Thursday 3 September 2020

Otherism is indeed fear 

Otherism is indeed fear. The underlying reality is of fear as inner conflict projected to the 'othered' and defended against - with attack or pre-emptive defence reiterating and 'making the lie a persistent perceptual-response of 'normal' (in newspeak).

Self-otherism is set in the root of our (self) consciousness, but is not native to an underlying self-awareness of un-self-conscious awareness that is like to (but prior to) an innocent perception. What do we actually SEE rather than what do we think we see - which is an adapted acculturated learning of the world we 'need to see' in order to survive our family, our society and our world - in the light of our personal sensitivities or indeed 'separation trauma'.

The persona is a mask of presentations not just to others, but to ourself, in diversion or cover story to hide from or hide in, and being identified as survival, we for the most part become the social mask and forget or bury the native feeling awareness of an intimacy of being - for the world is learned to be a place where revealing yourself is to be attacked, blanked rejected or used. Conditions for love are set internally as those in which the mask of defence relaxes or falls away and we socially negotiate conditions as a trading of attention, reinforcement or stroking for the mask or person as ways to get what we lost, buried and feel as lack (of love, power or peace of fulfilment), and corresponding associations of unworthiness for NOT meeting the conditions in which we are set to seek outside ourselves and which the world of relations cannot possibly more than momentarily fulfil. 

The sense of lack-driven neediness may run invisibly under shared social conditions that maintain a larger sense of social identity, but having no basis in truth BUT evasion of fear and guilt is a manipulative reaction IN fear and guilt that protects itself by social constructs of 'normalised' self illusion or invested identity defended as survival.

The mind of justification seeks and finds reinforcement for its masking defences by accusing its own denials or lovelessness in the 'other' as attempt to get rid of it and 'kill' it in the scapegoat of transference of consequence to someone or something ELSE. The ways in which this is engaged can be open attack through to sophisticated expressions of concern, but the effect is where people join in hate, and take perverse delight in giving pain, deprivation and denial, under the fantasy enactment of 'saving' themselves and their world from their own lovelessness and its consequence. Masked in virtue is hollow to a lack of truth - and runs as those 'who know not what they do' - else what they thought to have gotten rid of will reveal itself and damn them. Thus are they compelled to sacrifice the life and truth of others and self to the masking control of Notional Security set above all else and running without transparency or account. The mask that served to protect our life now becomes a living hell, because its runs as an irrevocable conviction in guilt and sin set under intolerable dread or terror that must seek escape in illusions by which to hide from that which hides or covers the native truth of our being. Special identities, relationships, groups, identities in common hold some sense of conditions in which to join in a bubble that shares an inside to which the hated and feared are walled out. 

But only love identifies anyone or anything truly. Conditional 'love' turns to hate as soon as conditional agreements are betrayed. Masking in love not only deceives, but devalues and displaces a capacity to recognise life with blind judgements that will always reveal more about the one set in judgement than the one being judged.

Seeking righteousness for our sense of denied or deprived self and life is seeking within the frame of displacement that is masking and obstructing our felt and direct appreciation for being. Our true right is in our being, in our existence, as our truth, and not on the set of conditions of what we have done, or not done, or had done to us or been deprived of and denied.

When the mask disintegrates from lack of support (it never was the truth of who we are), denied or hidden fear comes up as the demand to reinstate a LID and control no matter what cost. It operates as if our own thinking - but it doesn't know who we are because it is running on what we fear to be, or fear to exposed in as false or invalid.

This is where we need a miracle. And the willingness to call for truth is the unconditional release if only for an instant, of our attempt to make truth and defend it as our self.  The capacity to listen, and receive is the opening of a willingness to see more of what we are, than a mind set in fear as defence had allowed. Growing Perspective is by embrace and expansion, not by exclusion and limitation. The movement of reintegration in life is restorative to our being and not reinforcement for our thinking.
A lie NEVER becomes truth - but the function of illusion is of passing off as something it is not and thus replacing truth in the mind of the perceiver. Management or control of narratives and perceptions is collectivising the lie and the father of it. What is the 'father of the lie' but the wish to become what we are not? And the belief that we have succeeded!

The Emperor's New Clothes is relevant - but in much more depth than when used to point the finger at others. We all 'learn; to present a covering over our fear of self-lack, as we do to share in it with 'allies' or tear through it to uncover the sin, in the justification for 'othering'.

Withholding and withdrawing to a lockdown bubble mind set in defence and conformed in self-reinforcing lockstep or groupthink interprets criticism or lack of support as attack, and will react to cancel even the right to have any voice but as assigned to the invalid and the hated.

'Even as ye do unto the least... ye do unto Me'... and to yourself.

But those who know not what they do, know not who they are.
Cognitive dissonance runs a mind that cannot know its own displacement.
But we are the capacity to notice our our thoughts, feelings and reactions.
By the grace of being aware. And this is freedom to alight and align in that which truly identifies us in living - instead of in fear of pain of loss.

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