Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Nanoscale as a novel vector for leveraging the mass-mind?

Nanoscale as a novel vector for leveraging the mass-mind?


The novel is always weaponisable or marketisable to the imaginations (creative faculties) of the masking agenda both to hide in and to use to hide from.

I came here ( )

via comments under an excellent article by Sasha Latypova

Claim of function is pitched and leveraged for private gain of fiction. Some scams run for decades before being dropped. Others become foundations on which to build more 'stories'.

Fear runs as conflicted predicates. Masking fear seeks to unify a 'winning' order over un-owned or projected and denied conflicts. It's a specific use of the creative (mind) against itself.

All particles are such as expressions of relational field-forces, and their interactions and changes or exchange and organisation is the 'embodiment' of such field-forces. An object-reality gives primacy or cause to objects and conditions as if independent or autonomous agents of change - which effectively 'personalises' projected aspects of the mind of the perceiver.

Consent to experience embodiment is 'will to live' - not merely survive in terms of a face or control set on object-continuity but be and share in the appreciation and exchange of Life - 'Life' capitalised to indicate the relational field of all apparent 'forces' of attraction and transformation.

Masked agenda runs a face of 'justifictions' that collectively operate as mutually agreed virtue and 'necessity' masking against (fear of) attack. Tyranny would normalise terrorism masking as order, by countermeasures against scapegoated proxies for active agenda running 'dark'.

Self-contradictions or self-judgements can be compartmentalised, dissociated and set in 'solutions' that protect the split against direct exposure to conflict, and thus protect against healing in truth. Seemingly lesser ills or evils are chosen as the escape from a greater fears running as fear of the 'Unknown' which is the suppressed or denied 'Unconscious'.

The above was prompted by

a comment to the article:

‘It doesn’t harm us’: Russian scientist busts myths about microplastics

Alarming media reports about the harm of microplastics to the human body and the environment are greatly exaggerated, Alexei Khokhlov has told RT
Isabella H wrote:
2/16/2025 at 10:39 AM

I welcome this article which takes some of the FEAR that they again are trying to create in humans.
What I however consider dangerous are nano-particles, nano-plastics, because the nanoworld acts on other principles, being so much smaller than micro and not having fully been explored and tested yet. Nanolipids are known to be dangerous, nanodust can be weaponized… and they can be added to food, water, air, soil, without our consent or even our knowing its there…


Monday, 24 February 2025

Bubbles Burst & Idols Fall

 Bubbles Burst & Idols Fall


Parasitic profits mask as a progressive 'Good' by claims of function set in modelling projections as marketing gain of fictions targeted to leverage (feed and feed upon) fear (of pain of loss). The drive to take or get rather than be taken from, compels disintegrity (war masking as communication). Disintegration of integral function is then 'substituted for' by systemic masking controls running as an operating system of compelling masked and guilted fears or 'ego mind-set' within a net-bot of progressively collectivised insanity.

That's somewhat condensed, but my point is that this is systemic in every field as a convergence or 'tipping point'. That existential fears project out to fake diversionary narratives is simply what such a 'mind-set' is and does as defence against perceived and believed threat.
Boosting the noise as a resource to generate ever shifting mutations of gaslighting 'signal' of conflict and debt repackaged to 'sci-op' instruments of artificial 'virtue'.

Releasing the fixation (attuned alignment) to marketing illusions (delusions of conceit) allows truly grounded appreciation of being a 'transceiver' of love+ life. Communication as integrality of being - not weaponisation or technologism of concepts running as broken symbolic links.
The idea of 'waking up' (restored function) is not an attack on or repackaging of the 'noise' as marketable 'meanings' to attract and align boosted 'ego-function', but the gratitude and presence of a felt connection with and through our lives. This is to say, there already is integral biofield communication of energy and informational resonance (exchange) on which a technologism of rules and filters frames an output of results to a focus in predictive controls - whose structural cost or burden demands progressive sacrifice of the life it seeks to possess and control. (Sauron ;-)
Comment in response to themes in:

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Compounded Lies Deliver An Insane World

Compounded Lies Deliver An Insane World

 in response to the themes in:

Stargate, mRNA, and the Internet of Bio-Nano Things

Todd Hayen
Feb 16, 2025 1:43 AM

I think we have reached another “Noah’s ark” time where it would be best to just wipe it all out and start over again…



