Saturday, 5 September 2020


You could have made valid and constructive points here but trashed your own comment by virtue signalling as an anti-nutter to in a choir of polarised 'normality'.

The general unsoundness of the platform that operated is not addressed by your commenting at all. I could write a page of critical comment so I am not without sympathy for addressing the many faults or lack of clear communication on the day, but have no interest in smear based identity politics.

The fact is that they were the individuals who actually organised it, and did so under duress. (The police presence at the event was more than containment - they confiscated audio and video equipment and arrested Corbyn).  The pretext was uniting for freedom which I felt in the people but not the organisers who - like the BBC - take on the role of telling us what to think, who to boo and when to cheer - a pantomime.

The speakers were indeed poor in focus and delivery - the MC presumed the whole event as her personal last ditch attempt to save the world and interrupted other at will.

But the 'nutterbility' is in the emotional reactivity, lack of discipline and focus, that went way off message - for freedom cannot be mandated or set in negatives.

Freedom to wear of not wear a mask is to be respected but 'nutters' shame it bedwetting etc. Who are 'nutters'? They are not people so much as a dispossession of intelligent awareness to an emotional reactivity coupled with abnegation of responsibility masking as virtue set over scapegoats for their own frustrations.

Factionalism works polarised identity as a sort of unowned collectivism. You could express your desire for Toby to organise or get involved in the organisation of a broad church coalition for a Humanity under attack by extremely organised forces of deceit.

But critical awareness is for decisions into the future - not the demonising of the past from a sense of superior judgement. 

The 'whacky' issues have a valid call for public accountability and transparency. When gov-corp behaviours ignore and override public accountability, they are running hidden or dark agenda, and setting the issue as  outside permission to openly speak of for anyone in public office under penalty of being cancelled. That this incites a negative imagination is hardly surprising - and fearful imagination is - as covid demonstrates -  a very powerful destructive influence.

Attack on Humanity is not the 'nutters' who are 'incentivised' to sign away our freedoms for  personal privileges or under methods of duress that are not openly obvious, but the kind of thinking that is engaged in, tolerated and made currency of exchange. Humans - once defined in terms of invalidity can be treated like lab-rats. The narratives by which humans are induced to destroy their own medium of communication are 'weaponised language'.

The belief that weaponised language is the way to get what we want over others we want to exclude rather than engage is the way human beings are excluded by the ultra rich networks of control that can and have and are operating us like pavlov's dogs.

If we don't want to be treated like lab rats, we have to uncover the resource that makes us truly human - rather than persist the polarised and polarising reactive ego of self in image.

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