Friday, 12 June 2020

Questioning Everything

Perhaps we have miscommunication as a result of our definitions.
That living cells produce and indeed expel viruses - as we call those assigned pathogenic causation, or 'exosomes' as biologists call the exact same activity when not associated with disease but as part of various cellular functions and symbiotic cell communication - is not in doubt.

It is what they are flagged or assigned to do or threaten to do that is in question.

The claim for the virus as the pathogenic cause of infectious disease is supposed to be scientifically verified by Koch's postulates - which in full are a bit more involved than as set out in the article. That's the proof, but when life does not fit an invested model the model is protected. 'Too big to fail!'. And in your case I suggest too big to question.
The idea of one virus causing one disease, works a cover story for any and all toxic exposures, along with underlying malnutrition, unsanitary conditions, and immune suppressing medications and procedures, drug habits or chronic strain of persistent stress. It also works a leverage of the fear in the population for both captive revenue streams and social engineering agenda.

So no I am not saying there are no viruses, but I am saying the focus on their assumed pathogenicity works a medical industrial complex as a state of war on biological processes that are PART OF natural immune function.
Without susceptibility - you cannot 'catch' anything.
But the billions of research dollars are NEVER targeted in understanding and serving health but always as war on sickness in the name of health care.

So this is a systemic inversion or reversal that is symptomatic of the same mindset OG political readers are very familiar with as doublespeak.
'You health is our paramount concern'
No it is not. But a concept of 'collective protection' from modelled or asserted risk factors, to which the living are sacrificed or must comply is very much concerned with meeting its quota of sacrifice so that the priest-elites can forfend the end of their world.

If instead of raving at what clearly to you is a world gone mad, you asked real questions or set out your case, you might at least find out what the counter arguments are and why people choose to align in them instead of the pharmaceutical model - or after 'reset' the bio-tech model.

As far CIA agent coming out?
Makes a change from the A.I bot accusations!
I discriminate between questioning everything (in the heart) and being paranoid about everything (fear-minded heightened sensitivity to see shadows in everyone and everything.

Why so binary in good v evil dungroaning?
Where is the spirit of science?
Evaluate feedback to ask better questions and get new feedback.
Who knows who is going to suddenly turn into a seeming troll?
I cant be living like that. I am what I am and grow in the capacity to rest in what I accept as a result of my own journey. I don't tell you what to think. But I invite questioning our thought if it frames us in conflict rather than shutting down our mind or our world so as to maintain control.

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