Thursday 13 August 2020

Using our body as a weapon instead of as vehicle of Life-Communication 

A key issue here is agreement or consent.

Not merely in what we say and mask in but by acts of attention and intention.

If we use our body as a weapon instead of as a vehicle of Life-as-Communication, we equate a split off part of mind with the body as a distancer, as a defence for a mind of judgement - set in isolation under masking narrative justification.

Now you may not get what I am trying to say here because in entering and adapting to the experience of our world we are normalised to unlove or indeed to hate that masks in virtue or to virtue worn down under constant attack. But normal is not 'natural' so much as conditioned expectation and response operating without intimacy of presence of connected presence as an essentially mental-emotional overly that is both personally and collectively reinforced - but for the most part invisible structured and hidden by the fact that we operate FROM its beliefs and definitions without free awareness to notice default or habitual choices that persist as patterns of relational conflict and communication breakdown that are rooted in 'separation trauma'.

So what I am saying is that 'the old normal' of the world - as operated before the global monopolist coup came out in the open as dictated controls and penalties through agencies already effectively captured - already operated a version of a limiting and controlling lockdown mind within social masking that normalises social isolation and loss of intimacy of life, to a conditioned identity of substitution for truth.

Within the agreement to hide in the body while using the body as a means for enacting private fantasy of a separate or 'othered and alienating will' is the realm of a denial of wholeness and our integral inherence as equal expressions of wholeness, for a world of judgements that set the measure of a reality-experience determined by conflict and the attempt to manage or control or escape or overcome conflict.

So I am saying that this goes deeper than the mind of rabbit holes that can keep us in a mind of an ego-alien 'adventure', that may have elements of a dream we wanted but which turn to nightmare that binds us to itself in insidious self-reinforcing compulsions, mesmerism and paralysis. But that depth is not in the mind of conflict, but in the exchange of a conflicted sense of lack, fear and control for a wholeness that we are already in the movement of receiving but 'normalised' to NOT recognise, and instead see parts to a script of fear in the making.

Wholeness or truth is not IN the world our thing-mind has thinged. But can express through the mind and the body and this situation exactly as it is - to the willingness to listen, and receive truly - rather than to judge from a lockdown masking of defence set against fear of pain of loss.

The body given you in truth is the servant and support for who you are in truth - as one with but not as defining you.

It is the true creative of heart and mind as one that reveals definition as Meaning of shared resonance - recognised and extended.

When we give our own private and derivative 'meanings' to our relational experience or world, we set the measure of our receiving.

But the meanings we put there or condition as the basis of a strategic sense of determining and adaptation, are not immutable, fixed or determined as 'locked in meaning'. It remains our inherent right and power to give our world and relationships and situations, ALL the meaning they have for us - and in which we share and know being. But an invested identity protects its investments as its very self to deny the messengers that reveal a lack of true foundation as 'threats' to self as a sense of control set over fear.

There is a deeper realm of consent that is nothing to do with our persona, excepting that our personal sense of structured reality is a product of it.

Invested 'personae' operate as identity-politicking that seeks to gain the right by claiming victory from the other's wrong, as the basis of seeming to rise in power by rendering powerless or worthless in our own judgement seeking reinforcement and enforcement.

But the casting out of 'sins' or unresolved conflict of self - onto Others and World, is the casting of a hateful will and malign intent that we seem to mitiage or escape temporarily in blame but which then comes back on us as the reflection of unconscious fears along with a rising dissonance of 'wrongness' within ourself that the mind recoils from and is employed or trained to keep hidden by assigning to the script of grievance and self-vindication, given power.

There must be another way of looking at this and any situation, and the willingness to see is the willingness to accept and align the conditions in which seeing stands Obvious as an inner-outer synchronicity, and presence, rather than being cast out into (our own) nightmare and suffering as at the hand of 'Other'. Why must there be more to the life and world than my thinking judges so?

Because life is always telling me this but I had learned not to listen, so as to protect the only self I could identify and accept at the time.

What we Do - will always express and embody what we have accepted in thought and felling as our self or as true of us. The fact that we do what we do NOT want reveals that at some level we do want it - for reasons that are hidden.

The direction I point to is of awakening and sharing in a self-responsibility for love as conscious - and thus as an abiding consciousness that moves through us - instead of masking in the wish of love or the seem of love, power or any other virtue of life - as a corruption that generates its own reckoning and correction - no matter how ingeniously the mask operates to subvert even this to a control agenda - as if its very survival depended on it! But you are not the mask you made, and the world it gives you is not without hidden cost.

A true or just accounting is the nature of wisdom. Not the sacrificial edict of fear operating as control in self-evasions that pile up denials and debts in a hell of its own choosing. The choice to accept and align fear as guide and protector has consequences within the ongoing act of choosing that work a self-reinforcing loop of negative outcomes masked as the good, the necessary or the just.

If fear is conflicted love set in a split mind, then this is all about love because it is all about you.

But running as a mask of 'love' is  being run by masking deceits that serve an ancient script of coercive dictate set over the feeling of being in fear of loss and confusion given power.A key issue here is agreement or consent.