 Your 'we' is not me Todd.
I will translate or refine your statement to:
"Take responsibility for your own healing by releasing the grip of a self-knowledge that truly does not KNOW - to be rendered clean by refreshing and renewal of the mind.
True genesis or Creation is not a mythical code of symbolic references to me mapped out or projected to its derivatives as a fragmented mind and world under All the king’s horses and all the king’s men.
The destruction attributed to Jehovah or to the War of the Gods (Power set in conflict) is a physical symbol for a greater reality.
"Behold I make all things new" via catastrophic leveling or raising of mountains.
But is this statement not the gift of recognition of the Timeless within the vested illusions of time and place? To see with 'new eyes' what the 'eyes of the body' served to hide?
Each instant is an opportunity and a gift of seeing and being - but that a 'mindset' of presuming to already know stamps out a 'reality' by dictates of a past made in grievance?
Invested self in learned or trained habit may run deep as an inertial momentum or continuity of 'taken for grantedness' as 'normal' - but the spark of recognition of a true Nature is not the child or the product of such an accumulated  strategy of defences.
Mistakes call for correction, not condemnation. The projection of error 'out' to 'others' made a world of  a lie framed in sickness, war and destruction.
The renewal of our mind is not via its or our destruction. But to vested illusion so must it seem, and by its own 'defences' so shall it seem to be.

Giving to God means releasing 'control' from the wish to be as gods.
Belief is not required for being healed - but active beliefs against healing can block.
Awareness of blocks is thus part of willingness to heal.

I've another post on this page that joins with this.




A key focus on the state of the human world circa 2025 COULD BE the selling of narrative boosting to investors as claim of function running gain of fiction.
Nothing has to really work as premised or promised by models - or some effects can be reframed to models and model projections of 'future applications' that are concocted to operate as the next framework for attracting investors seeking profits. Once the 'money' flows, it generates its own incentivised momentum.

This facet of capitalism is set on human psychology - though I prefer to use psychic as a more direct reference to mental-emotional facet of our psycho-physical expression. The ology or study of the mind by the mind is not easily separable from its own mythic self-creations or 'narrative identity'.

Stakeholders in 'gain of function' via securitised or locked-down belief are not merely of financial, but of psychic investment. Masking and distancing FROM reality as the 'freedom' to engage in and run on 'something else' - a masking reality - or self delusional attempts to make reality conform to judgements that must then double down in mutating derivatives of a degrading and depleting focus of 'control' - for masking awareness of reality does limit and distort a conflicted experience resulting from intent and attempt to possess and control.
 beneath which appearance - a 'hungry ghost' drives a blind urge to GET for a sense of lack, deprivation and denial.

The separation trauma of a split mind can be mythically represented as a dissociative defence set on rejection, abandonment, denial, pain and loss framed in treachery, weakness and unworthiness. This 'split mind' then seeks to create 'solutions' to a past set by grievance to limit loss, regain a golden era or create a new over the destruction of the old.
But pre-separation Mind is transparent to or one with Creating - there is no linguistic modelling that can define or objectify being - but such as we make by agreement to join in, will output imaged or symbolic projections as a sense of personal creation. Mind is Creating - but conflicted mind is split from awareness of creation by the conviction (that) what we make (unwitting) is making us.

Giving power by belief and definition becomes an internalized sense of self-reality.
The mind can create realities of subjection and control. The 'personal' mind is inherently within and part of a collective expression, but a true intimacy of being is not a self-specialness but a Universal Will.

Perception and response align in desire. The mind generates a substitution for true desire/fulfilment. But there is no substitution that can or does fulfil. Hence questioning the false reveals a lack of truth or substance and thus a means to see and know that we do not WANT it. As a felt recognition, this releases the focus of a defence set to keep it. But the mind can mimic insight AS IF to usurp, short-circuit or replace being corrected BY a communioned willingness, as a 'wilful' persistence of a mindset for GETTING. As if THIS TIME what has never worked and cannot work - WILL work.

Buying time as a means to set processes to be completed before or as a requirement for validation is an ingenuity of mutating self-justictions.
The offer of a Bio-Tech future is extended to us. Do we WANT it? yet regardless what we thinks we want are we 'co-creating' it as a result of already active stake or investments in narratives of 'technological manipulation' as power and intelligence set over and apart from the Living Now?

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Intel Inside?

 Intel Inside?

in response to the themes in:

