Bubbles Burst & Idols Fall
Parasitic profits mask as a progressive 'Good' by claims of function set in modelling projections as marketing gain of fictions targeted to leverage (feed and feed upon) fear (of pain of loss). The drive to take or get rather than be taken from, compels disintegrity (war masking as communication). Disintegration of integral function is then 'substituted for' by systemic masking controls running as an operating system of compelling masked and guilted fears or 'ego mind-set' within a net-bot of progressively collectivised insanity.
That's somewhat condensed, but my point is that this is systemic in every field as a convergence or 'tipping point'. That existential fears project out to fake diversionary narratives is simply what such a 'mind-set' is and does as defence against perceived and believed threat.
Boosting the noise as a resource to generate ever shifting mutations of gaslighting 'signal' of conflict and debt repackaged to 'sci-op' instruments of artificial 'virtue'.
Releasing the fixation (attuned alignment) to marketing illusions (delusions of conceit) allows truly grounded appreciation of being a 'transceiver' of love+ life. Communication as integrality of being - not weaponisation or technologism of concepts running as broken symbolic links.
The idea of 'waking up' (restored function) is not an attack on or repackaging of the 'noise' as marketable 'meanings' to attract and align boosted 'ego-function', but the gratitude and presence of a felt connection with and through our lives. This is to say, there already is integral biofield communication of energy and informational resonance (exchange) on which a technologism of rules and filters frames an output of results to a focus in predictive controls - whose structural cost or burden demands progressive sacrifice of the life it seeks to possess and control. (Sauron ;-)
Comment in response to themes in:
The Coming AI Startup Bust
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