Not merely in what we say and mask in but by acts of attention and intention.

If we use our body as a weapon instead of as a vehicle of Life-as-Communication, we equate a split off part of mind with the body as a distancer, as a defence for a mind of judgement - set in isolation under masking narrative justification.

Now you may not get what I am trying to say here because in entering and adapting to the experience of our world we are normalised to unlove or indeed to hate that masks in virtue or to virtue worn down under constant attack. But normal is not 'natural' so much as conditioned expectation and response operating without intimacy of presence of connected presence as an essentially mental-emotional overly that is both personally and collectively reinforced - but for the most part invisible structured and hidden by the fact that we operate FROM its beliefs and definitions without free awareness to notice default or habitual choices that persist as patterns of relational conflict and communication breakdown that are rooted in 'separation trauma'.

So what I am saying is that 'the old normal' of the world - as operated before the global monopolist coup came out in the open as dictated controls and penalties through agencies already effectively captured - already operated a version of a limiting and controlling lockdown mind within social masking that normalises social isolation and loss of intimacy of life, to a conditioned identity of substitution for truth.

Within the agreement to hide in the body while using the body as a means for enacting private fantasy of a separate or 'othered and alienating will' is the realm of a denial of wholeness and our integral inherence as equal expressions of wholeness, for a world of judgements that set the measure of a reality-experience determined by conflict and the attempt to manage or control or escape or overcome conflict.

So I am saying that this goes deeper than the mind of rabbit holes that can keep us in a mind of an ego-alien 'adventure', that may have elements of a dream we wanted but which turn to nightmare that binds us to itself in insidious self-reinforcing compulsions, mesmerism and paralysis. But that depth is not in the mind of conflict, but in the exchange of a conflicted sense of lack, fear and control for a wholeness that we are already in the movement of receiving but 'normalised' to NOT recognise, and instead see parts to a script of fear in the making.

Wholeness or truth is not IN the world our thing-mind has thinged. But can express through the mind and the body and this situation exactly as it is - to the willingness to listen, and receive truly - rather than to judge from a lockdown masking of defence set against fear of pain of loss.

The body given you in truth is the servant and support for who you are in truth - as one with but not as defining you.

It is the true creative of heart and mind as one that reveals definition as Meaning of shared resonance - recognised and extended.

When we give our own private and derivative 'meanings' to our relational experience or world, we set the measure of our receiving.

But the meanings we put there or condition as the basis of a strategic sense of determining and adaptation, are not immutable, fixed or determined as 'locked in meaning'. It remains our inherent right and power to give our world and relationships and situations, ALL the meaning they have for us - and in which we share and know being. But an invested identity protects its investments as its very self to deny the messengers that reveal a lack of true foundation as 'threats' to self as a sense of control set over fear.

There is a deeper realm of consent that is nothing to do with our persona, excepting that our personal sense of structured reality is a product of it.

Invested 'personae' operate as identity-politicking that seeks to gain the right by claiming victory from the other's wrong, as the basis of seeming to rise in power by rendering powerless or worthless in our own judgement seeking reinforcement and enforcement.

But the casting out of 'sins' or unresolved conflict of self - onto Others and World, is the casting of a hateful will and malign intent that we seem to mitiage or escape temporarily in blame but which then comes back on us as the reflection of unconscious fears along with a rising dissonance of 'wrongness' within ourself that the mind recoils from and is employed or trained to keep hidden by assigning to the script of grievance and self-vindication, given power.

There must be another way of looking at this and any situation, and the willingness to see is the willingness to accept and align the conditions in which seeing stands Obvious as an inner-outer synchronicity, and presence, rather than being cast out into (our own) nightmare and suffering as at the hand of 'Other'. Why must there be more to the life and world than my thinking judges so?

Because life is always telling me this but I had learned not to listen, so as to protect the only self I could identify and accept at the time.

What we Do - will always express and embody what we have accepted in thought and felling as our self or as true of us. The fact that we do what we do NOT want reveals that at some level we do want it - for reasons that are hidden.

The direction I point to is of awakening and sharing in a self-responsibility for love as conscious - and thus as an abiding consciousness that moves through us - instead of masking in the wish of love or the seem of love, power or any other virtue of life - as a corruption that generates its own reckoning and correction - no matter how ingeniously the mask operates to subvert even this to a control agenda - as if its very survival depended on it! But you are not the mask you made, and the world it gives you is not without hidden cost.

A true or just accounting is the nature of wisdom. Not the sacrificial edict of fear operating as control in self-evasions that pile up denials and debts in a hell of its own choosing. The choice to accept and align fear as guide and protector has consequences within the ongoing act of choosing that work a self-reinforcing loop of negative outcomes masked as the good, the necessary or the just.

If fear is conflicted love set in a split mind, then this is all about love because it is all about you.

But running as a mask of 'love' is  being run by masking deceits that serve an ancient script of coercive dictate set over the feeling of being in fear of loss and confusion given power.

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