Intel Inside?
in response to the themes in:
Breakthrough Research in "Platonic Space" | Dr. Michael Levin exactly is "you" in this definition of intelligence?
Is it not the generation of 'problem' as a goal-framing identity-driven fulfilment?
What is 'platonic space' but the lens & law of logical self-consistency in terms of image and form rendered tangible?
Not at all separate from its 'results' of object continuity - where objects are projected "you" ? Or objectified "Self" - aka 'Reality - inseparable from awareness Of - derived from differentiations of Awareness As.
Intelligence as a Field does not DO anything, but simply is a wholeness that will seem to be nothing relative to any fixed position of partiality (point of view). Intelligence thus embraces and supports all 'points of view' or relational configuration and exchange. None of which can define Reality - yet BY defining selective facets as temporal representations, generate frameworks for experience as an extension of recognition and integration of consciousness - as relational systems of a 'self-organising' momentum or persistence.
The level of defining is the setting of rules and filters that project results. They don't 'discover' separately from their predicates and yet as internalised or accepted "Self/Reality" the experience will be of attention and awareness framed in the 'objected or projected' outcome or 'fruits'.
By the fruits do "we" know the nature and alignment of purpose - in terms of integrality and consistency. Garbage in; garbage out applies to the outer reflections of an inner state of 'rules and filters' as active or working 'definitions and beliefs'. The perceiving of the outer as a 'problem' to be solved externally, generates a 'self-adaptive focus of applied intelligence' as development of the means to manipulate effects as if 'they are independent causes'. Thus to gain a world but lose a Whole - for the inner/outer is One extension of wholeness in all its 'parts'.
The intelligence of a creative discernment within life is thus ruled and filtered as a-tempt and intent to define and control life AS IF set Over and Apart from life. That this reinforces conflicts of results rather than resolves them becomes a locus of predictive control running as defence against exposure to threat - where loss of conflictive controls (healing) is defined and perceived as loss of 'self'.
The capacity to focus in idea to the exclusion of other ideas is an expression of valuing. Fixation on worth unfolds and aligns expressions of worth. But when a negatively conditioned evaluation of reality-as-threat- to an assumed 'separateness' defined by predictive control, is give acceptance, it 'fruits' or results in a negatively conditioned countermeasure set on reversals of cause and effect. The tale - or narrative running as the myth of a self-imaged 'reality' wags the dog (of a conditioned or programmed intelligence).
The idea of 'harnessing' a free or already given 'reality' - howsoever conceived, is the 'getting' by which the giving is discarded and substituted for by being taken in - according to the measure of 'our' giving. As we judge so are we judged. But to the mind-in-judgement a temporary perception of a gain of fiction runs as a basis for a private function - set over and against the life it would possess or control in its own image.
Here is the archetype of the 'cancer cell' as a segregative or masked off projection of exclusion from the Whole - (Biofield integrality).
Communication breakdown is the persistence of what doesn't work and cannot work to the point of self-destructive denial and cannibalism of workability to 'save' the underlying investment of identity - set in possession and control as a private agenda masking in 'public' Good.
Recognising the signature pattern at any level of 'output' is a Call to attend the realignment of 'inputs' in terms of assumptions and beliefs operating as definitions that conflict when released of their 'permission' to mask. In human terms Separation trauma generates a 'split-mind' of compartmentalised dissociations that invokes intelligence as defence against 'reliving the event' or cause-effect that underlies the 'problem-solving strategy of surviving under 'dark-mode' that is under manual substitutions for an innate field of guidance and support that in truth, "you' are - as "I am".
The posit or belief one can and HAS stepped out of Mind offers a basis for 'strange fruits' -ie: a split mind perceiving the objects of its affection/affliction. When we assume to possess control via such a judgement we run a mind possessed by its own premise, running as an internalised focus that gains reinforcement from an experience of limitation, conflict and adversity, in fear of pain of loss of the face of control.
That mind can be trapped in its own thought is both demonstrable in experience and impossible in fact.
The self-reinforcing or 'self-organising' nature of accepted definition and belief operates prior to or beneath the processes we assign to a masking representation of 'consciousness'.
While a monkey clings on to its grasp of the baiting fruit of a staked gourd (monkey trap) it cannot withdraw its hand and thus is 'trapped' by 'food' (life support set in a context of unavailability).
Re-prioritising value has to release form or image or thing-based reality. Else it locks down responses to fixed or ideal values as a structure at expense of mind.
Trapped in structure represents loss of mind to vested belief.
Mind as the creative, is the always new gift and alignment of and within being.
A mind or the mind are conceptual rules and filters applied to Mind.
That is to say; our active beliefs of what Mind is, frame the minding that we are engaging in.
In that specific sense a mind is a 'set' within minding - the giving and receiving of attention as the creation and sharing in value fulfilment.
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