Thursday 15 October 2020

Align True 


Yes - AS we love Life - instead of a fake and hollow version masked in 'virtue' so as to seem to have it, we recognise that fear of self-conflict covered over and masked in narrative continuity and control IS NOT OUR FRIEND - or protector. It's thoughts are not witnessing to the Living, but to a split off sense of disconnection that is being replicated in our time for us to recognise for what it is - and therefore no longer use for what it is not. It is not a true foundation from which to know ourselves, each other and the living world we share in.

In truth we can only Be who and what we are (created to be) but in 'being-afraid' we are giving our awareness of being to the mind of fear.

In some sense we have a collective 'bottoming out' experience of the pattern of addiction - in which the capacity to abide in the false direction and result is coming to awareness as increasing unbearable. The willingness to look directly AT or upon the foundation of a convictions and beliefs that are running the attempt to live all by ourself is the turning point. But to look at or notice our thought and emotion, is to pause from 'running it' by reaction - such that IT seems to run us.

That is how we give power or priority of value away from our true desire to mis-taken fear running as if The Truth.

The mis-taken identity can be seen as 'normalised' and socially reinforced at many levels. But the key is simply to align in what identifies us and our relationships truly - now and in every moment of noticing - and indeed grow willingness for noticing, because while we are certain in our self-convicting judgements we are too busy in their dictate to notice anything that is truly Present!


Ah - there never was a way back. But there is an uncovering of truth from benath masking self-illusion - no matter how terrible they seem.If everyone is looking to see if everyone else is aligning in or expressing truth that they are otherwise unwilling or unready to own and know and align in for themselves, then even if others came out so to speak, would that really give permission to accept and step into your life? Or only to follow in the outer appearances unchanged?

The voice for fear is different from a clear and present danger. It works via the mind of 'what if'.

And operates as if it has become 'As Is!' - not least by an extreme emotional reaction.


The underlying leverage of the fear-mind is through guilt arising from wanting YOUR judgement to have priority over truth. Well did you get what you 'deserve' of what you in fact ask for? A world in which;

 “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality".  ~(Michael Ellner)

If we look through a mind that puts truth behind it, we see nothing as it truly is.

You deserve love's awareness now. But to put this first, you must put the fear-mind of the 'deceiver' behind you, or 'reverse the reversal'.

Of course the mind that made illusion offers to get you out - that is how the mindtrap 'works'.

Insofar as you have un resolved debt in Life - you have unfinished business, but a true reckoning releases the insanity that grows from trying to protect illusions form truth (which is simply true and not at war with a 'something else' called illusion masking off as IF true).

The mind of judgement - that we assigned to God - is the mindset of 'lording it over unworthiness' or perceived and believed guilt in self and other and world.

It may start out as a 'New World Order' but true order rises from wholeness.

Insofar as you have a 'lord', it gives the choice to run your private sense of lockdown and control - as the 'self-will', or willingly align in the Giver of Life in which and in whom you are integrally part of the whole rather than a 'lead role in a cage'.

Running an insanity will sooner or later question the foundations of our thinking, but on the way it will question everything ELSE, so as to find the answers that support its right to lockdown the mind in a split and 'distanced' identity.


When each stage in the trick is effected it is replaced by the next - so as to seem to have changed - or be on a new footing.

In some way the change that is most needed is in hearts and minds - as one - and not merely an external change that permits return to unconsciousness.

So your answer may be simple in that it is your version of 'making the bad things go away' so you can get your life back.

BJ and co are doing what they are told. Which could be 'hold position at all costs until the cavalry comes into force'. They do tell us what they are doing - but always through forms of reversal.

So if you don't give the knee you are kneeled on and choked - in one way or another. that may not see a choice, but our true choice is always between truth and self-illusion - and not merely 'which self-illusion?' with the good cop bad cop incentive to either crack or fold to the nice man who gives you a break from hurting and speaks sympathetically to your wish to be free of pain.


The underlying principle is of mind-capture, such as to accept and align in freedom as something granted you by external authority.

This has some application at the level of the body. And if you limit your self (lockdown) as the body, then it tells you what you are, what to do and how to feel.

Freeing from mind capture, needs first to notice it.

The controling aspect of mind-capture is set to deny you awareness of what runs beneath - because that is the reason for your invoking it.

Ancient hates and fears in archetypal patternings run beneath seemingly familiar experience. Do they come up to be undone or healed?

The ancient way is of limited sacrifice to evade total sacrifice - but there IS no way to partially sacrifice truth of wholeness - and so the corruption works through the part that THINKS it is a whole - autonomous or 'self-willed'. 

Recognising the patterns operates a different mind to falling into ever more complex rabbit holes of diversion - that initially seemed to promise an answer.

Predictive programming can be carried out by the population upon themselves by repeated authoritative suggestions, so as to use the 'bot-net' to generate the sacrifice to the programmer's 'reality'.

But where you attune to and what you attune through remains your freedom - even if you package your choices in plausible deniability or one part not knowing what your other part does.


That is a simple but key point. We don't always know what people are hiding or why they are hiding it but that they are not in the Right Mind - or connected heart and mind - is absolutely evident to anyone who is alive, present and open to communication and relationship.

Because we don't know the what or why, we project our own fears and fear-derived motives onto them and react as IF we know.

We may also be 'played' by others when we set such beliefs real by reaction.

I cannot deal with Chris Witty and chum's fear for them, but I can hold for an integrity of being that remains there for them, should they choose to face and release fear's tyranny instead of seeking -Stockholm-syndrome like', to adapt within a dis-integrity set in priority or power.

Control runs beneath a world of war, no matter what it 'masks in'.

The masking of 'war on life' as a 4th industrial revolution (bio security state under global mandate) is dependent on what the germ theory epitomises. ALL the attention and funding assigned to the 'pathogen' and war on evils assigned thereby. NONE to the 'Terrain' or total environment AS IT IS in each specific case.

Narratives operate a mythic structure of self-reinforcement - cast out in meanings woven or subsumed to story.

In a sense we step into our own movie by investing emotional reaction that locksteps with others in protecting the movie against disclosure as a masking over or camera obscura.

And WHO told you you were naked - sayeth the Lord?....


Good to see the basic leverage being revealed.

Unless people take their attention from the movie (of personal reaction and invested identity), to the programming at mind level, they effectively are choosing the movie as it is programming them to.

Schopenhauer explained 38 tricks by which to 'win an argument' without actually debating the issue - ie by 'dirty tricks'. He hoped by publishing this, the ability of tricksters would be limited and more real communication might result in a more honest outcome.

Marketing soon found that the 38 tricks were very saleable to those who wanted to learn dirty tricks so as to use them.

The 'self-will' ONLY sees what can be marketised and weaponised. It runs as a possession and control mandate. Everything you seek to use against it will be absorbed and repurposed to be used against you.

Strategies of surviving trauma, operate as split off personality set in maintaining and protecting the split as its salvation. So it can devote a lifetime to learning about its predicament - as a way to persist in it under the mask of understanding.

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