The Idea of 'Normal'
Posted into the themes of
Normalization and the Resulting Death of “All that Is”
Todd Hayen
Technologised or weaponised 'psychology' runs as an extra layer of manipulation.
Any pattern of repetition 'normalises a habit of expectation, as a context for choice.
I noted that some became 'normalised' to the hell of trench warfare in WW1 - such as to find 'normal' civvy life (when on leave) maddeningly unreal - thus more 'at home' in the war.
Dissociated states can be remote in place and time as well as in the frame of socially accepted awareness.
From the outset of Opcovid I noted the use of the 'normal' as part of its hypno-suggestion (interjecting memes into mass-mindshare).
Almost anything can be 'normalised' to an experience of seeming to be the only possible reality. But is it natural? Not in terms of social constructs (rules and filters) of "Nature" - but is it natural to who and what you are?
Clearly the experience is possible within what you can conceive, perceive and believe, but is it true of you?
Attempts to reach beneath the 'thinking defences' of a normalised mindset to war' must be to a true or already nature - that runs obscured by rules and filters of masking defences that operate on some level as 'solutions' to underlying conflicts that are progressively repackaged and redistributed via mutually agreed definitions currently called 'narratives' that run on symbolic derivatives as social currency that determines the priority of attention, import, funding and protections for such narratives, as 'saving' from greater or deeper fears or ills.
The gragmentation of mind is so directly observable as to not just be in our face but to have become our face! Yet facing OUT is the defence against looking within (the living moment that is already here beneath the shifting appearances of driven conflict or self-lack).
Trying to conform the outer world to terms and conditions that support our respective psychological-emotional adaptation is not only war on life, but on Self or true Nature and thus in vain futility. Such a Cosmic Archetype of War is not enjoined BY truth - (which remains whole or unconflicted as truth) but will run on symbols of truth and lie - or good and evil - such to shatter the Peace of being by substitution to a split sense of self-separateness set in masked & terrifying Threat.
Trauma and mind-control are synonymous. Weaponised trauma is another layer. But the dissociated fragmentation of its 'shaped charge' is set on lies believed true - and thus none of its begotten or derivative effects have in fact happened (as believed).
Before an addictive identity in grievance attacks its most treasured or sacred sense of love - albeit a broken or killed love, consider that nothing we currently experience is the Whole Truth, but a ruled and filtered effect of our own respective and collective attempts to make some kind of home within Fear, Pain and Loss as 'normal', that for the most part we mask over and distantiate or project 'away'. Yet it leaks out in all that we do and masks most heavily in our 'projective solutions'.
I don't call for guilting blame and sacrifice (we already have the fruits of such a mind-set), but from a Native curiosity - quite different from the driven problem-thinking of mind set in rules and filters of which it is almost completely unaware.
All That Is - is so far beyond our own thinking as the ocean to a ripple on its surface. But our awareness of reality is threatened and undermined by the acceptance and normalising of false currencies of thought, meaning and response. Defend then not truth but our awareness and appreciation of truth in life, in our Self, each other and world.
The ego asks 'how?' as if It has to know, organise and control an outcome in its image. This is an example of 'how' the ego of a normalised self-image masks over a living being to persist in its own thinking.
Think not what you are going to do or say, but live this day.
Practising willingness for life in what Is without predefining and pre-empting what it must be.
The critical key is beginning here and now rather than deferring fulfilment to tomorrow.
A monkey trap works on the unwillingness or incapacity to release a seemingly immediate 'future gain' running as a present pain (or loss of freedom). The more we hit on false fulfilment in the symbols of life, the more we 'migrate' to a normalised arena of 'driven need'. The dislocation of an inherent nature to a false inheritance piles up ever denser denial. Look on the 'bio' technate as an explicit reveal of implicit rules and filters (judgments running as normal).
We are each and together living through the revealing of Mind as the basis for choosing where we stand within 'all that is unfolding'.
Acceptance of our Nature is the releasing of what we 'made of life', not to damning destruction, but to a discernment that we do not and can not manufacture.
The Peace of being is beyond understanding -as we seek to define and control. But we truly understand what we recognise and share in love and appreciation.
Look at the attempt to join in fear, pain or loss (as solutions that do NOT heal), and decide if you want that, if it serves who you are now, if not, leave it abiding and opening to another way to see. Willingness (for peace of wholeness of being) grows by acting from it.
You could depict that as calling on Spirit for truth within the appearances of any given situation instead of reacting from a well-worn program that doesn't represent who you are now.