I have been mostly active on X within the discipline of succinctness alongside the 'focus of the day or the era as being perceived.
I might start a substack-but that's only a seed at the moment.
I do also comment into web articles but have not often posted them here, but as a way of showing I am active here are some of today's:
Transhumanism, the Death of God, and Eternal War – OffGuardian
We are always teaching... and learning from what we teach.
"Do as I say, not as I do" represents a split mind.
We can call it a masking adaptation to a loveless or conflicted world,
or an acceptance of the split-mind as psychic adaptation to the human conditioning, or Separation trauma by which a focus in and as a body masks and distances from underlying conflicts that are thus projected onto others and world - onto life as something 'other'.
Not least because an unconditional but undifferentiated love opens to or takes on conflict-solution as the terms or conditions of (its) being.
The child takes on the large unspoken conflicts, denials and exclusions of its family and cultural context as the expression of;
"Love is sacrifice, and demands sacrifice".
Here is the 'gaslighting' or guilting pact of victim and victimiser that masks its deeper conflict in the acting out of one-upmanship - where each seeks to get from the other - or get back from the other, what they believe they are unfairly denied, deprived of - or will be if they don't get the upper hand.
Socially masked coded behaviour is manipulative as the setting of conditions to the permission to 'love' or the 'justification' to hate - withdrawing & withholding a true with-ness for a masking substitute - such as a smile of condescending sympathy.
But love is not sacrifice nor does love demand sacrifice of anything but self-illusion - or False Evidence Appearing Real.
Invested self-illusions are accepted and defended as self. Their mutually reinforcing 'contagion' is rooted in their lack of truth. They cannot pass off as real without reinforcement, and thus the demand for sacrifice drives attack as the basis for existential survival or 'salvation'.
Special (or specially focused) hate is thus masked by special 'love'.
Self-specialness runs the same assumption and projection of 'separateness' in positive as in negative expression.
Its conflicts maintain a veil over the sacrifice OF love to a life set in fear's demand and locked down by guilting accusation - that teaches the same whether directed to self or other.
Can love enter fear and be real?
Is this not the psyop beneath the 'Great Projection' in which
“Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". ~Michael Ellner
'The lie and the father of it' is not a call to war but to truth.
For by 'choices' framed false is truth denied that self-illusion be 'satisfied'. But there can never Be satisfaction there, but only a hollowing out to externally driven dependencies.
Pain is not our true father, but pain is valid feedback for a willingness to learn of truth rather than persist in what doesn't work (or truly serve us now).
After writing all but the last 4 paragraphs I read with my companion in life the following:
Illusion and Reality of Love
Be not afraid to look upon the special hate relationship, for freedom lies here. It would be impossible NOT to know the meaning of love, EXCEPT FOR THIS. For the special love relationship, IN WHICH THE MEANING OF LOVE IS LOST, is undertaken SOLELY to OFFSET this, but NOT to LET IT GO. Your salvation will rise clearly before your open eyes, as you look on this. YOU CANNOT LIMIT HATE. The special love relationship will NOT offset it, but will merely DRIVE IT UNDERGROUND, and out of sight. It is essential to bring it INTO sight, and to make NO attempt to hide it. For it is the attempt to BALANCE hate with love that makes love meaningless to you.
The extent of the split that lies in this you do NOT realize. And until you do, the split will remain unrecognized, AND THEREFORE UNHEALED. The symbols of hate against the symbols of love play out a conflict that does not exist. For symbols stand for something else, and the SYMBOL of love IS without meaning, if love is everything. You will go through this last undoing quite unharmed, and will emerge AS YOURSELF.
~ A Course in Miracles
To comments on the page
Nov 20, 2024 3:25 PM
Perpetual war is anything but a modern phenomenon. History makes it clear that war has always been man’s natural state. And it’s not just for the sake of territory and resources – it’s equally for the sake of the human need to destroy. You see this from day one, when so many kids – not all but many – seem to go out of their way to destroy their toys. And it’s not just so they can get new toys – it’s equally for the sake of destruction itself. Aggression has always been the prime mover of humanity. In that regard, I firmly believe that this abomination called circumcision was established primarily to increase aggressive tendencies in males – to prime them to be better soldiers when they grow up. You cannot deliberately maim someone without instilling both fear and anger.
As to God: it died stillborn. It’s always been a means to an end; and to think otherwise is simply to deny human nature. Even if a particular God starts out nice and loving and advising restraint of human aggression (as the Christian God did) – it always ends up championing wars of conquest. Man’s imagination goes into overdrive coming up with ways to have God justify anything he does. God can never die because it was never alive. “My God can beat your God” has always been the essence of every religion ever conceived.
Transhumanism has but one synonym: unhumanism. Whatever the lunatics who espouse it imagine it to be, it is simply the antithesis of human. Period.
All of which leads to the one true and only possible meaning of life: to live.
By your own will you have your own reward.
But is it truly your will, or the acquired inheritance of the human conditioning? Running as if thinking to know.
Be-living the meanings we carve out and fashion into currencies issued by the teller, is a freedom to take the ride of a story for what we 'get out of it'.
But when the game is no longer worth the candle, the light being given it can be given elsewhere.