What exactly is "you" in this definition of intelligence?
Is it not the generation of 'problem' as a goal-framing identity-driven fulfilment?
What is 'platonic space' but the lens & law of logical self-consistency in terms of image and form rendered tangible?
Not at all separate from its 'results' of object continuity - where objects are projected "you" ? Or objectified "Self" - aka 'Reality - inseparable from awareness Of - derived from differentiations of Awareness As.
Intelligence as a Field does not DO anything, but simply is a wholeness that will seem to be nothing relative to any fixed position of partiality (point of view). Intelligence thus embraces and supports all 'points of view' or relational configuration and exchange. None of which can define Reality - yet BY defining selective facets as temporal representations, generate frameworks for experience as an extension of recognition and integration of consciousness - as relational systems of a 'self-organising' momentum or persistence.
The level of defining is the setting of rules and filters that project results. They don't 'discover' separately from their predicates and yet as internalised or accepted "Self/Reality" the experience will be of attention and awareness framed in the 'objected or projected' outcome or 'fruits'.
By the fruits do "we" know the nature and alignment of purpose - in terms of integrality and consistency. Garbage in; garbage out applies to the outer reflections of an inner state of 'rules and filters' as active or working 'definitions and beliefs'. The perceiving of the outer as a 'problem' to be solved externally, generates a 'self-adaptive focus of applied intelligence' as development of the means to manipulate effects as if 'they are independent causes'. Thus to gain a world but lose a Whole - for the inner/outer is One extension of wholeness in all its 'parts'.
The intelligence of a creative discernment within life is thus ruled and filtered as a-tempt and intent to define and control life AS IF set Over and Apart from life. That this reinforces conflicts of results rather than resolves them becomes a locus of predictive control running as defence against exposure to threat - where loss of conflictive controls (healing) is defined and perceived as loss of 'self'.
The capacity to focus in idea to the exclusion of other ideas is an expression of valuing. Fixation on worth unfolds and aligns expressions of worth. But when a negatively conditioned evaluation of reality-as-threat- to an assumed 'separateness' defined by predictive control, is give acceptance, it 'fruits' or results in a negatively conditioned countermeasure set on reversals of cause and effect. The tale - or narrative running as the myth of a self-imaged 'reality' wags the dog (of a conditioned or programmed intelligence).

The idea of 'harnessing' a free or already given 'reality' - howsoever conceived, is the 'getting' by which the giving is discarded and substituted for by being taken in - according to the measure of 'our' giving. As we judge so are we judged. But to the mind-in-judgement a temporary perception of a gain of fiction runs as a basis for a private function - set over and against the life it would possess or control in its own image.

Here is the archetype of the 'cancer cell' as a segregative or masked off projection of exclusion from the Whole - (Biofield integrality).
Communication breakdown is the persistence of what doesn't work and cannot work to the point of self-destructive denial and cannibalism of workability to 'save' the underlying investment of identity - set in possession and control as a private agenda masking in 'public' Good.

Recognising the signature pattern at any level of 'output' is a Call to attend the realignment of 'inputs' in terms of assumptions and beliefs operating as definitions that conflict when released of their 'permission' to mask. In human terms Separation trauma generates a 'split-mind' of compartmentalised dissociations that invokes intelligence as defence against 'reliving the event' or cause-effect that underlies the 'problem-solving strategy of surviving under 'dark-mode' that is under manual substitutions for an innate field of guidance and support that in truth, "you' are - as "I am".
So many leapfrog the one thing that allows all of these conversations to take place and all that goes towards the make up of them, namely the mind. The conversations leapfrog that mind to make a mind generated statement as to what would be the case, or what something would look like or what form something would take in the absence of minds. So when was the last time someone stepped out of their mind to view that landscape? Nothing new in what I say here at all of course, just the boring, plain and simple idealism verses realism debate that forms an eternal philosophical discussion. Neither position can be proved or disproved and hence both are philosophical in nature. I just wish that fact was acknowledged more than it is.
The posit or belief one can and HAS stepped out of Mind offers a basis for 'strange fruits' -ie: a split mind perceiving the objects of its affection/affliction. When we assume to possess control via such a judgement we run a mind possessed by its own premise, running as an internalised focus that gains reinforcement from an experience of limitation, conflict and adversity, in fear of pain of loss of the face of control.
That mind can be trapped in its own thought is both demonstrable in experience and impossible in fact.
The self-reinforcing or 'self-organising' nature of accepted definition and belief operates prior to or beneath the processes we assign to a masking representation of 'consciousness'.
While a monkey clings on to its grasp of the baiting fruit of a staked gourd (monkey trap) it cannot withdraw its hand and thus is 'trapped' by 'food' (life support set in a context of unavailability).
Re-prioritising value has to release form or image or thing-based reality. Else it locks down responses to fixed or ideal values as a structure at expense of mind.
Trapped in structure represents loss of mind to vested belief.
Mind as the creative, is the always new gift and alignment of and within being.
A mind or the mind are conceptual rules and filters applied to Mind.
That is to say; our active beliefs of what Mind is, frame the minding that we are engaging in.
In that specific sense a mind is a 'set' within minding - the giving and receiving of attention as the creation and sharing in value fulfilment.

Manipulative Identity

Manipulative Identity


 in response to the themes in:


Setting up manipulative identities by defining in false needs - such as being sold false solutions to falsely addressed or even conflated problems is the means to an invested dependency - such as a protection racket where the victims are invested in protecting the racket rather than lose the sense of security in the devil that they know for a fear of the unknown - which can easily by invoked as the greater evil against which to vote or invest and engage in the lesser evil.
True need met identifies us truly. This is more than bread alone. (Let alone what is sold as 'bread' today).
It seems easy to join in hate - so as to garner relative 'virtue' by common cause against whatever target is being 'identified'. But such is the 'wide gate' to normalising hate as the arbiter of 'righteousness' that is set in quotes because - it is no such thing but a masking delusion.
Joining in and embodying true need is a living relationship that can easily be substituted for by systems of utility such that a mechanical process operates a set of rules and procedures in place of relational communication. This may be 'efficient' in delivering results but blind in terms of responding to changing conditions while also attracting the mindset of ownership and control of and via what were initially held to be (relational), cultural or social services. Fake virtue masks in feelgood PR - such as 'healthcare' under thescience (it is anything but!).

