in response to the themes in:
Woke may be an un unnecessarily pejorative instead of claim to truth by which to deny others. So perhaps I could restate that I have always found you taking a polarised position that shuts down debate rather than opens it. However, I respect your freedom to speak or write as you choose.
Control takes many different forms, but is part and parcel of the fear that feeds it. Narrative or mind control has been increased with the idea of managing bubbled 'freedom and democracy' to reveal itself as post truth politics - or simply manipulation and deceit.
I have written persistently questioning the mind-capture to the virus - as the virus (or cellular biological communication) is false flagged as pathogenic cause. In exactly the same way you flag 'Them' as your pathological cause. But there IS a symbiotic communication of all life on Earth that is starting to come into our scientific awareness as the Biome, and as field physics of resonant frequency interactions that are not just applicable to 'subatomic' particles but relate to life as communication that patterns its own paths of reference and relation.
I am suggesting there are psychic-emotional complexities that underlie our experience that have valuable feedback to each our own recognition of self-illusion given priority over truth. Note I did not say such feedback is necessarily to read in order to tell others what to think or do.
Evidences that do not fit the model can be distorted to fit the model or airbrushed out, pushed into long grass and hidden by smear, diversionary tactic and flat out wilful denial. In this case the model is the masking identity-worldview that we have for the most part deeply invested in as normal in place of natural - and its 'reality-experience' was maintained by all kinds of magical and tragic redistribution of toxic consequence that increasing became too interconnected a corrupt and false foundation to be allowed to disclose. The necessary lie is then the defence against disclosure of what we have made of life, love, truth, power etc
But under lies running as true, nothing is actually allowed to function - except as prioritised for survival in managing the mind so as to delay the Inevitable. And so life is sacrificed to protect a false sense of control set over terror from being brought out into the open. Not so different from heavy painkillers that limit both sensing and consciousness so as to mitigate the fear that the pain carries as a narrative of great burden, overwhelm, dispiriting and despair. However - addiction to means of limiting consciousness is not any more than a stopgap in which to regroup and recover purpose, connection and inspiration as active choices that transform the context or terrain of which the symptoms are an expression.
Now we almost all here may have moved to wish to warn and wake others to find either they do not want to know or cannot actually hear anything we say. Not surprising if it is the Bad News we carry under the illusion we become a saviour to spread it.
Just as music is a communication and patterns, tones and textures within music are communicable within the domain of sharing musically, so with biological expression. I appreciate the meanings in the following quote:
“It may shock you to know that all the world’s bacteria have access to a single gene pool, which has provided an immense resource for adaptation, manifesting an array of breathtaking combinations and re-combinations for three billion years! Any bacterium—at any time—has the ability to use accessory genes, provided by other strains, which permits it to function in ways its own DNA may not cover. The global trading of genes through DNA re-combinations provides for almost endless adaptation possibilities. Therefore, what has been done to one has been done to all. Widespread use of antibacterial agents is both futile and disastrous. Future life sciences and medicine will comprehend the more effective use of agents to stimulate positive adaptation of bacteria resulting in chains of supportive symbiosis. In the presence of love, these positive adaptations naturally occur. In the presence of hatred and fear, negative and resistant strains of bacteria are more likely. Life forms are ever changing, and yet the basic chemistry of life remains the same. Do not cling to forms that are passing, but seek for an understanding of life that embraces and includes all possibilities. This is accomplished through integrating and expanding patterns and relationships. In this way, you will see God as the creative power of life. When I asked that you love one another, I was not just giving you a recipe for human fellowship. This is the doorway to life eternal.” (The Keys of Jeshua - Glenda Green)
A key here is the patterns of fragmentation of fear, conflict and denial that set the personality in its themes of experience and exploration - and thepathways of reintegration. Insofar as there is a negative harvest - Fear calls its own. And yet in order to accept this as our choice we have to knowingly override our love - as an expression of unreadiness and unwillingness to embrace transformational change from within. And so it is a choice for delay and evasion along with the 'overheads' of maintaining overcontrol at cost of freedom. This manifests as a 'collective' contraction to a regressive 'reptilian brain' that diminishes the social and personal capacities in favour of protecting the group bubble from 'threat' at cost of loss of the Creative in terms of both child-bearing and Cultural or Consciousness development. It may believe it can usurp and control these functions - and that is simply the pattern OF the self-exclusive mind - whether as a lockstepped group-think or in any moment of joining with others as a group expression of active self-exclusivity - or judgement - masked or openly attacking.
I seek to open and share perspective from beneath or if you prefer 'above' or upstream to the personality matrix of identification in reaction to separation trauma or conflicts that are invisible and deeply protected - regardless they are repeating blindly and tragically as the human condition (ing). We might think we can find out who 'THEY' are and eradicate them - as if they were a pathological virus...
'They' easily operates a shortcut that suddenly removes us from a specific to an abstracted generality that is used whenever its suits our moment.
That you recognise an intention to reveal a hoax to those who investigate can be interpreted in many ways - depending on your intention and desire.
'They' may be or do whatever 'They' will, but you are responsibly to your will. If it is automatically given in reaction, you are will-less under a fixed or stuck mind and need a reset - which I recognise in Life and not as a manual systemic attempt to usurp Life. I sometimes misspell reset as rest - and that is a hidden source of regeneration, renewal and refreshment.
Regardless our ego or 'control-mind' having a limited and limiting sense of control, the overall process of reintegration unfolds or rather refolds to its Seed. The idea of Compression as a positive alignment to qualitative being is the need and inspiration to reintegrate in unified purpose by releasing the baggage of unnecessary contradictions. However this is NOT something all the king’s horses and all the king’s men can DO or achieve - even with A.I, and relatively harmless Threat Incentives.
But I accept the drive to try and DO it is fuelled by the belief we MUST DO SOMETHING NOW - which operated the replacement of the presence of Now by a masked agenda to 'FIX life' rather than Listen and let life stir, move and abide in us - unmarketised, unweaponised and welcome just because. Joy - which can be deep and quiet and unselfconsiously one with its moment is a signature quality of wholeness. Fake joy is marketable and weaponisable. So we come back to self-honesty and self-trust - and therefore meeting all the fear-derived obstacles we have brought from our past as to why we cannot open at the Heart of life - rather than associate in a lost love seeking substitution.
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