Monday, 23 November 2020

Brexit the Betrayal?

In the game of football, a feint is used to wrong-foot an opposing player by initially acting in a way as to induce a reaction, but then using their momentum to one's own advantage.

The idea of sovereignty or freedom from faceless bureaucratic regulatory mission creep, has been used as a carrot - along with media blitz of hordes approaching.

Is there more than a turf war over the way in which the population is to be processed?

All identities run upon the same operating system of reaction set in momentum.

But that which identifies us truly is not an operating system, such as our modelling of life and invested identity in its result, seek to replicate and have in a sense usurped.

Even to think in terms of the media fed meme of 'brexit' is to be spellbound to the framing that the naming has been stamped to define. Just as 'covid'.

At some level we do unto ourselves, or indeed unto the 'Me' of truth that war denies in order to have its day, and its day, and its day.... whether masked as diplomacy or in open violence.

Sovereign will is inherited from the 'Gods' whose archetypes became the basis for the refinement of the God idea, as the Source and Nature and Will in All That Is.

The underpinning in what we regard as mythic archetype, remains the expression of a broken Family Constellation - or fragmented Consciousness to masked off and locked down arenas of control' - mutually set against reliving the trauma of Separation.

At the cusp of a new physics that emerges despite the weaponisation and marketisation of a technologism masking as 'science', is the recognition of an integral wholeness of Communication in all (its) parts, as to draw the curtain on the 'Wizard of Oz' - who represents also our own secret or private sense of judgement, control, and masking justifications.

That idols fall and ideals fail is the nature of setting our will in the world of change, rather than aligning in the unfolding of truth as a shared recognition in which everything has already changed. In one we chase our tale, and in the other receive in the measure of our giving.

Desperate times are associated with deeply invested identity. We all have made or acquired deep attachments, and my sense is that no one is immune to change within such identity, and so we are revisiting 'separation trauma, in which archetypal patterns are triggered from the Deep that in their moment undermine and overwhelm our sense of self as relational, as the intensity of overriding need to lid over and reset order with 'what remains'.

Conserving within a closed system is a dying to life under the dictate of structures running as if Authority Itself. Life id not a closed system and our physics is a work in process and not a final solution in determining all but the human judgement and its 'priesthood', insignificant and unworthy, save as tools, or props to vanity.

I read that an original idea of 'progress' as a human achievement was the sacred duty of the first 'Kings' or Phaeroes and etc to regain the Golden Age and set the Land back to a true Order.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the king’s horses and all the king’s men

Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

The re-cognition of what was never truly lost or broken, cannot find a welcome in a mind devoted to the war by which to eradicate or overcome the perceived obstructions to wholeness.

A false flag does not make the consequence mere illusion, so much as deny the recognition of the deeper conflict that the false flag was used to hide. There are endless layers of complexity to our human conditioning, but my sense is that Humpty represents the first false flag - which in historical terms may associate with catastrophic past that our minds are trained to be the LID set over, and dream instead of 'millions of years' as a basis for not having to really look there.

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