Thursday, 30 July 2020

Everything is going on at once and all is rebalancing all of it parts

in response to the themes in:

Biological interactions operate a symbiotic homeostasis of which the blind watchmaker knows not. Everything is going on at once and all is rebalancing all of it parts in all ways as the functional expression of the organism within its living or life supporting context.
'It's Life Jim, but not as we conceptualise it'.
Human being includes a complex internal 'self-imaging' feedback of perception-response that as a filtering interpretation can be at odds with current reality - so as to seek to defend the model or image, set at odds with the true interaction or exchange. This posits and inertial fulcrum of eccentric imbalance upon centred or functional wholeness so as to protect a posture of defence or protection that effectively reiterates a self-identification set in conflict, lack, imbalance that drives the need to manage and control - or manually rebalance the system from a blind spot set in 'as if' apart from life. Sometimes it presumes to be set over life, and at other times subjected to lack, limitation, conflict, fear and pain of loss.

But that wasn't the point - but the context to my point.
The concept of evolution can be misused - but the idea of adaptations arising from change and challenge is valid. The body can be seen in many ways, but as biological function living cells operate symbiotically - except when communication is broken.

Our sense of communication is linear or cause and effect - call and response - or input and result but our thinking is binary and tends to assign specific functional identities according to our inbuilt bias - such as to impose our sense of control onto a biology that is more akin to a field effect that balances and aligns all the facets of its expression.

When we introduce substances that are not part of our evolutionary symbiosis, or generate toxic exposures - we interject a blind leverage or suppressor into a wholeness that may check a target box but fails in all other functional requirements because it is not of life and in life. Ultimately we can say change and challenge is occurring by our own choices or ruled defaults that can be integrated and grown from, but we could also say that millions of autistically effected lives might serve the recognition of the contextual priority of the gut biome to core cellular development and function (life, immunity and consciousness). Autism came out in the moment of writing - there is a long list of toxic effects concealed by 'syndromes, infectious and idiopathic diseases and of course treatments'.
Natural does not mean good - for poisons are what does not belong and what we do not belong in - under our current adaptation. But man-made, or synthetic leverages are never only leveraging the diagnosed or theorised problem but act upon the whole as unintended consequences, that become profitable to conceal to the inertial fulcrum or identity complex of a medical management state.

So vitamins - in the sense of naturally derived rather than industrially synthesised - are extremely  low risk - within a common sense of responsibility and balance - ie: checking in with reality.
Whereas iatrogenic disease may be the globally populist movement of our times if the full account were truly available. Anything set up and given belief as panacea will bring with it, all of the false and toxic conflicts and complexes that seek a magic answer instead of checking in with reality for a true resolution. The same principe operates for a magic terror-threat that attracts all false and toxic conflicts to hide and ride its bandwagon effect.

The capacity to direct almost all attention to a possibility of an adverse reaction to - say - vitamin D - while human beings are being deceived and literally poisoned and degraded by their own wilful ignorance is an amazing achievement by which to demonstrate the power of thought, intention and desire - albeit negatively.
Doubt is appropriate to challenge by enquiry as the sense of dissonance - ie - something doesn't feel right or ring true. But is hardly of service to engaging in inspired or creative endeavour (living our lives!). The key is the willingness and capacity to check in at the heart of honesty - rather than take inspiration and direction from a war against evil - that is framed in private agenda seeking reinforcement against exposure to lack of substance. Aligning in and of wholeness is simply checking in as distinct from running on defaults of conditioned identity.

Identifying a sense of lack that is a fear rather than a full fact, is the opportunity NOT to persist in using it as the basis from which to decide or act. Any pause of reaction allows some free attention of awareness by which to notice what the mind had kept hidden. Science has the merit of testing out and reading the feedback, but is only as honest as the question. If we look only for pathogenic or indeed genetic 'causes' we will 'find them' and adjust the model until we can 'see it'. Modelling is 'as if'. This is uniquely developed in our human consciousness - as a virtual space or domain in which to reconstruct and anticipate outcomes. In essence the function is imaging your true desire as part of aligning within it. But if this is replaced with a fearful imagination of what we DON'T WANT - and we align everything so as - for example - NOT to think of an elephant - then what is then always in the room but invisibly mapped out?

The field effect of unified or true desire cannot be leveraged by fear and guilt to actually unify - but only seem to make a unity while the threat is maintained. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men...
The other side of this coin is that wholeness in expression is miraculously resilient or adaptive - and so all kinds of fears, poisons, threats and negative outcomes have not occurred - that if we were all equally 'susceptible' we would not exist. Covid fear illuminates - regardless the medical arguments as to what it is or is not - that a large selection of people are effectively hypnotised by the activation trigger. My overall sense of this is to bring our own activation triggers back into conscious responsibility. So it is easy to sow doubt and fear into love and life if we are already subscribed to the underlying beliefs targeted by the message and therefore do not see any call to check in. Confirmation bias feeds a mindset. But recognition of truth grows an alignment of our thought and perception as a result of checking in. The mind is capable of mimicking the form of anything. Targets and checkboxes do not signify the virtue that extends a quality of life. Rather, they signify obsession with appearances given priority over real relationships or post truth descent into stark (obvious) insanity.
'Checking in' may be helped by dialogue - by sharing or bouncing ideas - but specifically by listening to the point of hearing, and seeing past the presenting symptoms. But also and perhaps more so by immersing or abiding and engaging in the natural world - and in what truly comes naturally as joy in being you. The gut releases its tension when we are grounded and centred - which could sound like 'locked down' and lockstepped - but absence of coercion is the key characteristic of a true centre - and who would want to block and suppress joy in life to be cross examined by doubt. False certainty is simply weaponised doubt seeking reinforcement.
Certainty might better be addressed as unconflicted - or not getting in our own way - because the mind seeks to interject and impose its logic on what it cannot comprehend - and to our willingness to mask over chaos rather than abide through it as a transformative adaptation.
Faith in life requires no more than noticing life in expression in place of a sense of thinking, made god - or given priority.

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