Thursday 15 October 2020

A Mind in Reversal 

(I was asked what do I mean by a mind in reversal?)

When we give self-illusion priority and put the heart of honesty and discernment to the background, we set our life in reversal. the law of abundance then operates equally but to multiply lack, conflict and debt - which go forth and multiply because such are the basis for self-illusion or in Prodigal terms 'running off with a mis-taken inheritance taken from a living father. Which was no forbidden or it would not be available as a choice, and yet the choice reveals itself in time and in its timing as giving up everything you both have and are, for a world that costs Soul or truly Felt Awareness That is of God and in God, while the character in the world is locked down in a body, used to distance, separate and house a private mind of judgement and control behind masking not just from others, but from ourselves.

And in this sense the self we think we are or that reacts to the meanings we made as if outside us, and defining us or setting our identity, is not the Soul God created eternal, but a construct or focus within the miscreative use of Mind. that by design hides or knows not what it does, for denial of Wholeness is the basis for and result of a partiality set in self-specialness, arrogance and ignorance.

Creative imagination is not sin, but  persistent priority to invested illusion at cost of truth is sin. And yet as cognitive dissonance, we know not what we do.

Waking to such disturbance calls up all the separation patterns and conflicts that lie hidden within us, yet this is the territory or condition in which we call and are answered, The way of this for each is unique, and yet  we recognise another in our self and our self in an other. Upstream to the split mind is wholeness of being, and the opening of this wholeness to the mind that believed itself apart, conflicted and in fear and pain of loss, is a totally different perspective because it sees from a different foundation within life rather than as if apart, and with life as a felt intimacy. That 'Satan' or the mind of possession and control interjects as the habit of listening there for your thinking, can be as simple as wanting a beauty to never end - and immediately its intimacy or innocence is lost to self-consciousness in place of yielding to self-awareness. We can get in our own way, or fear can block awareness of truth.

Then we invest in masking of control as our 'self' and protect the hidden and masked fear (or protection racket) against the what fear makes in vain of love by masking in the forms of virtue to hide and escape the hate within, and must then hate the truth of love that reveals it a mask or hipocrite, while joining in hate of  the sin accused or perceived in others - so the better to divert awareness and attention from their own. 

Joining in hate masks as if uniting or love but joins only to forge a common identity on the exclusion, denial or death of the Other or the enemy or the threat. This is manipulated by the false alarm and false remedy, for once people join in hate - they regard it as a blessing or virtue. and hate the messengers of truth that would unmask them back to what is being hidden in fear. However a true messenger given welcome never delivers unto fear but always to the freedom to join in love and life as a more aligned choice than the flight or freeze reaction to a contagion of terror.

Love is the truly unified purpose in which fear finds no place and however this manifests in our lives it is in the extension of the recognition of love that another finds a true acceptance for who they are - as they are. No skill in manipulative mind control or techniques for 'impact' shall ever Home us to who we are as unfolding fulfilment that of itself shares or shines into the minds and lives and hearts of others as to their freedom, stirring within them. Regardless the current conditions. For conditions do not determine what happens, the meanings that we extend or give determine our outcome. The mind in reversal give all power away because it wanted to get rid of responsibility. But neither is true. You are responsible for what you accept as your basis for perception and response, and this power remains with you as the capacity to release the meanings you made to limit, lockdown, distance and mask in. 

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