Wednesday 26 June 2024

To Align in the Living

To Align in the Living

 in response to the themes in:



To align in the living is to let the dead bury the dead - this is addressed to where we are giving attention, focus and value, which must include why? or for what?

The contextual framing of thought is effectively a form of programming that then runs sub-conscious or automatically as a shaping of values and goals.

Fragmented & compartmentalised consciousness may not seem so as the flow of experience under a continuity manager in which a capacity to mask over conflicts will assign or project them out to others an world - such as a workman blaming his tool.

All the 'functions' of an ego-framed experience are first in the consciousness before becoming developed as tools for collective frameworks of development.

Likewise 'They' - that is witting or unwittingly tooled manipulative and coercive deceivers - can only work the mark of a corresponding blind wishfulness or egocentricity such as driven by self-lack-driven envy, greed or lust - that run 'selfish' to use others (and true self) for fantasy gratifications that grow dependencies for Getting, in place of integral relationships of felt worth & value- freely shared in.

Focussing on the difficult (the fears that configure poor 'solutions', makes fear the master - even as it generates yet another 'solution' in which to mask over or mask out facets of our Consciousness that we hold out of alignment, in fear of pain, of loss.

But the means or conditions for joy of connected presence as its own freedom to be, feel and know life, re-establishes a basis from which to recognise reaction-habits as choices, as a freedom to not persist in choosing them, and to let life in as the More of who we truly are.

The Gift of our awareness of being is never going to become a tool of our own making, but that BY THE ATTEMPT we become tooled by contradictory thinking, to learn and teach a conflicted self and world framed in dispossession, scarcity, pain of conflict and deeply set defences against healing-threats to an insane reversal of mind-normalised as IF automata run by thinking.

We cannot truly leave the Gift of Awareness of Being, but are free to refuse or deny it for a gift we make for ourselves/each other, by which to no longer recognise either.

Self-alienation runs on a core curriculum of learned bias for 'getting' from a fear of lack & disconnection. Which arises or is relived when conditions are not met.

I WANT IT THUS! may be artfully concealed in masks of care and concern or justifictions of nurtured grievance.

SEE WHAT YOU HAVE MADE ME! runs the undercurrent accusation to a life, a past and others who reiterate its deprivations and denials as a persistent state of offence, from which to mask, distance, suppress or deny-by withholding an acknowledgement of being - ie 'blanking'.

There are many ways to look on or think on our 'ego' of masking defences, but insofar as they operate moral guilting manipulations they remain within the frame of fear masking in love that 'turns to hate' (because it was but a permission to love set on conditions of compliance).

Self-image or self-consciousness is a part of our toolset, as a vehicle and focus for thinking, feeling and participating in the human experience. That a part of the mind is phished by image and form as a realm of possession and control - is as simple as grasping at beauty or recoiling from fear of dispossession. There's the 'Fallen Angel' as your own archetypal patterning. We all share the 'ego' of a sense of lost love or power-by which both become distortions of each other: love of power set over love made powerless, frail and in need of boosting protections.

The Way of undoing self-illusion set to collective pandemonium is very different to the way in - that we have learned as a second nature set over against our first - and thus projecting its toxic consequences onto life, nature and being.

Regardless what we can each make of our self and world, "God is not mocked!" means truth remains true! Re-alignment to trust in being cannot be done as a further adventure in ego-framed going forth to Get - but is the recognition and release of what doesn't work and cannot work, in willingness to receive truth (as distinct from mind-manufactured means to make a future solve a past that isnt here now - except we stamp it on the presence that Naturally -of itself- expands and extends Future of unfolding Potentials.

The art of not getting in our own way is the way of unselfconscious joy in living. This necessarily meets the obstacles to joy that we (each and all) have - for our own reasons set as limits or disqualifications by 'judgements' that may come from our world yet resonate in our self-or they wouldn't have 'taken root'.

Thinking about or judging 'sheep' is a generalising intellectual perspective that hardly engages with or meets living ones in whatever unique expression of masked and defended 'self-presentation'. Yet the choice for unconsciousness seeks reinforcement through a call to join in the mask that overlooks or looks away from the Living.

If we are not awake to the living, our self proclaimed 'awakening' is yet another movie-variant within shifting narratives set in war for 'truth' as the last judgement.

But just to bring this simple - life is felt through us in the living as a natural or unforced giving. The fruits or reflections come back to us from our world and our relationships in like kind, freely. The substitution for Reality by imaged symbols, meaning-maps, rational models and coded screen output set up a game of deadly competition where 'They Live' on the 'Sleepers' - as a covert identity raised from the death or denial of the living.

How many identify with the aliens in that movie?

Blanking life to Get a self as a self-alienation running dark mode.

True Genesis is neither a book or a code complex - and cannot be brought into a false-framed mindset by religion or science.

The Movement of and within Being is not limited to time and place, but an ever unfolding and embracing All That Is. Honest desire and conscious intention align naturally when masked agenda is no longer given automatic authority.


