Thursday 11 June 2020

you can have the experience of being set over another or subjected beneath them

in response to themes in:

Jon Rapport includes mindcontrol aspects to reactive identities relative to world events.

If you only look at one side of an equation or agreement then you can have the experience of being set over another or subjected beneath them.

The sales pitch is then 'they are deceiving you' - and this is then passed off as true currency but it propagates the authority problem - as if your authorship is contestable.

We can paint realities but to be more than a bubble, we have to uncover and share resonances - for under the nature of form and structure of mental or physical expression are resonances - and dissonances.

The capacity to identify in dissonance as a jamming signal to true resonance is the 'matrix' of masked realities, such the internalised and invisible beliefs and definitions, filter and distort our experience.

The nature of Mind is giving and receiving, and the nature of a split mind reverses this (locally) as intent to get rid or what it denies in itself - and by casting out, locks in, behind the mask or an isolated sense of self - distanced or bubbled from Consciousness - in lockdown to conflicts by which it maintains both its jamming signal, and the capacity to false flag its own denied or masked intention to others.

The nature of creative imagination is a unique expression of  a unique perspective that is always a relational field.
There is no self isolation but the experience of blocking and locking down our own Creative extension under fear given power.
But while fear is assigned the status of believed and accepted truth - we cannot see our acceptance of this as an agreement to 'dance' with everyone else involved. Including as victim or perpetrator.

The individuation of an Indivisibility is a unique expression of All That Is. The idea of Individual is like the original idea of an atom - as the irreducible un-dividable whole. That is why I can recognise you in love and why I can interact with my world at all! But dissonances and imbalances are inherent to an expansion of growth as perspectives that live and die into each other, for life never was in the 'thing itself'.
Creation is already a movement of being. The set of mind in idol or idea is a snapshot seeking reinforcement. Backwards!
releasing the investment in conflict allows awareness of living movement to stir as our own willingness to share in it as being truly moved, rather than 'trying' to put Humpty together again.

If we talk to others as sheeple in need of waking up, they are already prompted to serve the role we give them - and whatever they do that does not reinforce our version of them, will be interpreted in the light of our diagnosis and treatment.
To be an individual - meet only unique individual expressions of an Indivisibility - that in concept only - can we map and model and thereby give expression to facets of the More of Who We Are.
Creating mythic or narrative representations will always have evil and opposition built in somewhere - which will always subvert a dream of self-specialness to a nightmare, in which the central character is always the protagonist for the unfolding meanings of the script. That this can be ingeniously complexified to mask out toxic debts and conflicts so as to buy time in which to avoid the inevitable reckoning or just account of a true equation. Invested identities are where our possessions and emotional investments seem to possess and dictate us. Including investment in world view, institutions or leader and experts. But the spirit or true informing purpose is not in the Thing itself. Nor in what we take to be our self.

An artist IS an instrument. We each have a unique and direct covenant with our Creator - and the resonance of such alignment is joy in freedom to be.

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