Thursday 3 December 2020

Love, Sin and Terror (3 comments)

 #1 True prayer aligns true willing - not wishing 

zakisbak Cato The Elder

Praying = wishing.

I disagree with your equation.

Desire is prayer - but true desire is not 'wishful' but willing.

That people know not what they do is the result of knowing not what they are asking for. Be careful (conscious) what you wish for, because desire aligns thought, action and alignment of experience.

The head or mind is many and conflicting wishes - UNLESS yielding and aligned in the heart's honesty.

Love of God, being, existence, awareness or life is love of others and world as your self. This suggests that what we use the term 'love' for is a masking in virtue and not a true witness.

Garbage in; garbage out. (Sowing and reaping).

If garbage is our experience or 'fruiting' reward, then look to the roots or seed thinking that generates it. Look to the bug in the Template, not to the leveraging of heaven and Earth to squelch it's behavioural expression.

The use of God, Truth, love, and the qualities of direct association such as peace, power for the mind set in conflict, is the attempt to mask out and deny conflict. The denied do not feel loved, embraced or empowered, excepting, they forsake truth to align in compliance with what masks as power to escape or eradicate hated fears and feared hate.

So the word is degraded by its misuse, and takes on derivative currency of 'meanings' that are dissociating from living context.

Under the spell of false word and witness, all attempts to communicate suffer distortion. The attempt to overcome or cut through distortion weaponises the word, such that communication itself is rendered into a weapon. This pattern of using the means of communication, as the means to break or deny communication, is running under the demand to be 'made safe'. 

It is perhaps timely to re-evaluate where true safety lies, rather than recycle and repeat a false safety in lies.

Love - when true - is not appeal to external authority, but an integrative expression of an integrity or reintegrative alignment to being. I did not say to 'our' being, because the egocentric think to possess and control life as a private realm of judgement set over and apart from the judged.

If love is the answer, it is because it isn't a problem and thus a point of practical perspective. Making love a problem comes from trying to love and getting in our own way. Unselfconscious joy or alignment in inspired purpose takes no thought for itself. Learning not to get in our own way is part of all true endeavour. But blaming everyone and everything else for not serving the purpose you give it IS giving it that purpose as justification for  dispiriting, of conflict that wears down to normalise despair.

So to know the purpose that is active is the result of checking in, as the moment at hand, rather than running on yesterday's insight, or any past conditioned learning. 'Mindfulness' is then transparency of mind to the recognition of aligned or misaligned intent.

I recognise the mind in the 'world' is incredibly distracting to the desire to simply know - but that is because it carries the habit of so many conflicting wishes. The habit does not yield to being talked to or even 'understood'  - unless understanding is the self-honesty of recognising it no longer speaks for who you now recognise and accept yourself to be, and so choose not to repeat it. This prepares or opens the way for life to rise as a new alignment from where you are that expresses conscious value and grows a new habit by consistently persisting what is recognised true, instead of habitually identified.

This is not about changing, saving or recruiting others - but releasing fear driven agenda to the recognition of others in freedom to align and share in value truly extended.

#2 Sin is not in the world but makes a fake world and locks its maker in it

jmjm208 Cato The Elder

"The problem", Mr Cato, is ourselves. As Mr Graham said "The greatest problem in the world, today, is sin" Or, to put it another way, "the heart of Man's problem is the problem of Man's heart"

If you put self illusion first in your heart, then you will attack and deny the messengers of truth to save such a 'self'.

If we make this 'normal' we make a world of locked down bubbles seeking power under narrative masking agreements.

So the problem is IN not in the world, any more than we are - when such a world is a mass hallucination or hypnosis given priority over the heart of true acceptance and its extension as the mind renewed.

Milking the problem is taking identity from conflict.

But taking a false inheritance soon turns sour!

#3 Terror splits the mind.

Cato The Elder jmjm208

So, nothing to do with "God" - the mumbo jumbo concept invented as a way of controlling the more gullible and superstitious.

Terror splits the mind.

The invocation for protection under fear gives power to control, which masks the fear by casting out. The casting Director is somewhat like the Wizard of Oz. But all dramatic representations are castings.

Faith assigned to rationality has been no less used to control the gullible and superstitious. Reason is Sanity or whole, but rationalised justifictions masking over denied terror have all the power given them by the split set against wholeness, in fear of truth as damning, humiliating or inescapably painful.

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