Thursday 20 June 2024

Locked down Globalism as a Mindset


February | 2015 | Samissomarspace

 Locked down Globalism
as a Mindset

 in response to the themes in:

Sincerity by Blaž Kavčič | Chișinău Forum 2024


I don't see the stated 4 dogmas (democracy, money, CO2, virus) as more than engineered pretexts for banksterism of marketised & weaponised 'knowledge'. Ie: manipulative deception seeking gain of function (in its own private terms set against the unrecognised or feared whole of life).

The underlying dogma I see is a psychically driven physical determinism that in effect demands or guarantees the false flagged 'cause & diversionary displacement from truly addressing anything, by engaging in solutions that persist and protect the problem, as shaped BY authoritative & insidious narrative control that repackages problems as 'solutions or assets'.

In the 2008 crash it was noted that toxic debts (worthless promissory notes treated as real assets) were hidden in complex financial instruments that were then marketed as worthy assets. This pattern is endemic to a banksterism of system capture and manipulation running on the ideological premise of closed system thinking set in cybernetic technologism. This logic breaks communication or trust as a qualitative field of shared being to assert life treacherous and unworthy by usurping the functions of the field of relational honesty as the judgements of private self-interest 'generalised' and weighted as an imposed hierarchy of dominance and control. In short the accept and and assertion : life is war, such that all else is a means to serve it, and any other 'god' is false, heretical and a threat that must be countered, subverted or brought back into the fold of war.

Conflicts are thus the food and energy supply for a mindset of control.

Masking conflict to false premises & false profits is a function of a mind or will of persistence in self-imaged experience. Self-imaged 'reality' is not a sin, but a facet of creative imagination. Persisting in self-illusion by attacking truth is where errors compound to a guilt that generates blocks to communication with or from the unworthy, hated or feared.

Self-honesty or depth of sincerity is difficult to embrace while guilt conflicts frame thought, perception and response. Self-judgement or self-hate can and does project to our relationships and world. Bringing this or rather allowing this to come into awareness rather than engaging the mindset of masking and distancing is where we regain truth in Self and Life because we do not and can not manufacture the Gift of being, which is always or already given and reveals its nature as our own by sharing in like kind. An Innocence of being is uncoverable to our willingness to receive and extend it. Not a relative 'innocence' framed under shadow and threat of guilt and 'sin' as the worship of our own mimetic judgement as pre-emptive sacrificial mitigation of full Disclosure.

The mask of self-image is set against disclosure as existential survival.

But Who told you you were 'naked' (lacking presence or conflicted and susceptible)?

Saturday 8 June 2024

Who Has Ears To Hear?


Who Has Ears To Hear?

 in response to the themes in:


 Artificial music has degrees of removal from source-inspiration.
Music as pharmakon developed an externally assisted focus for inducing specific feelings & states of consciousness. Developing a theme is part of human exploration and experience. Becoming trapped in and subjected to or driven by our themes is a result of the "Fallen Angel" syndrome. Phished by self-image to be-live the experience of a lens of artifice. To grasp the image & form of desire as the symbol of a self-lack seeking union by possession or control.
The manipulation and manufacture of image and form applies no less to music than any other medium of exchange, as a-tempt to make love, get power or enforce peace by means that compound conflicts to toxic dissonances that can only be undone or healed at the level of their arising - a sense of driven self-lack framed in getting - for a sense of self & life framed in opposition, deprivation and denial.

To yield through the expressing to the movement of our being is a profound or total fulfilment. For by truly giving we receive and only by receiving can we truly give.

Back from the backstory to the modernity of a machine-mind...

Studio produced recording represents a significant shift from a living relational co-creation to a product for milking or generating markets and mindshare - in this case identity-forming musical backdrop to formative experiences. Recorded musical production interjected a machine between giver and receiver. But to the normalised or aculturated, this is invisible - and to a large extent a real musical intimacy is reframed as not real - as it isn't through the official medium'. The 'audience' wants a fix, a psychic need to be stroked in favourite ways, replay their lives back - while iphones are held aloft as a further seeking of self-validation. "Did you get that?"

Some dance to remember, some dance to forget.

Remember what?
Forget what?
Love and pain are woven together in our human experience.
By seeking to mask or blot pain out, we can engage fantasy as a form of regressive unconsciousness. There's a market opportunity to cell the mind to substitution for the intimacy of Soul-connected movement of being.

For some time now I found Crassmas to have become such a 'Satanic' artifice of marketised and mutated ritual as to welcome its breakdown, for the truth of the Christ within is a holy instant within time - yet unbound by it. Transcendence of limitation at the heart is not waiting on anyone or anything to happen - or not happen, but a flow or flowering of an already-fulfilment. My cup runneth over.

Music of art is re verbing being, such that object models become transparent to the joy that can never be contained - such that in one form or another a music is in play.

'Artists' may shine into times that cannot or care not to recognise the gift, perhaps allowing a gift without strings attached? That can then serve a true seed in any other moment of time and space, past or future. Where else is inspiration but from a Now that we can not manufacture or conform to any presentation of self, life or world.

Who has ears to hear - let them hear!

Saturday 1 June 2024

Integral Wholeness of Being - Not Afterthought


 Integral Wholeness of Being
Not Afterthought


Misperceptions give rise to and rise from defended identity - to then frame reinforcement for misperception as suffered or subjected reality.