However the insistence that the game must deliver our identity will die in it - in rage or sacrifice or despair.
The light we give is all the meaning we shall ever know.
Gaslight and shadow gives & receives false witness.
Blessed are the poor in Spirit - though they deprive themselves a true Inherence while running off in the bait & provocation of a false or mis taken inheritance.
To truly live is to be truly moved.
Who would 'save his self' shall lose it.
Over and again.
Clutching at straws
Nov 20, 2024 12:40 PM
Reply to antonym
It’s an interesting point.
How many of us think of ourselves as a transitory species ?
Because, without a doubt, that’s what we are
In this case I embrace a healthy scepticism.
I agree that we 'think of ourselves as'.
This is a creative act that can give itself to a habit, or mechanism of persistent error.
With a doubt, we can posit anything to conflict with what we (simply) are, and engage with its conflict as if reality depended on the outcome.
Our capacity to recognise or receive and extend truth is framed by vested judgements taken in or accepted true.
Illusions are temporary associations of imaged reality.
But they can reflect or resonate truth or obfuscate in conflicted denial of truth.
The transhuman idea is evident in the prevalence of 'humans' as a species, indeed a lab specimen. The self-hatred that runs beneath smug and arrogant cynicism is given expression in a self-generated mass extinction event. Gloating self-vindications reframe language to 'justify' the verdict.
The death of God is merely Self-attack masking as special knowledge. But God is not mocked any more than truth can be attacked by lies.
However our awareness and appreciation of truth can be attacked while doubt can be weaponised to guilting fears framed true.
Nov 20, 2024 8:09 AM
You’ve got to start naming people who are responsible for this satanic trajectory they’ve put in motion.
Without scapegoats - all is lost!
Yes crime needs be checked else it runs uncorrected to corrupt the whole.
But the nature of corruption is at the level of our thought.
Naming Satan so as to take an identity in opposition isn't addressing what 'Satanic' represents in thought, perception and behaviour. In our own - and in our cultural framing or currency of believed & assumed 'knowledge'.
Self-illusions are temporary, for their conflict with truth drives their development or self-inflation as it does their disintegration of 'Fall'.
Responsibility for thought is abnegated to the belief we already know - which runs self protective and seemingly autonomous in both reinforcing or boosting its claim of function, and attacking, subverting or excluding 'threats' to its gain of fiction.
While we could say humanity is 'possessed', it would be more honest to notice we are dispossessed of true felt worth and value by a grasp on substitutions that run hollow and ghastly parody of life.
'Waking up' into variants of the same underlying reactive contagion, is just such a parody.
What is our true or innate responsibility to life, our self and others?
And what runs as the burden and yoke of guilting accusation and manipulation set in blame as the arbiter of sacrifice - by which 'the show must go on'?
Shall we look on - fixated in horror? Or look AT the horror in willingness to heal or release it's fascination to a wholeness NOT of our manufacture or control?
Todd Hayen
Nov 20, 2024 1:59 PM
Reply to Sofia
I don’t think any of us know what God is. I don’t know if we are supposed to.
Change 'what' (object framing) to 'That'. (Resonance as recognition)
Knowing that God Is, would be redundant as a statement but for thinking to know otherwise.
The idea of 'meant to know' runs within a 'need to know basis' framed in a 'hierarchy' of knowledge - as in a pyramid of levels descending from the all seeing I. Which like a tower of Babel begat a confusion of split and shifting 'symbols' of fragmentation under 'all the king’s horses and all the king’s men'.
Only by loving can love know itself.
"Why tarry all night in the ruins?"
What we do think is active, but largely masked against thinking we suppress, hide & deny. Note the use of 'thought control' is increasing out in the open, yet only for selected examples.
Can we know what God isn't? - or rather what God does not create, sustain and love?
In the true sense of knowing - no!
For to know is to love.
Modelling (our notional thinking) can phish the mind of the thinker, but can as well be released to serve the reintegration to wholeness, instead of taking life apart to then put together in its own image.
Nov 21, 2024 11:51 AM
i love this. I bless the world because I bless myself. it’s the wrong way around to our thinking.
Ok - but the innumerable instances in a day in which we deny a blessing to our self or others are the opportunity to recognise and release our script of self-denial and let the light in (of awareness to our willing appreciation).
Our attempts or intent to DO love as a counter to hate is the error I invite noticing.
Virtue shines of itself and to the recognition of a like quality in others. But false virtue must crown itself as attempt to claim the right to dictate reality by opposing evils, sins or lacks, (errors) perceived in others.
There is already living that moves or prompts or aligns us, but we are trained to attend only that which supports the self-image of our focus in our world. Opening to receive runs counter to the recoil of defences or the projection of attack.
Thus a wholeness of being - or the miracle - comes of itself into our willingness to receive.
Giving and receiving are one in truth, if not seeming so in time.
Giving to Get, actually 'gives' or teaches lack - as in an addiction affliction; the more you get the more you need to get rid of the pervasive underlying pain or dissonance of being that drives external seeking.
It is in the midst of such a habit that the miracle is needed.
'We do not create our self' is more than an intellectual argument, but what we make does 'make us in its own image' while we be-live it necessary, irrevocable or unquestionable