Thursday 15 October 2020

To control mindset, life is a virus to be eradicated 

Power 'over' or coercive control reveals itself in what is not allowed open discussion or questioning.

This is the corruption of power - not the power of true relational communication, exchange and agreement (which includes agreeing to areas of disagreement).

The belief in open society operates by so crafting the mind as as to automatically avoid the arenas of controversy that has been rigged or weighted to smear, vilify and invalidate the right to speak.

This operates similarly to a slave's training in never daring to look at his or her owner - much less speak when not spoken to.

For many, a sort of contract operated in seemingly open societies in which being effectively owned, managed or controlled came with provision of freedoms and services by which to become always more dependent.

It is the removal of such freedoms under a restructuring that will also mean culling people and consciousness, that reveals the net that has long been in place but for most, relatively loosely.

The systems that we accept and adapt to as collective protection, social or financial order are always attacked and captured by the wish to rig the system to serve private agenda. Part of this is that systems are a way of no longer having to exercise responsibility or bring consciousness present. Learning to operate under systems is internalising habits that allow a kind of sleepwalking or daydreaming - while trusting 'others' to ensure all is working properly.

Mass production and centralisation of systems of mass management may seem efficient on a cash account, but concentrate vast inequalities of access to wealth as leverage. that overrides the rights of others and effectively plunders, assets strips and discards toxic consequence in seeking always more 'control'. Or global monopoly as a systemic undermining and capturing of all apparent checks and balances on which life support depends.

As such it operates a machine intelligence not unlike a 'Terminator' that will not stop until you are dead! Why? Because to a control mindset, life is a virus to be eradicated, and the ideal of its order raised over the corpse. Not unlike the phrase, "Well we lost the patient Doc, but we got the cancer!"

We need structure as part of being human, but as a basis through which to live, not for which to sacrifice our life to. Jesus says it as; "Man was not made for the Law. Law is made for Man".

But to those invested in using Law or systems of regulatory order, as a weapon, he says nothing that can be heard or understood.

We do need a reset, but not into a contraction of living to slavery or worse under a sealed control system with no user access. To be a subject of medical and genetic or psychological experimentation - without consent or right to a human voice or recognised existence is not unthinkable to those who engage in it.

This is not nearly as 'extreme' as it seems for those who are not masked off or insulated from society's underbelly. But masking the mind does not really address an ongoing active issue that only grows in the places we withdraw from, to then suddenly reveal a contagion in the body politic that can no longer hide its intent.

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