So what's the psychic and cultural terrain in and of which such active ignorance grows at our own expense?
Is it not a guilted, shamed or powerless sense of lack - that must seek outside itself for a source of worth, power and permission to think, feel and move -not just mobility of body - but the movement of true desire?
Scapegoatism is a device by which to 'cast out' or project away a hated self onto another or to a past, or to a world, AS IF to get rid of it by demeaning, denying or even eradicating the 'hate target'. But even a little self-honest observation reveals that the hater still carries the hate - but re packaged in instruments of diversion and obfuscation. "THEY" made or make me 'hateful' (loss of peace)".

To be essentially in our peace is to be able to connect with and be in relation with anyone or anything - but to be in a disintegrity of our own being will always 'sabotage' distort or deny real relationship and connection - in which needs are discerned - and in which dissonances to an integrality or workability of life are obvious as coercive, fearful, conflicted and essentially seeking to meet a distortion of need by means that reinforce the distortion.

Some of what I sketch here is 'deep' - not readily consumable to a superficial skim. But where there is a desire to ground in truth (of life in practical terms) there will always be some capacity to recognise shared worth that can be felt, acknowledged and appreciated.

True with-ness is not an automata but an awareness in willing exchange of qualities that then imbue any material transactions or communications.
True worth-ship cannot be of the thing-in-itself - so much as a mutual and synchronous recognition of value shared.

"It's Life, Jim - but not as we know it" ('Think' we know it).

The sense that an Other is seeking to GET you is a direct correlation with a-tempts to GET from others (or Get Rid of, onto others).

But the reverse is where being essentially in our peace is not available or susceptible to manipulative deceit or gaslighting.
Where else is our peace but in the moment at hand in the day thereof?
Self-acceptance is foundational to regaining trust in self, life and world. Not a blind or contractual 'trust' of a locked down 'self-image', but a willingness of connection in life as a relational gift - giving and receiving both.

Self image runs PR. A PR-ism splits the light of a felt existence.
Projection is not a sin - but identifying exclusively in the movie will hate and deny the light.
But what we give out does determine the measure of our receipt.
So releasing the meaningless or nonsensical blame game is key to regaining or growing self-responsibility in relationship.
Not just as we might conceive them, but with the objects of our attention. We are never really out of or part from relationship, but have learned to mask and distance in mindsets of judgement to the point that they run automatically, invisibly internalised as a mindset of defence, running 'dark'.


Faith in rational ideals

Faith in rational ideals


Faith in rational ideals can run blind to the terrain that shapes them.

This article raises the false or unfounded 'claim of function' that nonetheless serves potential gains of funding along with propagating and promoting such ideas as frontiers of scientific progress using cherry picked cases with maximum PR appeal.

Narrative beliefs or dogmas operate as operating systems within which further elaborations can be added on. Indeed they mutate as an obligate parasite in the minds that assume gain of function BY such narratives. IE: Status, wealth and power or protection.

Seeking to establish how mysterious living processes manifested (seeded) led to discovering yeasts and bacterium - which became a basis for germ theory to an already pathologically threatened sense of life - and thus focus in countermeasures as marketed solutions. But even so the wars at the time also used psyops to undermine adversaries and contagion fear was such a claim as to deny port to British shipping. Such uses were not rolled back but served as a front for 'vaccine' development as live experimentation on the 'human stock'.
Legal exceptions for biologicals are traced back over a century by Katherine Watt, such as to strongly suggest obfuscation and evasion of transparency.

Meanwhile germ theory begat virus theory begat gene theory begat cancer theory (allowing inbreeding or cross species mutations here - such as failed mutations for evolution theory repackaging to cell damage and genetic theory.

What are theories when running as facts but a perceived gain of fiction? They may seem to be explanations for how anything works, but they have a deeper significance as a way of framing or reinforcing core self-definitions and beliefs.

The level of self-definitions and belief is causal - not to reality - but as rules and filters that shape perceived reality and therefore responses.
It is this level that psyop and propaganda target, tap into and manipulate. But it is also this level that must be raised to awareness to be tested for truth - else the attempt to manipulate effects without addressing true cause persists as truth's replacement. Invested delusions must perceive Reason as threat - hence its substitution by ingenious and obfuscating rationalisations.

in response to the themes in:

Monday, 10 February 2025

Protecting the Peace or Looking for Trouble?


 Protecting the Peace
or Looking for Trouble?

