Carey in Reply to Petra Liverani
You and a couple of others here keep making the claim that there is no virus (to the discredit of this site, IMO) – please provide some direct evidence for your extraordinary claim.
You might seek direct evidence for the extraordinary claims being made and set into structures of global regulatory controls by the subversion of trusted authorities and institutions and in particular, the Medical Industrial Complex - that is both blatantly out in the open and yet concealed in the narrative of the captured mindshare. False religion feeds upon and nurtures lack, fear and dependency as control masking as progress and protection from the hateful - which is its self-appointed function to cancel or eradicate. It hates (what it made of) life - and is driven to manipulate, usurp and replace it.
The covid pretext is set to inaugurate a 4th Industrial (Biotech) revolution. The cover story is used to set the ground upon which to make a new self (or Social and Economic Order).
If you don't aggressively defend the cover story it simply will not 'survive' or operate the leverage to consolidate control by contractual limitation (inducing willingness to sacrifice life to the 'narrative dictate' given god-like priority.
Petra historically makes blanket claims (Its all a hoax!) that in my view can undermine communication rather than serve it. Her claims come across as an ultimate yet personal stance on 'O God when are you all going to wake up!' - with the insinuation of being herself awake.
This is a variation of 'woke' to see the evil or false in others and world - therefore presuming to know what is true and by extension right as if being right is the vindication or our person rather than rightly aligned in a true appreciation for life.
While I don't claim 'there is no virus' - I could - with the qualification that I see a virus within an extracellular communication that we call 'symbiotic' - except that still presumes separateness operating in lockstep. I see life as a whole. But I also learned to see life in pieces as a result of judgement, attack and masking defence. (Our human conditioning!).
However, I choose to align and see in wholeness rather than as a hijacker of a lost or broken wholeness set in action and reaction.
So my appreciation of 'viruses' is not false flagged to a product and projection of our own psycho-pathology - ie the alien attack or demonic hijack of the Other - set on dispossessing us - or ripping off our mask. However the narrative definitions belief and invested identity in contagious infection as a cover story for toxic debts or consequences denied, concealed and cunningly redistributed via such framing as to replace the natural with a conditioned normal that has 'learned to see' and interpret in fear of otherwise being exposed to illegitimacy.
The history of science - which provides the dominant current and active narrative - is told by the 'winners', and until love of truth wakes the hearts of those whose minds are captured by lovelessness, such masking in lovelessness operates as possession and control - as competing private agenda or power struggle to assert a masking identity as true and therefore over the truth of others - or of a whole truth 'othered'. Thus the narrative seeks to weaponise and marketise for its own masked agenda and in terms of virology this really can be patently obvious.
Weaponisation of biology begins with using the body-mind lovelessly but has developed to biological warfare - not just on our own and other's bodies but on the biosphere. As an overt intent this is of course backwards, destructive or evil, but as a by product of a self-protective bubble it is framed in a mind of survival AS a private, separate and necessarily conflicting agenda - for its root is in the idea of opposition to what is, as a denial protected. Perhaps you are seeing that our current situation is replicating externally the inner terrain of our own structures of thought in definition and belief given power?
The body mind - and its World of relational expression and experience is a vehicle of communication whether we recognise this or not. Using communication (mind) as a weapon has to posit some special part to be above question and protected or kept hidden by fear and attack or indeed control, so as to set apart from and set over in judgements of a private or masked mind posited and hidden in the body or identifying in image and form.
Communication operates as resonant recognition, but our conscious acceptance of communication or true being can be blocked or delayed by a conflicted or split mind given priority so as to engage attention (identify) in conflict as a dissociation within cognitive dissonance.
Survival set against feared loss of face, self or control by exposure is a mind of ingenuity and cunning that buys time against the feared Inevitable - associated with pain and death and loss that actually operates as the fruit or result of identity drawn from conflict.
As for a 'novel' discovery, that was narratively pre-set to frame us in 'nakedness' or lack of any immunity and therefore helplessness, and yet even in terms of mainstream virology, behold the 'cells make all things new!' - that is the virus of itself doesn't mutate for it is created by living cells to perform function according to the specifics of the terrain or context in which communication (information, transformation and exchange) is operating. Whereas the novel virus is what we are told, and what our minds are framed to interpret according to the same voice WHO told us we were naked'. Fear sharpens awareness within the focus of its attention. What was originally assigned to be associated with but not the cause of a cluster of respiratory disease symptoms in (toxic) Wuhan became THE fear-magnet for any and every slight fever, cold or flu, and assigned itself by inversion of precautionary principle to subvert and co-opt almost every death - while weaponising reactions that isolated, ventilated and toxified people in place of nursing sickness as the developing of the novel as the basis for 'asymptomatic infection' as a subjection to biological guilt or unfitness for social inclusion regardless any clinical disease.
The virus has not been truly isolated nor do virologists see any need to do so. The serum or extracted material from a handful of Wuhan sick is a bunch of fragments of proteins and RNA or DNA that are Rorschach blots or goats entrails for the priesthood of computer modelling - by which to reconstitute what the virus 'must have been' and establish the definitions by which to test, and therefore diagnose and treat - regardless clinical conditions. What does RT-PCR test for? signature fragments of genetic code that are supposedly unique to only the designated virus definition - excepting it does not seek 100% match nor does it find a proven identified and causal virus. It can basically find a close (perhaps 80%) match with the wuhan sampled fragments - which could be anything. (Humans have something just under 100% match with chimps. our ideas about genetics are marketised and weaponised as if our modelling offers possession and control of nature)
Note that to algorithmically enhanced thinking, fragments are put back together by all the kings horses and all the kings men, as an idea or model reality. But within a living cellular matrix of life, cells not only create and express functional messaging or transport and service, but themselves break down to building blocks of life that are not in a vacuum or inert medium, but within a field of intelligence or self organising structural function.
The mind of the many has long been captured by a false religion of the body as 'The real' - but the body as a dead mechanism under analysis from an already pathological mindset. Biology can and does uncover more about the body as part of life but virology is founded and funded to seek and destroy a pathogenic chaos monster. Order set over chaos is a different beast than order discerned within apparent chaos. But it takes one to know one, and the virus mind seeks and attack its shadow everywhere and yet nowhere, because that which blocks or denies the light is directing the mind that thinks to see.
By the fruits, rewards, results, evidences, can we know the underlying idea in act.
All feedback can serve learning, but to persist in garbage in; garbage out, is to delay and block any real learning or transformational perspective, so as to lockdown into self-imaged reality substitution - which lays a mask over what we are unready or unwilling to face.
An entity operates an inner and outer balance. The interface itself is where intelligence operates. In compartmentalising a split attention that literally knows not what it does, a surface attention is set over and from a reactive sense of disconnection, lack and separateness instead of opening and aligning in dialogue. The transcendence of mechanically polarised reactive loops of self-reinforcing negative result is 'relational being'. Mechanical mimicry of virtue or power is hollow. To be truly moved is to know the life that not only moves you, but is within all that is. The mind may shout to reinstate 'control' but balance is discerned within - and not imposed and coerced from a sense of being without'.
Balance and imbalance are both necessary for awareness of existence in form and motion. And the freedom to explore and experience imbalance as a result of giving rules lordship in place of the life, serves a self-blinding death wish, because life is not IN the model, or the rules.
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