Thursday 15 October 2020

Defeating the Virus (is the virus) 


'Defeating the virus'

is not rational or meaningful proposition

but setting a meme

War on cancer never was about healing cancer.

Healing cancer is heresy!

Why were Lynn Thyer and David Noakes extradited to a French prison?

or if you don't want to research that much watch 'cancer is a serious business' for the gist of the way things (do not) work.

War on 'Anything' is made to protect the war lobby of whatever means are employed - funded or mandated to 'save us'.

Iatrogenic disease may be the biggest or most popular means of leaving this world, but officially heart disease and cancer push death by medicine to third place in UK/US and perhaps other 'developed' countries.

The opportunity to reset to a new cooperation within the natural - regardless of what was normal, includes re-education with regard to everything. But first, the opening of a new basis from which to evaluate anything - instead of some version of 'war on whatever'.

Death by medicine extends to death resulting from withholding medicines, and even drinking water or companionship.

While there are dependencies that may have to be released gradually, the focus of a pathological system of funded fear driven 'medical' intervention, is a racket. 

people are pharmed for sickness - while there is a shakedown of change from the NHS or insurance, to be discards, 'useless eaters' or non viable businesses, for not qualifying under genetic control.


You were called to clap for the replacement of the NHS with the CHS.

The same is occurring throughout the body politic as a shift to PPP.

But as with US-speak, ‘partner’ means asset. That’s why Putin chooses to use it for the US asset bloc. Monopoly does not partner – except allinace of temporary convenience. THAT is one basis for a prediction that this tower of Babel will also fragment. There is no life in it. It has only the life given in sacrifice to it. That is what fear ‘does’ to those who hide and protect it behind a masking narrative identity.

‘It Lives – We Sleep’.


An independent Cochrane study established that mammograms were a liability and that huge numbers of women have been subjected needlessly as a result to procedures that are sickening, sometimes mutilating, and often fatal.

The fear of 'infection' or latency of disease as a basis to self-deny - even self-attack - is not a new idea.

Why not vaccinate babies against sexually transmitted disease?

There will be some positive to some who do not receive their treatments - along with those who are now manually medically managed and depend on it to live.

Lockdown stats revealed a significant lowering of infant deaths that points very strongly to interrupting the vaccine schedule.

In all matters, use your medical advisor. I am not suggesting treatements or their denial but to look before you leap - or sign away your health to consequences that are well known and in the package insert. 

Just because you WANT to find ammunition against the lockdown policy, be wary of accepting ANY foe to their claim as your friend. (That's one of the ways we are repeatedly hacked, manipulated and delivered unto evil).

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