Saturday 12 December 2020

How free an agent is Mr Gates?

The use of the 'persona' or poster boy as a key opinion leader is also the pantomime.

"Boo! Hiss! Look behind you!"

Narrative identity runs on story.
It's mythic archetypes are uniquely variable yet recognisable.
The maintaining and manipulation and use of this mind is a similar idea to the Matrix - in terms of a virtual model and matrix of thought and reaction or coded 'reality' in representation - running in place or as masking overlay, as the levers and devices of the Wizard of Oz.

Narratives of shared significance hold for a world view of commonly held values and rules, while private meanings operating against a shared meaning, hide in the masking of a currency of justification. The true and living meaning of life is not imaged, defined and quantified, and the investment in masking identity gains a world to lose awareness of Whole Souled Being, and seek its restoration or regaining in a world of substitution that cannot satisfy.

Gates was born into family networks of wealth and influence, that are associated with seeking and using wealth as leverage of control to serve narratives that define their own clique of identification - set apart and over humanity. How much  someone represents a conscious embodiment of the 'Family' or how much they illustrate a captive expression of its own broken constellations, I leave open. For we see through the same in our own life and mind.

How free an agent is Mr Gates?
How much is his personality a product of mind-control?
I look for relational presence as the revealing of a conscious heart - no matter what the current packaging of the personality, background, and modes of presentation.
For all else is devoid, rulebound and artificially masking with the mind that thinks they hide behind the mask revealed by the need to hide and the manner of their hiding.
If they are already assigned social reinforcement for their presentations, as a result of values such as wealth, and media attention, PR and branding. Then they ride on the value and attention given them.

The advertising blitz of PCs to joe public occurred during a period prior to my interest or use of newspapers or computers - but I used them for packing and other advertising was no less saturating the public mind with PC bundle offers. The story of the emerging effective monopoly of a PC not just on every desk, but in every home is not just of Bill Gates as a ruthless in seeking control, but of that mindset as a 'network' of consolidating 'mindshare' as an underlying global monopolism.

That billionaire clubs operate alongside corporate cartel monopolists and call the tune to which national government and traditional institutions are inducted into and aligned to serve, is the PPP of a 'partnership' of stakeholders who are conformed to the dictate of possession and control as the dictate that trickles down the food chain to a public sold by its political institutions for open and unchecked predation. For it isn't 'money that flows up the reversal of public service, but life energy that provides the means to enact private fantasy writ large.

This is the pattern of our 'ego' or self-imaged, writ large. Which comes back to narrative polarities in archetypal shifting roles. For the 'god' that eats his own children was Saturn or Chronos. Yet the archetype of the Saturnian Golden Age is replicated in the sense of a lost Ideal to a world of violating and chaotic unworthiness to such Ideal.

As long as we live from a sense of denied or deprived life, we embody some form of vengeance seeking retribution, that is coded as an internalised ruleset of judgements running automatically as a 'normal'. 

There are many facets to disclosure and revelation as the resolving or translating of who and what we are to true recognition. My key point is that in recognising my own need to reintegrate and align true is my release of the mask of a mind set in judgements given authority to run unquestioned.

Terrorism can only run with community support - else it is starved to turn in on itself an disintegrate. The hidden correspondences operate a consensual network of which the many are asleep to. As they start to wake, the narratives reset the mask to lid over and divert into displacement. But narratives have all the power or priority we give them, and so in themselves cannot be assigned ultimate cause. Nor even those who cry 'wolf'' or any other ruse to gain attention and direct a captured or manipulated fear as a weapon or market to their own perceived gain or escape from loss. Why not? Because our willingness to choose to give fear driven narratives priority is our part in our loss of peace and true perspective. Fool me once - and lose your reputation. Fool me twice and I am abandoning MY integrity. However the principle is not about blame but of an education in self-honesty - which is aligning in responsibility and integrity of being, rather than sleepwalk in social or persona narratives of masks given control.