The principle reversal to be healed is at the level of mind, where body and world are assigned causative or creative agency relative to a subjective adaptation or identity of defended or 'justified' judgements, that 'share' a mutually agreed self & world as framing of unconscious definitions and beliefs; perceptions & responses; habits & rulesets.

The theories of karma seek 'other lives' to 'justify' punishment. There Is no punishment but this: as you judge, so are you judged' Note the present tense also applies to the wages of sin Is death.

To communicate this to a mindset of linear cause and effect as separated, requires intuitive discernment, for all of our concepts filter and subvert to a reinforcement of such a premise - which runs as the 'father of the reversal' of Natural Order, to the focus in the physical experience - as we frame our 'reality' - rather than  recognition of psycho-physical or spiritual expression in no way separate from its active Cause, Nature & Condition.

Hence masking and distancing to a premise of pre-emptive attack is our 'toolkit' for survival AS a mind & face of private judgement as a means to limit, control or block & filter Universal Communication. When the mask fails to maintain the continuity of a 'closed system', it is reset as if exposure of its fallacy or lack of substance never happened - or shall not be accepted - such that and Open Channel of Communication is not only blocked, but framed and demonised as threat.

The framing of idea through which we think and perceive is a creative faculty.
The development of conception and perception overlaid an underlying nature of having, being and knowing - which we have temporarily discarded or 'lost' - for the focus of experience, exploration and consciousness development as both extension and reflection of a qualitative non-physical 'light' or Self-Awareness - as distinct from a 'self-conscious reflex' within awareness, by which we grow or adapt a self for the world that we also cocreate at a deeper or prior movement of being.

I essayed to sketch this from where I stand rather than engage within the frame of a reversal consciousness because I hold that the 'physical separation' is winding up to a mass 'death' or dead end from which I see the freedom to recognise and release the lie and the father of the lie that is not merely in the bad actors or agencies of evil that we can see, but blocks the beam of light in our own vision.

The extension of love is not an act of a self, but a willingness to receive and give as one. Hence the restoration and renewal of a true self that undoes or heals the misperceptions and countermeasures of the false or mis-taken identity. Without a recognition and release of attempts to mask and 'mitigate' or seek gain or credit by 'caring' framed as an independent authoritative act, the substitutions for love operate as a basis for denial of exposure to a lovelessness that properly understood is the Call for love in truth. But our ego-defences can not understand anything BUT a call to war, to judge, to blame and to punish, cancel or exclude.

It is our own Temple (focus of devotions in life) that needs 'sweeping' of what has no true belonging, else we 'see' the sins of others as our own justification or mitigation.
This is not to say everyone else is in the 'right mind' either, but a grounded reference point is not the basis for resetting a reversal in a new set of robes.

Now if everyone reads this with the thinking mind, then the patient is indeed 'completely under'.
Not to demonise any facet of our being, but what we generally call the mind has to pause so as to allow receipt of a 'knowing' that cannot be conceptualised or patented, but does align intent and desire in unified purpose. Not our agendas or counter measures, but of a wholeness of being to which we are integral - not afterthought.


I posted this into

The Profound Decline of America's Scientific Institutions

Sunday 26 May 2024

Do Ideas mutate the minds that host them?

Do Ideas Mutate the Mind that Hosts Them?

That Ideas goes forth to multiply (Is) Creation.
Garbage in; garbage out applies temporarily as freedom to mask conflicted thought in a fragmenting mutual self-reinforcement of private thought split off from integrality of being.
'A bit on the side' has its own invested identity-protective 'self-interest' and 'self-reinforcement' drawing from the field of active and passive support- as conditioned habit.
Such defences are made to mask or limit true creation, thus run as machine-thinking as 'self-protective' adaptation & resilience to risk or threat to persisting as (our) guide/protector).
Ideas thus mutate in minds that host them - as the mindset of a hacked or hijacked thought, perception and response.
If Self-evasion is understood to run undercurrent to 'self' survival in terms of invested 'skin in the Game', then the lie given power to mask & protect or distance from denied truth, represents a choice to enter, entrance or engage in a world of experience though the lens of mutually agreed self-illusions that provide the focus for -and in- a world we learn to think and see and experience as a compelling reality - of inhabited idea-projection, that can - in the sense of 'fallen angels' become a compulsive addictive identity - driving a depleting and destructive exchange of Soul or felt awareness as participance of being, for a world of progressive mutative fantasy gratifictions - of seeking value fulfilment in the hollowing out of the heart of a true receipt.
Our ego as Guide & Protector then, knows us not, but attends the defence of the bubble or encapsulation of a bubble of life set in a bit on the side that may have initiated a dream but then set the terms of a nightmare in which attempted escapes only reinforce the terms and conditions within 'solutions' that merely shift psychic energies to mask the pain and loss in a re-brand of sacrifice as virtue.

Predictive control is invoked as a modelling of Reality or Creation as security set against fear, lack and conflict. This is not because the body or forms of tangibility and visibility so defined, but because we so accepted definition under contract to mask and distance from the fear of denial that generates active denials. Hence the attack or denial of body and world as unworthy, weak, unreal, weak, and treacherous - to the 'mind' of a split that judges according to its own artificial lights - indeed gaslighting - as the use of guilted fear for persisting private or covert identity manipulation. It is this level of mutual agreement that binds love's expression (you) to a realm of sacrifical subjection seeking credits of remiussion or mitigation - as a 'better' version within the terms & conditions of a Game whose first rule is that it is not a game.

