Compounded Lies Deliver An Insane World
in response to the themes in:
Stargate, mRNA, and the Internet of Bio-Nano Things
Feb 16, 2025 1:43 AMI think we have reached another “Noah’s ark” time where it would be best to just wipe it all out and start over again…
Your 'we' is not me Todd.
I will translate or refine your statement to:
"Take responsibility for your own healing by releasing the grip of a self-knowledge that truly does not KNOW - to be rendered clean by refreshing and renewal of the mind.
True genesis or Creation is not a mythical code of symbolic references to me mapped out or projected to its derivatives as a fragmented mind and world under All the king’s horses and all the king’s men.
The destruction attributed to Jehovah or to the War of the Gods (Power set in conflict) is a physical symbol for a greater reality.
"Behold I make all things new" via catastrophic leveling or raising of mountains.
But is this statement not the gift of recognition of the Timeless within the vested illusions of time and place? To see with 'new eyes' what the 'eyes of the body' served to hide?
Each instant is an opportunity and a gift of seeing and being - but that a 'mindset' of presuming to already know stamps out a 'reality' by dictates of a past made in grievance?
Invested self in learned or trained habit may run deep as an inertial momentum or continuity of 'taken for grantedness' as 'normal' - but the spark of recognition of a true Nature is not the child or the product of such an accumulated strategy of defences.
Mistakes call for correction, not condemnation. The projection of error 'out' to 'others' made a world of a lie framed in sickness, war and destruction.
The renewal of our mind is not via its or our destruction. But to vested illusion so must it seem, and by its own 'defences' so shall it seem to be.
Giving to God means releasing 'control' from the wish to be as gods.
Belief is not required for being healed - but active beliefs against healing can block.
Awareness of blocks is thus part of willingness to heal.
I've another post on this page that joins with this.
A key focus on the state of the human world circa 2025 COULD BE the selling of narrative boosting to investors as claim of function running gain of fiction.
Nothing has to really work as premised or promised by models - or some effects can be reframed to models and model projections of 'future applications' that are concocted to operate as the next framework for attracting investors seeking profits. Once the 'money' flows, it generates its own incentivised momentum.
This facet of capitalism is set on human psychology - though I prefer to use psychic as a more direct reference to mental-emotional facet of our psycho-physical expression. The ology or study of the mind by the mind is not easily separable from its own mythic self-creations or 'narrative identity'.
Stakeholders in 'gain of function' via securitised or locked-down belief are not merely of financial, but of psychic investment. Masking and distancing FROM reality as the 'freedom' to engage in and run on 'something else' - a masking reality - or self delusional attempts to make reality conform to judgements that must then double down in mutating derivatives of a degrading and depleting focus of 'control' - for masking awareness of reality does limit and distort a conflicted experience resulting from intent and attempt to possess and control.
beneath which appearance - a 'hungry ghost' drives a blind urge to GET for a sense of lack, deprivation and denial.
The separation trauma of a split mind can be mythically represented as a dissociative defence set on rejection, abandonment, denial, pain and loss framed in treachery, weakness and unworthiness. This 'split mind' then seeks to create 'solutions' to a past set by grievance to limit loss, regain a golden era or create a new over the destruction of the old.
But pre-separation Mind is transparent to or one with Creating - there is no linguistic modelling that can define or objectify being - but such as we make by agreement to join in, will output imaged or symbolic projections as a sense of personal creation. Mind is Creating - but conflicted mind is split from awareness of creation by the conviction (that) what we make (unwitting) is making us.
Giving power by belief and definition becomes an internalized sense of self-reality.
The mind can create realities of subjection and control. The 'personal' mind is inherently within and part of a collective expression, but a true intimacy of being is not a self-specialness but a Universal Will.
Perception and response align in desire. The mind generates a substitution for true desire/fulfilment. But there is no substitution that can or does fulfil. Hence questioning the false reveals a lack of truth or substance and thus a means to see and know that we do not WANT it. As a felt recognition, this releases the focus of a defence set to keep it. But the mind can mimic insight AS IF to usurp, short-circuit or replace being corrected BY a communioned willingness, as a 'wilful' persistence of a mindset for GETTING. As if THIS TIME what has never worked and cannot work - WILL work.
Buying time as a means to set processes to be completed before or as a requirement for validation is an ingenuity of mutating self-justictions.
The offer of a Bio-Tech future is extended to us. Do we WANT it? yet regardless what we thinks we want are we 'co-creating' it as a result of already active stake or investments in narratives of 'technological manipulation' as power and intelligence set over and apart from the Living Now?
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