Thursday, 6 February 2025

A Ruled & Filtered 'Reality-experience'?

A Ruled & Filtered 'Reality-Experience'?

in response to the themes in:

Hegemony and Propaganda: Love Your Servitude!


Awareness of the underlying 'rules+filters' governing or framing of perception and response, opens the freedom persist in judgemental of wilful
a-tempt to force perceived reality, or release a locking-down of the will to such dictates into true willingness or freedom of being - as distinct from freedom assigned or associated with imaged forms of object-reality.
Judgement set over meanings projected onto image & form (the body of the world) will always split (the) mind to a judging over-&-apart from the judged. Nor will it escape the measure it accepts by giving.
Yet within the giving or projecting of meaning & power to a world outside+apart from its 'self' is a driven+conflicted life+world denial, limitation & loss.

So adaptively normalized is the ego-mind as judge over & defenses against a world of fear, threats & evils, that felt & known reality is blocked by the rules and filters of temporary 'solutions' running narratives of object-continuity against recognition of truth.

Fear of truth looks not within as the conviction of self-damming judgements (for why else do we seek+find the errors & sins of others but to divert & mitigate inner guilt-conflicts - over which a narrative mindset masks in vengeance as victory over a past set in grievance.

The mind that makes a world be-lived real can not be our true Creator if we can uncover and notice it.
Nor can it really Be a power set over and against true Creation, if by such recognition, we can release and be released of it.
A split mind is acted out on bodies, because Mind cannot be conflicted in itself. What is a 'split' but a projecting from Mind for Getting or to Get Rid of?
Think you can escape the Mind of your Creator? or that you would Want this true if you could but be-live you Can and Have?

I write of my own willingness to let truth in. Not to make true or contest conflicting 'truths' seeking power in a world of lies.

The ego is already a golem under AI. Already an artifact of a matrix of rules & filters. That it 'creates in its own image and kind' is the nature of Mind - except limitation and division 'creates' an abundance of debt, conflict, pain and loss. But a mind made opaque to truth by its own 'diversions' can also choose to release such blocks to awareness to realigning in transparency to life and existence as Communication of wholeness in being.

There is no way to pour 'new wine' into old paradigm or mindset. But the instant of remembering truth is as 'the father rushes in' to greet a 'lost son'.
We say 'awareness rises' to a recognition, but is it not really that something else fell away which had engaged attention.


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