The narratives direct the attention and funding to the means to mutate or shift the narratives masking as thescience of a technologised psyop - that runs through our own beliefs, definitions and assumptions.
In very simple terms the story of Job posited an oppositional adversity to a native faith or self-honesty of being, as a means to shift the cultural consciousness from stark terror to initiate Communication within the Vortex of Infinite Power. Satan's wager was that Created Man was but a robot or conditioned react. A hackable animal. As such this represents our own fear of self-lack, self-conflict and self-solving mask of technologism - or thought that explicates to a tooled world of externalised 'solutions'.
But WHO told you you were naked? said the Lord?


This reflection was prompted by the complexity of a culture of fragmentation in

But isn't a reference to its contents, but a pointer to seek the underlying patterns within a realm of obfuscation.

Saturday 25 May 2024

Shock That Splits The Mind

 The Shock that Splits the Mind in the Body

 in response to the themes in:


Reductive physical determinism represents the assignment of Causation to external factors producing physical effects (That extend or multiply a chain of cause and effect).

This negates, discards or downplays the psychic element of a psycho-physical experience - albeit perceived through a dark glass of its own thinking.

Because such a 'consciousness' or definitional posture is socially, culturally and economically normalised, it runs invisible BUT for its effects or fruits of experience.

Yet conflicts, incongruences & dissonances are effectively remapped to support the original thesis of a separated or encapsulated 'self' seeking externally for connection and sustenance as survival and fulfilment within the frame of mortal threat.

The pattern here is of a life-shock by which a mind is split from it true source and nature to operated from a false or mis-taken inheritance - ie from separation trauma associated with fear of pain and of loss, set in rejection, abandonment, treachery & betrayal.

To the post-separation psyche, nakedness is undefended, and shame is an exposure to lack of having, knowing and being - hence the invocation of the masking defences of the means to distance, divert, displace, deny and obfuscate - a mindset we see more readily in others rather than recognise ourself in.

When fear is projected to a 'solution' by which to scape it from our mind, we give the power of mind to the elements and arena of its premise as a gain of function – to boost the mask of 'defences' by sacrifice of 'conflicted' life to external associations or answers.

That this can relieve temporarily makes it expedient as a temporary measure against overwhelm under fear, but as a basis for protecting conflicts from healing, runs a death wish of refusal to love or give & receive a wholeness of being - at 'cost' of invested identity in defences.

Death wish operates on many levels, such as to take many forms, and a collective loss of joy in being collapses to 'normalised' despair framed in psuedo-community that seems to join while maintaining distance against knowing and being known truly.

But we are sharing in the realm of life-shocks and countermeasures that reveal more threat than the conditions they are purported to defend against.

The experience of operation covid - regardless the shaping of our individual pathways of perception and response - was shocking. The countermeasures were also shocking. The consequences on many levels of our participation in these is shocking, and yet while the shock is active, many symptoms are suppressed. It is as we start to heal or regain perspective that the healing phase or release of shock from our body-mind manifests as symptoms of what our current culture attacks as 'disease' caused by alien or external powers.

Such is the scape-value of the war on 'disease', that it has become systemic as an institutional, corporate and financial capture of the mind that made it. The sacrifice of truth in life for idol, model or invested self image renders itself to a false god of possession as control - by which to become dispossessed of all that we have and know and be.

Not in truth! But in concept of minds set in lies given power to usurp our own recognition, and sharing or extension of true with-ness and worth-ship.

What are the respective life-shocks running through the shock-hyped 'pandemic' and its unfolding of coercive and deceitful countermeasures?

Opening perspective on our being - as distinct from enacting countermeasures of learned or acquired self-interest in the frame of what I wrote above, is not a basis to release from responsibility for criminal acts, but the law for correction of error to the restoring of a true peace needs address underlying social and cultural terrain - else it becomes a mechanism for scapegoating collective blame to socially or politically defined 'diseases' that can be arbitrarily framed by the manipulation of narrative or mythic identity, especially in the mask of science, but clearly generating a market in equally manipulative anti-science identities.


Sunday 19 May 2024

The Compleat Angler - A Cast Away

 The Compleat Angler - A Cast Away From Being Caught

in response to the themes in:
by Edward Curtin


Value-fulfilment is integral to being (& thus to being you).
Seeking outside ourselves is a world of conflicting or competing values. But the experience arises from a creative 'casting out' and being caught!
Aligning our giving & receiving has an outer aspect - wherever your focus is actively manifesting-such as sport, or writing as a quest-ionic uncovering of 'deeper fishing' by which to undo or release 'being phished'.
Are we ready to be 'realed in'?
or is there something 'out there' that MUST be different than it is, because we made it an image of self-conflict. How many hoops must a man jump through...
That Gorilla suit attention test comes to mind.
Your mission; count how many times the basketball bounces.
Identity contracts to such an external fulfilment as value 'achieved' - excitement! Don't take your eyes off the ball!
A spotlight hides far more than it illuminates.
Such is an attention to a received situation- whether incisively focused or fragmented and diluted.
A Field-awareness is always and already beneath, prior & embracing our harvest of each according to its kind.

