Thursday 13 August 2020

A Novel Conceit


Can you please tell me why this is not considered an Isolated strain?

This is the proof people use to doubt me when I tell them it does not exist.

Thank you very much

'Matter' collected from a patient 'tested' with RT-PCR for coronavirus is sequenced to 'find the whole genome?

Is this not circular reasoning? 

The matter originally collected for the novel discovery was not isolated or purified to formally identify forms of virus specific to any disease symptomology - but fragments of RNA were genetically 'identified'  and modelled to reconstitute the 'whole virus' (no claim to causality in the original Wuhan study).

And so what exactly the matter can be is anybodies guess. 

But lets run with the idea of it as a basis to choke the world economy and precipitate unprecedented global chaos as the insider opportunity to make the world new - in its own image.

But back to your linked study. This is the 'matter' that is 'tested' for  - with ranges of tolerance that are far wider than the DNA match of chimps and humans.

Now the 'matter' has been 'matched' to discover the whole sequenced genome of a virus in one Nepalese patient sample.

The expansion of the virological model to the genetic model, is in process of extricating itself from a mess of unsupporting empirical data - but in the meanwhile has to save the appearances. At least until the deal is done and dusted.

'Post-truth science' can adjust the models by resetting parameters so as to convict anything or eradicate it. Its language is arcane, elitist and impenetrable.

Conceit often means an extended rhetorical device, summed up in a short phrase, that refers to a situation which either does not exist, or exists rarely, but is needed for the plot.

Conceit also operates as vanity, narcissism, self-love, self-admiration, self-adulation, self-regard, egotism, egoism, egocentricity, egomania; pride, arrogance, hubris, boastfulness, cockiness, self-importance, immodesty; self-satisfaction, smugness, complacency.

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