Self-honesty or transparency cannot be self-judgement.
In seeking to 'validate or vindicate our 'self' we stand accused BY our defence.
The inner gaslighting or guilting manipulation runs AS IF to scape responsibility for thought to an 'othered self'. Self-alienating dissociation is 'normalised' by mutual and social reinforcement. IE: Once everyone 'learns to see' the Emperor's new robes, the operating system for the evasion of exposed illegitimacy runs tyrannous while truth of love is rendered 'invisible'.

But what we learned under pain and fear can be unlearned under the guidance and support of a wholeness of being that reveals obstructions to healing as mis-taken belief and definitions that beget a false inheritance. Illusions given power have no more power than we give them - but never less.

Learning to leave the baiting lie of fear and division un-chosen, is a discernment of the spirit and not and achievement of an ego. Much that seems victory is defeat, and much judged defeat is a victory - in terms of growing willingness through which the spirit or purpose of truth aligns all things to an awareness of wholeness.

This is literally inconceivable to a broken, powerless and frail self-imaged control-boosting 'defence-mindset'.
Yet within the movement of the integrality of being is a world of lies framed in terror inconceivable.
To ask 'how did the impossible come about?' seeks a past cause or external 'causes' for a use of the mind persisting in the moment or situation at hand.
How and why do we perceive in different and conflicting lights, instead of knowing within one light?
Seeking to establish a claim of function within a gain of fiction?

But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here.
~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

The 'human world' represents and reflects a focus of mutual, social & cultural agreements that run invisible and internalized as assumed and perceived reality.
The recognition that this is a result of 'seeing through a lens darkly' or via a shattered mirror, approaches the terror that guards the holding of the mind and focus FOR a 'physical' existence.

Indeed terror frames and equates the mind to the body - by which to act out 'archetypal' themes of Separation trauma as attempted 'solutions' to a Past set in fear, guilt, denial, conflicted hatred, treachery and betrayal.
To truly question any aspect of lies given power is to make way for truth to enter. That fear interjects to 'reset' the mind is a defense mechanism running 'protection' for the split mind of a wish for ego-autonomy of a private 'creation'.

Mind is the creative level - yet when assigned to its own 'shadow-projections' results in an isolating and conflicting dissonance often interpreted as a self-violating attack and thus grievance. Such is the fruit of JUDGEMENT as a personal and private 'claim of function' by which victim and victimizer split from a Mind we do not create - but of which is All That Is.

Love of peace can only rise from truth. The assignment of 'conditions' as representing peace are at best symbolic links. But can shift from a living participation in felt relational exchange, to a mind-set of assumed knowledge, power or virtue - chained to a currency of conditional 'meanings' running as idols or ideals of symbolic 'perfection' by which life is rendered unworthy.

False light is 'stolen' & extended or withheld in frame of fear or pain of loss - for true light shines and shares freely on all as one.
'Gaslighting' or guilting manipulation always carries signature characteristics. Recognition of this patterning in our inner dialogue or thinking - offers a freedom to release it instead of 'running its code' as our output or 'fruits'.

Those who look for trouble will find it - but see that seeking a target for hate as a basis for 'joining in identity' in hate will normalize trouble as 'legitimized' attack or countermeasured 'solution' as the overriding necessity of an 'existential survival'.

An 'attack on truth' cannot approach or edit truth but only our awareness of truth.
To a captive mind set in derivative currencies of scarcity-driven dictates, this cannot communicate. But truth can and does communicate to all as one, and aligning in truth - if even an instant - will receive and share a light beneath all masking defences as an invitation to align true - without coercion.

This is a signature of peace in truth - acceptance of what is - as it is - without asserting a guilting or manipulative coercion of post-processing reality adjustment.
'Dont-know-mind' is released of assuming to already know, as freedom to learn of life anew.

"Behold I make all things new!" is associated with the 'moving of mountains - ie catastrophic apocalypse, but in truth each instant is a new Creation-regardless our experience of object-continuity. The Timeless is not 'hidden' within Time, but that we make time serve a linear series of terms and conditionality, as permissioned freedom to be.

Accepting the moment at hand as the instant of peace and freedom is not an attack on lies, a claim to virtue, masking defense or power set over against perceived evils. That is - it is not a mind usurping the Spirit in a personal claim or capacity to cast out demons, but simply true with-ness.

There is a field.... Rumi

in response to the themes in:

Thursday, 6 February 2025

A Ruled & Filtered 'Reality-experience'?

A Ruled & Filtered 'Reality-Experience'?

in response to the themes in:

Hegemony and Propaganda: Love Your Servitude!


