Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Manipulative Identity

Manipulative Identity


 in response to the themes in:


Setting up manipulative identities by defining in false needs - such as being sold false solutions to falsely addressed or even conflated problems is the means to an invested dependency - such as a protection racket where the victims are invested in protecting the racket rather than lose the sense of security in the devil that they know for a fear of the unknown - which can easily by invoked as the greater evil against which to vote or invest and engage in the lesser evil.
True need met identifies us truly. This is more than bread alone. (Let alone what is sold as 'bread' today).
It seems easy to join in hate - so as to garner relative 'virtue' by common cause against whatever target is being 'identified'. But such is the 'wide gate' to normalising hate as the arbiter of 'righteousness' that is set in quotes because - it is no such thing but a masking delusion.
Joining in and embodying true need is a living relationship that can easily be substituted for by systems of utility such that a mechanical process operates a set of rules and procedures in place of relational communication. This may be 'efficient' in delivering results but blind in terms of responding to changing conditions while also attracting the mindset of ownership and control of and via what were initially held to be (relational), cultural or social services. Fake virtue masks in feelgood PR - such as 'healthcare' under thescience (it is anything but!).

So what's the psychic and cultural terrain in and of which such active ignorance grows at our own expense?
Is it not a guilted, shamed or powerless sense of lack - that must seek outside itself for a source of worth, power and permission to think, feel and move -not just mobility of body - but the movement of true desire?
Scapegoatism is a device by which to 'cast out' or project away a hated self onto another or to a past, or to a world, AS IF to get rid of it by demeaning, denying or even eradicating the 'hate target'. But even a little self-honest observation reveals that the hater still carries the hate - but re packaged in instruments of diversion and obfuscation. "THEY" made or make me 'hateful' (loss of peace)".

To be essentially in our peace is to be able to connect with and be in relation with anyone or anything - but to be in a disintegrity of our own being will always 'sabotage' distort or deny real relationship and connection - in which needs are discerned - and in which dissonances to an integrality or workability of life are obvious as coercive, fearful, conflicted and essentially seeking to meet a distortion of need by means that reinforce the distortion.

Some of what I sketch here is 'deep' - not readily consumable to a superficial skim. But where there is a desire to ground in truth (of life in practical terms) there will always be some capacity to recognise shared worth that can be felt, acknowledged and appreciated.

True with-ness is not an automata but an awareness in willing exchange of qualities that then imbue any material transactions or communications.
True worth-ship cannot be of the thing-in-itself - so much as a mutual and synchronous recognition of value shared.

"It's Life, Jim - but not as we know it" ('Think' we know it).

The sense that an Other is seeking to GET you is a direct correlation with a-tempts to GET from others (or Get Rid of, onto others).

But the reverse is where being essentially in our peace is not available or susceptible to manipulative deceit or gaslighting.
Where else is our peace but in the moment at hand in the day thereof?
Self-acceptance is foundational to regaining trust in self, life and world. Not a blind or contractual 'trust' of a locked down 'self-image', but a willingness of connection in life as a relational gift - giving and receiving both.

Self image runs PR. A PR-ism splits the light of a felt existence.
Projection is not a sin - but identifying exclusively in the movie will hate and deny the light.
But what we give out does determine the measure of our receipt.
So releasing the meaningless or nonsensical blame game is key to regaining or growing self-responsibility in relationship.
Not just as we might conceive them, but with the objects of our attention. We are never really out of or part from relationship, but have learned to mask and distance in mindsets of judgement to the point that they run automatically, invisibly internalised as a mindset of defence, running 'dark'.


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