Protecting the Peace
or Looking for Trouble?
Self-honesty or transparency cannot be self-judgement.
In seeking to 'validate or vindicate our 'self' we stand accused BY our defence.
The inner gaslighting or guilting manipulation runs AS IF to scape responsibility for thought to an 'othered self'. Self-alienating dissociation is 'normalised' by mutual and social reinforcement. IE: Once everyone 'learns to see' the Emperor's new robes, the operating system for the evasion of exposed illegitimacy runs tyrannous while truth of love is rendered 'invisible'.
But what we learned under pain and fear can be unlearned under the guidance and support of a wholeness of being that reveals obstructions to healing as mis-taken belief and definitions that beget a false inheritance. Illusions given power have no more power than we give them - but never less.
Learning to leave the baiting lie of fear and division un-chosen, is a discernment of the spirit and not and achievement of an ego. Much that seems victory is defeat, and much judged defeat is a victory - in terms of growing willingness through which the spirit or purpose of truth aligns all things to an awareness of wholeness.
This is literally inconceivable to a broken, powerless and frail self-imaged control-boosting 'defence-mindset'.
Yet within the movement of the integrality of being is a world of lies framed in terror inconceivable.
To ask 'how did the impossible come about?' seeks a past cause or external 'causes' for a use of the mind persisting in the moment or situation at hand.
How and why do we perceive in different and conflicting lights, instead of knowing within one light?
Seeking to establish a claim of function within a gain of fiction?
But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here.
~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
The 'human world' represents and reflects a focus of mutual, social & cultural agreements that run invisible and internalized as assumed and perceived reality.
The recognition that this is a result of 'seeing through a lens darkly' or via a shattered mirror, approaches the terror that guards the holding of the mind and focus FOR a 'physical' existence.
Indeed terror frames and equates the mind to the body - by which to act out 'archetypal' themes of Separation trauma as attempted 'solutions' to a Past set in fear, guilt, denial, conflicted hatred, treachery and betrayal.
To truly question any aspect of lies given power is to make way for truth to enter. That fear interjects to 'reset' the mind is a defense mechanism running 'protection' for the split mind of a wish for ego-autonomy of a private 'creation'.
Mind is the creative level - yet when assigned to its own 'shadow-projections' results in an isolating and conflicting dissonance often interpreted as a self-violating attack and thus grievance. Such is the fruit of JUDGEMENT as a personal and private 'claim of function' by which victim and victimizer split from a Mind we do not create - but of which is All That Is.
Love of peace can only rise from truth. The assignment of 'conditions' as representing peace are at best symbolic links. But can shift from a living participation in felt relational exchange, to a mind-set of assumed knowledge, power or virtue - chained to a currency of conditional 'meanings' running as idols or ideals of symbolic 'perfection' by which life is rendered unworthy.
False light is 'stolen' & extended or withheld in frame of fear or pain of loss - for true light shines and shares freely on all as one.
'Gaslighting' or guilting manipulation always carries signature characteristics. Recognition of this patterning in our inner dialogue or thinking - offers a freedom to release it instead of 'running its code' as our output or 'fruits'.
Those who look for trouble will find it - but see that seeking a target for hate as a basis for 'joining in identity' in hate will normalize trouble as 'legitimized' attack or countermeasured 'solution' as the overriding necessity of an 'existential survival'.
An 'attack on truth' cannot approach or edit truth but only our awareness of truth.
To a captive mind set in derivative currencies of scarcity-driven dictates, this cannot communicate. But truth can and does communicate to all as one, and aligning in truth - if even an instant - will receive and share a light beneath all masking defences as an invitation to align true - without coercion.
This is a signature of peace in truth - acceptance of what is - as it is - without asserting a guilting or manipulative coercion of post-processing reality adjustment.
'Dont-know-mind' is released of assuming to already know, as freedom to learn of life anew.
"Behold I make all things new!" is associated with the 'moving of mountains - ie catastrophic apocalypse, but in truth each instant is a new Creation-regardless our experience of object-continuity. The Timeless is not 'hidden' within Time, but that we make time serve a linear series of terms and conditionality, as permissioned freedom to be.
Accepting the moment at hand as the instant of peace and freedom is not an attack on lies, a claim to virtue, masking defense or power set over against perceived evils. That is - it is not a mind usurping the Spirit in a personal claim or capacity to cast out demons, but simply true with-ness.
There is a field.... Rumi
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