Thursday 3 December 2020

Question all narrative definitions


The nature of the beast is its multiplying of heads when seeking to chop one off - such to become de facto – lost in the long grass of distracted and diverting delay, while the underlying issue remains covered over and protected by the reaction of self-protective identity running in the covid script.

The most primary diligence is to question the narrative definitions without emotional investment in their assertions, claims or accusations.

The entire business and reshaping of business, can be dealt with at the level of primary definitions awaiting proof or of switcheroo of such definitions being replaced by others but used to carry the same emotionally assigned means.

After Swine flu - which has been widely recognised to have been fraudulently leveraged, and by some, fraudulently asserted, the WHO - (which is itself a questionable and corrupted front for corporately 'partnered' 193 state compliance), CHANGED their own definition and use of the term 'pandemic' :

    The new definition removed the following clause: “A pandemic may occur when a new influenza virus appears …resulting in epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness……” A ‘pandemic’ in 2020 can be called simply if “A disease epidemic occurs when there are more cases of that disease than normal.”

As for the virus, we have firstly the definition of 'pathogenic cause; assigning sole cause to an agency of cellular communication or shedding of information that is both demonised and inversely worshipped as power over a definition of the body as weak, inadequate, lacking immunity or defence, and in need of boosting from external interventions to suppress and control the natural survival response to a toxic and depleted change or challenge.
Pathology of disease has been largely captured by external interventions that have become a medical industrial complex reaching now for bio-technical control as a systemic replacement for life in the name of making safe while effectively killing the patient or so suppressing life as to render it life-denying, dysfunctional or 'disease-inducing' while buying time as the delay of the release of a false take or mis-taken premise set in false profits.

The suppositions of virology were never truly proven by the logical postulates that supposedly support its claim to funding and directives as to how and where to direct and regulate resources and lives, for all such choices have cost to benefits that those who benefit are least able to reliably determine, but those who perceive benefit may mobilise to enforce.

The definition for isolating a virus was changed with the shift into genetic definitions aided by computer modelling that by passed a more transparent and reproducible empirical approach.

The assigned and accepted authority to set and adjust definitions of disease - that increasing becomes a matter of biomarkets biomarkers for systemic data driven controls, and away from clinical disease or clinical evaluation of need brought to attention, is the toolset by which to not only 'medicalise' health - and disease or dis-ease that belong to relational responsibility and toxic exposures and ingestions which include personal choices along with collective or corporate consequences.
Drostren's formulation of the test of a reconstituted computer modelled composite definition of 'indeterminate matters', is even more fundamentally flawed than Ferguson's Garbage in; garbage out pretext for invoking apocalyptic terror as the pretext for 'they made us lockdown' the people and the global economy, presenting as an incompetent buffoonery in what was formerly known as the United Kingdom.

That this is enacted and executed must be with the consent and support of the underlying Financial system that holds corporates (and much else) in dependency for economic inclusion, and which is likewise in the business of authority to define and set economic and financial definitions within which energy and support for life can be directed or choked back systemically.

If you don't align in the Green New Deal expect a DNR on your corporation or business and assignment to the appropriate tier status.

The patterns within these and much else are all lost when charging into the long grasp to fight the details as if to win a war that is not actually operating under any such rules but as a survival imperative.

That the so called old normal was for many their comfort zone is broken. Even if the process of disintegration could be halted, the actual account is not at all as presenting in surface narrative management of conflicts and this of suppression of risks of disclosure to lies that are defended as the price for saving what 'controllers' believe is 'too big (to be allowed) to fail.

if the fear being leveraged to maintain or provide a 'noble lie' of freedom from fear, is equal of greater than the fear being masked over and assigned or cast 'out' to biosecurity threats, carbon threat, terrorist threat, or rival nation threat, asteroids and aliens threat – then the game is no longer worth the candle.

For those aligned or indentured to the New Narrative Order, carrots and sticks operate such that the only freedom willing slavery allowed perks - but with the rules entirely removed from any process of relational communication and decision.

I write not to undermine anyone engaged at any level of addressing illigitimacy or error where the recognise it and choose not to be complicit. Rather to recognise the role of definitions as the template from which results automatically proceed.

We cannot pretend fears away except by actively pretending to be who we are not and giving allegiance to a masking persona by which to map out, mitigate and assign to a pathological intent deserving no ear, but only to be cancelled, lest the light on our mask reveals what we currently believe must be not only concealed, but protected from recognising this act as our own willing.

The mask has to become the new reality that wont and cannot come off, and amnesia set over a life to only be depicted in fantasy and fable - as prison food according to which tier you are caste in.

But You are not your mask. You are the maker of the meanings You accept and strengthen by sharing, and can choose to align in willingness to know and be known truly. This meaning is not IN the frame of a mind and world set in conflict and so is forever safe from, or resting within a mind set against its own source and nature.

As we are in some sense already living a conditioned world in which love and truth are set in betrayal and loss, seeking defence or vengeance, we give no power to what seems set as fantasy and fable, and yet the intuitive being lives the knowledge that despite all appearances, reality is not as it seems, and when released from seeking to make it fit our fantasy, restores the mind to a transparency and accountability of true function. The simplest term for which may be 'joy in being'.

It is said the you don't know what you' got 'til its gone, but that is a trick by which to cast yourself in love lost and be-live it. To have and know we have, is to live the giving of something true.

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