denied and persecuted.
But in the light of Prometheus and the Prodigal Son - did we run off with a private copy of something indivisible, inviable and of infinite potential?
The more fundamental the error, the more total its effects.
'Steal a kingdom and they call you king'.
But stealing rules out the quality and nature of a true possession.
A stolen mind lives in fear of dispossession as of intimacy that undoes its defences.
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