Wednesday 25 November 2020

Pre-crime paranoia and the pre-emptive strike 

R Hodgkinson:

  • "We will have no idea how virulent the ‘Next Big One’ will be, so we must prepare now for the worst possible future scenario.

Some of what he says aligns with common sense, but still operating from insider bias.

He notes the absence of a virological perspective in the politically corrupted bodies directing - or in his eyes mis-directing responses.

The insider bias of virologism is to me clear in his accentuated red warning.

Pre-crime as the basis for preemptive strikes, is the Hobbesian philosophy of a stark paranoia - mitigated through the parameters of the criminal outcome.

The insidious belief in contagious disease is rooted in regions of the psyche that scientism sought to exclude, lid over and rule out, through the assignment of disease to 'germs' - which originally means 'seeds'.

While the actual isolation and demonstrable proof of specific viral particle of molecular packets of genetic material or debris, as sole cause of specific and reproducible disease is lacking, the invested belief in it is always able to workaround or ignore anomalies by mutating the parameters of 'common sense' to serve the war effort.

To anyone not invested in such drama, the contagion of fear that replicates itself in a storm or cascade of reaction that compounds and spreads the fear - is plain to see and out in the open.

In that sense the 'virus' we mostly fear and believe to be our hidden nemesis, is within the nature of invested conflict itself, as a mind-pathogen. Not a biological 'pathogen'

What then is really occurring as the biological events that we observe, experience and often aggravate, magnify or make worse by our assigned meanings and reaction?

The freedom to truly ask this question would be 'common sense'.

But common misperception aligns a common purpose in error, and no matter how much resource is thrown at such errors, they will only grow an appetite for more.

The drive for control that is generated from seeking to pre-empt catastrophe is perhaps the 'king-maker' in terms of attracting allegiance, funding and support as the dictate of what or who is to be sacrificed. But at least the original idea of 'sovereign' had some sense of holding the realm - which may not be democratic in modern terms but has a concern for the balance of the whole rather than a corruption of competing parts.

The power of fear is all the power we give it. This sentence acknowledges where power seems to be conflicted as a result of giving priority to pre-crime, and its 'remedy', such that presence is denied, and with it the recognition of power at rest - as the balance points of the realm or terrain as a functional expression of our being.

The sovereign will - is not IN elite expertise of any field - including that of manipulating the minds of others. For each sees the 'problem' as the validation of their respective answer.

Nor is it in a corporate think tank of convergent opportunism that always calls forth our base nature to either observe and release or succumb to as a sense of self-reinforcing validation.

It is revealed in true relational communication, and masked by filtering and blocking judgements that select in order to reject or deny.

The scientific framework that seeks to stand apart from and over not just human being, but life and world, has an element of dissociative denial which hijacks the self and replicates a denying technologism against which we seem to have no immunity - because it is idealised and idolised for what seems to be access to such power, set against the hated and the feared.

Pathology - as an inversion of life - needs to be stood on its head, and the interjection of a conditioned nature set in grievance and exclusion, released from service.

Living to avoid and evade fear and conflict is consenting to being externally conditioned as an internal programming that we learn to manipulate as part of the drive to escape loss of control, or loss of 'face'.

Who are you without your 'face'?

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