Awareness of the underlying 'rules+filters' governing or framing of perception and response, opens the freedom persist in judgemental of wilful
a-tempt to force perceived reality, or release a locking-down of the will to such dictates into true willingness or freedom of being - as distinct from freedom assigned or associated with imaged forms of object-reality.
Judgement set over meanings projected onto image & form (the body of the world) will always split (the) mind to a judging over-&-apart from the judged. Nor will it escape the measure it accepts by giving.
Yet within the giving or projecting of meaning & power to a world outside+apart from its 'self' is a driven+conflicted life+world denial, limitation & loss.

So adaptively normalized is the ego-mind as judge over & defenses against a world of fear, threats & evils, that felt & known reality is blocked by the rules and filters of temporary 'solutions' running narratives of object-continuity against recognition of truth.

Fear of truth looks not within as the conviction of self-damming judgements (for why else do we seek+find the errors & sins of others but to divert & mitigate inner guilt-conflicts - over which a narrative mindset masks in vengeance as victory over a past set in grievance.

The mind that makes a world be-lived real can not be our true Creator if we can uncover and notice it.
Nor can it really Be a power set over and against true Creation, if by such recognition, we can release and be released of it.
A split mind is acted out on bodies, because Mind cannot be conflicted in itself. What is a 'split' but a projecting from Mind for Getting or to Get Rid of?
Think you can escape the Mind of your Creator? or that you would Want this true if you could but be-live you Can and Have?

I write of my own willingness to let truth in. Not to make true or contest conflicting 'truths' seeking power in a world of lies.

The ego is already a golem under AI. Already an artifact of a matrix of rules & filters. That it 'creates in its own image and kind' is the nature of Mind - except limitation and division 'creates' an abundance of debt, conflict, pain and loss. But a mind made opaque to truth by its own 'diversions' can also choose to release such blocks to awareness to realigning in transparency to life and existence as Communication of wholeness in being.

There is no way to pour 'new wine' into old paradigm or mindset. But the instant of remembering truth is as 'the father rushes in' to greet a 'lost son'.
We say 'awareness rises' to a recognition, but is it not really that something else fell away which had engaged attention.


The Idea of 'Normal'


The Idea of 'Normal'

Posted into the themes of 

Normalization and the Resulting Death of “All that Is”

Todd Hayen 

Technologised or weaponised 'psychology' runs as an extra layer of manipulation.

Any pattern of repetition 'normalises a habit of expectation, as a context for choice.

I noted that some became 'normalised' to the hell of trench warfare in WW1 - such as to find 'normal' civvy life (when on leave) maddeningly unreal - thus more 'at home' in the war.

Dissociated states can be remote in place and time as well as in the frame of socially accepted awareness.

From the outset of Opcovid I noted the use of the 'normal' as part of its hypno-suggestion (interjecting memes into mass-mindshare).

Almost anything can be 'normalised' to an experience of seeming to be the only possible reality. But is it natural? Not in terms of social constructs (rules and filters) of "Nature" - but is it natural to who and what you are?

Clearly the experience is possible within what you can conceive, perceive and believe, but is it true of you?

Attempts to reach beneath the 'thinking defences' of a normalised mindset to war' must be to a true or already nature - that runs obscured by rules and filters of masking defences that operate on some level as 'solutions' to underlying conflicts that are progressively repackaged and redistributed via mutually agreed definitions currently called 'narratives' that run on symbolic derivatives as social currency that determines the priority of attention, import, funding and protections for such narratives, as 'saving' from greater or deeper fears or ills.

The gragmentation of mind is so directly observable as to not just be in our face but to have become our face! Yet facing OUT is the defence against looking within (the living moment that is already here beneath the shifting appearances of driven conflict or self-lack).

Trying to conform the outer world to terms and conditions that support our respective psychological-emotional adaptation is not only war on life, but on Self or true Nature and thus in vain futility. Such a Cosmic Archetype of War is not enjoined BY truth - (which remains whole or unconflicted as truth) but will run on symbols of truth and lie - or good and evil - such to shatter the Peace of being by substitution to a split sense of self-separateness set in masked & terrifying Threat.

Trauma and mind-control are synonymous. Weaponised trauma is another layer. But the dissociated fragmentation of its 'shaped charge' is set on lies believed true - and thus none of its begotten or derivative effects have in fact happened (as believed).

Before an addictive identity in grievance attacks its most treasured or sacred sense of love - albeit a broken or killed love, consider that nothing we currently experience is the Whole Truth, but a ruled and filtered effect of our own respective and collective attempts to make some kind of home within Fear, Pain and Loss as 'normal', that for the most part we mask over and distantiate or project 'away'. Yet it leaks out in all that we do and masks most heavily in our 'projective solutions'.

I don't call for guilting blame and sacrifice (we already have the fruits of such a mind-set), but from a Native curiosity - quite different from the driven problem-thinking of mind set in rules and filters of which it is almost completely unaware.

All That Is - is so far beyond our own thinking as the ocean to a ripple on its surface. But our awareness of reality is threatened and undermined by the acceptance and normalising of false currencies of thought, meaning and response. Defend then not truth but our awareness and appreciation of truth in life, in our Self, each other and world.

