Thursday 13 August 2020

Shouting out the window - in a movie

Wardropper commented on the film ‘Network’ and waking to realise its revelations failed to change the world.

My Reply to  wardropper

So your view of the ‘world’ has changed – and that movie offers you a point of recognition.

No one can tell another what they are unready of unwilling to hear.

As Brian said “We are all individuals!”.

What do we hear, see or receive?

Is it recognised and accepted true, or running a shortcut of derivative thinking that never really connects to any intimate or truly felt knowing?

Emotional reactivity claims to to know, but operates on or within a mind of beliefs.

The idea that we can ‘know a world’ apart from our contribution is the idea of ‘othering’ ourself to gain a world set separate and outside and yet made tangible.

It is a model – a heavily invested model – that operates as heavy drama.

When has ever the world stopped changing? What is the idea of possessing and controlling the flux of such experience but our capacity to become possessed and controlled by virtue of the law of giving and receiving meaning.

Plato could not wake the cave-slaves – because it was not his function to take over the choice of another. But he reflected something of his own choice to the freedom of others to recognise within themselves rather than replicate in a contagion of a ‘form’ of virtue masking.

We are individual expressions of a Life that Is – regardless whether or not we present ourselves in the emperor’s new robes of a false inheritance.


Reply to me:

All true. The movie itself actually effected no change in me at all, although I was very enthusiastic about its message when I first saw it, and I still am. But I also saw immediately that a raving man never succeeds in convincing a society to change its ways. That was what made me cringe way back then, and still does.

Apart from the question of Peter Finch’s excellently delivered rant, what has changed is that, whereas I originally thought the movie, with its accurate analysis of a corrupt society, would gradually lead to positive change, I now see that it was, after all, only a movie…

There is the power of the mind (revealed).

Perspective that opens a new way of seeing and responding to our world, is reframed as 'only a movie' - perhaps because the assumption is that 'this should change or wake up everyone else' - and waiting to see if anyone else is changed is a way of persisting in the old habit with a better cover story.

I don't say this at you - or at anyone. But that the mind is ingenious in providing what we want even while we protest that we don't want it.

It has been said that life as we take it to be is also a dream - or a movie.

Clearly there is something more persistently consistent to our 'waking life' and surface reality than our sleeping dreams - though they can operate AS a reality in their moment.

Becoming aware of dreaming while in the dream is an integrative of 'positive' change - as distinct from suffering a defined, compelled, subjected and trapped in character.

The idea that the Script (or Matrix) is imposed on us, is part of the assignation of cause to personae or events within the dream itself.

Now we could say that it is 'only experience' because it passes but we are still here (whatever that is), and yet the desire for experience is active - regardless the forms in which we become invested and identified.

One of the recognitions that I took in, is that all the personae of a dream are of the mind of the dreamer (which is more than a surface masking reality). This is not to say you are in my 'dream' so much as I form some image or version of you from my own mind (whatever that is) through which I relate to you. Where exactly does all this happen? Do we meet 'in' a web page' or a 'world' or in ideas of resonance as a unique expression of a greater whole?

Communications from outside the framework of a control mind, comes in through any and every opportunity to our willingness to receive - often in ways we least expect and that can also easily write off or reframe after that fact, so as to maintain 'continuity'.

Far from being without power, these glimpses offer opportunities to recognise power, in place of fear running as control in a negatively self-reinforcing loop. But as Invitation, not as coercion, and therefore honouring your freedom as a being of choice, and indeed a living Expression of the Creative.

The integrative expression of passion as true presence is not reactive judgement, but compassionate extension of invitation to 're-member or re-cognise' the Whole that was discarded for a private movie - running in secret that embodies and reflects the themes of its origin.

Assigning Cause to what are truly the effects of definitions we have accepted true for us - is a reversal of cause and effect.

“Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality".          Michael Ellner

The capacity to DO the thing we say we are protecting against is a split mind. But attacking the split mind of another is a way of persisting the split and reinforcing it as ultimately real. yet we DO experience conflict of a split mind and trying to deny, mask or cover over is not a way to undo, or reintegrate to an integrity of thought, word and deed that is the gift of our being. The other kind of 'thinking' is a dis-integrating - or negative expression of mind or consciousness.

Living the world we truly want to be may be forever stalled if we wait on conditions to change first. This is very challenging to our continuity Director. But once we accept our being is a gift of Life and not an imposition thrust upon us, we are free to extend it, rather than impose meanings and suffer them as fear, lack and grievance vindicated - and thereby replicated.

I understand and am familiar with fear, lack and grievance and am not suggesting these are blameworthy so much as false or unworthy devotions, that attract in their own 'kind'.



We need a short term quick fix. If we get one we’ll have the luxury of time to work on a rebuild. If they want to re-est- why can’t we want to ? They have billions. We have soul.

The short term fix is the buying of time from Eternity.

What 'they' are calling a Reset is buying time for a fear and control mentality - at cost of ever increasing life-denial and sacrifice.

To REST the mind is in fact to allow its natural reset. And the short term - in fact - right now opportunity - is to pause and notice, rather than persist reactive habits of invested identity.

The revealing of a qualitative appreciation of being may take time to integrate an align our thoughts and perceptions.

But I agree with you in that we are free to discern and extend the meanings we uncover in our heart.

The idea that we have to 'figure it all out' and then 'apply it' is a continuation of the problem driven solution, rather than uncovering within a true presence.

The richer people are, the more debt they run - but true wealth is Soul.

The idea that we have a Soul is the idea of personal possession rather than the true nature of our being. That we are dispossessed of our Soul for a world that possesses us - is the result of false premises.

This whole 'whatever it is' offers a crash course in questioning the premises or narratives from which we think, perceive and respond - and generate experience.

'They' are representing the attempt to control a disintegration OF communication and control - to a more limited and limiting systemic replacement for what life is.

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