Thursday 15 October 2020

A house divided cannot stand 

A house divided cannot stand.

Choose one and let the other go.

But first learn to recognise one from the other for a mind in reversal can love to hate and hate to love.

Yet only in one choice can we be whole - the other 'choice' is impossible as we cannot in truth deny the being we do not create - and so the choice for conflicted illusion is indeed the realm of two powers seeming to war in the mind.

But truth simply is.

The Mind and the Heart of God are one - and we are created in like kind regardless the mind-set in its own spin.

Yes the heart knows when the mind goes forth in true witness - for what is given and received are one.

By your giving do you set the measure of your receiving.

Love is the willingness to be with what is, and recognise truth.

No one IS the self they think they are and seek to save, and so a real relationship saves us from our illusions. 

The way we use symbols and words can vary, and so miscommunications can arise from attachment to symbols made idol. But in the living of who we are is the fruits by which we are known, rather than the thinking by which we think to know.

To be truly known is not really IN the world - so much as truth that shines upon the world. The attempt to DO love or make true, generates a hollowness that masks in 'virtue' and yet knows not what it does - being a self set in lack as the attempt to save itself by getting.

I write to illuminate qualities of experience that may invite relationship instead of polarised reaction in anyone that alights in reading.

Terror is the 'god' or power set in jealousy, rage, and destruction - which can run hot and cold.

But whatever we accept as our origin, author, father, or source, will structure the pattern of our own emulation - and so a self born of fear will assign power to coercion, rather than recognising and accepting love as the power of a true embrace. Until we let love in, we live out an experience of substitution that is actively defended against love, as fear of total sacrifice, and so wholeness is limited or split off as a realm of personal control. In mind - that elicits the allegiance of the heart of it could not be sustained.

Where your heart is, there your treasure is - and so waking up to the nature of deceits is the freedom to withdraw allegiance of ongoing energy and attention of support.

'Resist ye not evil' said Jesus.

For what you resist, persists.

But what you leave unchosen and unused, fades from non use. Such is the power of love - through us. You are right that we cannot have this alone or of ourself alone.

The willingness to extend love is the condition of receiving and sharing in. Not as an imposed condition, but because this is the nature of love, giving and receiving as one, through the experience of relational exchange or communication. 

Thankyou for your willingness to share your perspective.

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