Wednesday 25 November 2020

A loveless agenda and "what can we do?"

James Dellingpole and Laura Perrins in conversation on and around a covidian leveraging of loveless agenda and "what can we do?"

Just to extend an appreciation to you both for your candid and open willingness to give a witness for a human perspective.
Abiding through temptation or persecution is a deepening or refining of faith in life - regardless our particular paths or background.

The thinking mind cannot get a grip on this and yet it can also obsess on it.
There is something going on that the 'control mentality' (in any of us) cannot actually really see let alone control, and so in the intent to cling to invested illusions that are no longer supported, we lock down in limitation of consciousness as a way to buy time or delay disclosure.

We may now see a reiteration of archetypal patterning that was set in a past that our persona was made to look away from or dissociate from.
there is something actively in the inner realm of discerned qualities of consciousness that is denied by the fear of knowing or feared truth that MUST invest in masks made of fig leaves' or of Emperor's new robes.. Some are more deeply covered by fear than others and in ways that may not have been apparent until triggered.
While the covid pretext is in my view a psychological leveraging of fear, it is part of an intent to bring the population to a tipping point, such that deep and ancient fear is invoked, as the means to try to limit the light of a growing Consciousness that does not fit in or support the old narratives, and with it bringing every kind of denial to the surface with it.
The undoing of the narrative bubble of protection from what are thus rendered unconscious. is potentially psychotic.
We cannot merely rationalise away fears that have their roots within our own broken relationships within our selves, families and societies. Nor can lidding and masking over them do more than leave them active but unseen in disowned or discarded parts of our mind.

Taking responsibility for our consciousness is firstly acknowledging and owning where we are at.
There is no shame in our starting place.
And the willingness to reset our alignment in the willingness of the heart's honesty, is to recognise the qualities of life as a connected sense of practical action or expression - not as a mind framed in its own constructs, but as a sense of a living path beneath our feet that joins us with our humanity - regardless appearances. By living this step, we grow or strengthen the perspective from which we trusted to be - and because it is joined in life it is never only in us alone. So the action I speak of is not an answer to the mind that craves control or normalised solid 'reality', but the unfolding of our natural inheritance as a willingness for discernment within embrace of what is truly here - such as we are willing to abide.
This is uncharted territory and yet many go before us and are in a spiritual resonance with us - as are those who come after.

Normal is not the same as natural but can become as if a second nature that pre-empt, overrides or seems to subvert and corrupt the first, and render it as lost or broken.
But as Laura witnesses, we are being lied to - over and over - in ways that are increasingly difficult to mask over. And we are choosing to listen there as if for guidance, information, protection and support. Truth is not an intellectual concept or construct and all our imagery and modelling is on the one hand like a child's toy in which we play, and on the other a play that became entangled in guilt and deceit such as to turn to nightmare. These themes are being magnified as they come up to awareness. Our mind cannot but respond as if being taken over by hate and fear, but our heart can ask real questions and call the mind to align in recognised answers to need we did not know we had until the burden of it is released.

"I cant do it!" is a statement of release from a futility.
Not a damning to failure.
The thinking mind is not designed or intended to manually oversee and manage existence, and as soon as we find our willingness to drop to the heart we know this. Not 'think' - but know this.
there may be any number of methods that can help to bring us present from a restless or conflicted sense of self, life and world, but presence is of a wholeness that contains within itself what we need to know, when we need to know it - in the sense of felt life as knowing how to be with what is here as an unselfconsciousness - rather than as taking thought for our self and our world an running our modelling of apparent options and scenarios as if we live in between a choice rather than act the choice.

Living from a dis-integrity cannot grow deeper roots but merely masks in attempts to add virtue or validity to itself demanding validation or reinforcement.
This is always a call to join in hate, as if it is loving, caring or concerned for anything but a false sense of self-possession.
Living from uncovered integrity cannot but bring true fruits.
We know through the sharing - or rather the shared nature - not the ritual observance of being seen to be correct.

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