Friday, 31 July 2020

The belief there is no escape and that we are all 'infected' 

I would like you to consider what you assigned to a pathogen to an addiction or to a hateful and fearful thought that you try to cover over or escape or eradicate - but it keeps coming back.

I hold that your freedom is inviolable, an that what you seek to deny in yourself is actually fed and empowered by the very attempt to get rid of it. But as a hidden agenda or unconscious and unresolved conflict that can indeed be masked over and managed up to a tipping point.

The two principles that most practically apply here - in my view - are:

1. What you resist, persists.

2. What you neglect or choose not to use fades from no use.

If you see 1. as a version of trying not to think of an elephant - then you see that in one way of another it will fill the room that you CAN construct as a diversionary strategy so as not to deal with what you are unready or unwilling to deal with at this time. We do this all the time and it is readily observable as the priority to give attention to. But while wholeness of being gives fully and freely, a conflicted sense of self justifies and measures or indeed leverages a narrative of evasion or overriding as an expression of conflict that picks on anything else to focus on.

Recognising where we have made poor or mistake and partial choices that bring negative results is the capacity to withdraw support from the old normal or conditioned habit - so as to more wholly align in who you are. This does not demonise what you were or thought before but recognises a valid feedback and moves on.

While the idea is deeply cherished and protected, I challenge the idea of pathogen and replace it with toxic influence. Any healthy cell is attracted to nutrient and moves away from toxin.

The idea of a malign hijacking intent is overlaid upon a symbiosis. 

The capacity to receive and replicate in your own domain is the way life extends and shares, but if that capacity is filtered or distorted or blocked, a breakdown of communication operates as a 'rogue process' until the communication and balance is restored.

The attempt to demonise the rogue process at any level of our experience, sets up a self-reinforcing loop from which there is no logical escape, but every reason to question the premise upon which the mind is operating.

The belief there is no escape and that we are all 'infected' viruses on the 'Living Planet' denies our integral Expression within the Living and when we receive and replicate that we become part of denying a true recognition and worth in others. Once we blank others, all and any judgements can seem real according to our own sense of fearfully protected 'identity' and we effectively teach or demonstrate this mind by acting from it.

The novel discovery of germs and later viruses as the 'cause' of disease was the naive new scientific belief that evil didn't really exist and that germs that science could kill - would inaugurate a new world order of human rationality. Panacea attracts every kind of denied conflict to seek magical solution - and can be manipulated as a carrot on a stick for those whose fear can be activated to seek anything to cover it over again and make the bad stuff go away.

Bacteria can generate toxic waste that can sicken and kill. Yet the Biome of bacterial and fungal life is now recognised and accepted as the matrix of support for life on Earth - such that we attack and deny our own 'Mother' as a mistaken identity in self-isolating lockdown of a coercive private agenda.

The true nature of the what we gave the Latin name for poison to, that is a natural function of living cells exposed to stress of lack of nutrient and toxicity is 'little understood' and cannot be allowed to be uncovered while  a pathological framing of biology frames and directs funding, research, education and interpretation. However Biology can and does uncover much that medical virology chooses not to address, accept or apply - because it would undermine their existence. The same holds for a pharmaceutical psychiatry. When something is deemed too big to fail it simply means we are too heavily invested in it to risk any real change. 

Resisting necessary change grows a crisis and manipulating and exploiting crises instead of truly addressing them grows a cultural extinction event.

Resisting temptation to save face by masking over truth is simply standing in an integrity by not choosing to knowingly engage a disintegrity - and that is how we restore and grow trust in integrity. Not by masking in the forms or rituals of virtue.

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