Way back, the masks of the then Gods were used in rite and ritual of mystery 'play' that invoked the powers that were felt to move and shape the fates of the world. The adulteration and derivatives of which are acting out on a stage for fools. To take the Word in vain is to use our own word or mind of desire and intention for vanity. The wages of self-illusion given power to oppress and compel us is 'punishment' enough. Stepping out of a dis-integrity allows the restoring of a healing perspective. Persisting in it as the attempt to blame and eradicate the scapegoat for our own attack on ourself - is to persist attack on ourself under illusion we are 'saving the world' or any other diversionary displacement for accepting our own error as a call for correction - not blame, shame and masking over in fig-leaves or indeed the self-agrandisement of acting as if we are robed in what everyone in court is feeding us.

Look not just to where attention is focussed - but to the context of which it speaks or represents.
The scarcity of 'money' sets the scene for its power to corrupt and enslave the mind. Scarcity is the tool of  gaining control. Choking the supply to deny and buy all competition or critical communication so as to lord it over all. Is that true power? Or is that utterly hollowed out by illusion of power to utter deceit and ruin? I cant make another's choices. In the belief I can or should is the masking over a sense of conflict in my own, seeking reinforcement.
If I cannot stand in or abide myself, I will hide it and attack it in others.
A Notional Security system seeks to manage conflict. Is there really a 'Them' or are they our proxy of a collective focus? Oh I know there are agents and agencies in our world that dictate terms, shape outcomes and, are revealing as a global biotechnocratic control system. But if they did not need our support and allegiance or compliance, why would they devote such immense and unprecedented resource to capture our minds?
And if what they want is worthy - why not ask?
'They' are making an offer, and we can see it as an offer - even if framed in terms that set heads they win and tails we lose. This is where the heart's knowing frees the mind from its own thinking - but only if we look away from or disregard the baiting to our reaction.
I cannot tell you what you shall find as the truth of your own uncovering. But wholeness is not represented in the image of the fear of pain of loss of  all that we love and are. Whatever shards we clutch to our breast in blinding fear of total loss, by which to be driven insanely.


Appeal to people's base nature under a socially contrived narrative and they part with their money readily enough.
I don't seek to gainsay you but to look at all sides of an equation.
There is always an equation - however it is presented.

Gates shares your idea of eradicating perceived evils!
Is there any other way of looking at this than as vengeance dictates?
Revolutionary hatred has been induced and shaped as a terror by which to turn against those who thought to wield it. Those who devote their lives to manipulating the world will not be surprised or altogether unprepared for 'pushback' - and are adept at using the would be opponent's own force as a proxy to their own agenda or energy supply to a captive opposition. Not to say they are all powerful, but they have the means to 'make any amount of money' because they make the laws that give them the power to do so via a bought, compromised and trained political class.

The system is so corrupt that no legal process can be allowed to bring disclosure. So why not control the demolition while setting the control part of a house of cards in concrete? As a sort of billionaire's bunker?

First Nature First.
I don't see our true nature as a normal, but conditioning or normal as an acquired or second nature. I see the offer of a Gated Bio-hack as a third nature - or further dissociation and displacement to a managed virtual substitution in exchange for 'protection'. 

Cut off the funding of support and direct it to the life giving.
I'm not talking first of money - but of currency of thought.
Have 'they' set the framing of meanings and ideas that we think with? Or rather think that we are thinking but only along the framing set by narrative identities?
(Along with my own proclivity of willing compliance in what suits me).


Your worship of government betrays your reason.
Lust for control makes the monster and the means of control are sought by those who fear to lose it and can never have enough as well as by those who hate anyone who seems to have it and seeks to bring them down.

So if you are meaning global control acting as a hidden government - then you make more sense. Financial and corporate 'stakeholders' operate at a level that national governments cannot reach or regulate - but are subverted by.

What evidence can you offer to support who THEY are that 'went after Gates' with every tool they possessed until he capitulated?

You are reversing the fact of the breakdown of checks and balances of institutions and regulations and social and cultural mores against an overriding 'control system' wielded by a tyranny that demands obedience or suffer pain of penalty in loss, deprivation or death. I don't see that as governance - hence I call it tyranny.

It relies on working the hate and fear in the minds of the people so as to induce  them to love and protect their own degradation and deprivation as a moral cause of righteous necessity.

I would be surprised to find I was responding to a genuine response here, but I also extend mine to anyone who reads. 
The reversal is a characteristic signature of pre-empting critical opposition by setting the framing as an accusation of one's own act and intention to the other, so as to claim the higher ground against which they can be called 'anti-science or denialists or any of the other such linguistic leverage for shutting down communication.

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