Wednesday 9 December 2020

Nearly all of what is being suckled is a poison teat

 Anti-vax is weaponised language. If you propagate weaponised language it structures your mind.

Nearly all of what is being suckled is a poison teat.

Where do you receive truth from?

What identifies you truly?

Listening to poison, recycling poison and giving energy and attention - which Is love - to poison.

Thanks - but no thanks to poison.

But there is a sense in which the venom is being drawn out.

A lot of hate and fear.

That comes with a tyrannous mind.

Truth may seem stranger than fiction, when we become a stranger to our self.

Fear does that, and adapting to its masking becomes normal.

If there is an opportunity to recognise truth,

let me be awake enough to see with the heart instead of reacting from the fear.

Have a good day.

the nature of consciousness is not what we think it is.

Reality is not what we think it is.

Viruses, bodies and our Cosmos is not what we think it is.

So thinking is in a sense the blocking signal within which as sense of self-lack invokes conflict, sickness and limitation as a booster shot for a sense of  'control' set in private thinking.

the patterns that make up our world are reflections of something 'unconscious'.

While focussing on writing this all kind of other things are put out of mind. The use of focus is freedom unless it becomes habituated and fixated and then what is put out of mind is 'unconscious'.

Expansion into what is already true is a release of a fixation.

Getting 'fixed' will not fix the driving dissonance running beneath the presentations of a masking in control.

This is a controlled demolition going on, and if you cannot move it may be because you are not truly moved?

If you move against, you polarise into paralysis. But don't take my word for it.

Some of what seems against is really FOR, and some of what say it is FOR is actually against. Discernment is from a point that has not already reactively identified 'against'.

Be the truth of who you are and you are not set 'against'.

But what we think, mask in and invest in as our identity is an alloy of love and fear. Maybe it seems all fear, but then the willingness to own and face our fear is love's honesty, and fear becomes transformed and transforming to willingness for truth. Much of what we learned to deny was in protection of a masking identity.

Under which is a lot of hate and fear. Do you still want to be 'made safe'?

Or is there a willingness to listen through that old habit for a better way?

Those who are hanging in With Life are in this willingness no matter what forms it takes. I don't means 'surviving' but in the movement of our being, As distinct from reacting to every kind of mind modelling that is not actually happening, even if being fed to us as if an inevitability.

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