The ego asks 'how?' as if It has to know, organise and control an outcome in its image. This is an example of 'how' the ego of a normalised self-image masks over a living being to persist in its own thinking.

Think not what you are going to do or say, but live this day.

Practising willingness for life in what Is without predefining and pre-empting what it must be.

The critical key is beginning here and now rather than deferring fulfilment to tomorrow.

A monkey trap works on the unwillingness or incapacity to release a seemingly immediate 'future gain' running as a present pain (or loss of freedom). The more we hit on false fulfilment in the symbols of life, the more we 'migrate' to a normalised arena of 'driven need'. The dislocation of an inherent nature to a false inheritance piles up ever denser denial. Look on the 'bio' technate as an explicit reveal of implicit rules and filters (judgments running as normal).

We are each and together living through the revealing of Mind as the basis for choosing where we stand within 'all that is unfolding'.

Acceptance of our Nature is the releasing of what we 'made of life', not to damning destruction, but to a discernment that we do not and can not manufacture.

The Peace of being is beyond understanding -as we seek to define and control. But we truly understand what we recognise and share in love and appreciation.

Look at the attempt to join in fear, pain or loss (as solutions that do NOT heal), and decide if you want that, if it serves who you are now, if not, leave it abiding and opening to another way to see. Willingness (for peace of wholeness of being) grows by acting from it.

You could depict that as calling on Spirit for truth within the appearances of any given situation instead of reacting from a well-worn program that doesn't represent who you are now.


Wednesday, 8 January 2025

The Weaver in the Web that he Made?

 The Weaver in the Web that he Made?


I allow synchronicity to prompt questioning of the themes 'in play'.
The principle of which I see here of which is a web of deception.
Indeed a 'self and world' of deception - which can also be seen as masking defenses that necessarily run as masked agenda seeking gain of fictions under false claims of function.
Human conflicts have inner and outer facets, where the presentation or behavior can operate as a masking diversion, ruse or camouflage, and engaging or responding to such behaviors at face value will then reinforce the 'issue' as being framed in the arena of the 'diversionary' or scapegoating 'solution'.

Warring narratives of staked identity seek to distribute blame and thus penalty or sacrifice.
That someone else pay (the greater cost) is the dictum of a 'self-survival' framed by fear in division. Existential survival invokes ingenuity for 'creative evasion' at a level of the mind rarely allowed consciousness as terror shapes the 'consciousness' that then aligns or seeks and adapts a self and world to 'escape and avoid it'.

But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here.
~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

But there's a paradox here, because the self-honesty to being 'mad' is itself a light of awareness by which we are now only partially so, and with a new perspective or framing of consciousness by which to discern a self-honesty from a 'protective' self-illusion that carries hidden costs. The nature of which run 'dark' until rupturing the mask of coping an impossible situation.

Growing a 'new consciousness' within a mad world - and partially mad adaptations to such a world, is a step of willingness at a time, as an instant of willingness in which a prompt of desire and curiosity to heal gives welcome to a deeper recognition than the face value of shifting appearances. I cant put this into words, but it can and does align, reintegrate and heal thought, perception and response prior to the split of victim and victimizer that fragments a dissociated and dissociating grievance and conflict management system.
Synchronicity may seem mere chance or happenstance, and yet beneath all appearances are relational themes 'playing out' archetypal patterns of problem-driven 'solutions' that buy time against reliving what might be called 'separation trauma' - not for dramatic effect, but as the basis for a self-image set at odds with (our own) Life or Self. The alloy of love and fear that characterizes the 'human conditioning', such as to co-fuse both in a woven defence of controls against a deeper fear of love, of relationship, of communication - that runs (in our name) to protect the split mind from a healing it cannot conceive or imagine, but only perceives as threat and at best as of being excluded.

To live free willing self-inclusion, I have to extend a recognition of worth to my world and relationships. But 'I' cannot 'do' that as a means to get for a sense of lack, nor get rid of what I hate in myself by wanting to see it in others. That is what reinforces and tightens the 'net'.

Recognition is a grace of noticing. Our capacity to not know what we know runs on engaging the active ignorance of presuming to know - such as shortcut references that no longer actually connect to a true currency of exchange. Has not a weaponised language rendered an Orwellian reversal for the breakdown of a socially masked imposition of order? There is a true basis for growing trust, but not within the vested idols of substitution for relational honesty.