Non duel awareness is not locked down in conflicts seeking external fulfilment but embracing the richness of polarities that might once have been appreciated as life engendered.
My first angling catch was a perch - a stunningly uncategorisable experience that I didn't know how to respond to. It wasn't properly hooked as it wriggled off the bank back into the lake while I stood there like a boy whose first date says "yes". I regained my wits to run and tell my siblings and parents in the pent up excitement that outweighed the 'got away' - "I caught a fish!". None of them believed me, but laughed at me as if nothing had happened ergo I was nothinged.
Themes of our lives repeat like a tapestry in so many different situations and perspectives.
Now I am caught by a life I thought to run off with as mine to win friends & influence people or at least be someone to someone else.
James Carse writes in 'Infinite Games' that we seek to prove we are not who we think our parents* think we are. You may need to read that again.  (*or other significant placeholders for authority - that are inherently facets of our self).
Casting out is projection. It has been said Man is the measure of all things - or that as a Man thinketh, so he is. Giving and receiving are one without a second, but in time we can seem to scape our unwanted consequence or fruits to others, to world or a life gone wrong-including our bodies.
A Prodigal wasteland is really a reflection of an inner landscape or terrain - like factory pharmed humanimals or laboratory experience.
All truths can be misused or 'taken in vanity' as a permission slip to mask agenda in covert identities judged real. yet all that we deny or 'kill' thereby now lives within us as the shadow to a right to be seen, honoured and accepted.
It is fashionable to say 'everything is connected', as a cutting edge science in search of a Spiritual connection - or value fulfilment. I'd say that nothing can truly be disconnected, but that we die trying, over & over & over again. A resonant integrity of being need take no thought for itself alone and apart, nor teach another they are what we do or don't need them to be.
Balance points of consciousness are more of a fluidity of renewal within flux than a lockdown to an Ideal by which endless hoops are manifested from failure by design.
Biodiversity of consciousness is aligned purpose of joy in being (and thus being you).
Neither forcing inclusion or exclusion as the fish is one with the current flow of living waters.

I didn't set out to copy - but to join with, which for me always involves a tuning into qualities. I don't mimic other's songs, but give them life through my attunement to the spirit of their being through me. But I have appreciated a 'give & take' or dance of qualities through words and meanings of value appreciated and felt in the singing.
Judgement is a killer instinct. I now see that first fish was a greater gift than if I'd netted it to show my score and claim to title. New eyes to see release a tired world else I let baited react engage in futilities of hype-fully framed netting. Not because action is uncalled forth, but because ungrounded reactions block a true Calling - that cannot be defined externally to 'resolve a past in a future' by sacrifice Now!
I drowned a poisoned & dying mouse once - I'd found it on the lawn. There is a spirit that comes into the release that honours the spirit of life in death - when the mind is not 'charged' with the function of control.

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Masking Presentations, True With-ness and Discernment

Masking Presentations,
True With-ness and Discernment


in response to the themes in:

Propaganda, Sincere Speech, and the Intuition of the Samurai
Mattias Desmet

An article I appreciate and found much to feel at home in.



What can we believe?
I would discriminate between acquired or inherited beliefs - which are for the most part internalised frameworks through which we think and 'see' our self and world, and the beliefs we seek to add to ourself as if to become an identity that offsets, masks or solves our self-lack or self-conflicts.
Apart from both of those is what I step forth in acceptance of in active with-ness and worth-ship. The form of the belief is secondary to the qualities or virtue extended and shared in. Hence it operates as a vehicle or instrument for a communioned appreciation of a living moment, situation or opportunity for joy in life and thus for healing to the restored awareness of joy in being.
The power of the mind in beliefs is such that our safety from self-deceit is in our defencelessness or 'not knowing' such as to ask and receive answer rather than reactively strategise to pre-emptively judged situations. Power given to conflicted thought brings conflicting results. Garbage in; garbage out applies! If we are receiving a conflicted self and world, we have a basis of feedback to guide our curiosity. But guilting blame aborts the native movement of curiosity. So our inner gaslight is an active block to our own acceptance and awareness of truth - that is self-honest revelation - not any intellectual or mythical construct of claim or invoked belief.

There is always another way of seeing this.
Some point out the language of psyop persists its contagion, but another is the inversion of ego assumptions that frame us in self-depreciation.
An experience or indeed era of propagandised deceit is rising through our awareness.
Yet we live in God. I don't care if you don't like to use the word God - just feel directly into the awareness of existence as living this situation while thinking is given a rest.
What in our heart's honesty can we simply not believe? Even if the world (our adaptive survival) demands it?
What I am - (with you) is infinitely greater - than any framing of belief I might set forth to live and share the fruits of - but by living this step now I open perspective fin willingness for a greater embrace of all that I am - for you are part of my peace even if I May currently perceive you as a failure to meet my terms and conditions! (ego).

Terror Threat as Internal Dictate?

 Terror Threat as Internal Dictate?

