Thursday 13 August 2020

Unmasking to a deeper self-honesty 

The measures are surely expected to generate a 'pushback'.

The World Economic Forum and other UN fronting organisations indicates well laid plans over generations that pre-emptively set up and manipulate narrative identities - set against a fear or a hate. These are triggered to operate a basis for regulatory capture. In this sense struggle can feed the tightness of the net that we say we are sick of.

Identity set in blame works evasion of identifying in true responsibility.

The gesture of blaming has a self-protective element of mitigating fear, pain and loss. It serves as a 'reality adjustment' mask, of personal and social identity. It seeks and finds something or someone else to judge against, deny or attack, and so makes that definition a support for a chosen or reactive 'identity'.

That the mask runs as if autonomous - and in our own name is 'conditioned, acquired and learned habit'. 

Identification is at root, recognition, relation and communication within being.

'It takes one to know one' holds true at some level.

If this can cast the accuser in the mind they cast or project onto others, it can also reach from beneath the mask as the extension of a recognition of another's being.

While the current situation is defined in social identity struggle of grievance claiming righteous justification to blame and hate, no one will see any basis to question it. But blame and hate is something I can notice and recognise in my own feeling and thought, as a symptom of operating from thoughts that generate feelings that run automatically. This is my own freedom to accept as I am ready and willing to accept and not another's to impose - nor mine to impose upon another.

The idea that everything is a social construct is toxic. But we do perceive everything through the filtering of our minds and can become so attached and invested in our model, as to actively deny empirical and relational reality in 'power struggle' to manipulate the mind as if to generate the reality! By leveraging of emotional manipulations that run as the sense of 'survival' at any cost.

Withdrawing support for the mask or persona as it denies a true relation and communication can still remain open to moments of shared willingness or transparency. But a mind set in grievance will mask out or mask over communication as a means to only see or own that which serves the purpose of grievance, and distort awareness of life rather than bring the conflict to a true and full awareness.

The 'answers' that are not simply repackaging the problem, to buy 'time', rise from a presence of mind that is transparent to all that is here. This seems the hardest thing - to unmask our problem-driven defence of a mind and let our being move us of a wholeness that is also formless - and yet we are moved to action, and to notice the actions as connected, relational and restored sense of self and life - as this moment in flow.

We can be so plot driven as to rush through the book as if its ending is the answer.

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