Thursday 15 October 2020

Ad hom, smear, put-down, no substance

I mostly agree with the definitions offered here even though it seems over the top bringing in comparisons with Nazism or Maoism but…it all starts innocently enough doesn’t it.

Nevertheless, Donald Trump fans would also fall under this definition of cult-like thinking and I say that only to balance this out a little. People who love Trump are completely oblivious to his narcissism.

It seems we’re surrounded by cult-like thinking: The Trump cult, Covidian cult, climate apocalypse green cults, racial cults, leftist language cults…have I missed any?

How do we survive in a world of extremes!? Eventually, one of them will grab a hold of the reins (if we let them) and then we’re big trouble!

There is a death cult and it operates pervasively and systemically by masking in the form of anything and everything.

Did you not notice it has the reins?

The shit has blocked the fan from moving.

Within the social masking you can play out all kinds of fantasy, but what terms like ‘Nazism’ CAN mean when not being invoked just to resort to ultimate smear, is exactly what is going on.

Your comment appears extremely naive or superficial, as if you’ve been asleep through 2020 and have just landed.


Your answer PUT ME to sleep…

“Within the social masking you can play out all kinds of fantasy, but what terms like Nazism CAN mean when not being invoked just to resort to ultimate smear, is exactly what is going on.”

For fuck’s sake… I want to argue but I don’t know what about… In French we call it “nombrllisme” … with a twist on “masturbation mentale”… Anyone remembering clarity?

Guys… You’re not going to be published! Reading your diarhias is a tedious exercise, leaving 6 words of content per paragraph… Such material for the “debunkers” to call us a bunch of twats… Only Aliens missing (wink to Ike)

To Theobolt:

Ad hom, smear, put-down, no substance.

Ad hom, smear, put-down, no substance.

To aid 'clarification'; It has been often observed and stated that once the term 'nazi' is used in a debate or argument, it is over - for the resort to extreme ad hom is invoked as the means to shut it down.

This is what I mean by terms like 'nazi' used as a smear tactic.

But as 'nazi' was claimed earlier in the thread to be too extreme a term to apply to the current situation, I felt to counter that not only is it not too extreme but is one of the most accurate.

Nazism was the German expression of an international movement that did not stop with the end of WW2, but which no longer made its case openly and so operated instead through fronting organisations 'masked in virtue' and supported by international cartels of financial, political, corporate, scientific and media interests.

You would reveal yourself to be capable of connected thought if you responded to me as myself, rather than as 'Guys'' representing 'You OG readers' (I don't and never claim to). And then in the same sentence appealing for allegiance with OG readers as 'us'' looking like a bunch of twats.

Speak for yourself.

I am not a reader of Icke, but defend his right to his views. Your choice to resort to using him as an extra attempt at smear by association, is your resort to such tactics in place of putting forth a view. The only view you present is the intent to introduce discord and conflict while presenting in terms of 'clarity'.

Such is the lie and the father of it. 

Your will for power to set your master's 'narrative' by hateful deceit is the pattern that I would have others become aware of and vigilant against.

Without human connection, thinking operates under an alien will. Anti-human agenda operate as the presentation or masking in virtues. It does so as a coercive deceit in the minds of the discordant, conflicted and self-hating, who literally know not what they do.

Reptilian brain can 'possess' or override the mammalian brain to directly control frontal lobes to operate without social connection. This approach would yield more fruit than making 'pyschopath' a new term for 'nazi'.

Psycho-pathy can be triggered by fear, leveraged as guilt, focused as hate and rationalised as attack. But the dissociation is by the masking over, locking down and distancing by active denial of human being. Which is the nature of the inner - replicating as the outer expression.

Looking within, is the willingness to observe and challenge the mind-set of beliefs that drive a coercive and loveless agenda - regardless how ingeniously the mind can mask in the targets and checkboxes of currently accepted forms of social virtue.

77 brigade, and its like, shall offer an education in more clearly recognising deceit as deceit, and lack of substance as meaninglessness. For willingness to learn and know the truth shall not be denied. 

To use the revealing of the  'means of deceit and division' as an education in opening to a truly human connection and unifying alignment, is not to engage in its framing. It is to learn to recognise 'framing' or the mind-set masking its bait as IF a communication. This is the sorting out of a true harvest.

Freedom can be set in 'control', but then cannot also know itself whole and free. The alternative is 'relationship' as 'communication'.

Elitism of self-specialness is the mind of judgement set over all else.

But our truly unique qualities are revealed and shared in relational being and not as self-aggrandisement and its inevitable 'fall'.

Do you really think that getting rid of all those who do not live up to your perfect world, will allow you to make it so?

Have you not recognised the deceit of such a frozen image of perfection, worshipped as set over and apart from life in expression?

And that what you have mis-taken as your guide and protector is an alien agenda set over all that lives and all that you truly have and are?

The 'clarity' of a false light is an active and willing ignorance.

But there is no love in its hollow parody of life.

And so it is not who you are.

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