I posted this into Iain Davis substack article

it wasn't into the details of his intricate and painstaking investigations, but to the - for me - nub of the fact that threat and terror are part of the current 'cultural expression of humanity circa 2024 - that have technologically mutated from an ancient stock or 'Separation trauma- of a catastrophic past'. Which is thus active beneath the development of strategies of coping within such a framework or matrix for mapping the meaning of our experience of self and world.


Do we focus a 'consciousness' in a prism of ideas, lies, or narratives, through which to explore the experience of a mythic personifiction filter; aka 'me' or my world?
That terrorism is used to mark out or frame our limits to permitted thought is to me so self-evident externally, but less obvious to the 'character' or my own identifiction.
Hence we 'see' the errors in the Othered as booster to a relative escape, dominance or moral superiority - aka judgement.

The Nature of Reality cannot Be defined - but alignment in truth brings all into a 'shared' quality of existence.
Maintaining self-illusions at cost of truth must demand sacrifice of truth (& the messengers of truth) to the idol of a false security or protection racket.
Perhaps the lies become so compounded and intractably self reinforcing as to seek release through a Great Forget or indeed Reset.
But beneath the lie is always a fallacy or an error of false idea accepted true - by which evils are generated that compound the false identification.
To the 'chosen elect' the status of lying will not be applicable to their 'justified war on the proscribed and targeted 'evil'.
But my take on that is of denials running blind as an existential fear-driven mindset.
The determination to 'know' something ELSE than feared truth will seek every means to be-live its convictions, by denial of the messengers of truth.
I cant make another's choices for them. Perhaps I might illuminate choice where gaslighting frames a powerlessness or compulsion?
Unless we recognise our 'identity and world-view' as currently active choice, we cannot BUT choose within the frame, matrix or overton window of a terror or threat-driven coping and survival strategy.
I chose to respond from a different point in part because chewing on a bone of contention is fruitless or joyless.
But that's not to diminish the choices that we each make for our own reasons -by which we might unfold better choices and thus more truly aligned or coherent outcomes.
The war on evil is not at all the same as the desire to heal through which the causes of fear are addressed where they are, so to be undone or released to a grounded wholeness of being - and thus also a capacity to reach to or recognise a like quality in others who may be deeply invested in nested defences against grievances set in lack or denial of right to be.
Note the pattern of countermeasures posing as 'solutions' is of a self-imposed cage of sickness, suffering and loss. To what degree are our defences locking in evils, such as to potect then under the banner or crusade of 'war on evil?'.
Our intolerance for pain of conflicted being (our experience of evil) needs be a basis for a call to heal - to a native curiosity of being for truth where lies confound, not variants of the demand for our respective 'normals' to be restored.

Monday 13 May 2024

X Twitter Commentary 2024-05-12

X Twitter Commentary

Claim of Function

Nick Hudson@NickHudsonCT

Trumpeting the mythology that props up pandemic preparedness. These guys don’t have any of the gain of function powers they claim to have. It’s claim of function, not gain of function, and anyone with half a grasp of complexity and a vaguely scientific mind can perceive that. It is all too disgusting.

Claim-of-function runs PR for investors while seeding 'future markets'. Thus mutant 'gain of fictions' target our psyche-profile as a counter insurgent technologism running parasitic to guilt, fear, powerlessness & solutions begat therefrom. Fictional claims frame a 'human OS'.

Agreed. And Folks need to understand: A) Just because It's called a GOF Lab/Wuhan Institute of Virology (or whatever) doesn't mean that's necessarily what they're doing there B) With all the actual allies the USA has, why do they do "dangerous Bio-DEFENSE research with China?

Yes Also biotech runs stealth globalism regardless of lower order conflicts. The dark production of genetically defined frameworks of control mutates into the 'weaponised' biofield. Our true thought is a creative node of Biofield hence provision of masking lies to save darkness.


A long time ago, powerful people realised that an illusory threat is just as effective as a real threat... and a hell of a lot cheaper.

Yes -the illusion is that this is controllable - but the result is addiction to lying or total loss of face in the Game. Without flesh in the game - there is no game? Illusory powers gain stakeholders! Do they not rob the Banksters who think to gain a world by lies given power?

Bent Science as Political Activism

Andrew Mente@ToYourHealth101

"The importance of distinguishing climate science from climate activism."


An overwhelmingly disproportionate financial leverage frames the MODEL for projecting risk. ITS modelling reliably outsources 'risk' as pseudoscientific manipulation of the Established Order in thought & in law. Rebelling against truth aligns mass extinction as financial dictate.

War On Us

Jeffrey A Tucker@jeffreyatucker

This is an absolutely brilliant and deeply satisfying article.

Do we make war on truth? To normalise lies–must demonize truth. Truth cannot enjoin war & remain truth, so the 'war' must operate both 'sides' as the belief That truth is an attacking threat & that pre-emptive counter attack is salvation. Fear locks down & guilt bars the exit.

Morally ‘Justified’ Hate Runs Destructive?

Latimer Alder@latimeralder

I thought building EVs was central to the fight against Climate Change? Was I wrong? Or is Climate Change now OK? Can anyone clarify?

