Wednesday 2 September 2020

Free to do as we are told 

Well older people will suffer imprisonment - but the new generations - perhaps with a bit of genetic bio-support - will never have known any different - and the Internet will be remade without any fake articles or histories.

Our own times are our normal - and from a spiritual perspective - we collectively walk about in a state of normalised shock - fragmented offworld fantasy - and evasion of any true intimacy of being. We had a word for the process of separation and loss of love - The Fall - as if it had happened rather than still falling! But its principles are being re-enacted in BOLD as fear, panic, lockdown under lockstep, anti-social cliquing masked over and aggressively defended.

But Intimacy is the nature of our very being and to catch it you have to be early enough to notice the movement BEFORE the mind locks down into meanings that tell you what you are and what to do. 

Don't forget that freedom is the ability to align in a choice and live the consequences. No one has the power to deny us like we do on ourselves. My first wife used to tell me what to do ;-)

Sometimes deeply set relationships have to be questioned rather than persisted in - perhaps to open new life or to move on. Are we free to question?

I agree that it is not comfortable to experience the ongoing intent to remove our freedoms for state granted conditional release on good behaviour. Its a mind virus of manipulated collectivism that seeks to cancel life whenever it falls foul of the new parameters.

The first line of freedom is our thought. Thinking we are free is the sort of illusion by which to enlist willing slaves. Very few recognise this - and of those who do, many seek to use the insight as advantage over others - perhaps under an initially benevolent


There is a hierarchy of values.

Many presume healthcare to be at the top - though anyone with any knowledge of pharmaceutical fraud may wish that were so and endeavour to appeal to reason.

But socio-economic-political agenda are being held to, under any appearances of incompetence or 'panicked' decisions driven obviously by organised media hysteria and less obviously by huge financial incentives behind the scenes.

It is a politics that does not hesitate to pause covid alert for BLM (blame) demonstrations, and if as I suspect XR is to be remobilised to take the protest stage away from the possibility of public outrage, non consent or demand for representative and open political  - and scientific - dialogue - then XR will be protected (again).

The current situation is the persistence and drawing out of the fear and lockdowns (for nothing is actually allowed to restore to conditions of  living as we would otherwise revert to - excepting maybe on a beach or similar). While the current situation to date doesn't merit the insane reaction that has been assigned to virus fear - by the time the shock wears off enough to start to think - some kind of 'second wave' is promised and unlike most politicians promises - this may be made to happen. There is too much committed to this to back off and nowhere to back off to.

R Kennedy Jr's speech in Berlin is short, inspiring and to the point

I don't talk about 'covid deaths' because there are so many lies as to what brought on the deaths,that include over zealous resort to invasive treatments and derivation of effective treatment protocols - and then the actual disease process of those who may have died from it rather than with it may not be covid-19 so much as complications arising from cross reacting antibodies (as a result of recent flu vaccinations) - and a number of other plausible contenders for 

dysfunctional immune response - along with those who were so weakened by other morbid conditions as to be susceptible to losing their life to almost any new strain - including a cold.

Excess deaths to previous averages are likely to rise and rise - especially when the anaesthetic wears off and drip feed removed. Even if we could cast off the corruption we could not go back to what was. Regardless the suggestions and commands of the 'authorities' - I feel to participate in adaptation to life from a sense of shared humanity - rather than by masking in 'concern' while choking the global Economy and destroying the baby and the bathwater of European and Western cultural roots - that at least have some tradition of holding power to accountability. They don't like that sort of regulation, and so they have broken in to set for their own protections at cost of ours.

I don't WANT to believe any of this either! And I stay open to higher perspectives in any case - but the other way of seeing it than a conspiracy to global controls working through multiple fronts over generations is 'insanity'. I do not see the means for a seeding of new life in their 'world order' but a subjugation and denial of the human will - as if human will is the real virus to be flattened and eradicated or conformed to willing comply before being forced - as its new conditioned reflex.

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