I first posted this to

Sunday, 24 November 2024

Robot Love



in response to the themes in:


 If there is no 'dead' matter but all is a vehicle of embodied expression, then the Life is not IN things and agency is not IN things.
That Mind can phish itself in its own thought, allows the projection of thought to a 'thinging' - while its underlying 'thinking' is 'backgrounded' to give the focus to the engaging of an experience.
The backgrounding is the rendering unconscious or subconscious of the whole from which the selective focus of the part is being played out.
Intelligence can be thus seen as split between the 'back-end' and the 'front-end' of interactive reflections and resonance of significance and value.
Mind is Creative, but when creativity is given to mythic construct, the created is no longer alive BUT for being given meaning or power that then frames or dictates 'choices' that are no longer creative though they may remain ingenious.
What we make is in that sense a machine, device or prop by which to persist in story while ignoring or masking out a true or whole relational awareness. Narcissus 'loves' empathy.

For, we are 'normalised' are we not? to perceive external agents as 'causes' or to perceive Cause as external - as being done to - if not unfairly treated, denied and deprived - at least somewhere within a story that we are sticking do - til death do us part... or perhaps that is also a prop to maintain the tension that frames the whole of who and what we are -in death or afterlife or as the agent of destruction if not damnation!

The reflection of the robotic dictate as technocratic systems – as much as robotic 'agents' or mechanoidal functions runs convergent with a robotification of 'humans' - that is of 'humans' framed and operated in image or screen replacement as 'running in movie mode' as a narrative over-rule of ideological 'social' survival.

The programming of robotic presentations as ingenious defence strategies against fear of pain of loss, is a machine defence. I may use the term ego for a self-imaged projection to which we are all partial - or as The Cat said to Alice, "We wouldn't come here".

But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here.
~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

But to wind this up so as to move on in my day, the True Unconsciousness is God, or if you prefer Unselfconscious Joy in Being. Not all the discarded, suppressed, demonised, hated and feared self-denial that may be pushed out of a surface awareness but remains in the mind that thought it.
For thoughts do not leave the mind that thinks them - but in concept.

Last night we watched "Previously Saved Version'. Very much on the theme of Todd's reflections. I wont say anything about it except it contributed to the cultural reflection on machined humans and the 'ghost in the machine'.

Projection casts out.
Everything in the dream is cast from the mind of the dreamer.
Healing unto wholeness is where the script serves Reintegration and renewal.



Our Deep State


Our Deep State

A deep state of dissociated fragmentation 'looks out' to see it own reflection.
The quality of free awareness is unified purpose - that All the king’s horses and all the king’s men can only seek to mimic in polarising attempts to 'push the big muddy'. Whence does a true, grounded and direct awareness arise?
Come on - its not difficult to acknowledge truth of being!
But deep habits are allowed to run unchecked.
Speaking to the robot is futile.
It cannot 'hear for you' only you can accept reality as it is - by putting the robot aside.
God is true Unconscious, yet can as well be called Superconscious.
The suppression of fears and hated material masks over the face of God - which is Holiness that cannot be found or imagined within a world set on guilting.
The projection of 'sins' (of error, conflict &confusion) runs a-tempt to get rid of THOUGHT outside itself and thus makes a world - not in truth but as a way of perceiving in different lights.
Jesus actually didn't 'forgive' but yielded judgement to the Father's Will - hence "Forgive them Father" or "Neither do I condemn thee". If we keep vengeance for our selves we think to resist evil as the arbiter of 'holy guilt' which is the root of all contradiction or double think set in 'loving to hate'.
By pausing reaction, we can call on what I call the Holy Spirit of a true discernment, for truth to reveal the situation to us - ie wisdom, as we can recognise, accept and embody.

Coming from a different place (from an uncarved block) is not polarised by reaction. Is not a manufactured or manipulated outcome and is not of the mindset of possession and control.

A blind eye becomes a habit.
The notion of an 'unconscious' is a framework by which which to categorise and articulate something of our thought-process in concept.


Mind forged manacles are bought+sold as 'freedom'.

They are not entirely imposed on 'victims'.

Some of this is of a collective will to engage in a 'self-will' running on false pretences that carry inherent 'overheads'

The true nature of a free will was exemplified by Jesus, but while he is made special as the crowning of a God demanding 'sacrifice', his teaching demonstration is subverted to a 'Care System' for virtue credits under systemic 'moral dictates.

There is a fundamental reversal in our current thought system that 'sees' all things awry and yet defends against messengers perceived threatening to its identifications of face and control.

Accepting healing for our own errors releases others and world from distorting projections, and release from conflicts otherwise deeply hidden.

That there is a collective arising from the choice to live in a 'dolls house' is inseparable from my subscription to its service - which runs on the conviction in its reality or necessity as survival in its terms.

Willingness to question reality has to rise from being itself - else it is not areal question but a statement of concept framed as a question.

To release claim to knowledge as a movement of life stirring within us, opens to receiving of or from That Which Knows. Not 'about' as a predictive controlling set of mapping definitions', but to know as to be one with - as a knowing field and not a parcelled off staked of claim in exploiting a 'commodity' or resource for private agenda set in mutually reinforcing contractual entanglements.

To be still and know - does not predefine or predictively shape the 'knowing' for such would not be the unconflicted willingness that only truth be true.