There is no quenching the appetite for the destruction of projected evils. The 'narratives' run as religious dispensation of 'permission' to destroy life wherever it is framed 'evil'. 'Humans' are 'evil' hence war on humans offsets guilt in the 'elect'.

Conditioned Robotic Defaults?

Grace Price@travelingenes

If I told everyone that I had discovered a magic pill to never get cancer they would jump at the chance to use it. But if I then say that the pill is actually just a change of lifestyle, people are much less interested. Why is this?

If pharma ‘discovers’ it then the mass mind is trained to jump to conditioned 'choices'. If YOU say it you'll attract thuggery running as protection for the racket - including public stakeholders. I prefer Hamer's approach. I dont accept patho-bio-tech. False models drive sick outcomes.

Luther ‘Ćyrus’@Censored4sure

Imagine believing there’s ‘no link’ between the covid jab & cardiac arrest in young men in 2024…

Imagine that business fronts are maintained right up to the point of a bankruptcy declared. 'Fronting out' lies for survival in hope of a way out, also runs as insider plunder of a zombie system set in lies as it collapses.

Nanotech Mind Control - or Another Variant of Mind Control?


'The biodigital convergence describes the intersection, and in some cases merging, of biological and digital technologies. Biodigital technologies include mRNA vaccines used to treat COVID-19, digitally controlled surveillance insects' ....

If THEY can map our guilted fears to our body we can be rewired to an external operating system; THEM. NB; We already map inner conflicts to a 'technologised solution complex' of externalised management–its a logical outcome to an existing denial program. "See what you made me!"

Lies As Mind Control?

Stew Peters@realstewpeters

We live under the Empire of LIES.

Then change your heart to renew your mind! Live not by lies is a moment by moment willingness for truth revealing the undoing of lies - as our mind so long accustomed to darkness can abide & accept. One step of life is a timely moment. Dont fixate on evil & war as nourishment!

Manipulated Frames For Gain of Fiction?

Edward Dowd@DowdEdward

The paid science is settled!

Everyone automatically protects their investments. When 'science' is harnessed to technologised 'applications', cartels of financial leverage buy the bent model by which 'risk' is media-mapped to frame & manipulate the mass mind to operate as its dump for toxic debts & conflicts.

No Checks & Balances in Bedlam!

Dr Zoe Harcombe, PhD@zoeharcombe

“Eco-friendly brake cables eaten by foxes after switch to soy insulation.” That must top the list of stories you could not make up!

The cost of politicised 'science' is a technologised society without brakes.

The History of History?

Linda B@LindaMBrown19

Replying to @VanessaBeeley and @s_hamzee
Dark times. Humanity has taken a huge step backward, into the dark ages. Does anyone think of how this will be represented in history? 100 years from now, the recounting of this event will take precedence over anything that foreshadowed it. And that includes the holocaust.

I think 'history' will be reframed. Perhaps history will be understood! I am not talking about its content, but its function -what we use it for. Our current mindset represents an anti-life inversion. It fruits reveal its root is set in lie-masking contradictions, & given worship

Blame Modelling Reality?

Edward Dowd@DowdEdward

Another example of Asymmetric information. If the Sun is to blame for a lot of what occurs on this planet cyclically then how do you monetize that as a central planner? Well you make sure these facts are not well known and you create false narratives to gain power and control.…

Oh that word blame! The electrical & magnetic underpinnings of our physical Universe are of a wondrous significance but stakeholders in the old model are bound to remain 'baffled' while resort to dark fudge saves the appearances but never as previously thought!

Healing Extends Freedom Despite Chains

‘Healing is free.’ ~Doc Smith@Healingisfree

100% of everything we need to know about anyone is written on their face, in their posture, and the clothing choices they make: anyone in a tie is to be disregarded, as this is actually a noose around the neck, and symbolizes mental slavery.

In the extension of healing I know that your presentation is not you - even if it represents choices you have made that run as masking defences of adaptive survival under threat. In the projection of judgement the blessing of mine eye is replaced by a curse or diagnosed unworthy.

The Reversal Mentality of Ideological Virtue Signalling

Latimer Alder@latimeralder

Just Stop Oil Really grabbing the imagination of the kids, innit? But the symbolism of 2 octagenarians attacking Magna Carta - the basis of our freedoms from exploitation by the rich and powerful - cannot be underestimated. They want us subdued and compliant in #NetZero

What actually runs is 'just stop life support' while the corrupted governments make 'laws' to give mass murder a legal immunity as a protected class. Transfer of wealth & power is the business of war masked as business or politics. Mind control runs 'normalised' social masking.

The Weaponisation & Marketisation of Sickness

Leo Biddle@biddle_leo

Can we find some fake-awake experts to talk endlessly about those 5 amino acids, but fail to address he said the great pandemic, not a great pandemic. It's a script, a story. Unless they're finally admitting that these were all bollox?

Sickness serves more functions than the mind that it generates can know of. A function of displacement of 'sin-guilt-pain' to scapegoat is an ancient defence acquired under catastrophic conditions as a temporary means to group survival. Rational overmasking normalised its 'order'

Flattened Consciousness?

