Saturday 15 August 2020

Name Calling (is a double-edged spell) 

Name calling will help its targets justify denying credibility to the witness, messenger or evidence. But only if they want to seek and find all the justifications for persisting in their current state.

Name calling operates a masking in virtue - as the 'judge'.

Narrative competitions run polarised identities.

Those who frame the dominant narrative farm the energy of such human batteries. Currently 'populism and globalism'.

Name calling that is adopted and used as currency operates a 'mind capture'. Not unlike hacking the unwary by back-door exploits so as to set up a bot-net to activate as needed.

Pejorative terms serve private mythology and don’t serve addressing the issue truly. (But divert to a blame agenda).

Consciously discerned language would do a lot to clarify and unify our minds – but the emotional demand to let off steam is the lack of a better option – or the indulgence of a sense of temporary reality adjustment in which the frustrated or intimidated one venets their splee amidst company that sings in the same choir.

I prefer true witness – that can of course be open to question and dialogue.

Why be framed in the narrative of false or erroneous assertions? – IE as an ‘anti’ or ‘denier’. I don’t see the support for, and the substance of, the covid-19 assertions, but I see a LOT of noise targeted to induce emotional investment by reaction – that used somewhat trusted institutions to persist in its ‘reconditioning’ that for the most part are still doing so.

The ‘political’ agenda of which has a lot of support from the identity set in managed fear and protection.

The state is a PPP under global jurisdiction. But ‘partnership’ implies free agreement rather than an offer you cant refuse.

Who lives the world in form but has terror stalking at his heart?

When a feared shadow is revealed harmless we laugh in relief and release – but the fear is not undone.

For many here it shifted from a virus to a top-down agenda of deceit and coercion that has set in motion (or removed the chocks) to a crash that brings unprecedented change and challenge. Although near extinctions are not unprecedented nor collapse of civilisations.

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