Saturday 15 August 2020

Polarised identity does not WANT to see or know truly 

I am aware that this issue of corruption and deceit is not at all new, and that while there are always a few who are aware, their voices are walled out and unlooked for, by the many who live in the bubble of its capture.

Judgements and opinions work deceit and division of a polarised identity that does not WANT to see or know truth - because it acts from convictions it already knows that are for the most part invisible structure of thought and belief we operate FROM and  - I repeat have an active desire NOT to look at or question, because 'our world' depends on NOT seeing.

This sketch is not sectarian or partisan to any side of any conflict.

What do you truly WANT is therefore the most fundamental question you could ask - and is akin to listening in the heart of prayer - for what you truly WANT is revealed, uncovered or shown you - as you are willing to accept.

The issue of free will or slavery is not  one of opinions but of freedom to accept and align truly. This means we are free to refuse, deny or limit our  awareness and receiving of wholeness - but always at cost of a tyrannous mind or 'will' set in opposition to 'feared truth' under grievance and vengeance seeking 'freedom' as self-vindication.

It is impossible to the mind of such conflict to merely say that love of truth is the truth of love, and that there is no fear in a true loving. But the light of love and truth has felt qualities that resonate within us, and which, if we align in will deliver us from evils that are of our own making - as distinct from a co-creative Willing.

The spark of life is in all - regardless how deeply hidden. All are Called but few choose - as yet - to Listen. Yet we never answer alone, for the willingness of a true response is unmasking from the fear-belief or self-conviction that we are alone, in a body, isolated and abandoned to fear, pain and loss of all that we are, to death and destruction. Freedom is the Spirit of our being. A masking persona needs to become transparent to what truly moves us to release the slavery that comes from the attempt to control Life to fit the mask. Looking past the surface appearances of others will reveal us to ourselves - and extend even to those who seem to deny us.

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