So you disregard electromagnetic fields, forces and domains? These underpin living physics. Why are you reducing consciousness to a model you can 'understand'? That's what the 'Lie' is and does as a lockdown of the mind - offset with 'freedom to identify' from channels provided.

Saturday 11 May 2024

Cultural Underpinnings of Systemic Capture

Cultural Underpinnings
of Systemic Capture

in response to the themes in:
Too Massive to Comprehend by Todd Hayen


Our culturally accepted values of priority & dominance run masking controls over conflicts of interest that arise from loss of awareness and connectedness of wholeness of being. Where a living presence is substituted for by a social presentation in alignment with ritually required social regulation.
This is also represented in various motifs as an intellectual elitism set over intuitive and emotional intelligence. It is part of a human development of consciousness that we are generally assign to 'progress' - as a symptom of a mindset of lack and disconnection seeking external solutions to inner conflicts that are masked over, protected and compounded as a 'world gone mad' - which ratchets to ever deeper dissociation of addictive dependencies.

The mind invoked and developed to 'cope' with inner-conflicts and resulting 'disconnect' DOES what it defends against. IE: The scapegoating or blaming of the 'problem' in its own symptoms, doubles down in attacking or eradicating the symptom AS IF the Cause, such as to reinvest in false predicates, and follow false profits to compound evils - that drive the engine of 'progress' as a solution to the 'Human Problem'.

Life is to complex to understand IN TERMS of definitions of prediction and control but can be simply or directly 'understood' in alignment to living in the moment at hand. But we are 'trained' to conceive and perceive life in terms of cultural, social and personal models or ideologies - such as to NOT SEE anything as it is. Not least because we are trained to NOT be ourselves, but to present a masking defence that over time we become identified with to the exclusion of our own nature, as a result of the conditioned fear and distrust of our own nature BY which we adapt to survive our respective cultural demands.

That we can have continuity of experience of seeming to understand our world is part of our co-creation of its framework. If we demand continuity and reliability as 'normal' over truth and trustworthiness based in a shared nature or honesty of relationship and communication, then the latter will be sacrificed to an inbred systemic control while its divergence from reality leads to destruction as its mode of change.

Experiential knowing cannot be translated to coercive or controlling narratives but can serve as the terrain of our being in which we can discern truly aligned purpose and compound errors of an inherited adaptive past - that is not here, now, but that we stamp it as the face or a present to conform and confine a future as a line of production as a past made in anger and set in grievance against life deemed treacherous, inadequate, fallen, unworthy or cancerous and pathological to fantasy ideals acted out upon bodies without truly embodying life.

#2 Comment response:

Narrative control is the means to define the currency of thought - especially regarding the funded 'good' and the 'scapegoated' evil.

The goal of seeking power is not least instilled in the belief we are powerless, or the fear that unless we act to take possession others will take it and rob us of the little that we hath. But as a war it subordinates all else - such as communication and relationship - to its goal.

Whenever we engage in such 'war' we are them.

'They' can never be an integrative functional social or cultural movement excepting they can seems so BY maintaining fear of threat of pain and loss as the backstop against reintegration of being, along with the incentives of social status set in narratives of socially protected status.

Coercion and deceit as a power structure is not where the true riches of life are appreciated and shared in

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Incorporation of Systemic Controls Runs as Alien Agenda

Incorporation of Systemic Controls Runs as Alien Agenda

in response to the themes in: The Naked King or Potemkin's village as an immediate political reality




 Civilisation as a corporation of legal rules and contracts replaced the word & witness of the heart - of a relational exchange. Money is a permission slip to buy and sell that became a system of abstractive mathematical control matrix for buying or selling influence as the establishment of a 'social & political currency' of narrative or mind control. The emergence of a cybernetic technocracy results the use to which we put our minds - under the technologism of 'money' as technologised or incentivised determiner of worth or status.
Thus the subordination and sacrifice of life and meaning to a tyrannous dictate of stakeholders in the means to GET, maintain and control system permitted assets.
The system uses words with 'meanings' that persist as residual symbolic placeholders for qualities of life - but tooled to the negation or reversal of such meaning in practice - such as 'trust' means completely controlled - as in blockchained to a digital 'identity' footprint or record of quantified or weighted behaviours. Those who manage the parameters of the weighting will thus boost or choke the lives of others to GET maintain and control their position of dominance over the othered.
To my mind the assumption at the root of the systemic replacement for relational being is a closed system dictate of competing conflicts for 'resources' summed to "Life is War". Thus all else is the self-illusion and is tooled or masked in as a means OF war - hence deceit as the necessary cost of using the denial of others to boost the 'self-honesty' of war against life - for such it is.
The power of a self-illusion is its passing off as substitution or replacement for 'self' or 'is' of being such as to operate a lens by which reality is perceived threatening, treacherous and terrifying, thus the establishing of a mindset of nested defences against exposure to fear of pain of loss.
This is the 'self' illusion that explicates a projection of its own inner state as a 'world' framed Other, by masking and distancing of countermeasures that 'do' the very thing they purport to defend against. Locking down into our 'final solution' as the vindication of death as victory over hated life set in vengeance against limitation, adversity, and withholding of support from the 'perfection' of fantasy gratifications, acted out on the body